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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

My own blast from the past

So tonight on Challenge TV, two of the greatest children's shows ever are being shown from the beginning.   Both were shows that every 80's child in the UK wanted to be on.   Funhouse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fun_House_(UK_game_show) and Knightmare http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knightmare   These two shows were on when satellite TV was practically unheard of in the UK. In fact, we only had four TV channels when these two shows were first broadcast.   Knightmare was probably the most



Heading to San Diego, any tips

I know it's not San Fran, but I can't resist the call of the wild and shamu III   Any travel tips or ideas? Any gay travel things I can do in the city, like shows or clubs. Not looking to hook up, but I wouldn't mind meeting some So Cal guys either



Mother's Day

I was sent this by a good friend and I thought it was worth passing on to the GA community. Dave     JUST A MOM?   A woman, renewing her driver's license , was asked by the woman at Registry to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.   'What I mean is, ' explained the woman at Registry, 'do you have a job or are you just a ...?'   'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman. 'I'm a Mom.'   'We don't list 'Mom'



Writing Tip: Adverbs

So it's Wednesday again which means it's time for another Wacky Wednesday post. What should we look at today? We have a couple of different options, but I think this week we will take a look at those pesky little adverbs. That's right, adverbs! Andy021278 wrote a piece to explain adverbs in their usual role as describing words for verbs.   Enjoy, and thank you Andy for this informative article! Adverbs   An adverb is a describing word. They are the words we see scattered about storie

Gay Marriage in Delaware

Delaware to Become 11th State with Gay Marriage   Pretty cool. I honestly thought that this wouldn't have happened until I was at least in my mid-30's.   I remember back around 2004, I was a camp counselor visiting the Delaware Legislative Hall with my middle school charges. We brought up gay marriage, and one of our tour guides said that with the gay marriage ban in our state it'd take a long time for that to happen here. Pretty incredible how fast things changed.   I am in n




Ghostboy posted a comment in "Gorilla Glass" "There is nothing that can be imagined that can't be accomplished. It might take a long time for some things to reach the point of viability, but it will happen. The only thing that worries me is there might not be enough time to do it all. One of the things that we seem to be failing at is maintaining the planet we depend on for survival. The big idea in that respect seems to be figuring out how to colonize other planets in time to save a few humans



Growing really old is not so easy

I have read with great pleasure MikeL's blog 'Growing Old is Awesome' posted a few days ago. And then I went to look at his profile and I noticed that he was in his 71st year. He still has therefore some 15 years for having the same age as me, 84 years next month.   I remembered how I was myself 15 years ago, in 1998. I too could have written the same blog as him, with the same title. I knew to enjoy my life without worrying about the future. I rejoiced in the morning to know that I could make

old bob

old bob

Internet Sales Tax may be coming, it has passed the Senate

http://money.cnn.com/2013/05/06/pf/taxes/internet-sales-tax-vote/index.html?hpt=hp_t2     Goodbye tax free shopping and Amazon Bulk purchases, online shopping may be getting taxed. I get it from a tax perspective, it has been a gaping loophole in the US and international tax jurisdiction that people can buy a lot of items online while avoiding sales tax. It isn't fair to brick and mortar businesses like Best Buy that I go in there to check out the newest gadgets, then go online to buy it at a



Csr May Stories ... Reader's Choice Anthologies!

For May's Can't Stop Reading Book Club I decided to go an easy way out and pick short stories I know are site favorites since we were avoiding a novel. So, for this month we will be reading the past 3 year's Reader's Choice Best Anthology award winners! We'll have 4 stories, not 3, because the 2010 winners tied. I hope you enjoy reading one, or all, of these.   HELP!!!: I'd love some feedback from participants for this month's discussion day. What would you like the format to be? More reviews?

You are Who you Are

Well, hell, it has been a good many moon's since I've sat and had a plonk away at the keyboard to fill out some space on my blog.   Where the hell have I been you ask?   Good question really. Things in my personal life have kept me really busy of late. Some really weird shit, some pretty exciting stuff, and of course, there is the stuff we get up to here at GA that keeps us out of mischief too.   Haha. Ok to explain that a bit more....   Well not so long back, my mom had a TIA or Mini St

Yettie One

Yettie One

Bigot Americans worsen the position of gays abroad

Bigot Americans fighting against gays abroad.   I am disgusted that this is happening. It's revolting, I really don't have any understanding for this. Funnily enough, they would never move in to those countries. But they have enough guts to spread their venomous pile of crap there. Great how American notion of free speech and religion gave birth to one of the weirdest parade of lunatic churches, cults and gay-bashing freaks that are influencing lives of people in other countries that don't get



Weekly Wrap Up!

Running a little bit behind today, but it was another big week here at Gay Authors!!   On Monday we had the discussion on the CSR Bookclub's pick of the month, Josh's Blog by Carl Holiday! If you haven't already joined in on the discussion, there is still plenty of time, so go check it out.   On Wednesday we featured Ask An Author #4, brought to us by Dark! This week we had answers from four authors instead of three. Go check it out to see what Comicfan, Cia, CJames, and Comicality had to sa

Weekly Review: Built for It by Daisy Harris

<a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13397771-built-4-it" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="Built 4 It" border="0" src="http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328332391m/13397771.jpg" /></a><a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13397771-built-4-it">Built 4 It</a> by Daisy Harris<br/> My rating: 4 of 5 stars<br /><br /> Made 4 It was an interesting story. I hadn’t read any other story in The Love-Bot series, but this still m



Writing Prompts #228 & #229

Well it is Friday again and I thought I would slip in for a change and actually introduce the prompts myself. I guess after a hundred plus attempts to catch an author's attention this might help.   You know, like anyone else I enjoy reading what others have done with the prompts. For our experts this is a just a chance to flex those writing muscles, and for the newbie it is simply a chance to get some feedback on something you wrote. These can be flash fiction pieces, poetry, or whatever you d


comicfan in Prompts

Camp NaNoWriMo

I've been meaning to do NaNoWriMo for years, but I never got around to it. November always seems to be a bad month for me. So when I heard about Camp NaNoWriMo this year, I decided this was my chance. So, in April, I finished and rewrote Nemesis. And I won! I'm sort of giddy and very pleased with myself right now.  

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

The Most Amazing Story You Will EVER READ

So, Ieshwar just introduced a story called "My Immortal" to me.   It's honestly the best story I have ever read in my entire life. I think it was originally on FictionPress but it probably got taken down since it was probably nominated for a Nobel prize. It's so, so, so beautiful -- so beautiful I just can't even       http://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/wp-content/uploads/My-Immortal.pdf           GA authors step up your game, Jesus, Domluka ain't nobody got time for your shit.



Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #4

Now that April is over, what better way to usher in May than with some answers from our favorite Authors. Dark once again brings us a new installment of Ask an Author. Do you have a question you've been wanting to ask your favorite author and haven't for one reason or another? Let Dark know! Ask an Author #4   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #3, we had questions for authors Luka Fox, Johnathan Colourfield, and Andrew Q Go

Recent Blog

I recently had a blog up that several people commented on and I found I could agree with points made by everyone, including myself. And I appreciate every comment made. However, I can also see that the anger behind the things I said and could possibly say, is not, would not be, good for the relationships between authors and editors here at GA.. Therefore, I deleted it. Not because of what anyone said, but because of what someone might say that could do harm to the community at large. I don't wan

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

The Evolution of a Novel: Characters

I started writing Nemesis a decade or so ago. While the essence of the story was the same, so many things about it have changed.   Back then, Dave's name was Leo. Leo was a far more aggressive, macho type of character than Dave. When I began to rewrite the story from the beginning, a bit less than three years ago, I found that Leo had changed so drastically as to be almost unrecognisable, and his name had to change. Dave just felt right, somehow.   Nick has always mirrored me

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Csr Discussion Day: Josh's Blog By Carl Holiday

It’s that time again … CSR’s Discussion Day. This month we read Josh’s Blog by Carl Holiday. I hope you enjoyed the story; I can’t wait to see what thoughts readers had. Below is a review by yours truly where I shared my feelings on the story and Carl’s writing. Check out the info afterward about CSR in general too; I need your help! Yes yours!     Quite the comment to be starting off a review with, right? Yet, this paragraph is in the first chapter of the story, Josh’s Blog, by Carl Ho


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Road Tripping 2

I’ve driven across the United States six times, thrice between Denver and Boston, twice from Denver to Tampa Bay and once from Boston to San Francisco. I’ve also driven Boston to Tampa Bay a few times and once returned from Tampa and headed all the way north to Prince Edward Island. The last long road trip was the Boston to San Francisco route in 2001. All the previous ones were in the ‘90s. I drove most of them in a 1992 Saturn, the most basic model available when I bought it new from the deale



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