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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

coping? are you?

I dunno but i’m just going to write down everything that is running through my head right now. but I honestly do not understand any of this.   It started with small argument between my parents in the past year or so, slowly building up getting more and more severe over small things neither would listen to the other because the other wouldn’t listen to them. Things got worse but they concealed it from me and my little sister who is still ignorant. Slowly my dad got more and more possessive and



Gay marriage outrages "swivel-eyed loons"

Britain's Parliament is taking off two days - today and tomorrow - to debate a bill to introduce gay marriage in England and Wales backed by the Conservative / Liberal coalition. At the moment it seems likely to go through and become law allowing gays to get married despite the "swivel-eyed loons", the description given by a senior Conservative to describe "grass roots" Conservative Party members - essentially elderly coffin dodgers - who are angrily opposed to gay marriage. There are plans too



Featured Story: Dust & Ash

Once upon a hot rock band ... a new author came to GA. Dust & Ash is an incredibly popular story following the Boys of Summer band as they face all sorts of challenges, both personal and professional.           Dust & Ash by TMcCallahan   Reviewer: Wicked Witch Status: In Process Word Count: 379,861   Dust & Ash is one of the most complex romances I've stumbled across, the work of master writer TMcCallahan. It keeps you hooked in an endless, dizzying


Cia in Featured Stories

Oh, damn! Going to be one of those days.

I know I can't be the only one. I woke up this morning with a song stuck in my head. I wouldn't mind if it was a happy or upbeat one' but no. I got up and the song "Smile" is running through my head. Usually when this happens the song indicates what sort of day I am in for. Wonder what sort of heartbreak I am in for?   For those who don't know it, one of my favorites sings it here  




I have this thing with Pizazz Mini Fruit Slices from Cavalier Candies Ltd, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R4 (Product of Canada, obviously). Yesterday I received a 24 oz. package of these delicious candies. I ate most of them yesterday and finished them off this morning (no, I did not eat them for breakfast, but it was close).   Then this afternoon I put together a new playlist on iTunes containing some of the songs I like best. It a couple hours, but I’m fairly satisfied with the results. There is a lot o




i don't like when i dislike my friends. especially the ones from home.   but they are all stuck there, kind of stuck in high school. nothing is going for them. a part of me wants to keep the friendships but another part of me wants to cut them off. they are a block to my creativity and progress. is that worth sacrificing though? they make me mad, they seem immature. i notice their immaturity. its nothing outlandish, just small things. moral things that my parents taught me to do right but they




So, I was not going to tell this, but it is eating me alive. My brother is retired out of the military. He asked last weekend if he could bring his girlfriend to stay for the night. Of course, I said it was fine. They got to my home around three in the afternoon and we grilled and visited while my hubby cooked. They had probably been there about two hours and she started telling about someone that had been to her father's business and wanted to buy some of his offerings. The person wanted t



Weekly Wrap Up!

Are you having a good weekend? I intend to spend mine relaxing and writing! I might even fit in an answer to one of this week's prompts! Or maybe I'll read some of this week's updates from our Hosted and Promising Authors.   Running Far Afield by Libby Drew was our featured story on Monday. This 17k short story was reviewed by Fishwings. A huge fan of hers, he had this to say: I was more than just pleasantly surprised. “Running Far Afield” proved to be one of the best stories I have come acro


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Review: Prince Claimed by Amber Kell

<a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17450349-prince-claimed" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="Prince Claimed (Thresl Chronicles #2)" border="0" src="http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1362032155m/17450349.jpg" /></a> This story really is a 3.5 star rating for me. I liked Soldier Mine quite a bit ... but was really anxious for the overall story to be further in the sequel. When it finally came out as Prince Claimed, I was very excited. <br /><br /&



Writing Prompts #230 & #231

Well it is Friday again, looks around, and I seem to be able to steal the spotlight for the moment. Since I managed to slip in again I get to pick what is featured as well as introduce this week's prompts. So let me see if I can entice anyone with this week's offerings.   Prompt 230 – Creative Tag – First Line “I never said this wasn’t going to hurt.”   Prompt 231 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story: silk tie, dog toy, chain, bubble bath, and leather gloves.  


comicfan in Prompts

Life isn't easy

I have begun physical therapy. I've only had two sessions so not looking to go dancing or run a marathon. I realize this isn't going to heal overnight and I have to be patient. Just wish that while one part of my life was out of kilter the rest would remain on course.   Just feeling really old and alone lately. Life marches on and rather than be run over, I find a way to keep on going.   I offer this one piece of advice to those who might read it. Be careful what you say. You never know what



Need a beta and Editor for something old and new

I know people waiting for Big Squeeze, but I can't release new chapters without some aid.   I also have begun writing a new Sci-Fi story, one that I really like and hope intrigues people with its ideas and hook.   Take a look at my request and a short example of my sci-fi story, if you want to offer help:



Safety Board Wants to Lower BAC Driving Limits

Safety Board: Legally Drunk Should be .05 instead of .08   I'm pretty against this. When I was in college, I had a system of having four drinks within an hour, which created a nice little buzz, and then waiting two hours while eating before driving myself home, and I never at any time felt like I was impaired. Four drinks + two hours of waiting around was perfectly responsible and safe.   I think the recomendation as written would mean that a typical male could only have 3 drinks before bein



Fragile Breath

It is a murmur A quite touch, a gasp, a quiver; A simple sign A rise and fall, an in and out.   It is so fragile So precious, glorious, special; A delicate marvel That points to all we hold dear.   Yet, but a moment Is all time needs to snuff it out; A simple second To tear, and rip, and take.   Gone In a fleeting instant, escaped; To grace another's lips To dwell in another place.   Please treasure this gift Revel in its particular joys; Love, smile, laugh Take time to en

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Tip: Editing Isn't For The Weak

Well, we started the week out by featuring Libby Drew's story and now we're featuring an article written by Libby Drew! I think it's looking a bit like a Libby Drew week! Enjoy!   Editing Isn’t For the Weak When you love the written word and hang out online in places that cater to that love, someone will most likely, at some point, ask you to edit their story. It may be a friend. It may be a writing partner. It may be your ex. Okay, it probably won’t be your ex, although that would be f

The long road to recovery

While I've done my best to be as transparent as I possibly can with all of you. I can't honestly sit here and say that I haven't been lying to myself, because with every alarm that’s to wake me for the beginning of the day, I proclaim: Today will be the day I don't get alcohol, I swear to God, and by all that is good and Holy, I MEAN IT!   Then as my work day comes to a close.... All I want is that one sip, that luscious taste hitting my tongue. The sweet bitter goo going down my throat, and I




Time has a way of moving on and not always do we notice. Unfortunately we seem to mark events by the good or bad events in our lives. Overall I guess I cannot complain.   I have events that are great milestones. Graduating high school, then college. Going for my Masters degree (okay it is just the damn thesis I need to finish). The birth of my godson. The marriage of my brother. The marriages of so many friends.   However these are offset by the passing of some important people as well. The



Featured Story: Running Far Afield By Libby Drew

Today we'd like to take another look at one of the site's Hosted Authors, a popular writer with a lot of skills which she brings to bear on all her writing. Please enjoy this review by Fishwings on Running Far Afield. Running Far Afield By Libby Drew   Reviewer: Fishwings Status: Complete Words: 17,178   Libby Drew is a talented author; there is no doubt about that. After reading through the fast-paced, riveting “State of Mind,” I was eager to pick something else that s


Cia in Featured Stories

Thoughts on Mother's Day

My mom was 21 years old when she had me, her oldest. In many ways, I look back on my childhood and think I had a pretty regular, middle class upbringing. Sure, we were a family with a religion outside the mainstream and we moved around quite a bit when I was young, but nothing else set us apart from the other families on the block.   The more I reflect, though, the more I become aware of how individually unique my parents were and are. They are each special people in their own right, someth



Am I Allowed to be Scared?

People's perceptions within society has always been something that's interested me.   It is quite funny actually, without even meaning too, we develop these pre conceived ideas about how life and our place in society should look. We get this from our parents, social norms within our culture, social trends within the world around us, our peers, the media and the way in which this vast array of information that hits us as we grow up is interpreted and received by those that have the biggest infl

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

Sorry for the late post again this week; I had family visiting I haven't seen in a few months. As for GA ... lots of drama here this week! Let's take a look back, shall we?   Monday was relatively quiet ... I announced our short story line up for the Can't Stop Reading Blog Book Club. We will be reading the last 3 year's Reader's Choice Award Winners. Take a look at the stories, and join us for the Discussion Day on 5/27. You can ask the authors questions (or send them in ahead of time via a


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

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