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  2. Cod is a fish with a white flakey flesh with a mild taste and is a popular food in several countries. Older people may remember it as a source of cod liver oil.
  3. One of tywo puzzles addressed.They know about the absurd and strange development of the dangerous godstrolls. They are fighting with the Broscian Contingent as mercenaries. So, they will look for some as forces on a planet and need to be smart about taking some blood from one. Still not answered--is there a connection between two genocides that happened at the same time. Stawren's people and the Voscija were the targets.
  4. I'm worried about what's going to happen due to overfishing. Trawlers go out using huge nets and scoop up much more than they'd get if they were merely fishing in the more traditional sense, and we're also limiting the food supply for other species at the same time.
  5. Aw, this made me smile today. Congratulations, Wolfie. You're a wonderful author and poet but you don't need me to tell you that. Congrats, again! 💖
  6. pvtguy

    At the 122 Club

    I do like Heyward's self description in trying to right some wrongs of his father. I also feel Dan's discomfort in that situation. I continue to be wowed by your wordsmithing!
  7. Al Norris

    Chapter 10

    He has a trouble magnet? Hmm, maybe I should talk to him about that? I wonder if his school even has a team!
  8. Marty

    Chapter 1

    Great to see you writing again, @Talo Segura. Interesting first chapter, which is a continuation of "Revealed" which I would advise reading first.
  9. Manny made in through his first legal test and is on track tbe Rocky's guardian. Rocky approves as well as Bass. But, Manny needs to be more security conscious. He unfortunately let the two kidnappers in. Luckily they were not smart or skilled enough to succeed. The alarm system caught and shocked the first one.The second one shot his captured partner so he would not talk. The shooter was them entraped and held by the swift gate closing, The police showed up quickly and took charge. The two kidnappers were surely not going to be enough to take Rocky away. Only one entered the house and he could have been stopped by the house staff. I say again-- the bad guys had to be stupid or just incompetent? The police said the rounded up the rest of the gang associated with Rocky;s father. Others not yet known in the gang or related gang members could still be around and a threat. Bass made sure Manny was armed now. Manny needs to be on his toes, I hope Rocky is not traumatized.
  10. Ivor Slipper

    Chapter 10

    Boy, trouble sure seems to follow Pete around!! Turns out he's not bad at soccer either. 😀
  11. CincyKris

    Chapter 13

    River's brain short circuited because it received a moment of quiet. Now he is going to chase that feeling. If an addiction actually makes your life better, shouldn't you seek it? The danger is putting someone else in charge of not only his body, but of his mental health. Scary for someone as stubbornly independent as River. I think Kenji appeared in River's life at the right time.
  12. Is there a possibility Francis Heyward has an altruistic streak in him or was it all just for show or "it could just have been what he thought we wanted to hear" as speculated by Dan. I found it interesting Heyward referred to Dan as Dante, much as I prefer to do. Does this mean I am a pretentious twat too like Heyward? Perhaps I am. The 122 Club sounded dreadful, the kind of establishment where privileged Tories go for a bit of man crumpet before heading home to their wives and railing against the evil of those "flaming pansies". Its decor sounded even more hideous than Heyward's ostentatious, tasteless mansion. As for Heyward's taste in artwork, only Vaughan seems to know. I can understand Dan's discomfort with wearing a suit. I have reached the age of 60 and have never owned a suit in my life. I have only twice worn a suit, and then it was hired for my Year 11 and Year 12 high school formal (we did NOT call such an event a Prom then, but perhaps with the invasion of American culture such events may now be called this). I dare say I never shall wear a suit again (at least I hope not). What a waste of money. Infelicitous @Robert Hugill. I managed to miss a few of the letters and read the word as infectious, which was a far funnier description of Dan's dress sense.
  13. Today
  14. I have a feeling that Greg will shake up their comfortable routine. Hmmmm, just what does Mr. Heyward have planned for the supposedly straight Greg?
  15. Al Norris

    Chapter 10

    I don't ever say, but it was drug-induced gang rage in San Bernardino.
  16. drpaladin

    Chapter 10

    Collarbones and ribs are easy to break with direct force, only five pounds of pressure for a collarbone.
  17. drpaladin

    Chapter 10

    The Turner Curse strikes again. When Peter said he had seen people in blind rages, who was he talking about?
  18. "Liza" seems to be settling in very well now and he and "Sylvester" appear to have reached a truce, perhaps with a glimmer of friendship emerging too. Bass will be a formidable opponent for any further intruders. Hopefully the message will circulate amongst the Tanenov troop that Bass is not to be fucked with. I informed you incorrectly that Tanenov was a family name originating from Kazakhstan @Lee Wilson. I read the family name incorrectly as Taenov, which is a family name originating in Kazakhstan. Perhaps "Liza" should change his name to Truman Talbot Tanenov.
  19. Talo Segura


    Reconciled is the sequel to Revealed the consequences of Vicky's allegations hang over the head of Arran's dad and Arran is desperately seeking a way out. What happens takes everyone by surprise.
  20. Talo Segura

    Chapter 1

    As he crossed the grass and walked towards the tower block, a million thoughts were racing through his mind. The estate looked sombre, the few trees were bare, leaves blew across the road, the place was deserted. It was winter and the wind had an icy touch as it hit his face. Arran hurried into the entrance hall out of the cold. The lift doors opened with their usual metallic grinding. He pressed the button and the metal box jerked alive starting its ascent. Tom had said his mother was out
  21. I had dinner ready for Unc when he got home that night. We briefly discussed how school went and how practice was. When he asked what time he should pick me up for the rehab session, I told him I had hit a slight snag for this first session. “So your session is at 4:00 pm, but you want to get there at 3:30? Why a half hour early? “You're not gonna like this, but I scheduled a full blood test for STDs. I found out that Mitch lied to me and he had been with at least two other guys before
  22. I believe Zeus will sense Otis' inherent goodness and his love for his human. They will become very good friends, particularly when Zeus recognises Otis is caring for his human, helping restore him to good health. Non-human animals are far smarter than human animals give them credit for.
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