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  1. Past hour
  2. Sitting down to work on some Hubris. I am strong into the second arc with 57K written and Chapter 15 in the oven. The first chapter of the second arc will be posting on Wednesday. All 17 chapters of the first arc have been posted. I give an update on my progress in the next couple of days.

  3. Daddydavek


    "Hopefully it would do the trick!" That brought a smile to my face.
  4. Hey, Gary. I was starting to get worried you had another cold. I'm glad that's not the case.
  5. Lupus

    Chapter 11

    Isendar Paidos, Andiol Empire Isendar Vargan took a few aimless steps across the floor of his large study before pausing to look out the window framed by thick velvet curtains. As he did so, he stroked his long black hair. It felt greasy, but he didn't care. The man staring out the window was impatient for news. The hair didn't matter, the news did. The view out of the six-paned window into the garden, however, could tell him nothing of the important information he was feverishly awa
  6. Me either. Never have I ever done yoga. (I thought it was a quickie breakfast pudding.)
  7. Today
  8. Flip-Flop


    Shape-shifting is to complex for me also, so I will read what others may know. I feel a little like Dorthy in Oz. A raven, an owl, a ghost cat. and 2 mentors......."OH MY" Could a Wizard be the "one thing missing"?
  9. Got my covid shot today. Also bought red and orange (really bright orange I've never seen before) mini roses for hanging baskets. They didn't have yellow. Hey, all!
  10. I have PMs from those people too... and ones from Wayne (comicfan).
  11. A well-deserved promotion! Congratulations, Wolf! Welcome to the purple people-eaters! 💜
  12. The starship Garnet Star and the safe house outside of Glinterdale were both sealed up tight. Lyoth, Stawren, and Captain Suoki were on the Galaxy Surfer in orbit above a planet Neptithia had provided on a list of eight locations where godstrolls were recently seen. “This is the only inhabited planet in the Losinioth Galaxy’s primary system,” Captain Suoki informed the other two. “I spent some time here, but that was a long time ago. The city of Olgron is below us, and according to Neptit
  13. Anton_Cloche

    Chapter 10

    I think the songs lyrics are: "Oh home they're deranged". Or at least they should be, especially every four years 😉. “Aww shuckins’ mam, ‘twern’t nuttin.” I looked down at the floor, had my hands in my jeans pockets, and scoffed a foot back and forth. That little performance may not get 'Best Actor' award, but Pete is definitely worthy of a "Humanitarian Award". Thanks @Al Norris.
  14. Gary L

    Chapter 4

    Intriguing 🤨 ummmm.
  15. Flip-Flop

    Chapter 4

    Wow, this case is getting complicated or is Ken's thinking making it more complex than it really is? Does he suspect someone connected to Joe, could be working this extortion from a different angle for a quick cash payoff? There are a lot of "what ifs" in this chapter. I am intrigued by this investigation.
  16. Backwoods Boy


    "Mom, do we have any Hawaiian ancestors?" I hadn't figured out a strategy. I was winging this one. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I met this Hawaiian guy a few days ago, and he thought we might be related." Mom could smell bullshit a mile away. "Let's see, a blue-eyed, blond-haired, white-skinned European is related to a brown-eyed, black-haired, dark-skinned Pacific Islander. Well, this time of year, the skin color might not be so different, I suppose. Maybe he mistook you fo
  17. akascrubber

    Chapter 4

    It is a scam for sure, But, now Ken became worried about what would happen to the girl who was kidapped. The criminals might kill her if they find out she was a fraud. But, maybe they are in on it. He needs to be careful
  18. Gary L

    Chapter 2

    This story is flowing beautifully, Im really enjoying the installments and @Anton_Cloche’s guesses ( and the author’s cruel response!!). Good stuff, Chris.
  19. So, I went through all my PMs when I saw the length of my conversation with Drew. I realized I never really deleted most of my conversations, and I got a little choked up. I had conversations with Skinny Dragon, Carlos Hazday, and Comicality from several years ago. There’s so many people that come and go from our little community, and I just realized I was lucky to be just a little bit closer with 3 awesome people that left permanently.
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