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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y


I admit it. I'm a newbie when it comes to blogging. Most days I don't get involved in too much conversation in person; much less online. I didn't even know what a blog was 3 years ago (yes, go ahead a chuckle). I'm old; and most of this is new to me.   But now, after a few years and after being published and meeting so many wonderful fellow authors and friends who've taken my hand and helped me step into the larger worlds. (special kudos to MS and SL)!!!!   I joined GA about 6 weeks ago and

Gay Pride: what does it mean to you?

It seems almost impossible that this Gay Pride month of June 2013 marks ten years of liberty for the LGBT community. It seems like a small back-step in time to that summer when two remarkable things happened.   On June 26th, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the case of Lawrence v. Texas was announced. By a sweeping 6-3 ruling, Gay people never again had to fear arrest and imprisonment for the 'majorities' dirty-minded imaginings into our bedrooms. The Justices at the time did not have to r

AC Benus

AC Benus

Kids say the darndest things

Now there is an understatement if I ever heard one.   Brett and I were at a gathering of friends today. Nothing special, just a get together and an excuse to drink alcohol. Most of our friends brought their kids along, and two of them - Michael and Bobby, who is Brett's nephew - who are both ten years old in a few weeks time got talking.   I've no idea how they got onto the subject, but Brett and I overheard Michael asking Bobby "So just how do two guys do it?" Brett and I have never hidden



Belgrade Bound

So today I am packing for a week in Belgrade - a trip that quite frankly I do not wish to go on. Firstly there is the heat, which is 34 centigrade at the moment - about 10 degrees more than I am comfortably with. But secondly, the trip is going to be downright unpleasant. Don't get me wrong - I like my colleagues - its just that they are not my first choice to spend any time with...   Anyhow..... see you in a week's time   West



Volunteer Work- Day 3 and 4

On Day 3, I continued going through my box of Memorial Day photos. I found a couple of pictures of Governor Tom Carper (D, 1993-2001), which made it far easier to nail down a date for that set.   For Day 4 (this past Friday), the volunteer manager had myself and another volunteer go through cataloging basics. Even though I've already done cataloging, I appreciated the refresher. Plus, as I've learned, every museum does things different- a true universial standard for cataloging doesn't rea



Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope your week has been going well. Here, we started with a review by Wildone of Hosted Author Krista's Something Unexpected!   Wednesday, we were pleased to be able to announce GayAuthors.org's first Anthology eBook: Best of 2006.   Speaking of anthologies, Friday we pre-empted out weekly prompts (don't worry - they'll be back next week) for the announcement of our 2013 Summer Anthology! This anthology who's theme is "Roll the Dice" is now live and has so many great stories to read. Enjoy!


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

2013 Summer Anthology Now Live!

That's right! I know y'all have been waiting patiently for it, and today that patience is being rewarded! This go around we had eleven authors take the challenge to write a story using the theme of "Roll the Dice". I hope you enjoy what they came up with! 2013 Summer Anthology: Roll the Dice       A Deadly Choice Bill W       Coupled in Synchronicity Cia       Ghost of a Chance Dolores Esteban       Hard Choices comicfan    

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Thursday is here.

Okay, there are a few things I am doing today.   1) The cold is letting go so I don't feel like death warmed over. Yeah for sleep.   2) I have a few little things to get out. Cards, birthday gifts, and all that jazz.   3) Rework my eating habits. Went up instead of down for the first time in two months.   4) Give myself time to mend. This isn't so much physical as emotionally and mentally. Losing someone you have come to love and depend on is hard. Worse when you know there is nothing y



Some real life

I probably learned this truth long ago, I have been in finance for five years in different companies and across the spectrum.   In my last job, I had to fire a lot of people, because the business was losing money. It just built up strain for me as the numbers would never align correctly due to poor management decision making.   In my current job, I am preparing a new round of terminations, but unlike my past job, I completely agree with this one, sadly. My current company is profitable and m



Gilbert and Sullivan Go to Washington!

I keep a personal memento of hope. In November of 2008 I went to the polls, and voted. On the ballot was the now infamous California Proposition Number 8. The language of the proposed amendment to the constitution – the founding and chief legal statement of how we the people of the state must function – said that my marriage was shit. And, that – the quality of my union – was put to a popular vote; made subject to public 'debate,' although the 'arguments' for the haters were privately-funded fro

AC Benus

AC Benus

a wanner hue

Those carmel lips that curl so deliciously at the corners on a boy draped in a chair His head falls back to reveal the silky strength of a neck a chest rises and falls as he clenches the air A sharp intake as I sink in his taut belly quivering with the pain Crimson ecstasy flows gently down savannahs of flesh and a whimper escapes from those earnest lips Then white knuckles turn a wanner hue as muscles are laid to rest And a smile plays across my lips as



National Insecurity

National InSecurity       In the last week a whistle-blower exposed embarrassing revelations about the NSA. The National Security Agency is so secret that many federal workers that saw references to the "NSA" were told in no uncertain terms that as far as they were concerned that stood for "No Such Agency".   NSA's bailiwick is an obscure branch of spook-dom called signals intelligence which has been around since people used to splice into telegraph lines and listen to the message traffi




When I came to GA a little over a year ago, I was clueless. I just searched ,"gay stories, gay authors". Yep, I found us. My first month was me scared to comment, trying to decide if I wanted to become a paying member, and in awe of the acceptance here.   Then as some of you know from one of my other blogs, Nephy stepped forward when I went in chat and beckoned me in. She was so damn nice.   I am not going to rehash all of that. This is to remind everyone that a great place to be result



written about Annie Wilkes from the movie Misery

Oh, Annie, sorry child lost from my breast. Where did you step wrong walking among the mortals? Was it me they saw in your eyes when you confessed? Close your weary eyes while I absolve the rest.   Oh, Dragon Lady, can you smile now your work is done? The voices you hear these shall ne'er understand. Pity to you, for ours is not the way of the sun. Almost finished now as you gently squeeze the gun.   Oh horror, the atrocities and blessings performed in your fight, hobbling those of a



Back from Vacation

Well, where to begin.   The trip was amazing, being up in the mountains, spending the days hiking and on horseback taking pictures was just this intensely peaceful and relaxing feeling. The first night there I arrived in the mountains too late to do much but have a campfire and cook dinner and start taking pictures of the mountains and the area around the campground. Mostly different birds and plants, cactus (cacti?) that were flowering, things like that. An osprey, (I think), some gophers , a



Featured Story: Something Unexpected

Our thanks to Wildone, who has written a great review of Hosted Author Krista's Something Unexpected. We hope you enjoy it!   Something Unexpected By Krista Reviewer: Wildone Status: Complete Words: 158,336   I was in conversation with Krista a while back and she mentioned a story of hers that I have never had the opportunity to read. Something Unexpected is a very appropriate name for this great story.   I debated on if to call this review a ‘before and after’ entry


Trebs in Featured Stories

alternate version of Motley Crue's "Shout at the Devil"

I remember concert and marching band in high school. This was written back then in honor of and with much gratitude for our high school band director, Jeff Evans. ( a Patient man )   "Shout at the Band"   You didn't play the allegretto, your notes are all flat. You say you can't play anymore! You got the sixth grade blues, your music you want to choose. If you want to leave, there's the door.   You got your spit valve stuck, you don't give a fuck. And you think I don't give a damn!



A Life of Ups and Downs

I think, like most people, I don't take the time to stop and look at my life. Sometimes you have to decide if your life is going where you want it to, taking you to new exciting places, stopping you from growing, or just plain becoming a train wreck. Presently not sure.   Three years ago my life altered. I don't care how old you are, when you lose a parent that changes you and your life. I had been out on my own, living a life, not a great one or a bad one, just a life. I had friends and had h



ode to a cigarette

Altered and musing on my reverence for Camels. (from long ago)     like a candy box of confections I open it up to sidle my fingers through I choose a carmel beauty and slowly lift it from its shell even dormant it scents the air in the passage to my lips I light; a passionate, smooth dandy mingling his breath with mine



Enjoying nature in the city

No more reviews for today, I just want to add a blurb about seeking out nature in the urban jungle.   I've realized that beyond all the technological and lines of financial detail that I go through, I actually enjoy nature. No seriously, I've been walking around the parks and private gardens of Boston and its surrounding areas in the last few weeks. I have climbed up hills to seek out arboretums filled with hundred year old trees and understand why people sought their preservation.   There's



That Gas Station Event

So Today, I was at the gas station getting gas.I went inside to pay cash for gas. There was already a guy at the front. so at first, I thought he was buying some Advil medicine or something.   He was like " Um the purple or the yellow".   He took 2 minutes thinking which one to choose. I didn't know what he was picking. I looked closer to what he was picking and BAMM!. They're condoms!~ I'm like......what?.... you're taking 2 minutes just to pick condoms. He chose both of the condoms and



Laptop Fail.

(NOTE: This is basically a longer version of my status from yesterday.)   So...yesterday, the motherboard on the laptop that I've had for nearly 3 years decided that then was the perfect time to quit functioning. What's weird about that is, it was working for about an hour that morning, before I put it into "sleep" mode for a little while. 3 hours later...it starts acting like it wants to turn on, but it won't. Nothing that I'm able to do makes any difference.   I take it over to a friend of



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