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    Timothy M.
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Timothy’s Terrible Prompt Stories - 27. Prompt 243 I never make a promise that I don’t intend to keep.

The relationship develops nicely.
A Nelson POV chapter

“I never make a promise that I don’t intend to keep.”

Eric and I were sitting next to each other sharing a couple of muffins and a hot chocolate. Rob and Jasper had held the table while we ordered, and now they were waiting in line for their brownies etc.; even Jasper couldn’t eat donuts twice on the same day.

I had grabbed the chance to ask my boyfriend if he meant what he said when we walked away from Rob’s car. His answer made me melt a little bit inside.

“But you know you don’t have to do anything to ‘seal the deal’, right? I mean we’re boyfriends now, no matter what?” I wanted to be absolutely sure.

Eric smiled and put his arm around me. “Yes, Nelson, we’re boyfriends and I want us to do what boyfriends do. OK?” His whisper in my ear made me shiver in anticipation and trepidation.

Did Eric expect me to take the lead as the older and more ‘experienced’ about dating? I wanted to, but on the other hand what did I know? Watching (or reading) porn gave no clue about relationships, and the sex was nothing like reality. No one deep-throats on the first try. Reading stories on-line was only slightly more helpful. They tend to focus on the drama, the romance, or the making out, and gloss over the mechanics of being really intimate, which they make seem effortless.

I turned to whisper in his ear. “OK. But I’ve never had a boyfriend and neither have you, so I guess we’ll have to work it out as we go along.” That should show him I saw us as equally responsible for our relationship. Although so far he pushed and I tried to slow us down. But I looked forward to spending time alone together, even if it meant fumbling along and being forced to have embarrassing conversations like the one last night.

“Fine with me. For now I’m happy to be on a date with you, go to the movies and hold your hand. We’ll work out the next steps together.”

I took a deep breath and asked the question which had been on my mind for a while. “Will you go to the junior prom with me?”

Sparkling blue eyes and a happy grin on the face turned towards mine revealed the answer before his words. “Of course I will, Nelson.”

The intense look in Eric’s eyes made him irresistible and I closed in for a kiss. It was short, but heartfelt, and when it ended we were lost in each other’s eyes for a few moments. Suddenly we heard giggles from the table behind me. I squeezed Eric’s arm and smiled at him. With my other hand I reached out and broke off a piece of muffin. I brought it to his lips and he smiled and bit off half. His hand came up to guide mine to my mouth and I popped the other half in and ate it.

“Aaww, isn’t that sweet? They’re feeding each other.” Rob’s voice was full of glee; he sat down in the chair opposite and took a big bite of his brownie.

“Yep. Nelson, you never again get to tease me about being romantic and cuddly with Carolyn,” Jasper declared, but I could see he was happy for me. He knew I’d longed for someone like Eric for quite a while.

He had been the one to urge me to accept the invitation of the GSA president to be his date for the Junior Prom last year. Trevor was a nice guy and he’d been kind to me on Prom night, blowing me before and after patiently teaching me how to please him in return. He hadn’t pushed me for anything I didn’t want, and all in all he’d been a good First for an inexperienced guy like me. But there had been no real spark, and certainly nothing like I felt with Eric. I hoped he would be all my other Firsts.

I tuned back into the talk, which was now centered on what they wanted to do after the movie. Not surprisingly, Jasper was talking about doing something physical.

“…had a game yesterday, Rob, so you don’t need to. But I have to keep in shape somehow, while I’m unable to play. And eating fun food three times today isn't good for keeping my ideal weight.”

“Fair enough, Jazz. What sort of work-out can you do?” Rob asked. “We have a fitness room at our house, nothing fancy, but you should be able to get sweaty without straining your wrist. Or you can go for a run with Eric, if he’s not too busy ‘reading’ with Nelson.”

“Maybe we could all go for a run,” my sly friend suggested. “Nel is a fairly good long-distance runner, and I’m sure having Eric in front of him would be a great incentive.”

“I know what you mean, I appreciate a nice ass too,” Rob elbowed Jazz, who almost choked on the mouthful of juice he’d just taken. Served him right!

“Eric, Eric,” an excited female voice made us turn our heads towards the sound. For a split second I felt upset until I saw the Italian looking dude holding hands with the exited brunette who was bearing down on us. This must be Tony and Maria, Eric’s friends. I recalled seeing them around in West Hill High, but we didn’t really move in the same circles.

“Hi Eric, Rob,” Tony said as his girlfriend let go of his hand to give my boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek. When she straightened up, she stared at him expectantly, and I was amused to see a slight blush color his cheeks.

“Hi Maria, ehm this is Nelson, and his friend Jasper,” my boyfriend mumbled. I stood up and extended my hand.

“Nice to meet you, Maria. Tony.” I nodded at her boyfriend, who gave me a grin and a casual salute.

“Ohhh, so polite,” Maria gushed and surprised me by pulling on my hand and leaning forward so she could kiss my cheek too. “You could learn from that, Rob.” She turned to Jasper, who had also risen to greet her. His parents were as strict as mine about proper manners when being introduced to a lady, and Maria was clearly a formidable woman, even as a teen.

“Don’t be silly, Maria, I’m not getting introduced to you. Hey Tony.” Rob waved at his friend. “Do you want to sit down? We’re leaving soon to catch the two-thirty showing of Winter Soldier, but it would be great to have you here until then.”

“We don’t want to intrude –” Tony began.

“Nah, don’t worry, Jazz and I could do with some company.” The grin on Rob’s face warned me he was about to launch more of his teasing quips at Eric and me.

Maria fell right into the trap. “But you’re with Eric and Nelson?”

“Yeah, but the lovebirds are kinda boring when they gaze soulfully into each other’s eyes and ignore everything around them.” Rob batted his eyelashes like an imbecile.

“Ooohhh,” Maria’s voice went all soft and squishy.

“You should have seen them feeding each other; I expect cooing and other mating rituals next.”

“ROB!” A rolled-up ball of wet paper napkin hit the grinning buffoon on the nose, and if looks could have killed, the blond joker might have gone up in flames. Or at least he would have gotten singed around the edges by Eric’s furious glare. I vacillated between laughter and anger; I wanted to punch Rob for embarrassing his brother, but on the other hand, it was difficult not to be amused by his good-natured ribbing. He was like a little boy with a new favorite toy, so eager to show off his brother’s success in ‘bagging the hottest guy in school.’

Oh yeah, I hadn’t forgotten Rob’s compliment from yesterday. For Eric’s sake I hoped Rob was totally straight, because it would be one area in life where Eric wouldn’t have to worry about competing with his older brother. No matter how much Eric loved and admired Rob, it had been easy to work out from our talks that he felt like he’d always stood in Rob’s shadow. Sometimes it’s not easy to be the younger sibling of a handsome, outgoing, popular, and successful jock.


The main clue yesterday had been Eric asking, “If you thought I was straight, how come you developed a crush on me rather than Rob? He was in West Hill when you started high school, and he didn’t have a girlfriend then.”

I’d stared at him in confusion. “Rob’s handsome, but he’s not really my type, personality-wise, I mean. And in any case I value brain over brawn.” Perhaps that was a bit unfair to Rob, who’s certainly clever too, but Eric’s sharp intelligence was obvious and appealing to me from day one.

Eric fiddled with the edge of his T-shirt. “I guess I find it hard to believe anyone would prefer me over Rob. I’ve seen guys hitting on him, you know, often so subtly he doesn’t even notice. But none of them ever looked at me.”

“Well, if they were Rob’s age or older, they would’ve probably considered you out of bounds, unless they were pervs.”

He shook his head, saying, “A couple of them were younger, my age actually.” I could almost taste his feelings of inferiority.

I took his hand. “All I know is I fell in love with you almost instantly, no matter how hopeless it seemed, and no one else could hold my interest for more than a second. Finding out you care for me too made me the happiest guy in the world. And I’m grateful to Rob for getting us together and making us see sense, in his unique Rob-world way. Hopefully I’ll come to care for him like a brother, but even if he were gay, I’d still only be in love with you.”

The kiss which Eric gave me after this declaration defies description, and I know he understood me. But I could see how he might worry about guys relegating him to the second-best option, particularly if Rob turned out to be bi or something. But this should no longer be an issue, because hopefully Eric would never have to look for another partner.

After all, some couples who meet in high school, do last, don’t they? We simply had to figure out the secret of how; another matter porn and websites never seem to bother with explaining.

Please visit the story forum for discussions on what kinds of ‘naughty’ food Nelson and Eric should eat on their third date. :P 
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Excellent chapter, Tim. The way the four interact again shows their deep concern and care for one another. So far, so good mall-wise. :)

I loved the way Nelson dealt with Eric's feelings of inferiority to Rob--just the right thing to say, and he's certainly proving it with actions as much as he can. And his talk about figuring out how to proceed is so true--movies are just so full of misinformation about some things its laughable. Some stories are better, but finding them among the dross is very difficult.

Thanks for the great gift!

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On 04/07/2015 07:37 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
Excellent chapter, Tim. The way the four interact again shows their deep concern and care for one another. So far, so good mall-wise. :)

I loved the way Nelson dealt with Eric's feelings of inferiority to Rob--just the right thing to say, and he's certainly proving it with actions as much as he can. And his talk about figuring out how to proceed is so true--movies are just so full of misinformation about some things its laughable. Some stories are better, but finding them among the dross is very difficult.

Thanks for the great gift!

You're welcome, CG, I'm so glad you liked it. I hope you can see I'm using your Mall help augmented by suggestions from AC.

I think Nelson and Eric are boosting each other's confidence with love, and to me this is one of the major advantages of falling in love and being in a relationship.

I know we had very little to go on concerning sex and love when we were teens. Supposedly, it's so much better now, with internet etc, but I think teens now can get confused on a more advanced level. :rolleyes:

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These four guys are so much fun together. Rob can't seem to help himself, he's beyond happy for his brother and wants everyone to know. His antics make you want smack him upside the head and yet ...

I enjoy being privy to Nelson's thoughts, like any teen he is anxious to be with Eric and yet doesn't want to push him. His concern about the "how" of sex is so familiar. Beyond those worries his greatest is how to make what they have lasting. He wants E to feel good about himself and shows it. I think him atypical.

This is a great story.

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On 04/07/2015 09:00 PM, dughlas said:
These four guys are so much fun together. Rob can't seem to help himself, he's beyond happy for his brother and wants everyone to know. His antics make you want smack him upside the head and yet ...

I enjoy being privy to Nelson's thoughts, like any teen he is anxious to be with Eric and yet doesn't want to push him. His concern about the "how" of sex is so familiar. Beyond those worries his greatest is how to make what they have lasting. He wants E to feel good about himself and shows it. I think him atypical.

This is a great story.

Thank you, dughlas, I love that you have the same ambivalent feeling towards Rob as I do. I have fun making up Rob-style things for him to say and do and at the same time I'm all :facepalm: afterwards, lol.

I was worried it would be confusing to have a 1st person POV at times, so I'm relieved you like this. Is does give a better possibility of showing those personal thought and worries, which surely have plagued all of us from time to time.

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I like how Nelson reassured Eric that it is and would have always been him that Nelson would want and love. Rob is larger than life - in personality and looks - a pretty big shadow to be living under. The group again made me smile with their banter and playfulness. They click with each other very well. I also like Maria. She was quick to include Nelson as a friend - and give him a kiss on the cheek. It's always better when your friends get along with your guy. It seems all of the friend - so far - get along with the boys. I'm curious to see how Carolyn fits in and seeing Rob as the only single one when the whole group gets together.

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On 04/07/2015 10:13 PM, EagleIsaac said:
I like how Nelson reassured Eric that it is and would have always been him that Nelson would want and love. Rob is larger than life - in personality and looks - a pretty big shadow to be living under. The group again made me smile with their banter and playfulness. They click with each other very well. I also like Maria. She was quick to include Nelson as a friend - and give him a kiss on the cheek. It's always better when your friends get along with your guy. It seems all of the friend - so far - get along with the boys. I'm curious to see how Carolyn fits in and seeing Rob as the only single one when the whole group gets together.
Quite right, just see how Rob has taken over this story, lol. Eric needs all the support he can get.

Maria cares about Eric and just like Rob she was concerned about him being alone. If Nelson makes Eric happy, she will approve and like him. Some girls have the right attitude. :)

We did see Carolyn with them at the end of the baseball game. I think she will do fine, after all she gets along with Jasper. ;)

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Since I'm such a drama queen, I liked the boys' discussion about Eric feeling inferior. I can really relate to that feeling. It's hard to see your own strengths and appeal, but so easy to think your accomplished older brother must be everyone's first choice. Maybe this is something to explore further, if we get to follow the boys a bit longer, past the first lovey-dovey phase. Perhaps, Nelson has a friend who is older and more confident than Eric? A little jealousy followed by some making up...?


As regards the sex, is anyone ever confident the first time? No matter how much you read or see online you just don't know what you like or don't like until you try it. Good thing they are almost of equal experience level. That way, they get to explore together.

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On 04/08/2015 12:35 AM, Puppilull said:
Since I'm such a drama queen, I liked the boys' discussion about Eric feeling inferior. I can really relate to that feeling. It's hard to see your own strengths and appeal, but so easy to think your accomplished older brother must be everyone's first choice. Maybe this is something to explore further, if we get to follow the boys a bit longer, past the first lovey-dovey phase. Perhaps, Nelson has a friend who is older and more confident than Eric? A little jealousy followed by some making up...?


As regards the sex, is anyone ever confident the first time? No matter how much you read or see online you just don't know what you like or don't like until you try it. Good thing they are almost of equal experience level. That way, they get to explore together.

Thank you my Swedish friend. I'm glad others can relate to the insecure feeling.

Perhaps I shall let them have a small drama during the Prom, just for you. Accompanied by ABBA of course. :rofl:

But we definitely need some mutual exploring :P It will probably happen around ch 50 or so, at the rate I'm going. I'm waiting for Jaro to rant at me again, lol.

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Another great chapter, Tim. I liked the introspection of Nelson... while he thought about Eric's insecurities and did his best to handle them... we got to see Nelson's insecurities as well. In many ways, they are both in the same boat. Maria seems very cool... great interaction again, in this chapter. You are showing that you are a very romantic guy... you wrote Nelson as such a romantic soul... loved it! Cheers... Gary

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On 04/08/2015 02:19 AM, Headstall said:
Another great chapter, Tim. I liked the introspection of Nelson... while he thought about Eric's insecurities and did his best to handle them... we got to see Nelson's insecurities as well. In many ways, they are both in the same boat. Maria seems very cool... great interaction again, in this chapter. You are showing that you are a very romantic guy... you wrote Nelson as such a romantic soul... loved it! Cheers... Gary
Thank you my romantic friend. :heart:

You pointed out one of my main intentions with this chapter (apart from more Rob fun, lol) and that was to show Nelson and Eric both have issues to fight. Nothing major, after all this a romance not drama, but still.

And I think they are perfectly aligned to help each other out: Eric's confidence is boosted by Nelson's all-out love and Nelson will be carried along by Eric's enthusiasm with no time to worry about how and when. :P

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Great chapter Tim. I like how in tune Nelson seems to be with Eric. He caught on to Eric's insecurity being in his brother's shadow and was quick to reassure him. I agree with Nelson that he won't find anything useful about relationships or even making love with porn. A lot of the time the actual sex isn't even realistic and sometimes not possible unless you're a contortionist :lol: I agree with Gary....Nelson has a romantic soul :)

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On 04/09/2015 05:58 AM, LitLover said:
Great chapter Tim. I like how in tune Nelson seems to be with Eric. He caught on to Eric's insecurity being in his brother's shadow and was quick to reassure him. I agree with Nelson that he won't find anything useful about relationships or even making love with porn. A lot of the time the actual sex isn't even realistic and sometimes not possible unless you're a contortionist :lol: I agree with Gary....Nelson has a romantic soul :)
Thank you, I'm glad my romantic readers approve. :heart:

I like to think Nelson and Eric are in tune with each other and provide the support needed. Eric by being proud to be seen as Nelson's boyfriend and Nelson by openly expressing his feelings.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to find porn rather stupid at times, no matter how gratifying it can seem at first sight. :lol:

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In this installment I found it touching and ironic that while Nelson was wondering how to make a partnership work, he thought back to Trevor. Maybe a lot of people would gloss over it as 'hormones,' but it struck me that what Trevor did for Nelson after the prom was all about deep feelings for the younger guy. It may have been sex in the car, but I still think it was Trevor trying to clue Nelson in on how much he liked him. Anyway, I found it really ironic (in an enjoyable way) that Nelson is pretty clueless to this possibility. He really does not know how the heart works yet ; )


Also, am I the only one who noticed that Rob let slip (Freudian slip..?) that he thinks Eric's ass is 'hot'? That's what Jasper understood as well, and he nearly gagged on his OJ. lol


Nice chapter, Tim. Very funny, romantic, and the sweetness of the boys' kiss in Dunkin' Donuts will stay with me for a long time.

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On 4/10/2015 at 11:42 PM, AC Benus said:

In this installment I found it touching and ironic that while Nelson was wondering how to make a partnership work, he thought back to Trevor. Maybe a lot of people would gloss over it as 'hormones,' but it struck me that what Trevor did for Nelson after the prom was all about deep feelings for the younger guy. It may have been sex in the car, but I still think it was Trevor trying to clue Nelson in on how much he liked him. Anyway, I found it really ironic (in an enjoyable way) that Nelson is pretty clueless to this possibility. He really does not know how the heart works yet ; )


Also, am I the only one who noticed that Rob let slip (Freudian slip..?) that he thinks Eric's ass is 'hot'? That's what Jasper understood as well, and he nearly gagged on his OJ. lol


Nice chapter, Tim. Very funny, romantic, and the sweetness of the boys' kiss in Dunkin' Donuts will stay with me for a long time.

I hadn't thought about it either, but I think you're right. Trevor probably liked Nelson quite a bit, but soon realized it wasn't returned. It is ironic how Nelson completely missed the signs - but maybe not surprising, since he was also clueless about Eric's interest until Rob did his goofy act in ch 1.

I think Rob probably means he appreciates watching a nice ass in a more general way - and so far he's been forced to be content with watching and touching since his girlfriend refused any 'dirty stuff'. But this may change now Rob's a free man. :P Anyway, I'm sure Rob would not be at all shy about publicly praising his brother's looks, including various body parts. :facepalm:

Edited by Timothy M.
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An interesting exploration of Eric's insecurities, standing in the shadow of his older, good-looking, popular, jock of a brother, and Nelson's understanding of this. Nelson is really so good for bringing Eric out of this shadow and is going to be a wonderful companion and special friend in boosting Eric to be his own man in his own right. This was a real contrast to all the fun and games they have been having and was a thought-provoking insight, adding depth to your story.

It is also intriguing to see how you are developing this relationship in a very easy, slow, exploration of each other's feelings, likes and experiences, as well as discussing the merits and demerits of sexual expectations. Nelson seems a thoroughly likeable, sensible older boy/man. I think his maturity places him in the man category in many ways already.

Thank you for a delightful read as well as a thought-provoking one.

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On 05/07/2015 05:02 PM, Jaro_423 said:
An interesting exploration of Eric's insecurities, standing in the shadow of his older, good-looking, popular, jock of a brother, and Nelson's understanding of this. Nelson is really so good for bringing Eric out of this shadow and is going to be a wonderful companion and special friend in boosting Eric to be his own man in his own right. This was a real contrast to all the fun and games they have been having and was a thought-provoking insight, adding depth to your story.

It is also intriguing to see how you are developing this relationship in a very easy, slow, exploration of each other's feelings, likes and experiences, as well as discussing the merits and demerits of sexual expectations. Nelson seems a thoroughly likeable, sensible older boy/man. I think his maturity places him in the man category in many ways already.

Thank you for a delightful read as well as a thought-provoking one.

Thank you for a profound review in return. It's not that I planned to have more serious chapters to off-set the fun. This one sort of felt right at the time, but afterwards I realize the benefits as you point out. Including having Rob's antics stand out even more :rolleyes:

But the main thing here was to show how good Nelson and Eric are for each other and that in spite of seeming to run headlong into a serious relationship very fast, they are still inching gradually into intimacy, mentally and physically.

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If Rob were bi, would he still be so confident? He is older than Eric, more secure in who he is and how he comes across - with girls. But with boys? Not just when he gets hit on by them, but when he really wanted to be with a guy. Hmmm...

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On 05/10/2015 02:47 AM, aditus said:
If Rob were bi, would he still be so confident? He is older than Eric, more secure in who he is and how he comes across - with girls. But with boys? Not just when he gets hit on by them, but when he really wanted to be with a guy. Hmmm...
You may be right, Adi. Rob's bravery could be all words and no substance, but I guess he (and we) won't know until he's confronted with the possibility. But having Eric and Nelson as close-up examples of male love might get Rob thinking and more curious. But basically , he's straight.
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On 07/25/2015 05:09 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

So sweet, feeding each other, and how Nelson dealt with Eric's insecurities. :heart:


Romantic chapter :)

Thanks Caz, I did luck out with this chapter, all my hungry birds liked it. I'm glad you liked the crucial part of Nelson dealing with Eric's insecurities, it was important to me to get it right, so it came across as real and true.

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Or you can go for a run with Eric, if he’s not too busy ‘reading’ with Nelson.


- 'Reading' actually sounds like a great code word for them. -snickers-


“Yeah, but the lovebirds are kinda boring when they gaze soulfully into each other’s eyes and ignore everything around them.” Rob batted his eyelashes like an imbecile.


“Ooohhh,” Maria’s voice went all soft and squishy.


“You should have seen them feeding each other; I expect cooing and other mating rituals next.”


- Hee hee.


Alright. Can't ignore sleep any further. I'll stop here for now. Thus far, I've loved it!

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On 3/11/2017 at 6:15 AM, Thirdly said:

- 'Reading' actually sounds like a great code word for them. -snickers-

- Hee hee.


Alright. Can't ignore sleep any further. I'll stop here for now. Thus far, I've loved it!


:lol:  yeah, reading is a clever code word. :P 

I hope you had a good sleep and returned to read more. :hug: 

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