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Happy Birthday, Cole Matthews!


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  • Site Administrator

Darn, you beat me to it, Clochette!  It's not the 21st yet in the US.  lol 


:wizard:  :wizard: :wizard: Happy Birthday, Cole!  I hope your day is as awesome as you are! :wizard:  :wizard:  :wizard:  

:kiss:  :glomp:



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Cole please enjoy the last precious minutes before you officially turn age 50 and start the best part of your life!


Be sure to look for the AARP invitation which should be on the way!


And so, without further ado:


Happy Birthday Cole!

:music:  :music: :music:  :music: 

Many, many more!

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Well gosh darn, has it turned into a contest to see who can announce birthday greetings first?!


Nonetheless . . .


Happy Birthday, Cole!

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  • Site Administrator

Happy Birthday, Cole!

:music: :music: :music: :music: :music:


May is a great month to be born in :2thumbs:

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50, it is only a number just like all the rest. Older yes, I don't know about the  any wiser part? You are only as old as you feel, trust me, your body will tell you when to take it down a notch. Yet, still to young to retire. Congats you have entered into the twilight zone. The next notable, but just a number like all the rest, to look forward to is 65. However that's still a ways off, I'll remind you of it, if I'm still around and kicking. You might want to invite Atlas and Boo to watch the second video.

Cole Matthews

May today be the best first day possible of the rest of your life

A great big Happy Birthday wish to you!!!











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When you realize you have more yesterdays than tomorrows, make every day count.


I figured living to be 100 was not a probability, so when I turned 50 I took the advice.

So glad I did, life has been more fun that I thought it could be.


May you live to whatever age you wish, but no matter what, make each an every day a special one.


Happy birthday, Cole.


Much love



Edited by Carlos Hazday
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                        HAPPY    BIRTHDAY







         I hope you're having an awesome day!!! :)


             Totally loved Sandrewn's kitties! :P

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Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and pics and videos!!! Truly awesome. Its been a great day and I have a steak and Dairy Queen coming yet!!!!

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