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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Weekly Wrap Up!

So - June is busting out all over! Barely into the month, and at least here in California, we're totally in a summer swelter. Of course, a great remedy is just staying cool inside, reading some great fiction... Hmmm - gee, where to go for great fiction...   We started our week kicking off the June CSR - Can't Stop Reading Book club entry of Reach by CassieQ. Oh hey - maybe THIS is the great fiction I was talking about? Ya - check it out, and be sure to come back on June 24th for the CSR discus


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

My Health and The Three Day Apple Cleanse

So in my last blog, I mentioned that I was having some health issues.   One of the ways this manifests itself is with pain in the knees, hip, back and neck. As you can imagine, this makes it very painful to complete a range of day to day activities. Another thing this does is prevent me from exercising. Being overweight only makes things worse.   Anyway, as "conventional" medicines have failed to help, I have been looking at a number of other treatments - for example last year I spent £50



Writing Prompts #236 & #237

Andrea is making her way up the coast and I'm hoping everyone stays safe and dry. Seems the weather world wide is a bit off lately. Well, only so much I can do other than wishing everyone a happy Friday. I trust everyone had a good week and that you are excited to see the new prompts being offered. Don't let me keep you in suspense any longer.   Prompt 236 – Creative   Tag – First Line   “I have to have a talk with your mother.”   Prompt 237 – Creative   Tag – The Bird   A strange lo


comicfan in Prompts

WL's Review: Cabin in the Woods

Spoiler Alert: Don't read on unless you want to get spoiled, which is kind of hard to do for a horror movie that makes fun of the Horror movie genre formula   Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon writing a horror movie script together for the first time, since the end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. This combination is an amazing classic combination and the results...Meta....   What can you say about a movie that was made to both showcase what the horror genre has gotten right over the years



Personality Flaws

So, in my life I've realized that there are two major personality flaws about me- I can be incredibly self-absorbed to the point where I say things without really thinking about how other people will take it, and I'm quick to assume things.   I try to be on guard for those traits, especially the self-absorption bit. When I was a teenager and early twentysomething, I got constantly called on the fact that I talk too much and that I'd "hijack" every conversation and bring it back to myself. I



gutteral consonants

a deep bass rumble from the throat of hell as Demon clears a throat a plot unfolds insidious, threading, dynamic rising and falls the demons approach they creep out from every darkness, every crevice, every corner of every vision they tiptoe in to the scenery long, incisor fingers clatter along amorphous shapes they come fast but surely along your mindscape caressing your mind as you watch sliding their fingers between the sulci was that a grin- no a glare the myriad faces rea



Vent #1

There are many things which individuals do I do not understand.. why say something and make it public, I guess for those who really care, and then run away like a frightened child when someone asks you something about it.. To be honest, in the end, no one really cares one way or the other only the individuals involved.



62 years ago

In a few days, I will celebrate my 84th birthday and my wife has just celebrated its 85th anniversary. But this is not the most important event. 62 years ago, fate brought me my greatest gift: I met the girl who became my wife. We were both young and we still are. The above photo was taken during our first meetings.   Time has passed but the feelings are still the same. We went through the storms of life, overcoming many difficulties, enjoyed all the joys and sorrows of all these years. We acc

old bob

old bob

Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #5

Ask an Author #5   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #4, we had questions for authors comicfan, Cia, C James, and Comicality.   In AtA #5, we hear from authors wrathofmagneto, naptowngirl, and C James.   For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities ori


Trebs in Author Interviews

Volunteer Work- Day 2

I started work on another box- this one isn't going to be as easy, because it's not filled with photo albums with dates on the front like the first one I worked on was. It's mostly scattered photographs in packets from photo development shops.   The bulk of the photos I've run across in this box are from the late 1990's into about 2004, although I did find photos from 1988-1990.   That was interesting for me, because I started hanging out around downtown Newark/The University of Delawa



past thoughts on the movie The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

I miss out out with a lot of horror movies. 1) I'm not a straight man. Could we have less titties in these things? Please? Now full frontal male nudity for days would be just fine. Am I a hypocrite? Fuckin' A…maybe I just like the company. 2) I am one of those sick souls who actually thrives, nay, insists on good writing, on a substantial story. (Unless, of course, we are talking creature features and then I am willing to negotiate my standards or perhaps throw them under the bus altogether.) Wh



Csr June Story!

Happy June! Jeez, summer is here already. I'm shocked, I tell you. This year has absolutely flown by. I thought this week I'd feature a great author you'll also be seeing in the Summer Premium Anthology, and following site eBook ... CassieQ! You have 3 weeks to read this selection before our Discussion day on June 24th! Reach by Cassie Q   Length: 51,113   Description: In a world similar to ours, a young man must take his final step into adulthood. After a cruel initiation howeve

So its really happening...

Um... wow.   I'm actually coming to the States. It just hit xD   7.30 tuesday morning   Its actually happening.   OMG! eeeeeeeee!   I cannot wait   9 weeks work, 2 weeks travelling with the bf and meeting people, 2 weeks with just the bf   YAY!   *moment of excitement still going, but over for this blog*

Life Update

So my blog is woefully neglected at the moment, which seems an opportune time to give an update on what's going on with me. Especially since this weekend has been particularly lazy - though I did find the time to rearrange my kitchen.   Firstly, on the work front, things are somewhat stressful. I work in quite a dynamic industry - IT Project/Programme Management - and in particular I work in a small subset of the industry that is very VERY fast paced and demanding. Travel is now more and mo



Graduations and Alumni Weekends

My oldest niece graduated from high school today- Charter School of Wilmington's Class of 2013! It was pretty cool to watch- the ceremony was at the DuPont Theater in downtown Wilmington. The class salutorian was actually pretty funny, the speakers weren't boring, and they had a cool touch with a powerpoint show that showed a large, blown-up picture of every senior as they graduated. It was a pretty stark contrast to my own graduation in 2005- a dark rainy night, really boring speeches, and diso



Weekly Wrap Up!

He's baaacccckkk! Heh - this is my first Weekly Update in seven weeks, but as I mentioned in our Wednesday blog, I've been able to use this time to deal with a number of things and now that I have a handle on my offline life, I can put in a bit more time to this wonderful online community.   So - what has been happening around here? Well, as is usual for the last Monday of the month, we had the Discussion Day for our Can't Stop Reading book club, where May's reads were four Reader's Choice A


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Pot Shop (A Macklemore Parody)

I thought about posting this in the internet forum, but due to the political nature of the rap, I thought I'd just post it here.     Definitely a very well-done parody. I loved the use of the D.A.R.E. shirt- a program shrouded in good intentions, but didn't really do much to actually stop the children of the 1980's and the 1990's from using drugs.



WL's Review: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

I should probably do a series of blog entries dedicated to movies that I watch:   Well, up next is a sad movie with a not-so Hollywood ending. While I loved Schindler's List, it was far two two dimensional. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was far more interesting and dynamic. The scenes between Bruno, the german 8 year old boy, and the Shmuel, a Jewish 8 year old boy, really touched something in my heart and soul. The subtext of Bruno's family, a Nazi affiliated military one, with the complex



My Mom

I know that I may bore many with this entry, but twenty five years ago my mom had a massive heart attack. She was the age that I am now. The doctors told us that if she made it through the summer, she would make the winter. She died August thirty-first of that year. She was the only girl of ten children. Today, only one of her siblings lives. They all died of heart failure. Yeah, it scares the hell out of me. My hubby is very supportive and day to day life makes me question my existence. I have



Writing Prompts #234 & #235

Friday, Thank God .... well it is Friday so that means it is time for the prompts again. Hope everyone has had a great week so far. Time for me see what sort of draw I can get with this week's choices for writing prompts. Take a gander and see if either of them appeal to you.   Prompt 234 – Creative Tag – Insomnia After four long days of non-sleep you are beginning to feel like you are going to lose it. When you look out your window and see your neighbor slide what looks like a mask of their f


comicfan in Prompts

Pree-vacation Blog

Just wanted to drop a quick note to the readers of my stories. I'd like to apologize in advance, i don't think i will be able to get another chapter of Broken Prince up before I leave on Saturday, but the good news is i plan to have several chapters written in my notebook by the time i come back on the 8th, so I'll be making up for the missed weeks then.   A chapter of Guitars 2 before I leave is a possiblity, its written and in the hands of my wonderful Editor Lisa and the latest chapter of R



Author Spotlight - SJD Peterson

Every Thursday I spotlight a different author on my website. These are either interviews like today's or they pick the topic and write about them. I'm going to start reposting them on GA on Fridays. I can't promise the cover art or other photos, will transfer, but I'll provide a link if you want to see the original.   Today I'm doing it a bit early because today's guest is giving away a $10 gift card to one lucky person who leaves a comment. You need to leave the comment on my site so click th

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Masc Appeal

I’m never really sure what I should write about in blogs and that’s probably why I’ll create one, write an entry or two and then meander off to some other project. But I am searching for discipline when it comes to writing and I think keeping a blog will help me gain control of a functional but rampant imagination. Well, that’s the hope anyway.   Originally, I thought that my first blog should be about me but that idea sounded pretty boring. After combing the dark recesses of my brain, I came



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