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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Oh, damn, now what?

Well, I guess the time has arrived.   This morning, I worked with an enrollment advisor at a university that thinks I have what it takes to pursue a Bachelor's in English. At least I got the language right. So, at 62 years of age, I'm going back to 1968 when I dropped out of college the first time around.



Good things coming.

Okay as I promised I am working on things. I finished my Halloween story and I have a beta going over it even as I write this. Huge thank you to KC.   I am revising the end of my Prompt Story. The sucker is over eight pages and still not finished so looks like it will be going outside my usual "The Prompt You Say" stories and getting a heading all of its own. I never do that unless a tale reaches ten pages. I will be shopping it around for a beta soon.   Work continues on my other two main p



A Special Thank You to MikeL

Yes, you old Frog, I promised I'd thank you properly.   MikeL helped me out with editing the Introduction of The Big Squeeze, today. He's the best kind of reader a writer can get, some one who is willing to interact with the writer on fixing flaws and improving the story. I wanted to thank him properly as an outside contributor. I know Mike, you can't join my team of Editors and Betas (I pay people in kibbles and bones, not flies ), but I still think you deserve some acknowledgement for being



Featured Story: Memories Of Forgotten Love

Start of another week and here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog, we want to help you start on a great footing with a review by Radiant Renee Stevens of our Hosted Author Nephylim's Memories of Forgotten Love. This fantastic story was Nephy's entry in our first Novella contest in 2009, and I remember reading it - riveted to each passing event. I hope you enjoy Renee's review and check out Nephy's story for yourself. Enjoy!   Memories of Forgotten Love By Nephylim   Revie


Trebs in Featured Stories

Welcome to the New W.L and his writing style

First I want to thank my Team:   NotNoNever- Thanks for keeping me anchored to the vernacular and keeping the story simple enough for readers BlueSoxWSJ- Thanks for being my secondary source for finance information as we both come from different viewpoints, it's a thrill to do this together. SidLove- You are a great beta and insightful on ideas. I will need to work with you and Blue on the financial appendix very soon, so readers can track back on meanings Harcallard- Don't worry Harc, you



Weekly Wrap Up

Sorry about the lateness of this Weekly Wrap-up - been one of those Sunday's already here.   We started the week with a review by LouisHarris of Hosted Author Cia's Never More Lonely - a story that LouisHarris concludes by saying "A delightful, interesting read that I would certainly reread (and I have)."   On Tuesday, we had a personal essay on Perspective, how viewpoint is important when confronted with unexpected health issues, and also important when considering literary criticism - a l


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: End Of The World

Yay - Saturday and a start to a great spring weekend.... Well - spring if you live upside down like Graeme, though fall for all of us normal people ;-)   Speaking of our antipodean friend, Radiant Renee Stevens has done a great review of a 2007 Anthology story written by Graeme - his End of the World.   And on the subject of reviews - once again, we need help. If you are interested in helping us by reviewing a story here on GayAuthors.org, please let me know. We can't do it without your help


Trebs in Featured Stories

Signs of Life

Okay I didn't want everyone to think I forgot everything I was working on. I have been writing just so you know.   1) I have the End of the World Anthology story finished.   2) Started work on the Winter Anthology.   3) Wrote what was suppose to be a very short piece for the Anniversary Prompt. Well right now it is about ten pages and still growing so by the time I finish it will either be a long short story, or a short three part tale. Depends on what it is like when I finish and what my



Writing Prompts #172 & #173

What better way to unwind after a long week, than to glance at a writing prompt and just let your mind and fingers go. Don't think - just type and see what you come up with.   Sound like fun? Well, thanks to these two prompts from Comicfan, it should be. And please, once you've come up with something, share it with the rest of the community in our Writing Prompts forum!   This week's prompts:   Prompt 172 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – pillow, evergreen


Trebs in Prompts

You want what?!

When I moved in with my son, I broached the subject of getting a dog or atleast a big cat. Each and everytime I brought up the subject, N was adamant we weren't having a pet in his house. Well, last week he said "we need a dog."   I've been hallucinating so much for the past couple weeks, I couldn't be certain if he said that or not. Afterall I'm the resident cracker box around here; and, having a dog just might get me moving, "Have you walked the dog?"   Not only does he want a dog, he want



Writing Tip: The Mystery Story

The Mystery Story - Crafting a Tale of Suspense by Comicfan       The mystery is one of those things that just can’t be jumped into. You really need to plan out a mystery before pen hits the paper, or in most cases before fingers hit the keys. There is a lot that happens in a mystery and it is important for you follow some basic ideas before you embark on such task.   First up is the mystery itself. Did someone have something stolen? Was there a murder? Is it something tha


Trebs in Writing Tips

Student Loans- The Bad News and the Good News

The bad news is that my student loans are due on December 18th. The good news is that according to the longer 25-year repayment plan I picked, I don't have to pay any money because of how little money I made in 2011. The plan I'm doing bases how much you have to pay on how much money you made.   I mean, obviously I'm going to still put money in rather than just let the interest run wild, but if I had gone with the standard 10-year plan I'd be looking at 700 dollars a month in payments. The



Featured Story: Red / Dancing

Thanks first to our new team member Andy021278 for writing these two great reviews - first of Promising Author Comicfan's Red, and then of Author Hayven's Dancing. And rather than blather, I'll get out of the way so you can enjoy his reviews, and then hopefully go check out these stories! Enjoy   Red by Comicfan   Review by: Andy021278 Status: Complete Word Count: 10,773   This is one of Wayne’s fairy tale remakes for which he is well known, and like many of his stories,


Trebs in Featured Stories

Toss-Up Tuesday: Perspective

So - the format for Toss-up Tuesday is... a toss up /ducking       But then again, so is life. (ya, I should write greeting cards, eh?)   You go along, having a great year, husband and kids busy with work, school and baseball. Your days are watching their games and practices or working on campaigns and convention plans. Then you go in for a routine follow-up, because of the lymphoma that you kicked four years ago. And on that July 5, 2012 day, instead of "See you in six months", I get "It'


Trebs in News Archive

Friendships of Value

This is a funny old world in terms of friendships, relationships and how we interact with people. I have found over time that my outlook on life, and how I value my friendships has changed so remarkably in the last few years, maybe as a result of doing a bit of growing up myself.   Traditionally I have always been terrified that allowing myself to 'grow up' or become more mature would make me boring. I guess in my limited view on the world, once you got to thirty or something, you automaticall

Yettie One

Yettie One

Featured Story: Never More Lonely

October - time of pumpkin spiced coffee, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, .... Ummm, excuse me while I grab a snack...   Ok - um, back - where were we? Oh yes, our Featured Story! This week, LouisHarris gives us a great review of Never More Lonely by Hosted Author Cia. Enjoy!   Never More Lonely by Cia   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: In Process Word Count: 2,050   I read this story because the title Never More Lonely hooked me. Then the first word of the first paragraph hit


Trebs in Featured Stories

Doctor/Amy/Rory, Finn/Rachel/Brody and Sam/Dean

I am just so sad.   The recent episodes of Glee and Doctor Who are the reason for it. (BTW If you havent seen the episodes and dont want to spoil your own surprise, you should not read this. It will contain a bit of MANY spoilers... maybe)   So, Doctor Who. Season 7. Episode 5. Angels take Manhattan   Amy and Rory are gone And the way they went, it is just so sad. So unfair to them Okay, they arent anything like Rose or Martha or Rose or Donna or ROSE! but they needed an exit that was



Today I Had to Tell Georgie George Had Died

Today, I had to tell Georgie George had died. I wonder if he understands what that means. Perhaps to him, it just means the ginger cat won't be here to compete with him anymore. A triumphant story of the undercat, or it seems.   Georgie had overseen the death of two cats. One is my own cat. When Georgie came along, my father shifted the affection toward Georgie and my own cat died slowly out of depression (and he just quietly sit on my lap the day before, and finally accepted my affection



Weekly Wrap Up!

TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS: Again, don't forget, voting has started on the 2013 Anthology themes! This is your chance to have a voice in what our themes for next year are. Voting ends sometime on October 5th, but don't wait until the last minute, get your vote in now! Go to the Anthology forum and vote on the five 2013 theme choices!   Also - Radiant Renee Stevens is taking a much-deserved vacation for a couple of weeks. We also are fortunate to announce that Andy021278 has joined the GayAuthors.org Ne


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up


Weezer was giving a free concert at the Christiana Mall today, which was pretty cool. They were there to celebrate the opening of the new Microsoft store at the mall.   They closed it with Say It Ain't So, which was awesome.



Humor: Literary Jokes

Saturday is a great time to relax, and for our GA News Blog, a time to look back. Here is a great and very humorous article from our February 2007 newsletter - "Literary Jokes". I hope you enjoy these as much as I did...   February 2007 Literary Jokes   A visitor to a certain college paused to admire the new Hemingway Hall that had been built on campus. "It's a pleasure to see a building named for Ernest Hemingway," he said. "Actually," said his guide, "it's named for Joshua Hemingway


Trebs in Fun Stuff

Fingers tapping a wicked beat!

I love to keep busy. It makes the days race by, and all of a sudden, look, it is Saturday, and I am left wondering to myself where the hell did the last week go?   The plus side of being a busy bee is that your mind is occupied and you get to spend lots of time doing fun things that recently you have not really been given the opportunity to enjoy. But then with every up side, there is a down side too, and while I have really enjoyed being as busy as I have this week, I have also missed kind of

Yettie One

Yettie One

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