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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Fight Club.

So there's this running joke in my circle of friends:   Facebook = Fight Club.   Because what's the first rule of Fight Club?   YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.   So anyway, I go to this party last night, and all this girl wants to talk to me about is Facebook.   Facebook.   Ugh.   Remember, before Facebook, when we used to have actual conversations?   Stupid bitch.   [/end rant]   that's all I have to say.       check out my new story.     Peace.



six, almost seven days later

My whole week has been completely nutty. Body hurts. Head hurts. Over all, good times.   Someone I love is dying. My family is afraid we’re all going to fall apart over it. I know we won’t because she taught us better than that. It hurts, but she’s at peace with it, so I am, too.   {delete moment of stupidity} Nevermind. I remember.   Off to drink too much and pass out.


DomLuka in Dom Luka

New Orleans

Love it, hate it, don't care: you have to admit that there is a magic to the place that doesn't exist anywhere else.     Four years ago when Katrina destroyed most of the city, we were afraid that the magic was gone.           Today... the magic is back.     Magic!



Damn it all to hell

Well today was a really shit tastic day...   I woke up this morning to a call I never wanted to hear, my dad called from the hospital my grandfather was at telling me that he died, not a good way to wake up in the morning, and really shitty news to boot.   So the next thing I do is call my area manager and tell him that I won't be at work Friday and Saturday because I'll be attending my grandfathers funeral. He said he was sorry to hear the news, but if I wanted to miss my shifts, I had to f



felt like saying something pointless

dduddeeee everything is moving so slooow my jaw hurts. where is my gum and water       but seriously. i hate days were I wake up and everything is slow. It throws me off. i'm actually going to go for a run to wake myself up because everything is so rainy! Yeah, it's raining today, but the sun is kinda peaking out. when it rains here everything just goes real slow. like a drip. Ewww   I also have some sort of nasal congestion, so I sound like Neil from f**king family guy, or mort, I guess



Truth Versus Religion Revisited

About a year ago, I posted a Youtube video. I recently looked for it in the archives of my blog. I discovered that it had been banned! Why? Because people were offended by it. People are offended by truth, truth that much of the theology of Christianity and Judaism are in fact borrowed from the ancient Egyptian mythology. There are so many striking similarities that it scares me. And yet, out of this there are three relgions, two of which dominate the world today with over a third of the people



pointless, yet amusing...

So, with an extreme lack of anything to do lately and owing to the fact it was completed, I have been rereading Dom's In the Fish Bowl.. Saw an ad that I found particularly amusing, mostly because it is so off target its too funny.   cougarlife.com   I shouldn't be surprised about this, nevertheless too funny.



Is this typical?

Hello to you all! I hope all of you are having a good start to 2010. I know I am, as someone special has entered my life... you may possibly know him.... but I'm not gonna tell - since neither of us are ready yet!   Now onto the seriousness.   Has any of you who has written a story ever have to back track and add a whole new chapter after you've already pushed ahead with a chapter and finished it in order to better explain events in the new chapter?   To clarify - my current chapter tha



Scientist denounced as heretic and witch burned at the stake

Scientist Denounced as Heretic, Witch- Burned at the Stake     Dr. Ed Welsh was burned at the stake today by the Holy Church of the Global Warming Apocalypse, LLC.   Dr. Welsh's paper on Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate Change was deemed heresy by the Holy See of Global Warming and the execution order was signed by Pope Al Gore.   Given a chance to recant his heresy, Welsh refused.   Welsh was excommunicated, his holy science decoder ring impounded and held without bond for his trial b




So, massive tech fail this morning.   Sitting on the computer, reading the overnight news from CNN, and suddenly the computer comes up with a '0% battery' warning. So I double-check the power connection, decide that everything's in order, then go back to reading my morning.   Anyway, two minutes later, the laptop cuts out.   So, in my wisdom, I phone HP tech support. Raj in Kolkata tells me 'I can do a software check, but it will cost you 33 dollars.' I say 'well, the laptop won't turn it



Really want this one to be happy

Eh, why us it I never seem to blog anymore unless it's about my romantic life? Regardless here's another one....     So a few weeks ago one of my best friends introduced me to a friend of his, Richard. Obviously everyone sees where this is going. We hung out in a big group a couple more times...then a smaller group...then the last few days we've been just hanging out one on one and we've decided that yes, let's see what happens, but let's take it slow. I think this is terrific! I always



Sleuthing Success, I got his name!

So I've had this one gym crush for several years now, and today, FINALLY, I got his name. This is a monumental moment for me so I had to blog about it.   I think I mentioned in previous blogs of taking the same cycle class he's in, or following his car when I saw him leave the grocery . When it comes to him, I seem to throw common sense out the window.   I didn't get his name like a normal/sane person would... like overhearing someone talk to him or something direct like ohhhhh, say talkin



Inane Social Commentary

When did Australia stop being the lucky country?   It seems that every morning of late, I turn on the news and hear of some new racially-motivated crime that's taken place in Australia. Bashings, muggings, gang violence, murder. In the last week, we've had two Indian nationals murdered on Australian shores for no other reason than the colour of their skin. Disgusting. But despite the truly vile nature of these hate crimes, Australian police are refusing to acknowledge that these crimes are rac



Story Ideas

Once Twilight is done, I am looking forward to my next project.   I am considering two story ideas and want to know what you would like to see next.     Consequences   thesis: a comedy of errors triggered by a college students prank becomes deadly serious.   genre: spy thriller   Status: study     the Short Bus   thesis: a spoiled high school jocks knee injury lands him among disabled students where he learns a lot about life   genre: high school   Status: study



the Coldest Hole in Dixie

I got a call today. Some idiot on a bulldozer had sliced a fiber cable and they needed somebody who could patch it up fast. The job turned out to be a misery.   It wasn't the cable. It was cut twice leaving a gap of two and a half feet.   It wasn't the number of fiber strands. That could have been a lot worse. It was only 24 pairs.   It wasn't that the hole was muddy and wet. It wasn't. It was frozen.   It was the coldest damn hole I've ever been in.   I got there at 1 this afternoon a



Opinions please!

So I was thinking about an idea for a story, perhaps novella length that explores some taboos... no, not anything involving anything indecent or inappropriate, just controversial. I will start by asking a question. This is assuming that you're bisexual. So you're about 25 to 28 years old. You've recently gotten married. You find out that your best friend is also bisexual and that you've both secretly had feelings for each other for a long time. What do you do? And btw, the idea is double faceted



High School Reunions Are Fun

I just spent the day at my alma matter- we had an Alumni Lunch, catered by Capriottis. (It's a chain sub shop with really good sandwhiches.) It was pretty fun- reliving the good ol' days when I was just a kid and my biggest worries were whether or not I could get away with sneaking out of the boring assemblies without getting caught. After the luncheon I just sorta hung out with a few fellow alumni in the front lobby of the school, singing songs and laughing as we reminisced about times gone by



Remember the Far Side!

If you are of a certain age and twisted outlook, you probably know and love the Far Side. I sure do. For years it was the only reason I subscribed to the @&*^%ing! paper.   Here are a few of my old favorites.     Note: this cartoon pre-dates AlGore          



Happy New Year! a tad late, I guess

Was trying to do a Happy New Year! entry yesterday on the Wonth of January, but betas sometimes prove themselves to be what they are and the entry was ended back in on the Tooth of January, 2004, long before I was even a member.   Oh well, that's life.   The good thing about all of this is that you won't have to be forced to read to an irrelevant rant out of the depths of melancholy. Trust me, it reeked of unbelievable amounts of black bile.   Oh well, that's life.   So, I guess, for wha



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