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    Timothy M.
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  • 1,537 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Timothy’s Terrible Prompt Stories - 29. Prompt 412 What time are we supposed to be there?

For once I was on time with a current prompt. :2thumbs:
No Paradise without a snake. :no:  Who will chop its head off?
An Eric POV chapter

“What time are we supposed to be there? At the car, I mean.”

Nelson looked up from the book he was reading. “I’m no sure. I forgot to look at the time when we split up.”

“Yeah, me too,” Eric said, feeling somewhat abashed. They had been in such a hurry to get away, and once they got into the bookstore, time flew as they browsed and discussed favorite books and what to buy.

“Maybe we should pay for our books, so we’re ready to go. Why don’t you send Rob a text and ask if they’re done too?”


They walked to the counter and stood in line. Eric sent a quick text ‘All done and ready to go home. You?’ A couple of minutes later a laconic ‘Yep’ came back from Rob, and the two teens finished their purchases and strolled towards the parking lot. They each had a bag of books in one hand and were holding hands with the other.

Turning the last corner before the exit they came upon Rob and Jasper who were facing a small group of people. They immediately recognized the baseball player, Chris, sporting a still swollen upper lip with a half-closed split at the left side of his mouth. He gave them a baleful glare, but the person talking to Rob was totally a Sunday School Boy with a white shirt, tie, carefully combed short hair, and a holier-than-thou attitude.

“Now, I’ve told her she should seek solace in the Lord who will comfort her and answer her prayers if only she trusts in Him. But my cousin is distraught after losing the man she loves and hoped to marry. As a good Christian girl should – she gave you her most precious 'gift' and you tossed it away. Will you not reconsider?”

Eric wanted to roll his eyes at the idea of Mel loving Rob and expecting to marry him. Rob didn’t dispute the claim, but simply shook his head. “Melanie said hateful things about my brother. She has only herself to blame for the break-up.”

“Jesus will pardon any trespass or sin if the sinner repents and makes amends. Can you not forgive her too?”

“Oh, I’ll probably forgive her, if she apologizes and means it. But I won’t date her again.”

At that moment the Sunday School boy suddenly noticed Eric and Nelson and turned to address the younger Perry brother.

“I assume you’re the reason my cousin is crying her eyes out. But Jesus can help you too if you want Him to. He can cure you and lead you to salvation.” His earnest gaze was almost worse than the disgust from Chris.

“That’s wonderful. Can He do a miracle for me too?” Jasper moved in front of Rob. Eric was surprised but relieved to see Tony and Maria had appeared next to his brother who looked like he was about to explode. Where did they come from?

“I hate my hair. If I repent, can Jesus change it?” Jasper eagerly enquired of the guy who looked barely older than he was.

Eric was surprised when Nelson suddenly turned to him and buried his face in his shoulder. He could feel his boyfriend shaking and automatically wrapped him in a hug. A split second later he realized Nelson was trying to muffle laughter. He obviously knew what was going on, and Eric began to suspect an elaborate joke was in play.

“Your hair?” Incredulity almost made Melanie’s cousin squeak.

“Yes, you know, my red hair. I’ve always been told fiery red hair is a sign of a devilish temper, and I have to say people are right about that.” Jasper fingered his flaming locks, “I have a really bad, short temper.”

“Particularly in the morning,” Nelson mumbled in Eric’s ear, then hid his face again.

Jasper’s opponent looked at him in confusion. “You could just color your hair.”

“But I’d still have red hair, dye is only a cover. I want it to go away, so I don’t have to hide it.”

“But, God gave you red hair. Why try to change it?”

“Why? Because people look down on me and make fun of me for it. You say God can 'fix' the gay away, though that's the way He made them. Surely he can do a simple thing like change my hair color. Right…?”

“No, no, following gay impulses is a choice or a phase, and through prayer God can help you get rid of the confusion you’re in.”

Jasper shook his head sadly, and patted him on the shoulder. “Sorry, dude, you’ve got it all wrong. But at least there’s help for your condition.”

The Sunday School guy blurted out angrily, “What?” and immediately regretted it.

Jasper removed his hand and gave him a contemptuous look. “The condition of being ignorant and indoctrinated; the cures are called science and education. Get help before it’s too late and you have to spend the rest of your life in shameful stupidity.”

Eric almost jumped a mile when Nelson lifted his head and let peals of laughter emerge. Rob shouted “Awesome, dude!” next to his other ear as his brother strode forward to high-five a grinning Jasper. But an even bigger shock came from the applause sounding behind him. When he turned he saw several of Rob’s baseball teammates with their girlfriends, and a few other people Eric recognized from school.

Before he could say or do anything Maria rushed over to embrace him and Nelson. She tried to speak, but Nelson was gasping with hysterical laughter in between breaths, saying, “I can’t… believe that… trick worked… again.” He bent over and wheezed.

“Nelson, are you OK? Nelson!” She gave up and turned to Eric, “Shut him up, before he pees himself or something.”

“Ehm, how?”

She rolled her eyes. “Kiss him, you idiot.”

Afterwards Eric couldn’t believe he’d followed her order, but Maria had years of experience of telling her best friend what to do. He had to admit it worked too. Moments after hauling him upright and covering Nelson’s lips with his and sticking his tongue deep into the sweet-tasting mouth, the older teen was transformed from having a fit of helpless giggles to kissing back with determination. They lost track of time until Rob placed a hand on each of their shoulders and broke the enchantment.

Eric felt his cheeks heat up even more as he tried not to pant from the intense kiss. Rob, Jasper, and Tony were grinning at them, and Maria was giggling next to her boyfriend. Most of the crowd was dispersing, and the religious boy and his group were conspicuous in their absence. Nelson was the first to recover.

“Jazz, you are unbelievable, that’s the second time you’ve pulled the red-hair card on bigots.”

“Well, at least my carrot color is good for something.”

Maria wrinkled her brow. “Do you really hate your hair?”

“Nah, not anymore. I hated the teasing when I was a kid and the sensitive skin is a pain. But now I think my freckles and fire hair are sort of cool.”

“It helps that Carolyn adores freckles and has a weak spot for ginger men with green eyes,” Nelson said to Eric, who laughed at the suddenly bashful expression on Jasper’s face.

“Well, your hair is an attractive color, Jasper, so I can understand Carolyn’s opinion,” Maria stated. “And from what I heard, you’ve managed to turn your own experience of prejudice into an understanding of what your friend might encounter from unjust treatment.”

“Thank you, but I think it’s more a case of enjoying pulling the leg of idiots like that guy. It’s almost too easy.”

“Probably more effective than punching them,” Eric said and gave Rob a teasing smirk. “But what made you turn up at just this moment in time, Maria?”

“We saw you when you left the book store and walked 30 yards behind the whole way here. You were so wrapped up in each other, you never noticed. It was rather cute, you know.”

Tony laughed, “I can see Rob’s point about you two being oblivious and boring company for everyone else.”

“You mean the way you were, when you started to date Maria?” Eric knew he was being a bit unfair, but he rarely got the chance to tease Tony.

“Fuck, that’s true,” Rob said, “but at least you got to see more of him, bro, since you still spent time with Maria. You’re not one to abandon your friends, eh Milady?” The last part was directed at the brunette girl with an elaborate salute, making all of them laugh.

They went out of the Mall and split up for Rob's and Tony’s cars, but not until Eric and Nelson had posed for a couple of pictures taken with Maria’s phone. She promised to let them have a look at them before she posted anything on Facebook.

As they walked to his car, Rob told Jasper he’d texted his parents and they were fine with Nelson’s friend joining them for pizza.

“Cool, dude. What time are we supposed to be there?”

“Oh fuck. Ten minutes from now. Let’s get a move on.”

This is the end of the Mall chapters, I hope you liked them. Thanks to CG and AC for all their help.
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 07/25/2015 08:04 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

Love how they settled everything with words and not fists.


It would have been so easy to just thump the bigoted idiot. :)

LOL. I think Carlos was disappointed Rob didn't do a CJ and thump the idiot, but I decided to give Jazz a chance to shine. Glad you liked it.

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Catching up with Nelson and Eric :boy: They are such a sweet and adorable couple :kiss:


I love the way you manage to say so much in short chapters. This was nice, Nelson and Eric had to face something very ugly but they have supportive friends and and of course Rob, the wonderful big brother :)

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On 09/21/2015 01:16 PM, Suvitar said:

Catching up with Nelson and Eric :boy: They are such a sweet and adorable couple :kiss:


I love the way you manage to say so much in short chapters. This was nice, Nelson and Eric had to face something very ugly but they have supportive friends and and of course Rob, the wonderful big brother :)

What a nice surprise for an early Monday morning. I shall look forward to more comment. I can se you're still firmly Team Rob, even when everyone else focus on Jasper. :lol:

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Sign me up for Team Jasper!


Does Jasper have a red-headed Gay Uncle or older cousin? (Or maybe, if I'm being more realistic age-wise, a red-headed Gay Great-Uncle?)

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On 01/13/2017 06:52 AM, droughtquake said:

Sign me up for Team Jasper!


Does Jasper have a red-headed Gay Uncle or older cousin? (Or maybe, if I'm being more realistic age-wise, a red-headed Gay Great-Uncle?)

LOL, I guess you would have to fight CG for the privilege of making off with any gay uncles with red hair like Jasper. But I'm glad to have another member of Team J. Oh and you may enjoy ch. 32 in particular. :P

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“I hate my hair. If I repent, can Jesus change it?” 


i actually had to stop reading i was laughing so hard:rofl:

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On 7/6/2017 at 6:54 AM, mogwhy said:

“I hate my hair. If I repent, can Jesus change it?” 


i actually had to stop reading i was laughing so hard:rofl:


:2thumbs:   I'm delighted to hear that moggy. It was a favorite line of mine too. :hug: 

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