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  2. Celian


    Actually, I had expected the warning tingle at the nape which had made me leave the tattoo parlor rather abruptly yesterday to return. Instead, it began to tingle in my stomach. White cuffs and an equally dazzling white shirt collar peeked out from under Emmett's light blue sweater, accentuating the blue percentage in his eyes. And his eyes... They were rimmed with mascara and kohl, his lids glittered a little, and if I wasn't mistaken, he was wearing skin-colored lipstick. Holy shit.
  3. Today
  4. Definitely enjoying rereading! Not surprised Coy showed up at all..
  5. Lupus

    Chapter 9

    One way or another, the paths of all the characters in the story will cross. I also think that a pretty girl is always necessary in stories 😏
  6. My Only Escape was very similar to my experience and sigh…. I’m still in denial he’s gone.. I keep looking for a new post, SOMETHING .😪
  7. drpaladin


    They wouldn't go after him in another state over a couple of hundred dollars. Connor was surely owed money which would come off of that. I doubt anyone is looking for them for the damaged MIB who's probably not human.
  8. akascrubber

    Votu Vomir

    It has all now come into sad focus for the dominated and weakened Somon. Lord Crusnik has completed his control of Simon through adding blood to his wine and constant fucking. He has been taken to a land of ice and snow and the home of Lord Crusnik who calls Simon his pet Lord Crusnik introduces him in his home castle to his good friend Master Akar , Vicar General to the Order of Belthemid . Oh no.....Simon is serious trouble and without his friends and without Yidian. Simon is a fuck toy. He has others to serve now and no hope for any betterment from anyone who are too far away as of now. At least Connor met the Orcs who were with Simon. They all were rejected and sent out of the brothel. Now, what are the three to do?
  9. Sam Wyer

    Chapter 1

    Thanks! Some of those questions will hopefully be answered relatively soon.
  10. drpaladin


    Will a $25 Big Mac taste better?
  11. drpaladin


    Connor's family in Florida might be as dysfunctional as the one he left behind, but simply wrapped in a prettier package. Connor seems never to have learned important details of why he was left behind. Compared to Connor, Nathan is a spoiled and bratty slacker. The MIB has caught up with them with frightening ease and has changed tactics by trying to sow distrust between Connor and M.
  12. Lord Crusnik’s cold arm draped over his shoulder was a calming presence as they rolled through the streets in the carriage. Simon held a blood-soaked rag to his injured face as they moved trying to recall just how it had happened. Had Connor really come and used him and then attacked him? “Your power is tempting,” Crusnik spoke calmingly as if he’d read Simon’s mind, “You can’t blame yourself.” “He was a friend,” Simon sobbed. “I’m sorry, my pet.” The carriage finally rum
  13. weinerdog


    We can't make any assumptions one way or another "Don't trust him"? We don't know who the good guy and bad guy is between M and The MIB. Julie and Family while not evil like Connor's Dad seem pretty dysfunctional. BTW you would think they would be a little more curious about M. Nathan is a piece of work which makes one wonder how good a parent has Julie been." If they paid me $20 an hour I might do it, but for minimum wage? Fuck naw.” In California a law just went into affect that fast food worked are to paid $20 an hour maybe I'll see Nathan next time I stop somewhere for lunch😄
  14. Did you know



    Crayola’s “Flesh” color was renamed Peach in 1962, reflecting the fact that flesh comes in many different colors. It was considered racist to imply that flesh is or should be of that color.

    List of Crayola crayon colors - Wikipedia





    Did you know:

    -Ren and Stimpy


    Laurie Johnson’s song “Happy Go Lively” was present in all the episodes of “Ren and Stimpy” cartoon series.

    Ren and Stimpy Soundtrack - Happy-Go-Lively - YouTube


    -Fuel Pipeline


    The United Kingdom has an underground aviation fuel pipeline dating back to World War 2, allowing aviation fuel to be transported around the country without risking it on roads and railways.

    Exolum Pipeline System - Wikipedia


    -Reality Checkpoint


    Reality Checkpoint is the name given to a large cast-iron lamppost in the middle of Parker's Piece, Cambridge, England, located at the intersection of the park's diagonal paths.

    Cambridge Historian: Reality Checkpoint


    -Floppy disks


    The US Military still uses 8-inch floppy disks on outdated IBM computers to run the nuclear missile systems. It's because they are incredibly hard to hack. The computers are essentially air-gapped and the old IBM computers are reliable. They could run for another 40 years with spare parts.

    Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks : The Two-Way : NPR


    -Plan C


    During the Cold War, the federal government planned for a scenario known as Plan C, which would have instituted martial law, arrested those connected to “subversive” organizations, implemented a censorship board, and prepared the country for life after nuclear attack. There was no Plan A or B.

    The Top Secret Cold War Plan to Bring the U.S. Under Martial Law - Atlas Obscura




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