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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it
    • 1 comment

Quality Time?

Last night my son and I spent a few hours getting some good ol' quality time.   I was drinking straight up doubles of Bowmare, which kept me behind the eight ball for most of the night.   We started at our favorite Mexican-American restaurant having a nice meal of red meat. Mine was Tacos al Carbon, my son chose his favorite, Carne Asada. My stomach is getting used to that good ol' feeling fulness and I ate half of what was given to me. Also, it was there when the conversation began.   My



Writing Delays

First off, i want to apologize to everyone who is reading Forging Trust. I never planned to have this long of a delay between postings and it's driving me nuts. I have some of Chapter 9 written (part of it is handwritten at this point) but things have been so hectic lately. Also, there's something off on the current chapter. I thought maybe it was just me, but I sent it to Cia to look at it and she agrees that there's something in it that needs fixed. I am working on it, I just didn't want

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Featured Story: Red's Rescue

I hope you all enjoyed last weeks 10 Year Anniversary Edition of the blog, but now it is on to a new week and the start of GA's 11th year! To start us off we're taking a look back at a story written for the 2007 Winter Anthology: Worth Fighting For. I hope you enjoy Dark's review of "Red's Rescue" written by Lugh. Enjoy and if you decide to check out the story, why not leave him a review! Red's Rescue By Lugh Review by Dark Status: Complete Word Count: 10,042   This is a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories


Insomnia   Insomnia haunts me and taunts me, Mind racing and chasing details of the day. Plans of tomorrow, no time to borrow, Always behind as time grinds, Past and future together in the breathless present.   I am so lost, I don't know the cost, Of the things that I've been or the things that I've seen, In the night they are burning bright, Restless azure darkness impaled, By the fires that rend the eternal night.   There is no peace when the wars never cease, even though its be



Anniversary Week - Weekly Update!

Did everyone enjoy Anniversary Week?   We started the week with a review by Cia of Hosted Author Myr's Terran Confederation - Jeremiah. See, not only does he bring us all this fantastic website for the past ten years, he writes too!   For our Toss Up Tuesday, we then continued with an interview with Myr!   Wednesday, we had a bit of a change up and instead of our usual reviews, we had some thoughts from one of the other original GayAuthors.org authors - Comicality. It was a great read to


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

It's That Time...For the Season...To Be Ending...

So I found out today that my last day at the park for the season will probably be sometime around the last weekend of our three-week Fall Harvest fest. That is the weekend of October 12-13-14. As it turns out, I'm going to be on the other side of the state that exact weekend, so my last day might end up being the 11th. I'll find out when the schedule gets updated next week. (I get paid bi-weekly, and today was the last day of the current pay period, so the schedule for the period following this



Blast From The Past!

This isn't the first time we've celebrated the beginnings of GayAuthors.org (nor will it be the last). In December 2006, we had a great newsletter entry that we want to share again with you, in this Blast From the Past. We also have a bit of an update posted below the entry. Enjoy!       Dec. 2006 A Man, A Computer & A Dream The Birth of Gay Authors   It was September 13, 2002 when the vision of one man began to become a reality. That late summer day would change the face


Trebs in News Archive

Just so you know ...

Hi all.   i know I have few people who try to keep with me. I do apologize. I have been without the internet for about 2 weeks nows regularly. In order to get anything sent I have had to take my laptop to work. It isn't fun sitting in the car emailing work out and hoping it will all get back to you in time to meet a deadline. That is what happened with Amber Prince and I have to thank KC, Renee, and Cia who did what they could with the author being MIA.   Dad has had a busy week. On Monday h



Writing Prompts Special Anniversary Prompts

How can we have an anniversary week, without anniversary prompts? But oh - Comicfan, the ever resourceful has solved this dilemna with these two wonderful writing prompts. As always, we hope you share your responses with the community in the Writing Prompts forum...   Special Anniversary Prompt #1 Tag: Anniversaries Anniversaries are always something special and unusual. What makes the one you are attending that way?   Special Anniversary Prompt #2 Tag: Save the Date I know I had been asked


Trebs in Prompts

A place called home

As GA celebrates its tenth anniversary, I thought I'd share some things. Point and blank, unedited, and unprovoked.   When I first came to GA, I came looking for a place to be able to cross-post my stories, to find a wider scope, a bigger audience. As I arrived, I found something very different, and yet very scary at the same time. I had seen GA in passing many times, never looking deeper than the front page; originally I thought it was a site I needed to pay to use and moved on. But once I go



Latest Update and Story Announcement

More of a focused update here.   Womans Game 2: Posting begins 23rd September for 7 weeks (Nov 4th - Last week)   After November 4 - i shall be posting a BRAND NEW story!!   Its title is:   'House No. 654: London's Best Little Whorehouse'     Pearce takes pen to paper and decides to tell his story. He didn't know how anyone would take it; but it was time for the world to know what happened to him inside House 654.     The plan is for the story to be finished by Novembe

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Job Fail

I've got only about three months until my student loans are due, and I still haven't found a job. God, this sucks.   I just got a rejection email today for a tour guide job I interviewed for, so I'm feeling a bit crappy. I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to try and go for any job that I can get, instead of one related to my major.



Gay Authors 10th Anniversary Special Anthology: Secrets Can Kill NOW LIVE!

First off, I would like to wish GA a happy 10th Anniversary and a special thanks to Myr for creating GayAuthors.org in the first place! I just happen to be one of those crazy straight women (or as Myr calls me: Crazy Mountain Lady) that Myr mentioned in his interview, but I am so glad to have a place to post my stories where I know they are enjoyed. As most everyone should know by now, we released the 2012 Fall Anthology: Friends and Enemies just a few short days ago. I hope everyone has enjo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Author Showcase - Thoughts From Comicality

With Anniversary week in full swing, we're making a substitute for this week's Author Showcase and instead of reviews of two GA Authors, one of them a Promising Author - this week, we're thrilled to offer this piece from one of the first GayAuthors.org authors, Comicality. Radiant Renee Stevens reached out to Comicality, and wrote the intro for this. We hope you enjoy!       We are bringing you something that was written from the heart. We all know what GA means to us and so I wanted to see


Trebs in Author Interviews

Toss-Up Tuesday: Interview With Myr

Can you feel the love tonight....   <ahem> I mean, are you loving our Anniversary week entries so far? Today, for Toss Up Tuesday, Radiant Renee Stevens interviewed the one, the only - MYR!!!   We hope you enjoy!   Interview with Myr   Interviewer: Renee Stevens   What prompted you to create GayAuthors.org? I wanted to put all my favorite stories in one spot. So, would it be fair to say that GA surpassed your expectations and grew beyond what you originally had plann


Trebs in Author Interviews

Twinkie Defense and White Night Riot

(For best experience, please watch each video clip in order it is inserted before moving onto the segment that follows it)   It was September 4, 2012 when I saw him: George Moscone, or the likeness of him, in San Francisco Museum of Art (SFMOMA). The livid color attracted me, and his smile, as if he was alive and happy. I took a look of the inscription that puts him on the pedestal:   Harvey Milk Too Twinkies Danny Boy! Diane Feinstein Becomes Mayor   Without thinking much, I took



Trials and Tribulations

Dear Readers of Trials and Tribulations,   All of you that have left comments following each chapter and those of you that have been reading the story without commenting have made a profound impact on my life in more ways that you could ever guess. I know there's a lot I would have to learn before I could ever consider myself truly an author. I must say that each comment left has given me the confidence to continue.   However, something I must tell you concerning the ability to post a chapte



Featured Story: Terran Confederation - Jeremiah

It's Monday again, and not just any Monday! Today starts the Gay Authors 10th Anniversary Week here on the blog. We will be changing it up a bit from the normal blog entries, so we hope that you enjoy the content just as much as we have enjoyed putting it all together. To start us off, Cia has written up a review of a story written by the man who started it all. I hope you enjoy this look at "Terran Confederation - Jermiah" written by none other than Myr! Terran Confederation - Jeremiah

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

It's You I Like

It's a wonderful song by Mr. Rogers. Yes, it's a kid's song, but the meaning of it hits me harder as an adult. Don't know how people here remember this remarkable person. If you're too young to remember him, his lessons of life transcend time, so I want to pass his message on.   Please click to see that heart-warming clip on top right corner and sing along if you want.   It's You I Like



Climb Every Mountain

So the London 2012 great Summer of Sport came to a close this evening as the Paralympics came to an end at the Olympic Village.   It has been a fantastic display of achievement on many fronts. Not only did we witness man going faster, further, higher, we learnt that the British are not as bad as we imagined, that a warm, friendly environment is as much a part of London as it is in Sydney, Beijing or Athens.   We saw 70,000 people emerge from the shadows and step up to the mark to become Game

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

If you didn't see yesterday's blog entry, the Fall Anthology: Friends & Enemies is now live. Thirteen great new stories for all to read - check them out!   Also, on Thursday, we put out a new inquiry from Podiumdavis. PD has been fantastic in compiling various responses toautors on questions like How would you cast your story? and others. This time, he has a one for anyone who wants to reply, not just our authors.   So the inquiry is:   If you're interested, send your response on this


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

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