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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it
    • 1 comment

A really bad day :(

This is the part of being the man behind the numbers that I hate.   Let's start at the beginning, I had already projected a $250,000 deficit in our businesses budget, which I could fix by reducing the contract labor lines. Basically, like most businesses in the US, we have a rotating pool of contract labor from temp firms for maintenance. If we reduce the contracting and ask for more internal care and watchful of incidents, we could keep cost down without cutting jobs of full-time people in an



im sober you should be too

so i went to this partay the other day and there is this dude on the fringes of my friend circle who somehow got invited. in the past he had problem with alcohol, i wasn't really in on the story but i guess he was borderline alcoholic, vanished for a while i guess got sober. and he obviously wasn't drinking   well the WHOLE fucking time at this digger he kept forcing the "idea" of sobriety. for the sake of my friends i didn't call him out and make him seem like a douche, cause he was being a d



Oops it happened again

Life, no matter how much you might want it, can not be managed. Things sneak up and happen.   Dad has his capsulscopy next Wednesday. It is making him crazy and guess who the target is?   I have no internet until I can afford mifi. It might take a week or so but I will be back. In the meantime I am getting things done as I can. My greatest thanks to KC for picking up the slack I had to leave with with one of my authors by filling in and doing the beta reading. My thanks know no bounds. Also



Writing Prompts #166 & #167

So - since there may be a malicious rumour going around today, I just want to verify, today is NOT my birthday...           Couldn't be - I stopped having them about 20 years ago   BUT - if for some reason, you decide to listen to such spiteful drivel, well - maybe give me a gift. Like - don't just read the wonderful prompt responses from other members, take a stab at one of these great prompts from our ever clever Comicfan, and share your response with the community in our Writing Pro


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Why A Beta?

We have a great tip below, written by our own Dark on "Why a Beta?". But before we launch into this tip, Podiumdavis recently approached Renee and I on another of his wonderful compilations. For this one, instead of privately gathering interviews and/or questions and pulling them together, the thought is to put out the inquiry and invite anyone interested to submit their responses privately to Podiumdavis. Then in a short bit, we'll post the best ones (and as usual, if there is enough and the an


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Update

Hello There Guys   I thought it was time i did an update on my writing blog on GA   Good news! I have decided to plow ahead and post the second half of the woman's game when i arrive at university so that will be 8 weeks worth of posted stuff for you The story comes in at around 24k   In other news, I'm taking a creative writing class this semester so I'll be posting the results from that and submitting some of my work from GA for my portfolio   I have 3 stories in process which I w

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Featured Story: A Day In A Life Of Misery / Bovian Image

I absolutely love the Wednesday blog. It gives us a chance to bring some recognition to the wonderful authors that can be found here at GA. Today, we're bringing you two more stories. We hope that you'll take a look at them and see if just maybe they are something you might enjoy. The first review we're bringing you is one done by yours truly or, as Trebs would say, the Radiant Renee Stevens (rolls eyes) of a story by Promising Author: Skylights called "A Day in a Life of Misery." SidLove also p

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Toss Up Tuesday: Interview With Cailen

Before we give you our Toss Up Tuesday, we want to remind you of what today is. If you planned to participate in the 2012 Gay Authors Fall Anthology: Friends and Enemies the deadline is TODAY!   Now that we've given you that little reminder, onto our Tuesday content. Today we have another interview for you. You have probably seen his work on the site as the interviewee is our resident graphic artist, Cailen. Thank you Cailen for answering some questions and a big thank you goes out to the inte


Trebs in Author Interviews

Update and Exciting News

My latest book The Runaway is to be released on the 12th September and I'm uber excited about this one.   Not only does it include my favourite character since Silver, but it's been professionally edited and polished and I am in love with the story. AND it's cover art was done by our very own Marzipan   Come visit my blog nephylim-author.blogspot.com to see more amazing artwork by our resident artist   Here's the official press release. I KNOW!! Press release!! I know it's not actually the



Featured Story: For The Love

While I realize that we recently featured Hosted Author C James' Circumnavigation, after reading this great review by Wildone, I was all for featuring it this week - and it seems appropriate, since few can match our beloved Goat in his labors to diligently to turn out one wonderful tale after another for his readers here on GayAuthors. So with good Labor Day wishes to all (should this be Labor Day for you), here is Wildone's excellent (and cliffhanger-free), review:   For the Love


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

If you haven't seen yet, Myr had a very important blog entry about GA Hosted Authors, eBooks and Fiction Stories, please take a moment and check it out. If you did see it, but didn't see his late posted note, I want to repeat what he said - this announcement does NOT mean that GA is switching to Pay only. GA will always have the majority of content free, as long as Myr runs it.   Also - we now have only 2 days left for our FALL Anthology entries. The "Friends and Enemies" anthology is due Sept


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Lessons in Love

They say that nature has much to teach us, and that the simplicity of the laws of nature give the complexities of life some kind of roadmap for understanding how things work. But then people say a lot of things, and not all of them make sense, or are not as easy to understand or work out as it would seem. I mean lets be honest there are some pretty complicated emotions and feelings associated with something like a relationship that nature hasn't got a clue about right?   Hmmmmm, lets consider

Yettie One

Yettie One

So, It's Been One Year You Say...

Huh. It's been one year now since I registered here on GA. Like so many of us, I too lurked around for a little while before decided to register for the forums on here. Also like so many of us, I too was drawn here by finding Q's Second Shot posted elsewhere, getting impatient, and coming over here to read the rest. (I've seen quite a few people mention this in chat, in case anyone doesn't believe me. )   It feels...I dunno...odd, that it's been one year exactly as of today. In one way, I can'



Family secrets

My sister is pregnant. It's that simple, but my parents won't tell me. I think they want to keep it a secret because she's still not out of the clear from a cancer scare. (She's about 7 weeks now)   Our friend from California confirmed to me that there is a bun in the oven, but I knew. Everyone in the damn house is just too cautious around me. The hints are all there. She's a smoker, all of a sudden she stopped. I offered her tequila, she refuses. They know that I know... just pretending that

ryan jo

ryan jo

Trials and Tribulations

We find Andy, Joey, and Roger heading to High Rock in chapter 17 and a continuation of that trip will be in Chapter 18, which is coming soon.   In these two chapters four big things occur. Two of them are clearly seen by all. Of the two not so noticeable, one is clearer than the other, but can you see all four?



Untitled Teen Wolf Fanfiction

Don't judge me. I just really like this show. Only part 1 of what feels like three parts, but may be only two. And I need to work on the main character's voice:   “I realize that I’m probably the last you want to talk to right now,” Allison said to Stiles. She’d arrived to Stiles room unannounced, unwelcomed, and unrepentant, but since that described most of Stiles’s visitors, he was willing to let that go. Her continued existence was another matter.   “You got that right,” he said, cutting



Adulthood Sucks!

For many years I was a happy, unencumbered homosexual, who had not much more to worry about than if my ass looked to big in my jeans or if I was losing my hair, or where that wrinkle came from. But just for shits and giggles I decided to have a child - well me and the hubby did. She's a wonderful, happy, delightful little girl who brings me endless amounts of joy just by smiling.   But today I don't want to be a dad, don't want to be happy, don't want to pretend everything is okay, and I hav

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Featured Story: Reach / Traveling Home

This week, we have first a great review by Houdinii of Reach, by Promising Author CassieQ. Then following in a bit of serendipity, we have a review BY CassieQ of Author podga's Traveling Home. Each is a bit of a different story - and that's one thing that makes each of them special. We hope you enjoy these reviews and try out the stories themselves!   Reach by CassieQ   Reviewed by Houdinii Status: In Progress Word Count: 41,349   I began reading a story today by Cas


Trebs in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Endings And Beginnings

Happy Monday! Since we're about to end August (and for many of us, our summer's), as well as starting the week, what better story to take a look at than "Endings and Beginnings" by Hosted Author Viv. Enjoy!   Endings and Beginnings by Viv   Reviewed by: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 10,442   Endings and Beginnings is the first of a series for Viv's "Underneath This Big Ol' Sky". In Spring of 2007, GayAuthors had an anthology of "Endings and Beginnings", and Viv


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

First things first - announcements time!!!   Renee announced on the 20th of August that she is looking for theme suggestions for the 2013 GA Anthologies. If you have a suggestion for a theme, now is the time to let her know via the thread in the Anthology Forum. Suggestions will be taken until midnight (US Mountain Time) September 3rd and then this topic will be locked. Once all suggestions are in, a team will narrow it down to twenty themes for the GA Members to vote on. Why wait, get your su


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

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