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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Writing Prompts #242 & #243

It's Friday, Friday, Friday. Oh it's Friday and that means new prompts for all of you. Hopefully you have all had a good week. Well not to keep you in suspense any longer here are this weeks prompts.   Prompt 242 – Creative Tag – The Prize Your favorite author and artist ran a contest to have the winner become a character in their comic strip. You won, so what is the comic strip about and what is your character going to do in it?   Prompt 243 – Creative Tag – First Line “I never make a promi


comicfan in Prompts

The First

It's 1:10 am. The television is on with ladies' semifinals (Radwanska's grunts can be heard) while i flip through old magazines looking for good pictures that i will eventually cut out. I'm getting better at it. My friend went to Europe for the winter break and he left me a paper-cutting-blade thing. I can now cut pages with at most two small rips at the borders. Clearly I'm moving up. And now i turn to my laptop to type this entry.   It's my first. I've never done a blog before. I've only jus



July 1st-3rd, 1863 - The Battle of Gettysburg

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the final day of fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg, which was the turning point of The Civil War.   Thought I'd mark that day by sharing a YouTube documentary about it:   The Battle of Gettysburg (2011 Documentary)   Part of me really wishes I could be in Gettysburg, but eh...priorities change. It's funny though- I did a Gettysburg encampment in 2004, and I was so excited to think that I'd only be 27 for the 150th annivesary encampment. Now it's



Volunteer Work - Day 7

I finished inventory on my third box, and now I've got two more boxes to go through. After that, I'll go through actually accessioning the collection.   I found a packet of photos that ranged from 1957 to 1982, as well as a photo album from 2005. This was a very wide-ranging box in terms of the years.   One really cool thing I found was a very old newspaper from Saturday, August 1st, 1987. It was pretty crazy- the paper was actually in really good shape considering that it was twenty-



this careful dance

a faltered glance, a look askance but who would stop to guess the chance?   blushed cheeks with velvet voice yet no one knew there was a choice   a knowing smile, he looks away both know again, again we'll play   one lies yearning, try not to kill this delicate bloom by keeping still   the other's heart, it is unknown unknown as well is what was sown   and so we stage this careful dance leave nothing open nor ope' to chance   e'er part as friends though hope we might I say, go



Vintage Audio- CD Players II

CD players took off fast. Their advantages, especially in car stereo, pushed them forward and the prices down. Compared to cassette players they were a quantum leap forward in sound and reliability.   On the home audio front, the first and loudest voices were for multi-disk CD players. As the first generation players could only deal with one CD at a time, they were inconvenient and people wanted to play their CDs in batch.   The first answer to multi-CD players was the CD magazine or cartrid




I'd build a pyramid and on bowed knee   dedicate it to your memory.   And if I carved up the moon   you would be the first offered a slice.   For I hear your plaintive howl on the wind   and I answer, with bloodied throat, in kind.   Know that when your lonely soul flies the byways of the ether   you do not travel alone.



Let's be fair.....

I was going to try and say all this as a response to MikeL's blog entry but it seems I have way to much to say for that.   Mike is right in that the 5 things gay's cannot do need to be fixed, but I don't see them all as "gay" issues. They strike me more as human rights issues and at least three of them hit the "straight" community just as hard.   Donating blood - I can understand why they banned it in '85. Back then they barely knew what HIV was. It was a logical step to reduce t



Csr Book Club Selection: The Degan Incident By Rob Colton

Check out this month's selection ... The Degan Incident by Rob Colton (formerly Robcub32). This science fiction story is one of my favorites and had a huge following. I really hope some of his fans come and comment here on the discussion day, July 29th. We'll be featuring an interview with Rob and some sneak peek info from his next work ... The Cassini Mission! Oh, and check out this great cover Rob had made! Click the cover to read the story now! Length: 58,679 Description: L

Vintage Audio- CD players I

CD players arrived on the scene in the 1980s and quickly supplanted vinyl as the dominate audio-media. Unlike cassettes and LPs, CDs are a purely digital media. They reproduce sound with complete fidelity.   Compact Disks (CD) are optical disks which are read by IR laser. Data stored on audio CDs follow formats defined by the Rainbow books. Prior to 1988, the audio standard was defined by the Red Book. It was superseded by the Red Book in 1988 and by the Orange Book in 1990. There have been ot



Hold up, here are 3 AWESOME POETS FROM GA (and beyond)

So holy cow I've been reading some really good poetry here on GA. I don't know shit about poetry (I swear everyone says this), but I do know if I read something and it moves me, awes me, inspires thoughts in me, then I consider it good stuff.   In no particular order, here are some of the awesomest poetry I have read on GA (and beyond) by far:     1) Foster   _Foster's work is amazing. I've noticed that many of his pieces do not in fact have titles, but the poems speak for themselves. The



Toronto Pride and Gay Rights

http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/toronto-pride-festival-heart-canada-gay-rights-movement-184423222.html   Interesting blog that I thought I would share   Toronto, in the Province of Ontario and has one of the largest Pride Parades in North America is set to have this years Parade with an added addition. The newly elected Premier of Ontario and her wife will be marching in the parade as they have done for several years.   Next year Toronto has been bestowed the honour of hosting th



Guest Promotion Opportunities for Authors

As a tie in to the Guest Blog Post I did last Wednesday on the GA blog - I'd like to give anyone on GA who aspires to be published - or is published - a chance to promote themselves a bit. Two things I was/am doing on my site are geared toward helping other authors promote their books. I average about 600-700 unique visitors a month on the site so while it might not be close to what GA gets, it's not that small anymore either and it's been my observation that there isn't a ton of cross over with

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations on our newest Promising Author, Layla!   It's been a fantastic week and our week here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog started with our monthly Can't Stop Reading bookclub's Discussion Day for Reach by Promising Author Cassie Q!   Wednesday was an exciting day, with a great new writing tip from Libby on Specificity!   Finally - not only did comicfan give us two great new Writing Prompts for Friday - the greek chorus has already chimed in. The comments are wonde


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Volunteering Day 5 and 6 and Flooding

So on Day 5 of volunteering, I finished going through my box and started on another one. On Day 6, which was this past Tuesday, I started on a new box- in this case, a good chunk of what I saw in the box was actually pretty new, like posters from the 2009 parade and the like, as well as a DVD rip. Which was interesting, because on one hand, it's good to have them, but on the other hand, it doesn't really feel like history.   In main news...Newark, Delaware flooded out. Not like, Mississipp



Vintage Audio- Amps

One of my many hobbies is that I like to play with something called vintage audio.   This is the collection of old stereo components and the attempt to make it all work. It may sound expensive but it's not that bad. Speakers are expensive but you can find some REALLY neat old components on e-bay.   At the moment my current stereo configuration is playing and doing a great job with David Bowie's Greatest Hits.       So.. let's get into it.   The number 1 component that you need is



Writing Prompts #240 & #241

Ah another Friday has arrived and you all know what that means ... I get to torture you with a new set of ideas to get you writing. Every week is a surprise and I never know when someone is going to take up the challenge and post one of the prompts. Last week, Kitt didn't even bother to post her tale in the thread for it but put it right up on the Prompt Me! page. Okay enough chatter out of me, here are this weeks prompts.   Prompt 240 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in


comicfan in Prompts

Countdown: 4 days!

So, the cat is totally freaked out.   As of today, I've got another load for goodwill, some items for electronic recycling, and 8 boxes to mail. I'm not looking forward to the bill for those.   Tuesday (the day before yesterday), I received notice from Alaska's department of teacher credentialing that I can now work, pending approval through the FBI (to make sure I'm not a child molester or anything ). What they're going to grant me for NCLB highly qualified status I don't yet know.



What the . . .

So last night we were watching the old film Bugsy Malone with some friends and their kids.   About half way through the film, one of our friends sons, Matthew, who is 14, made the following comment. "I'd love to coat that in honey and lick it off".   Assumed he was referring to Tallulah (played by Jodie Foster)       or maybe Blousey (played by Florrie Dugger).         Nope, I was wrong on both counts.   Turned out he was actually perving on Bugsy (played by Scott Baio).  



Silence Is Golden

So, I stayed silent through the whole deal happening in California. I held my breath for the best, and it came to be. Ok, so, my workplace is very iffy as far as gay issues. If we have any gay employees (besides my gay butt), no one knows about them.   My boss walks in today and says, "Have you seen where they passed the bill in California for gays?". I was like, mmmm yeah, why?   Response. "I don't understand why the American people try to block our own citizens from their rights. Wha



Writing Tip: Specificity

REMINDER: Political posts/comments are not allowed in the GA Forums including status updates and chat - thanks!   So - have you started going through withdrawals from not getting a writing tip from Libby? I really enjoy the perspective she has and the experience she shares in these tips that she does for our community. Here Libby writes on "Specificity" - Enjoy!       Specificity Of course we can say “she cooked him dinner.” But why would we, when we could say “she broiled him a Del


Trebs in Writing Tips

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