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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Make a mosaic... I did!

Rules: a) Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search (http://www.flickr.com/). Using ONLY the first page, pick an image. c) Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. (Change rows to 3 and columns to 3.) (http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php) d) Save the image and post it!   The Questions: 1. What is your first name? (Vivian) 2. What is your favourite food? (Pasta) 3. What is your favourite colour? (Green) 4. Favourite band? (Pani



Some Old Broad At a Restaurant

I was eating lunch at a restaurant a few days ago. I went by myself to get some peace and quiet while I was grading finals. Peace and quiet. Yeah right.   My table was in the corner, and there was another table to my right, set up so the person on the opposite side was facing me. There was an older woman and a younger woman at the table talking, while the old broad was facing my table so I could hear her just as well as her friend. Plus you know how some of those old people have problem

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Good News Everybody!

A new chapter of Twilight will be posted at AwesomeDude Saturday!   It has no fat or cholesterol and is much less hazardous than Morbo the Destroyer, Omicronians or Spiderians.  



For Sale: Gaydar (1968 Model)

slightly used, 1968 Model Gaydar for sale $100 (OBO) - serious inquiries only   -made in the Philippines -works well for finding gays that owner is not attracted to -has a tendancy to false positive on tall, dark brown haired, pale, thin (skeletal, according to my hags) straight guys with puppy dog eyes     Yeah, my gaydar sucks. Or maybe it's just my use of it? They really need to teach a class or hand out instructions on how to use this thing. Mine operates more on the basis of wish



If there are any typos...

I blame the fact that I cannot feel my hands. Our heater hasn't worked for like... 4 or 5 years now and it's 45 in here. I literally don't need a refrigerator for my food. Also, if we ever meet and you wonder why my skin is so well preserved and I look far younger than my 32 years... that would be why. Between working and living where the average temperature is WAY TOO f**kING COLD, I maintain my youthful appearance apparently.   Last blog I mentioned that my house is in foreclosure and so I t



It was wrong

Stepped on the scale this morning. It wasn't quite awake.   It said 275.5.   That was obviously an incorrect answer.   Stepped on the scale again.   It said 277.   I can live with that.   (277 = -15 lbs. in 1 year)   I can live with losing 15 pounds.   Now, all I have to do is get through Xmas.




How is it Christmas again? Who said that was okay?   Things have been good. Plugging away at school. I missed the deadline to apply for a TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee). Which is okay I guess because I didn't think I was going to have the credits required for that by next Fall. Instead I find myself applying with out the guarantee. This is scary, considering the filing period for the application closed on the 30th. However, it seems UCR and two other UC campuses are still accepting transfe



First Entry - Beginning first story

I joined GA a few days ago now. And I feel like I've accomplished so much already. I connected with a couple of my favorite authors, began a story with the first chapter already posted to eFiction, and have already seen two good reviews on it so far. But now, work continues. I am beginning Chapter 2 of In Anticipation. I'm not too sure how it will go - I do not want to rush into things with this story. I feel like I rushed through Chapter 1 already. Hopefully Chapter 2 will appear, at least in m



Yes, I'm still alive ...

Yikes, I can't believe it's been, like, 8 months since my last blog! It's amazing how quickly life passes by sometimes ...   Anyway, since my last blog post, I closed on my new house, spent about a month dealing with contractors to completely renovate the whole place (quite the undertaking -- both in terms of the stress involved and the cost!) But, I'm all settled in and love it. The commute to work is awful, but living sort of out in the country is nice -- peaceful and quiet! Moving from a 60



Hot Young Guys Haven't Got a Clue.

I think it's one of the great ironies in life that when we are young and at our hottest, our insecurities simultaneously blind us to that fact. I've seen that with lots of guys on this site. Guys like Lacey (he's so cute) or Patrick (with those amazing blue eyes) or even Chase (with his faux-asshole attitude), who have no idea how amazingly handsome and attractive they are. Well, maybe Chase does.   I think back some twenty five years ago and look at pictures of myself back then, and reme

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Breaking Up

So I'd been dating that guy from my last entry until tonight. Tomorrow would have been three weeks and I knew I just wasn't seeing it as a long term thing so we broke up tonight. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I'm getting better at breaking up with people. I was kind but firm. In the past I haven't been blunt enough and things have been apt to drag on. I did fumble a bit though. I decided to approach it from the angle of, "now seems like a good time to evaluate where this is going,



Thinking About War

It seems that President Obama has decided to send more troops to Afghanistan. While I'm not surprised, I am disappointed. Instead of exit strategy, it seems we have expansion of the war effort. Maybe there's a better way than war. War costs human lives. Even when they are bombing buildings that harbor terrorists, there are often innocent people close by, perhaps even inside being held hostage. Am I wrong in wanting a world without war. Why is it that no one seems to value peace at all?




I apparently lost 6 pounds within the past week, which may or may not be because of the fact that I've been working 12 + hours this entire week for this big event I'm in charge of on Saturday, and school is at the point where I have papers literaily coming out of my ass therefore food has been the last thing on my mind. To all my fans, hate to say it but I have yet to write anymore of Last Goodbye, and sadly I honestly don't know when I'll have the time anymore. I'm losing too much hours from th



Tired now...

I...am unbelievably exhausted. Why am I so exhausted?   I have been working non stop on my damn NaNoWriMo thing (which I finished with 50,200 something words. Exact amounts can be found at my account, Candy_Lips).   I...have also been sick, lost my screen back in October and have been selling literary commissions. If you're interested in hearing my sale prices, PM me. Please. I could use the money to get people off my back out cash I don't have.   Anyways....   I also have a hideously na

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Opinions needed

I've got a personal website - it's www.rjws.com   I came up with the name when I was with my ex - my initials are RJ and his are JWS so it was a merge of the two names. I don't use it for much - occasional updates. More use it to put up private directories of family photos so my brother and sister can see them. When I split with my ex, I realized I could still use the RJWS moniker by changing it to mean Robert Jordan's Web Site - cute, eh?   So - a week ago, I got an inquiry about the dom



Spring Semester Registration

So I did spring semester registration. I might push around some classes, but right now I'm taking:   Italian 107 two theater classes Two 400-level history classes   It's pretty good. I don't have any classes that start before 11 a.m., and I have Friday off. Which means Thirsty Thursday should be alive and well this semester.   The best part is that I got into the internship class- I'll be working as an intern with a company called Gore. I think I'll be helpin



Just a little update and some neat things...

Well... Thanksgiving has come and pass, so I figured now that I'm done living a life of luxury (who can pass up my grandmother's food?) that I'm going to start to switch to a healthy, organic diet where I can. I've been thinking about it and it's a bit of a change from what I'm used to, and also a bit pricey, but it should help me get back into shape. Another thing that I'm doing is cutting down big time on smoking. I love to smoke, but I know it's bad for me and can quite possibly kill me in th




HARDCORE WEEKEND BRO REDUX       I'm suffocating.   Suffocating with a ton of shit to accomplish and do. I've been a bit lazy the past month, but I guess that is okay. Today I just finished two more applications to some schools back east, tomorrow (Tuesday) I need to head over to the JC I'm suffering at and send transcript requests.   A good chunk of me wants to go to this place in Boston, I think it will be cool. But, another part of me says I'll hate it and just want to come home.



Interstate at Night

Wow. The last week has been a blur.   Last Saturday night I got a call from my Aunt. My uncle died. The funeral was Tuesday.   So soon after my Dad's death, it brought it all back. Another military funeral. Another flag draped coffin. Another soldier from a forgotten, unpopular war.   It pissed me off. So I wrote Valhalla. I'll be posting it soon.   Wednesday morning I drove my Mom to Dallas to have Thanksgiving at my brothers house. Traffic sucked. It took 3 hours to get from Canton, T




To everyone who has found their way into my life, and into my thoughts. We may not have the opportunity to hang out as much as I'd like to, but know I'm thankful for having met each of you.   Hope your day, and the season, is as amazing as we deserve.   Steve



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