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  • Valkyrie

    Upcoming Writing Events

    By Valkyrie

    Stay tuned for this year's anthology - In too Deep!  While the team works behind the scenes to get everything ready for posting, I thought it would be a good idea to reveal what's next on the agenda.   The Prompt Team is excited to announce our first prompt team event, which will take place in November.  Be sure to check out Friday's blog for more information.  We will be honoring our beloved late friend Carlos Hazday by again featuring stories/poems/memories in his honor on Janu

Day 20, Day 21

Day 20, February 22nd   I finally finished Box 5. It came out to about 130-something items.   Day 21, February 24th   I started work on Box 3 of the collection. It holds a lot of correspondence that Richard Watson got while being in charge of Camp Hancock in Augusta, Georgia. Some were regarding people who were prisoners for being AWOL, or simply getting drunk and disorderly. One was about a boy who lied about being 18 years old to get into the army, and was therefore getting discharged. I



Writing Tip: Those Pesky Words

Those Pesky Words by Cia I was having a discussion with an author the other day about words. Why do we pick the ones we use when we write? What should the focus be on, the words themselves or they image they are meant to convey? When I first started writing, I used a lot of formal language. For example, from my first story, The Price of Honor: The strange color registered with his consciousness but he continued to stare blankly about, trying to process the abrupt disloca


Lugh in Writing Tips

The Inquisitor

The Inquisitor   Anybody who wants this job shouldn't have it. They would just be thugs. The people who should have it burn out or flip out. Philip Baker was just trying to hang on to his retirement and self respect.   Once being a special agent for the Bureau was a respectable job. That was the job he had signed on for twenty-seven years ago. That seemed like a long time ago. Before the wars. Before the genetically engineered plagues were released. Before the Night of the 13th Prophet when



Watt's Gnu?

Ok, ok, bad, bad Lugh... What's new? Well we have two for you -- enjoy!   The Mall by Mike00 review by Cia   For those who love to read the unexpected, check out The Mall by Mike00. A teenage boy goes to the mall with his mother and something he never would have dreamed of happening, does. Lost in a bizarre new situation, he has to make decisions and face things he never would have imagined.   First kisses, dreams, loneliness, and chocolate bars all come together in an en


Lugh in Reviews

Richard Dawkins' documentary on religion

Richard Dawkins is a professor of zoology at the University of Oxford and a strong opponent of creation and intelligent design. I am disabling comments as my reasoning for posting this is simply to share, not to spark a debate on religion. That's what the Soapbox is for. Watch it if you want of course, but this entry is not going to be used for a debate.   http://video.google....284641446868316




Usually I look for the first flowers of spring. Snow bells or crocus but neither is breaking through the ground yet. However it looks like the pussy willow will be cracking open any day now. Seems Spring is almost here. Very, very mild winter this year but not going to complain. Enjoy all.



The only Song in Paradise is River.

OK, it's been almost a year since my last entry. I'm bad!   And to be honest, I would manage to go longer without a post but 1) I'm bored and procrastinating, and 2) I need to vent. And I guess it's safe to do that here.   As many of you might have read, I'm moving to London soon. Well... end May at latest. We've done the plus points (Thanks Bob! ) and I persuaded my bf that it's best for us to move to London. I'm really looking forward to all that but I have to admit I'm scared.   I t



Trials and Tribulations: Editors and Beta Reader

Trials and Tribulations is being received a lot better than I ever imagined when I began the story. I know the heart of the story is coming from within me, my experiences, love, and desires; but without the work my editors and beta reader have put into this story, I fear a lot of what makes the story what it is, would be missing.   When I first decided to try writing a story, I asked people I had met in the chat room and other people I knew online if they would edit for me. Believe me, I defin

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Down but not out

Blind dates are things that no matter how much you might think they might be different, really shouldn't be done. I thought I had gotten out of mine but at the last minute it was back on. I was stupid I went.   First off I made the mistake of saying yes. I knew he was younger I just didn't realize that meant being cold. Funny how no matter how much weight you lose, or how much better you feel, someone sees you and says the wrong thing - bam! It's back to square one.   I always feel for a fir



Featured Story: A Shot Of Bourbon

This week our story is A Shot of Bourbon by Shadowgod. I hope you enjoy it as much as Conner did. So, give it a shot, and you may find you like... bourbon. A Shot of Bourbon by Shadowgod review by Conner   This was the first story by Shadowgod that I ever read. I’ve been a fan ever since. For me, humour and intimacy are an irresistible combination. This story has both in spades.   As stories go, this one is on the shorter side – 5 healthy chapters totalling about 38k. The s


Lugh in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up

Well, our week with Shane by Vlista is done. I do hope some of you enjoyed the story. Our tips this week were on Research and Plot Bunnies. Comicfan brought us two new prompts and we got to see a poetic response to one of our previous prompts. And finally our week wrapped up with a Blast from the Past -- featured poetry from 2006!   Reader's Choice Awards -- Voting will end this SATURDAY, Feb 25, 2012. I've gotten mine in have you? Please READ THE DIRECTIONS as they are VERY specific. If you


Lugh in Weekly Wrap Up

Day 18, Day 19

Day 18, February 17th   I continued working on Box 5.   In terms of the different ways that archives can be used, we had one patron who was learning about the house that he was working on. The man was a college landlord, who was dividing up this house into four apartments, and he was interested in learning about the house.   The house was once a college female dormitory, and it was a TKE frat house all the up to last semester. It was cool to hear about the history of this house. Kind of ma



Blast From The Past!

How about some featured poetry from Edition 3, December 2006:   His Hand by Nickolas James   I used to reach for your hand when I was smaller Now sometimes I push it away. But I’ll never forget how you still loved me the day I told you I was gay. We fight a lot and you still yell at me Every time I act like I don’t care But the truth is I still idolize you From the way that you walk To the clothes that you wear. God blessed me with you But you say that I’m wrong You call me the blessing So


Lugh in Reviews

Promoting My Boys

Alright, I know some people think that as a Promising Writer I ignore what is happening else where. I don't. I love to read which is how I have ended up working with as many different writers as I do. I think if you check it out, you will find it is that way with most of the authors, Hosted, Promising, or otherwise. We enjoy writing and we enjoy reading. (I'll admit I would like to know where both Andy and Nephy find the time for all their reading and reviewing. I am way behind their curve. )



Why do I have Michael Cera in my head?

Seriously, he's in my head right now:     I knew I should not have watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which actually was a good movie that was badly marketed. He's haunting my thoughts now.   It also helps that he's the hottest Canadian alive close to my age, only 1 year younger (I'm not a teenage girl, so Justin Bieber doesn't count )   Yes, I have soft spot for dorky guys.



Writing Prompts #112 & #113

Today's writing prompts brought to you by Comicfan are... Prompt 112 – Creative Cue – Poetry, Haiku The Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. In English we usually use a 5, 7, 5 syllable line. The Haiku usually focuses on some aspect of nature and ends with a surprise. With that in mind try writing at least one of your own. Here is one of mine as an example.   I hear the screaming And run to find him pointing At a spider. Squish. Prompt 113 – Challenge


Lugh in Prompts

My Awesome Son

We now have two published authors in the family. My son's 'flash' has been accepted for publication as the winner of a school competition. The stories had to be 50 words or less     THE HANGING   There was a man called Maledos who was accused of many crimes. A wave of fear washed over him as the scarlet-stained, golden rope was fitted around his beck. The lever was pulled, the door opened. He saw darkness then light... saved by a magnificent golden angel. "You!"     I am a proud proud M



Writing Tip: Plot Bunnies

Um... hi again! Sorry about yesterday seems I had a med reaction to the new med. Needless to say I'm back, although not quite together. I'd like to bring to you an essay by Dark today. Hope you enjoy it. Plot Bunnies There’s nothing as nefarious as a plot bunny. Lurking in the corners of a writer’s brain like cockroaches, plot bunnies live to nibble on productivity. Those sharp front teeth bite and gnaw with a crunsh crunsh crunsh until single-minded focus turns into somethin


Lugh in Writing Tips

Need input - Trials and Tribulations

I'm looking for feed-back here concerning a scene in chapter 12. The scene takes place in church. Without giving too much away, the pastor is giving his Sunday morning service sermon. The whole sermon is NOT quoted, but a couple of verses and a small story is a part of the dialogue. The message is positive towards gays and a positive stance is take by some.   My question is this: Is this too much religion, even though it will play an important part in later chapters?   I really need your opi

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Day 16, Day 17

Day 16, February 14th   I continued working on Box 5. I found a couple of pamplets that discussed gas warfare, as well as trench warefare. Those were the two big hallmarks of the Great War, because they were such new ways to fight in a way that still believed in the Romantic Napoleonic way of fighting. I wonder what it must have been like for the soldiers who read these pamplets to get a sense of what they were going to face.   I looked up the online orbituary of Colonel Richard W. Wa



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