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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Child Abuse

Childhood is supposed to be a time of innocence. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. When I went to bed last night, I thought about this. Now, I don't think I had a bad childhood overall, but I wasn't free of abuse and neglect. My biological father died long ago, 1986 if I remember correctly. I don't remember much about him. I remember him and my mom taking me to the car. It was an old Volkswagen Beetle. But I also remember a taste. When I was a teenager I tried beer. Only I realized whe



What crosses my mind....

Okay. I fell asleep a few hours ago but woke up cus my eyes were bothering me again (Pink eye... gotta love it.... growl). So now I'm lying in my bed, my netbook pulled out and i'm writing a blog. Go figure.   Hmmm well, let's see what all I managed to do today...   1. Download and install a new copy of Windows 7 that I bought for 30 bucks (yay student discount!!!). I got it up and running on my new hard drive, so now i'm golden with my computer.   2. I had to call out of work cus of my Pi



The Incredible Shrinking Butt

A couple of months ago I joined a gym. I wanted to get a jump on the resolutions thing. That never works.   I started a program 4 times a week and have stuck to it. A lot of times I go daily depending on my schedule.   I put most of the time into cardio and ride an exercise bike for 45 minutes. For the balance of my time I hit the weights. After 2 months at it I'm seeing results and am pleased.   The right parts are getting harder and more defined. Other parts are shrinking... including my




so, it's a whole new year. a whole new decade, in fact.   wow.   is it really ten years since Y2K? ten years since Malcolm in the Middle? ten years since The White Stripes? ten years since Relationship of Command? ten years since Enema of the State? ten years since Halflway Between the Gutter and the Stars? ten years since 'oh my god, the Olympics are coming to Sydney!'?   jesus christ, it's ten years since Pokemon!   I f**king hated Pokemon.   I still f**king hate Pokemon.   anyway



When Parents Take Over Their Deceased Child's Facebook Page

I got the heebie jeebies the other day when I was playing the game Farmville yesterday, and I got a notification that B.P. had done something to help my farm.   B.P. died back around August, an apparent suicide. He was only 22. After that, his father took over the page, giving us updates on stuff like the funeral. Then he started sending us stories about Brian. Now he's apparently using his son's facebook page regularly enough that he's playing Farmville under the name of his dead son



A History of Drug Abuse

There was a time in my life that I used drugs. It started innocently enough. I started with cigarettes and alcohol around 14. One time when I was a teen (I believe it was between my sophomore and junior year) I got so drunk that I couldn't even move. I was on the ground, and I rolled over and puked. That was not my finest hour. THe fall before that, I had tried marijuana for the first time with my cousin and my adoptive brother. It also happened to be Thanksgiving. It wasn't exactly a good time



Long time...

It's been awhile since I last wrote a blog, and since I have something on my mind today I'll write it out and update ya!   I've been busy this week doing so much stuff for one job and training at my other job. In the mean time I've been Christmas shopping as best I could and finally I dealt with a snow storm and had to dig out my neighbor (they got snowed in and they couldn't open their doors lol).   The work at the garage has finally sent me over the edge and As of February 1st, I will no



Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year...

And all that jazz. Hope everyone is happy this Christmas Eve day.   As for me, I'm doing good. I had my best semester GPA at UD- getting a 2.975- almost a 3.0! I had two As in my 300-level history class, then a B- in geology and a C- in Italian. I'm satisfied with how I did this semester. My 2.975 brings my accumulative GPA from a 2.42 to a 2.53, which makes me feel good to finally have my GPA over the 2.5 line. Now if I can just get it to 2.66, I'll be good because that takes me into the B-



Random Crap

**It's okay to punch a strange person that runs a finger down your back to your ass when you're trying to pee in a public restroom, right? I didn't, simply grabbed his fingers and rolled his knuckles together, but it was a near thing.   **In keeping with the tradition that the only people who friend me on Facebook are people I have no particular desire to ever talk to again, *ever*, my mom's family is one by one joining the mob. I think it's prudent now that there is no current contact informa



Rebuilt Office

Back around Halloween I was hit with some minor flooding. Anyone who has been hit by flooding can tell you it's never minor. It sucks. It's a major hassle. I have finally gotten things worked out.   One of my aims was to re work my office and after a solid two weeks of work (which is still ongoing) here are the results.   I've installed a U-shaped desk in one end of the room, added bookshelves and an entertainment center from this millennium. It's been fun but a lot of work.     This i



Oh damn!

It seemed like a good opportunity. Little was I to know that with one little click of the mouse, I was in for a day of blood curdling hell.   Norton has an update that it's pushing to hapless subscribers. "Norton Internet Security 2010 has been downloaded to your computer. Click the button below to f**k up your computer."   Of course, it didn't say that exactly, but that's what happened.   The update didn't take and presented a wonderful error message with a three step process to fix it. S



Writing again

Yes, I'm working on a story. It's been a while, but the cobwebs finally seems to be leaving. It is a short story that is likely going to end up also being a prologue of a series, one that I can foresee having many twists and turns. I want to hide details of what's in my mind for now, but I can say that this saga will contain elements of the future as well as the past into one giant saga. There will also be magic and powerful creatures involved like demons, vampires, and wizards. I have two other



Sunny's Angel rant part deux

Okay...so people have been asking for more of Sunny's Angel. The last time I posted a chapter for this story was in July. I started writing chapter 10, I even have notes, but I go back and look at it, and I ask myself, what the hell was I thinking. I continue to think about it now and after going through the chapters, the only thing that comes to mind is deleting the entire story and rewriting it in its entirety.   I just don't know what to do with the story anymore. I was so proud of what I h

Linxe Termoil

Linxe Termoil

Civil War

I have remembered a while back talking to this right wing kook. He thought that anyone who happened to be liberal was a communist and an anti-American. He was from Tennessee as I recall (not that all people from there think that way), and he said that he had build a compound. He was supposedly preparing for a second civil war, one basically between conservatives and liberals. Thinking about it now I wonder. What if there were actually a civil war in the US, one fought between liberals and conser




Epsilon Ceti Alliance Sector Command Center   It was shortly after 03:30 in the Command Center. The graveyard shift was on their second and third cups of coffee and praying that nothing bad would happen on their watch. A week before the vast majority of the fleet had jumped away to take part in a major offensive against the Andromeden invaders. All that was left was a small task force at Lamda Indi and the ships that weren't ready to jump when the fleet moved out. The cupboard was as bare as




A nice word to start a blog. Don't you think?   Some people are just greedy. They want everything. I call them bisexuals. I know that I'm shooting in my own lines but well that's it... I've been thinking a lot about my life lately (sometimes you'd just do anything to avoid doing what you have to do, like work



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