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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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yogg-saron c'thun c'thulu

i've recently been sitting down with HP Lovecraft and I am going to go insane. i love it   it is going to inspire me to put all my writing on hold and dedicate my mind to my own creation of old gods and their machinations under the sea.



Written in the time of disgust.

I probably shouldn't write the first entry in the time when I'm 'too tired to sleep', but well, when's the better time to join the community.   Eff the mosquito in my room.   I should do lots of stuff, which the thought of it disgusts me.   Should finish the untitled 'Hello, Insomnia' project. Should finish the untitled 'the cruelty of youth' poject. Should finish posting 'The Sick Puppy and the Angel' Should start thinking about the 'Insomnia. Acousma. Sex. Love. Friends. Suicidal Atte

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

Inspired Again Thanks to Dom Luka!

So I have started writing again! Isn't that awesome? I am working on a story. I've already finished a chapter, and another one is well under way. It is a modern fantasy story, and it is probably going to be part of a series. I feel as though I owe some of my inspiration to none other than Dom Luka, who is back again! So I figured if he can get back to writing, so can I! Thanks Dom! I love your stories and how you inspire the rest of us.



Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game....

... and, oh, how I hate the game.   If I were six or seven, you might 'let' me win, and if I was ten, I'd take my proverbial ball and go home. Around thirteen, I'd try to revise the rules in my favor, and at sixteen, I'd hold you to every literal word of them and use them against you. At some point, you realize that if you don't get caught, sometimes it can work out in your favor to do things the way you want to as long as no one gets hurt.   The laws are made for the lesser of our society



Boy periods

A while back, I was raving about how low maintenance hanging out the straight boys can be. (Blog Entry - Satisfied by Straight Guys)   Well, apparently, they can get all sensitive too. I got this text yesterday from one of the guys I run with.   Thanks for letting me know you were going to run yesterday! I didn't go because you said nobody was going! Then I find out from Gerry you did run...So it's pretty clear that you just don't want to go run with me!       This from a 40 year o



Alcohol killed the radio star

So, back in primary school, the word 'sex' was just the funniest thing ever.   In second grade, we used to have these posters on the classroom wall with the word 'Exercise' on them. I used to take great joy in putting the letter 'S' in front of that word, to create a new word: 'Sexercise'. That's right, sexercise. Then, in third grade, when I moved up a grade but stayed in the same classroom, I figured out that I could put the letter 'X' on the end of it and create sexercisex.   Sex.   YEA



6 days

22,000 plus words.   Chapter 1 off to the editor.   One week, and considering I haven't written practically anything except bits and pieces and uncompleted works, I think it's an accomplishment.   And, it's stayed light as any fairy tale should.   Though there is a bit of offal and blood, but that's just the way I do things.   Thinking of doing a dragon story next, course it won't be your usual dragon story. I see the knight as a bit of a dandy. Probably the gold embellishments on his



My Sinking Ship.....

Hmmm, I like to think that I have an awesome mother, and and awesome brother, yay! So it would only seem logical that living with only my mom and brother would be just peachy, wouldn't it. Well, it's not..... They're great and all, but it seems that problems on top of problems just keep on circling us. My dad is pretty much being an asshole and keeps on doing stupid shit when I'm trying to strengthen the relationship that I have with him. But, I can't summon up the courage to tell him "Hey f**ke


Camilo in Camilo

I may have a new hobby

I like AMVs, an abbreviation that stands for either Anime Music Video or Animated Music Video. Thanks to Youtube, there's thousands of the buggers available at my fingertips, and every so often I go a hunting for them. In college, I had a blast with this, but since I am no longer current on Anime or Video Games, I don't get the references to a lot of them, rendering my enjoyment a bit less.   Until this weekend.   One of the videos I play a lot on Youtube is a Final Fantasy video set to Trap



Thoughts After A Funeral

Today I attended the first funeral I've ever gone to. It was for my sister's father-in-law, who died after a two-year battle with liver cancer at the age of 55.   It was a pretty surreal experience, seeing someone I'd talk to lying in a casket, dressed up like he was in life, and made to look like he was just sleeping. That's the first time I've ever gotten that close to a dead body, and man...something about that was just really strange. The memorial service was pretty beautiful, and th




Just when I thought this story couldn't get any weirder, the pixies showed up.   Seems they're caught in the castle, too, but they know how to get out and have enlisted Gregor's assistance. Well, it wasn't hard since he very much wants to get out, too.   Also, the sorcerer has been named, though he doesn't yet know the significance of that event. We'll have to see.   Plus, we now know how everything can go wrong, forever dooming Gregor to the evils in the castle.   Actually, it's all com



rain man

i've been very busy which is good. it has been raining since I don't know, it'll probably rain forever. I can live with that. there was a tornado warning in Huntington beach the other day, what is the world coming to.   somethings i've done this week:   1 - reactivated my world of warcraft account, i'm leveling a hunter. her name is jdsalinger, her pet names will honor characters of my liking. I have a panther named Stradlater, that sexy bastard. only cool people like catcher in the rye an




I've been trying to register for my spring semester for the last 2 hours. The website has been down... this all just figures.



for the best

We have an odd relationship you and I. It was fun in the beginning, flirtatious and ever so drawn-out. Remember the hours I spent exploring you? I do. I thirsted for whatever you were willing to offer up. You offered up a lot, in the beginning.   These last several months




Well lots have been happening as of recently, so I'll do my best to list them all here:   1. I'm single again, and this time it was a good breakup. We both agreed that things weren't the same anymore, that we were loosing touch with our original feelings, so we ended up just becoming good friends, so the way I see it I lost a lover and boyfriend, but gained a best friend out of it.   2. School started up again, so i'm gonna be busy with that again. I got my second round of testing next week



everything is goin' wrong... but we're SO HAPPY!

so, I still don't have my old laptop.   it's been over a week, and I still can't get access to my up-to-date copy of The Things You Fear The Most.   Gay.   can't get access to my MP3s or tv shows, either.   Gaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy.   the repair shop screwed up my order, so now they won't have the part I need until Tuesday of next week.   Gay Gay Gay Gay Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.   Gay.   it's not all bad, though. I've written about 10,000 words in the past two weeks, so th



Shock videos

We've probably all heard of them by now. Basically, they are sex videos but not the garden variety. No, these videos are nasty. Watching one is likely to shock you and make you sick. I've seen a few of them. I find them quite disgusting, but for some reason, I have to watch it all the way through even as I'm gagging from seeing it. It's like a train wreck. You can't help but watch. Even more disturbing, at least one person died while filming one of these films. His name was Kenneth Pinyan. Are t



Life Soundtrack- Act 1

the Logical Song by Supertramp                     the Needle and the damage done Niel Young   Behind Blue Eyes (cover) by Limp Biscuit       Shine on You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd   Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd   Instution by Suicidal Tendencies



It's a damned fairy tale!

Don't know where it came from. Where do stories come from? Out of the ether I suppose.   Anyway, it's a fairy tale. You know, one of those Grimm brothers tales about curses, monsters, princes, fair maidens (only in this case it's not a maiden).   Don't know what's to become of it. Since I've pretty much every thing I've started this year is hanging around undone in the Doc folder. Of course, this hasn't been a very good year, but the meds seemed to have stabilized me, so let's keep our finge



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