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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  
  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Writing Updates

It's been a long while since I've written anything. My muse took a nice long vacation it seems (but also been a crazy summer, and not like "omg so much fun " crazy, but like "omg I forgot how exhausting it is to have the kid home all day everyday " crazy).   I'm going to try and force myself back into it. I have ideas and I think I saw a few plot bunnies peeking out of the bush. So to anyone who actually follows me: yea... sorry bout that. I try to do better. I finally finished My Prin



Sour Cream & Cheese Potatoes

Let hashbrowns get to room temperature before starting.   2 lbs frozen hashbrowns (I use the cubed ones) 1 C. Margarine 2 cans Cream of Chicken Soup 1 1/2 C. Sour Cream 1/2 t. Salt 1 med Onion (chopped) 1 C Mozzarella Cheese (grated) 1 C Mild Cheddar Cheese (grated) 1 C Corn Flakes (crushed) in 4 T butter   Preheat oven to 350 degrees Melt butter in a pan and saute the onions Mix all other ingredients  (except cornflakes) toge

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Site Improvement Survey

Hello everyone! I have been working behind the scenes on quite a few things lately and I wanted to get some feedback.  I would really appreciate it you took some time to fill out this survey. It is short, but it will help us focus on some of the things we need to focus on.   Thanks everyone!  The poll is now closed.  


Myr in Technology Archive

July C S R Discussion Day: Reece's Choice by Renee Stevens

Did you have a chance to read this month's CSR feature, Reece's Choice, by our very own blog queen herself, Renee Stevens? I hope so, because she has some questions for you! Ahh, didn't know there was going to be a quiz this month, did you? Muahaha, I hope you're prepared!! Of course, I asked her a few question first.    How do you approach creating goals for yourself as a writer? Do they help you? Honestly, I’ve tried doing the goals thing, and in most cases they don’t work for m

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 23 - Jul 29)

Hope everyone had a good week! Don't forget to join me tomorrow here on the blog for the discussion day for Reece's Choice!!!! Now, let's take a look at what happened this week.     Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017 Anthology Announcements: ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team*** 2017 Fall Anthology: The Fall Out / Secret Spaces - Due November 15th, 2017 Premium Updates: Dreams of

Writing Prompts #596 & #597

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. If you're looking to write, then why not try out one of these writing prompts.     Prompt 596 – Creative Tag – The Gift As the leader of your people you have been told you are being sent a gift by the new species your race has encountered in space. All your top scientists have been able to decode is the gift is very precious and a symbol of how they wish to coexist. A large box is delivered to your ship. When opened you find

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

An Open Letter to tim and friends

Some of you are angry /disappointed/ or whatever with me.  I can understand why. You read what I’ve written about me and how I feel about tim and you probably laughed and if you are in the know, you have likely said, “Sure you do.” I do love him, very deeply. He has certain expectations of me because of our lifestyle, expectations I have been failing in providing. That leads to his unhappiness, and he is less sure of himself, of me, and us. In the recent past I watched as



Improve & Encourage #3: Alex's Legacy

I hope you all enjoyed the last Improve & Encourage feature, because it's time for another one. These features are meant to both provide feedback to authors and, similar to story reviews, point out stories that readers might not otherwise have found. It's similar to a review, in that the person doing the critique tells you what they liked about the story, but it differs in that they also provide constructive criticism. Each author signed up to participate, and sign up's are still open!  Thes

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

Rivers of the Dead: Oh look, a new book!

It's here, it's finally here! "Rivers of the Dead" looks amazing with its brand new cover and renovation to this new-fangled age of digital media. That's right, it's available as both a paperback and as an ebook, and here's four reasons why you should consider buying it:     1)    It's a story about love, about sacrifice and overcoming grief—it'll pull on your heart over and over again as you journey with Caleb as he journeys to The Underworld to reclaim his friend's soul.



You're a What?

Just a bit of background...   As I went through my younger years I found that other’s seemed to naturally follow me, and look to me for direction. As sex came into the picture, it was the same in the bedroom. I learned that I liked to lead play there, liked my partners to be submissive. I thought simply that I was a top, I am, but I am more.   I am what is known as a Dominant, a Dom. It is not about being a brute or sadist (well it is if you are a sadist). It is about honesty



Premium Special Review

Today we have a treat for you! You don't just get one review, you get (counts)...eight! Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to its members, one of the ways that it has managed to do so is through its Premium Subscribers. Members choose to help support the site and keep it going by purchasing Premium Content which consists of a number of stories that are only available on the site by purchasing Premium. There are many great stories to be found in the Premium section, and today, the revi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 16 - Jul 22)

Hey all, I hope you have all had a great week and weekend so far. A huge thank you to Cia for taking care of the various blogs as I've dealt with some personal issues. For the most part, I'm back and should be back to doing the majority of the blogs. Now, lets see what happened while I was gone!   Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017   Anthology Announcements: ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team***

Roads not taken

Let's play the what if game. I should point out, there's a reason behind this, for once. I've started going to life coaching, a program put on by a local gay men's health organization. Normally, life coaching is meant to help clarify your goals and give you a few tools to achieve measurable, concrete goals. By sheer happenstance, my life coach has some psychology training and we seem to have delved off into actual therapy instead of just life coaching. Which is fine by me, apparently I need it.

Hunter Thomson

Hunter Thomson

Writing Prompts #594 & #595

Who's been hankering for a reason to write? Are you blocked on your current stories? Just want to play around with something different? Well, then the prompts (brought to you by prompt guru, Comicfan!) are a great way to do just that! Oh, and if you're interested in getting a short piece featured in the site newsletter, check out the Household Items game. There's still time to play!   Prompt 594 – Creative Tag – Western Write a story with a western theme. Cowboys, horses, and what


Cia in Prompts


uggggg.....   Going to the in-laws this weekend. I'm not out to them or that side of the family. Don't plan on it either (at least not in the foreseeable future).   I have been wearing a binder just about everyday for almost a month now, all men's clothes (and accessories and deodorant ect), even at work.   Even just packing from me "girls" side of my dresser is making me feel uncomfortable. Trying to find the balance between 'comfortable and ME' and 'femi



July Classic Author Excerpt: Endings & Beginnings by Viv

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring this month's Classic Author ad choice, Endings & Beginnings, selected by Valkyrie? If not, go check it out and get your copy of a small graphic that you can use for your personal signature if you want to share the love for Viv's story. We had a couple of reviews from fans on Monday's blog, but Valkyrie has her thoughts on Viv's story and also got to pick an excerpt to share. Read on to find out what she picked and why!   Valkyrie said: Viv's wr


Cia in Classic Feature

July Classic Author Feature: Endings & Beginnings by Viv

This month's feature was chosen by Valkyrie, and she picked Viv's Endings & Beginnings! This contemporary short story is one of our older stories, all the way from back in 2007, but she wanted to share this gem with newer readers on the site, so I hope you'll enjoy this month's feature!     Length: 10,069 words   Description: Endings & Beginnings is the first short story written as part of an anthology series. This one began the storyline with the theme "Fa


Cia in Classic Feature

On Your Knees, Boy

I, dressed only in black denims and boots Watch you strip down to nothing You are always unclothed, baring all to me For you belong to me, you are mine   You stand at room’s centre, in submission Rising for my chair I circle you, gaze at you When my hand caresses your back you flinch The skin there still soft, unscarred, sweet   You utter no sound as I walk around you I want you, desire you, control you My own manhood, hard, wanting



Weekly Wrap Up (July 9th - July 15th)

Another week, another weekly update for you to catch on the news you might have missed this week. And no, your eyes aren't deceiving you, Renee isn't doing the blog this week so hopefully I won't screw it up. By the way, did you notice it was her birthday this week? Make sure you don't miss the chance to wish her a belated birthday if you haven't already! Now, on to the highlights of the week.    And don't miss Myr's update with some info about the site on his personal blog:  


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Dreamy and Cheesy

So I was talking to some friends about food the other day, and the subject of mac and cheese came up somehow.   Well I opened my mouth and said, “I have a good recipe for mac and cheese.”  So a few people wanted it. And then they said, you should put it on your blog. So, here it is.   It’s nothing fancy.  And it’s really not good for you.  But it is so good!  So good that people I work with like the leftovers!   I started with my mother’s recipe.  Adapted it with fl



Potpourri of Updates

Welcome to my little potpourri of updates.  It has been a little while again.  As it happens, I get way too busy bouncing all over the place with all the stuff I'm doing.  Some personal stuff first... the project I started two years ago with my mother after dad died is now pretty much done.  We converted the back porch of the house into a very nice family room that is pretty much all windows.  (There are 15 windows in the room).  It turned into a great place for me to write and to read when I st


Myr in Life


emptiness is loneliness loneliness is cleanliness cleanliness is godliness god is empty just like me Smashing Pumpkins *even though I can't stand Billy Corgan because he's a whiney little bitch, this is a great quote*



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