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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Writing Prompts #170 & #171

Prom-proma-proma-prompt me... I wanna feel dirty... Thrill me....   Errrm - I mean - welcome to Prompt Me Friday! Here we look at fantastic writing prompts provided by the Prompt-guru himself, Comicfan. This week's prompts are:   Prompt 170 –Challenge Tag – PoV Write a story from the point of view of an item that has been in your family for years. What story does this item have to tell? Is it great-grandma’s chine or grandpa’s watch? Maybe it is the ring your mother bought as a girl?   Pro


Trebs in Prompts

Tip Thursday: Trevor Project Day And It Gets Better

The Trevor Project is national organization in the United States, dedicated to providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth since 1998. They provide a toll free lifeline at 866-488-7386866-488-7386. The Trevor Project has set today, September 27 as "Trevor Project Day." This is part of National Suicide Prevention month and their "Talk to Me" campaign.   A second organization started up in September 2010. The It Gets


Trebs in Author Interviews

You have got to be freaking kidding me!

So as anyone who read my last blog entry knows, I'm currently stuck working every hour God sends thanks to my manager sodding off on holiday.   Anyway, today in our team meeting one of the other statisticians (who I'll call Margaret), reminds us all she is away next week on Thursday and Friday. The dumb bitch actually had the nerve to ask if I (yes me, yes Andy, yes this poor dumb sod who is already working 63 hours a week) would cover her work while she is away (after she had actually declin



Featured Story: To Move Forward / Barrett The Beggar

We've got a wonderful midweek treat for you... First, Andy021278 gives us a great review of Promising Author David McLeod's Barrett the Beggar. Then we have an equally compelling review by LouisHarris on Author Randomness' To Move Forward. Take a look at these reviews and hopefully check out one or both of these stories. Enjoy!       Barrett The Beggar by David McLeod   Reviewer: andy021278 Status: Complete Word Count: 13,404   This is the first of David McLeod’s s


Trebs in Featured Stories

Geezerspam... it's craptacular!

You want annoying? Old people who discover email and know your email address. Now- THAT'S ANNOYING!   I am the computer consultant to the old folks at my Mom's church. I advise them on what to get, set it up for them and show them where to go to get free training. I make a little money by fixing things they botch up and keeping them running.   Once they discover how to use email, I get recipes, cute grand baby pictures, forwarded jokes and all sorts of geezerspam I don't want. And I've got t



If I am a pest please let me know ...

Okay, I haven't had time to do things like I would like to. Been more of respond to problems then have time to relax and do what you want. My bright spot has been mail, or it was until today.   I am one of those people who enjoys getting mail. A postcard, card, or note can do wonders for me. Just knowing someone took the time to think of me makes me smile. However today I got an email asking me not to send so many postcards and cards. Seems I am a disruption instead of making them happy.   B



Writing Tip: Author Feedback

For today's toss-up, Renee Stevens gives some good thoughts and important questions on author feedback. We hope you enjoy...   Author Feedback by Renee Stevens   Today, as our Toss-Up Tuesday, we'd like to focus on reviews, both negative and positive. It's no secret that many author's on site thrive for feedback. For myself, I absolutely love to get reviews, I'm sure my eyes light up when I see that little notification that I have a review waiting for my perusal.   I don't mi


Trebs in Writing Tips

Sagging Saggers

So it is a special day apparently. I wish someone had told my dentist that! The side of my face feels like it's had a punch Mike Tyson would be proud of! I guess it is my own fault for not asking for a different date, but I'd rather get it bloody done and dusted to be honest.   I am pretty lucky in that we have a really cool dentist in the next village, and they fuss over their patients and really are rather nice, so it makes the whole experience rather nice. For this reason they are a really

Yettie One

Yettie One

Featured Story: Furlough

Hard to believe we're in the last week of September... Hoping you're enjoying your fall, and at the same time - here's a great review by Radiant Renee Stevens to get you through your day!       Furlough by Mark Arbour   Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 5,206   Back in May I did a review of Hosted Author: Mark Arbour’s story Wars End. In the comments, he had made the comment that it was a continuation of one of his previous anthology stories, Fur


Trebs in Featured Stories

A whinge and a whine

So I have just finished working my seventh straight day, and it's gonna carry on for another three weeks. That means I'll have worked twenty-eight straight days by the time this is done (or 252 hours, or 15120 minutes, damn this just sounds worse and worse)!   At work we are setting up a new database for our cancer treatments and diagnoses, which will form part of a much larger new national dataset. We knew this design project was going to be happening over these four weeks (have done since



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Don't forget, voting has started on the 2013 Anthology themes! This is your chance to have a voice in what our themes for next year are. Voting ends sometime on October 5th, but don't wait until the last minute, get your vote in now! Go to the Anthology forum and vote on the five 2013 theme choices!       We're now officially into Fall (or Spring for those of you who stand upside down) and we've had a great week here at GA.   We started off with a look at Red's Rescue by Host


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

I started it and began my introductions into the story

Okay, I have started it and began my introductions into the characters.   http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/story/w-l/thebigsqueeze   There are three perspectives in this story with 2008 Financial crisis as its moving plot point. I am creating a modern gay business fiction story with technical details embedded in the story and descriptions on how modern finance actually works.   My three characters present three views from which forms the greatest crisis of our recent history:   Mike- the



Writing Prompts #168 & #169

Is it just me or does it seem like Friday's just never end? I mean really, you get looking so forward to the weekend and there is just this one little hurdle in your path, Friday. Last day of work (for the lucky ones), last day of school, and just anything else that ends on Friday and gives a two day break. Well, to help it be a little easier to make it over that hurdle, we've got two new prompts for you from our Prompt Guru: Comicfan. Why not take a minute and try one of them out? Just think, b

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Alright, I am going to Reinvent myself and my writing

I am going to try to reinvent myself and my stories.   I really do write too cerebral for my own good or readers. I need to create a story with characters people can easily understand, plots that are fact filled but not going to be too rich with connections, and a concept that people get right away.   I love economics and business issues, but I don't use it as the basis of my writing. I don't know why, since I've read freakonomics several times and know it can be fun.   I mean I write stor




We have always been rather blessed as a family, as comedy for our entertainment through the years has kind of always been provided by my mother. Mom is a wonderful woman, but takes fright really easily and is so gullible bless her. I have some pure classic memories through the years of funny instances and events that provided much mirth for me as a kid and us as a family.   It is always good to get around the table and recount these memories or tease mom over the various mishaps through the ye

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Tip: Working With Your Beta Reader

Today we're bringing you another piece that has been written by Dark about how to work with your beta reader. He was even kind enough to share some of the suggestions made by his beta readers and his fixes or his reasoning. Enjoy! Working with your Beta Reader by Dark   When I first came to GA, I had no beta. After getting to know some of the folks here, advertising, and doing some snooping around, I started working with some folks as betas. So, now that I have a beta, what

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

I just found this movie again

I saw this movies years ago and thought it was funny back then, now I am still laughing, but for other reasons:   My fellow Americans 1996   http://youtu.be/uYgaEQXYtG0   My favorite line in the movie is in this particular part during a Gay Pride Parade:   A Gay guy in Dorothy Drag shocked to see the former Democratic ex-President: "Oh My God, Are you coming out?"   The ex-Democratic President: "No, I've always supported gay rights...I'm not coming out...he is" pointing to the Republic



Featured Story: When I Fall Asleep / Rexer

What? Cia is posting the blog? That's right! Straight from reading a Promising Story, to reviewing it, to posting the blog. I don't know how Trebs and Renee and all their helpers keep doing this! So readers, help us out! We constantly need volunteers to help review stories for our Authors, Promising Authors, and Hosted Authors for our weekly features.   We know we have great readers on this site, the numbers Trebs posted last week for the reviews in GA. Stories was staggering. All it takes is


Cia in Featured Stories

Trials and Tribulations

I will be editing Trials and Tribulations in the coming days to make it a better read and cut out the mistakes. So if you have me tagged, please forgive the e-mails letting you know I've made updates and changes. There shouldn't be a lot of corrections, but there are some. So, please forgive



world music

as much as love contemporary shit, i love ancient shit too.   this is huun-huur tur, they're from Tuva, which is apart of the Russian Federation and boarders Mongolia. the thing is they can throat sing, the throat singing is achieved by layering drones, usually you can hear a distinct "whistle" sound which they can produce if they're very experienced. you can understand it if you watch it. this stuff is cool to me because this kind of stuff shaped contemporary shit we hear now regardless of ho



authors: Please Don't do this to your characters

The film is called the Mudge Boy (http://en.wikipedia....i/The_Mudge_Boy).   It's a highly rated G&L film. It's all very literary and boring and filled with stereotypical characters that you will instantly recognize: the hapless gay youth, the father that doesn't understand, the bullies, the unrequited love... It's the sort of film the critics love.   I hate it! Oh my God is it ever a stinker. Why do you ask? The writing.   This 4 star piece of crap takes all the negative stereotypes a



Liberals and Conservatives don't understand business

I think there's a piece of us in each other, liberal and conservative, which is what makes us fight so hard against the other.   As an accountant by education and trade, I have to be very stern and tight fisted with my firm's money and spending. I won't give you an extra penny that you do not deserve, because one penny taken away from one person, means some one else has to pay for it. That's how I have to operate or else the vultures will come circling. When I first started my job, I was prett



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