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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Volunteer Work- Day 1

So today I started doing volunteer work at a small museum near where I went to undergrad, called Newark Historical Society. I decided to do this in order to keep my skills relevant while I look for a paying job.   They started me on a project where I'm going to go through 5 boxes that city hall sent them, which consist of photo albums from the 20th century Memorial Day parades. I'm not doing any real processing yet, just a little inventory. Today I looked at Box 3 of the Collection- it had alb



Review of Warm Bodies, a Zombie romance movie

Okay, a non-controversial subject, Zombie love   And no I am not talking about any passion I have with a certain member of GA (Haha!)   Seriously, I love this movie, which is unsurprising to most people who have known me or read these blogs for a while. I hold a lot of existential philosophical views and a self-aware zombie, who falls in love with a human would be right up my interests.   What caught my interest in this movie was the reviews and the tag line from Dread Central (for you ho



Csr Discussion Day: Rca Anthology Winners

Can you believe summer is almost here? Well, it is! But first, first we get to discuss some very interesting anthologies from the last few years voted as the best of each year ... by you! Well, the yous that were around each year when the site voted for the Reader's Choice Awards. In this case, we're discussing 4 stories from 2010, 2011, and 2012. Welcome to May's CSR discussion day.   2010: A Chance Encounter by Jian Sierra (tie) (Contemporary Drama)   2010: The Search for Pandora by Grae

Countdown: 36 Days!

So, my sister came up to help me on Friday with my storage unit. We stuffed her minivan full of my boxes and hauled it all back to where I'm currently living. We pulled out the few units that will be going to my new home (the rest will go to storage in Alaska) and then we got to work on the remainder of my bedroom. The miscellaneous boxes I've been living out of the last 2 years are now gone. Funny how the room seems so much bigger.   But it hit me as I set the last box on the stack that



Funny Bump Story of the Day

Ok I couldn't resist this one....   Today was Ari's birthday party (she turned 6). She is in Bump's dance class along with a boy named D (who is 6 and a half). Well D keeps saying that he is Ari's boyfriend and Ari don't correct him, however, she makes room for Bump. Like today, D picked a spot that had two seats left for him and Ari to sit to have their hot dogs and mac-n-cheese, but Ari made her daddy move another chair over so Bump could sit with them too.   Well, Ari has a big brother



Got a sinking feeling about Woolwich killing/Sweeden Riot/Other stuff

My heart goes out to UK soldier killed a few days ago by being run over and hacked to death.   The message behind this murder is one we have heard a lot in the past few months, Radical Islam. Hate to say this, but it's an obvious problem that won't go away.   Whether it is Boston, England, China, or Russia, a free society or closed society, and varying degrees of religious tolerances, there's a big problem brewing between varying cultures and those that profess a radical line of Islamic adhe



My first blog post

So in all my years at GA, this is my first blog that I have done Since it is politically sensitive it had to go here instead of a Lounge topic.   Thursday marked what I consider a monumental change in the way gay rights is viewed in the US.   http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/24/us-usa-boyscouts-ban-vote-idUSBRE94M1A320130524   I personally know of some members here at GA that have tried to help American Scouts to get their Eagle Scout badge after they were kicked out for being gay.



Weekly Wrap Up!

Welcome to another look back at the week here on GA! Happy looong weekend to the USA'ers too.   Monday we featured TMmCallahan's Dust & Ash. Wicked Witch reviewed this truly wonderful, and looooooooooong story! lol. Trust me, you want to read this!   Wednesday we had the very sad news that a long term member of GA, NaperVic, passed away. A member from nearly the very beginning, Vic was always here to help others and touched many lives of members new and old. He was a mainstay in chat, w


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Dirty Politics for entertainment

Let me just say, someone on this show was definitely a disgruntled Republican and an angry Tip O'Neil democrat   House of Cards is a really interesting show. the behind the scenes struggles and corruption haven't been this openly shown to the public, ever. Beyond politicians being scheming bastards, Manipulative reporters and false information are a mainstay in Washington in every administration. Kevin Spacey is always a great standard bearer.   The show gets a lot of interesting details ab



Finding a bit of relief

Okay, I have been in physical therapy for two weeks now, and have finally found my first bit of relief. Yesterday, my therapy took a new direction. In addition to the chiropractor , I have begun trigger point therapy. Basically, they insert needles into the muscles of my back and inject something to force the muscles to relax. I hadn't realized how tight the muscles were, but a day later my back is in constant ache mode. I will take that as a success.   At work one of the women I really get a



I Won an Oscar Last Night

Stephen Spielberg stand aside. Peter Jackson can come see me for lessons! Had George Lucas on the phone all morning, and Andy Wachowski is going all "Desperately Seeking Susan" on me!!!   And why is all this happening?   Well, it is simple really! If you'd been in my dream last night, you'd have had no doubt it was a masterpiece of visual fiction.   Oh man there was edge of your seat action. In fact, forget edge of the seat, the whole gallery would have been on its feet cheering. There wa

Yettie One

Yettie One

The Plain of Bitter Honey by Alan Chin

<a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15843233-the-plain-of-bitter-honey" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="The Plain of Bitter Honey" border="0" src="http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1365862414m/15843233.jpg" /></a> This story was full; full of danger and peace, hatred and love, bravery and fear. I want to go on and on about the story, but I absolutely refuse to post any type of a spoiler at all. To be honest, this book sat on my to read shelf for a while



Writing Prompts #232 & #233

Hello! It is Friday again so it is time for another round of prompts. As usual, I have something new to tease you with and see what sort of replies we get. Without further ado, here are this week's prompts.   Prompt 232 – Creative Tag – The Project You have been asked to help out on the community project. It is to help build something that will go a long way to helping your community understand each other and offer safety to those needing it. What is the community project?   Prompt 233 – Cre


comicfan in Prompts

James Savik's 10 tips for young men

After seeing an article that was embarrassingly and egregiously full of crap, I created a much more relevant 10 tips...       James Savik's 10 tips for young men   1. Pull up your pants so you don't look like a prison punk.   2. Know exactly what those Chinese characters mean before they become your tattoo. Unless you read and write Mandarin, you really wouldn't know the difference between "wisdom and strength" and "little bitch".   3. Know what to do in a fight. Kick balls or clock so



A Weird Karma Moment

I've been really down yesterday for a number of reasons, but mostly because of Vic's death.   I was having an early dinner at Mimi's Cafe last night and taking advantage of their free wifi to read Treb's post more thoroughly, along with all the responses, and to write out a comment on the announcement thread. I sat there afterwards, trying to subtly dab the tears away, when I looked up and saw this couple sitting in a booth diagonally from mine.   There were two young men there, probably in

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Napervic: 1968 - 2013, Rest In Peace

It's with great sadness that we report that one of our most notable members, NaperVic, passed away recently.   As many of you know, Vic was an active guy who enjoyed working out and running with his dog Mina. He had been warming up for a race when he suffered a major heart attack. After being rushed to the hospital, he remained unconscious until he slipped into a coma. Though he put up an amazing fight to survive, he finally succumbed to his injuries and passed away.   Vic has been active o


Trebs in Memorial

What a difference this year has made.

It has been over a month since I have written in my blog. In 7 weeks or less, I will be turning 45, and before any of you younger members say anything, that is not old and you will be there before you realize it. I have come to realize several things when I simply rid myself of negativity and people who seem to have it seeping out of their pores. I wish I had of learned all of this many years ago and I know my life may have been hard but it would not have been because I couldn't deal with certai



Life and the need to vent

So if you read my status you will see that I have had a real rough last 2 days.   Yesterday I found out that my job in in jeopardy because I have exhausted my family medical leave time. If my doctor doesn't fill out the papers for short term disability for time I was out and if Verizon doesn't excuse the days through another program I will be terminated. Mind you they are medically excused absences and Verizon doesn't care. Use more time than you're allowed they will fire you and since Marylan



So i love my life :D

So I haven’t updated my life in ever. So here I am J I broke up with Ben, it just wasn’t working for me. A big step for me really. But then a few months down the line, I realise something. There was someone I’ve liked all along. Back when he was having issues, I was there to comfort him and well, I guess you could say I tried to deny my feelings. Well that didn’t work. Thanks to alot of matchmaking from Jammi and Nephy giving me the actual man balls to do it. I asked him out in October. We’

Any Opera Queens out there...?

I'm almost counting on plenty of opera-watcher to be on this forum!! Because I may soon be breaking another GA glass ceiling by posting the site's first Libretto (I could be wrong, so please let me know....).   My short two-act work is a Gay Rights celebratory piece called Il Sogno di Henry Hay. It follows the sleepless night of the founder of the first successful LGBT equal rights group in America, The Mattachine Society. The events surrounding the opera are true: Hay was being called up befo

AC Benus

AC Benus

People Can Be So Surprising

Give anyone a chance, and you'd be amazed at how many of them will completely surprise you.   As hard as it is to not judge a book by its cover, to not form some kind of preconceived perception of someone when we first meet or speak, I frequently am guilty of doing this. In many ways it irritates me, as it is something that I have worked really hard to try not to do, yet constantly, I find myself jumping to conclusions and guessing.   Thing is, more often than not I am so bloody far off the

Yettie One

Yettie One

Girl Takes Calculator To Prom

So, I was at dinner tonight with my family, and we were talking about my 18-year old niece's senior prom. They then talked about a schoolmate named Regina Reynolds who took a calculator to the prom. Apparently, the guy who was going to ask this girl decided to ask my niece instead. So Regina decided to say, "What the hell", and went to prom with a calculator that she dressed up in a little tux while drawing a flower on the screen. Her Tumblr post about the whole deal went viral, to the point whe



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