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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

just as she was taught

She hadn't meant to walk in on her father;   she'd only wanted a glass of milk before bed.   But as the door swung open her ears were greeted   with a deafening explosion.   Blood and brains painting the walls, a dress, her face.   Blood-flecked pigtails quivered,   mouth gaping at a landscape in hell.   She slowly steps to the side of her slumped hero.   Gingerly reaching out to those strong, gentle hands;   recoiling at their warmth, now unholy.   She bends as if guided by



casting no shadow

He is the one betting hounds at the Kentucky Derby,   speaking a foreign language in a familiar land.   He is the one looking for snowstorms in the South,   and predicting rain amidst the desert sand.   He is...   Searching for a niche in alabaster walls,   casting no shadow as he roams down the halls.   Everyone knows him, a stranger nonetheless,   what could possibly ail him is anyone's guess.   He is king of a world,   and lord



Enigma Special Edition - Christmas in July

For all of you who have fallen in love with Silver, my wonderful ex slave from my Enigma stories, and for everyone who would like to get to know him, I am releasing a Special Edition of books I and II of the Enigma series.   There are all kinds of events to celebrate the release, such as a Facebook Event and Twitter Party. Both will take place at 6pm GMT on 1st July.     I have been running a competition to win a copy of the Special Edition, which contains the two books, a brand new short



Firefly 2013

So the second year of Firefly came and went. It was a pretty good experience, despite how bad my feet are aching right now from all that working.   I wasn't a volunteer this year, so I wound up camping with my friend Mike and his buddy Freddy. It was an entirely different feeling than last year, because the crowd was twice the size that last year had. It took a really long time to get to our campground, and we wound up parked at a spot pretty far away from the festival, which was a shock from



On that subject .......

I have met a lot of wonderful people here on GA over the last couple months. Most of you have welcomed me with open arms and hearts. Time for me to open up a bit more for you guys and answer the unasked questions about some of the things i have said. I am pretty open about most things in my life, and I think its pretty important to be very open about this one. If it helps even one person to get through a tough time it is more than worth it!   Last summer i went for my annual boob smushing ( wh



Csr: Discussion Day For Reach By Cassie Q!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please check out our reminder that political posts are not allowed in GA Forums   Thank you, and now back to Can't Stop Reading Discussion Day for Reach, by Cassie Q!   Has everyone read the story for this month? I hope so, because it was really good! Cassie's Reach is worth the effort to untangle the wicked weave of the twisted plot she wrote.   Do you know arousal?" To make his intentions more clear, Chad stepped forward, trapping the teen against the wall and blatantly i

This Is What Always Happens

I always end up feeling a little bit on the outside. It's nobody's fault but my own. I don't do well in large groups. I used to be the one who just sat in the corner. I'm better now, I can talk to people and partake in group activities, but I invariably keep everyone a little bit at arm's length. Not that I don't share or discuss, I'm quite open most of the time, just that I keep me, the person I am on the inside, the quirks of my personality, a little bit on the inside. So I keep my distance, e

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Warrior Princess Review, Reflections

Not long ago I finished reading Warrior Princess, the recently published biography of Kristin Beck, retired Navy SEAL. Kristin is a transgendered woman who came out and began her transition from male to female upon retirement from the Navy. Transitioning, undergoing sex reassignment, is always public. There’s simply no way to be in the closet about what’s going on when someone decides to live life in a gender different than that which they were assigned at birth.   Kristin’s transition is



Weekly Wrap Up!

The week started off on a great note with a review by Wicked Witch of Promising Author JMH's The Centurion Cycle.   Wednesday, we had a great (and timely) article by Andrew_Q_Gordon on So you wanna be an Author - hope you took marketing classes. Andy gave us some great tips based on his experience - and timely as he just released his book Purpose yesterday! But whether you are writing an eBook, a published book or story that you are posting in GA.Stories, his advice is really good for any auth


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Good Bye Exodus

So read another article in the newspaper, but this one has most the same information:   Exodus admits they were wrong   Personally I'm glad there is one less organization that people can turn to and say that they were 'curing' homosexuality.   A couple of pretty amazing statements from the article:     Another quote I saw in the local newspaper but not in the article was that Chambers admitted that they were practicing their beliefs in contrary to what the bible teaches and expects.



World War Z- What book?

Usually when you buy the rights to a book, you assume that the movie is going to be based on the book. Hollyweird is known for taking liberties but in this case they threw away the book and rewrote it.   The only thing that the two have in common are zombies, a mysterious plague that causes them and the United Nations. That's it.       Max Brooks originally wrote World War Z in the style of Studs Terkel's The Good War. It was a collection of stories told by the veterans of World War II.



80's Playlist 1

I feel like re-living the 80's right now...some songs to get me started...   1. You Can Call Me Al- Paul Simon               8. Just Like Heaven - The Cure                 It kind of pisses me off to think that such a great song was denied being number 1 by that horrid George Michael tune, "I Knew You Were Waiting For Me." Ugh. On the other hand, this song has remained far more relevant than the latter, so yay!



Writing Prompts #238 & #239

I'm back! Did you miss me? Last week the prompts were interrupted by our Roll The Dice Anthology going live. I do hope you took the time to read them all and leave the authors a review.   Anyway I have some nice new ideas to get your mind going and hopefully find you writing again. So for your writing possibilities I present these two new ideas.   Prompt 238 - Creative   Tag - The Offer   You haven't been on a date in months and truthfully, you've let work take over your life. Then out o


comicfan in Prompts

Countdown: 10 days!

So, moving day is in just over a week and I'm a little freaked by how much I still have left to do. And then I tell myself that the chaos is normal and I've still got time and I calm down a little again.   Today was the last day of school. I gave my last final and recorded my last grade. I turned in my keys and emptied my desk. Also updated the stuff on the walls. We had our annual end of the year BBQ on Tuesday and my coworkers gave me a nice card with all sorts of good wishes inside.



Writing Tip: So You Wanna Be An Author - Hope You Took Marketing Classes

The experiences of our members are always a valuable resource here at GayAuthors.org, whether it is in reviewing, tips on writing or in this case, how to market your work. Thanks go out to Hosted Author Andrew_Q_Gordon (the artist formerly known as Quonus10) for this blog entry on what to do, and what NOT to do!   So you wanna be an Author – hope you took marketing classes. by Andrew_Q_Gordon   I imagine many of the writers on GA want to not only publish the work, but also sell


Trebs in Writing Tips

Only Me

I can have drama when I don't want drama. Dang.   When we got home from work today, hubby said he was going to weed eat, so I decided I would surprise him and water everything, and wash off the deck steps. As I was washing the steps, my dog, 'Gypsy', started barking like hell. I looked up to see two people getting out of a car. One of them had a small leather case, and the lady was just all smiles. Still holding the water hose, I walked toward them. They explained that they were Jehovah



arctic soil

I ask you, gentle reader, would you scorn   the violet's death in arctic soil?   slave's last exhalation in endless toil?   Could you chide or reprimand   the Indian's rest after futile fight?   the moth's candle respite from his quest for light?   Would you then begrudge me my final rest?   Would I find a cold, unyielding breast?   And if you would that rest but kindly allow,   my final breath a kiss of thanks upon your brow.



Checking In

Hey All--   I've been receiving a lot of mail asking about the next chapter of 'Three Hearts' or Book 3 of 'Riding Lessons', so I thought I would take a moment to offer my apologies and explanation for their tardiness.   I, like so many people, have suffered from Severe Depression Disorder for most of my life. In early May, I hit rock bottom (before anyone jumps to any conclusions...I DID NOT try to hurt myself). I have a wonderful and supportive family and I have an agreement with them that

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Featured Story: The Centurion Cycle

As always, we couldn't do this without help. Thank you Wicked Witch for this great review of Promising Author JMH's "The Centurion Cycle" - much appreciated! If you have a story that hasn't been reviewed yet and want to write a review for us, let us know!   Trebs and Renee Stevens   The Centurion Cycle by JMH   Reviewer: Wicked Witch Status: In Process Current Word Count: 698,166   Some authors awe you with the way they managed to build vast, complex cohesive plots


Trebs in Featured Stories

two brothers share the night

We settle back on leather thrones, glass and ice our sceptres.   Candelabra lit, the hounds at rest, two brothers share the night.   Tell me, lord, of mountains far, and I shall speak of valleys.   Whisper soft of tears aloft, and I will gale with laughter.   Boast upon your finest hour, while I but moan defeat.   Your nights of black and smiles lack, I will comfort be.   And when laughter wanes and tongues grow weary,   morning's light shall end our night.   We rise but slo



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