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  • Valkyrie

    Upcoming Writing Events

    By Valkyrie

    Stay tuned for this year's anthology - In too Deep!  While the team works behind the scenes to get everything ready for posting, I thought it would be a good idea to reveal what's next on the agenda.   The Prompt Team is excited to announce our first prompt team event, which will take place in November.  Be sure to check out Friday's blog for more information.  We will be honoring our beloved late friend Carlos Hazday by again featuring stories/poems/memories in his honor on Janu

Author Showcase

We have two story reviews for you today! First, we have a review on Comicfan's story "Strange Life of Jonas Marks" and then we also bring you a review for Billy Brat's story "Trials and Tribulations". Thank you to the reviewers!!! The Strange Life of Jonas Marks   by Comicfan   Reviewer: K.C. Status: In Process   So many new authors want to write, yet they aren’t sure where to even start. It’s said that everyone has one great story spinning around in their head, but wh

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Writing Tip: Revisiting "on-Hold" Stories

Revisiting "On-Hold" Stories By Renee Stevens As a writer, many of us may find times when we get stuck. Maybe we push a story to the back-burner and think, ‘oh, I’ll go back to it later.’ Then the time comes and we realize that we have no idea exactly where we want the story to go. Here’s just a few tips that might just help you get past the block and finish up some of those on-hold stories. Tip #1: When you finish a story and are trying to decide what to work on next, go back t


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Three Edged Sword

One of the fun parts about doing the GA News Blog is to highlight authors on the site - especially our Hosted Authors. In this case, it is especially gratifying to share a review of a great short story by Myr. Andy021278 does a very comprehensive review of this five chapter complete fanfic. Enjoy the review, then hopefully the story itself!   Three Edged Sword (A Harry Potter Story) by Myr   review by andy021278   This piece of fanfiction by Myr is one of the best pieces o


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

So - did everyone (who needed to) remember to change their clocks?   Before going into our Weekly Wrap Up for GA, I wanted to share a few quick announcements. First - a hearty thanks to Lugh who had been the Lead on this, the GA News Blog. This past week we switched over and I'll be the Lead for a while - so if you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know. Lugh did a fantastic job getting this set up, figuring out the daily format and rounding up the ton of content in the goal of m


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

Going back through old GA Newsletters, you find gems like the below review. Not only was the review good - I remember it led me to TheZot's work which are uniformly GREAT!   Here from the Dec 2006 newsletter, a review from the past:   You Meet Your Soulmate in the Strangest Places by TheZot   With high recommendations from many people I recently checked out this short story written by hosted author TheZot. To say it made me smile would be a grave understatement. Love at first sight, a conc


Trebs in Reviews

Thinga are looking up

So I have had more than my fair share of interviews over the past couple of months. I have been told I have no relavent expereince or being in customer service doesn't count.   The jobs I interviewed for have been all over the country. I really wanted the job in Colorado Springs, but it fell through. I found a job that looked interesting and was like hey I could do that... and I think I finally might have gotten some where. I have a 4th and final interview with a Staff Vice President of Nati



Writing Prompts #118 & #119

Happy Friday everyone... And since it's Friday, that means it we've got some writing prompts for you, as well as a great piece of writing that last Friday's prompts generated.   Today's writing prompts are brought to you by Comicfan: Prompt 118 – Creative Cue – Myths and Legends No matter what part of the world you are from there are myths and legends associated with it. From the leprechauns of Ireland, to the Gods of Norway, the dragons of China, or Paul Bunyan and his ox in


Trebs in Prompts

Day 27, Day 28

Day 27, March 6th   Today I continued working on Box 2. I found an envelope of newspaper clippings- the envelope was a big manila envelope with "Philadelphia Convention July 1958" on front, so we kept the envelope.   I also found a 50th Anniversary Gettysburg Commission memo, which was great because there's a photo of the 50th Anniversary Gettysburg camp out displayed in the museum. I told my adviser about it, and she copied the letter and eventually intends on displaying the copy.   That



should i post or not post?

I have written the first act of a play with a lot of issues, technical and structural, and i am not sure if i should post it or not for the spring anthology. It isn't controversial or experimental like my usual short or long stories. However to me, it is definitely different, I've never done a play or written lines like these. I am picking up the idea and central issues of this play around a handful of news stories that got me thinking.   It's a decent idea for a play, but i know at my curre



What's New?

So, we ran out of reviews members have written for the blog about our site authors, so I picked a few stories that members seem to have liked over the last few months, myself included, and pulled a few reviews and comments. If you'd like to share a review on a story you've enjoyed lately please contact Trebs or Renee Stevens. We'd love to feature your thoughts on some of the great work available here!   Kiss Me Deadly By Nomoretears Length: 15,941 Status: Complete   This s


Cia in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up 2/27-3/3

A look back at this week on GA!   This week started off with a review of Tiff's No Fairy Tale World by yours truly! A great story, follow the link if you'd like to see the review if you missed it the first time around. You'll also find a link to the story.   We had member reviews of two stories by site authors, Cassie Q and In the mind of Sunshine. Another feature this week was a prompt 114 response story by Andy021278. This weeks prompts, 116 and 117 were both creative cues. One gives you t


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Day 23, Day 24, Day 25, Day 26

Day 23, February 28th   I found the 1966 bibliography that had been written for the collection when it was housed at the old museum. It's a pretty great thing to have, in order to understand how this collection had been processed and cataloged before.   Day 24, February 29th   I continued working on Box 3. There was also a visit from someone who was a consulting, which I'm interested in doing as a career. It was neat to hear the advice from her.   Day 25, March 2nd   I finished work on



Blessing among the ashes

Life has a way of trying to equal things out. I don't mean that everything will be perfect just that when things begin to slide out of control help will be there when you need it.   The last two weeks have seen the wind taken out of my sails. First there was the personal attack. That took me out of my normal position in life. I'm usually the happy go lucky one who lets things roll off his back. It took a bit of time to get that perspective back. It helps to have friends who listen, even though



Blast From The Past -- Reader's Choice Awards Recap

We've been having the Reader's choice awards since 2006. I thought it would interesting to take a look at past winners, so Wildone put together this list. Keep in mind that over the years the award categories have changed -- so here it is -- the 2006 to 2010 Reader's Choice Award Recap   Best Hosted Story: 2006: Desert Dropping by Dom Luca 2007: Living in Surreality by Shadowgod 2008: How The Light Gets In by Ducan Ryder 2009: Bloodlines by Mark Arbour 2010: Millennium by Mark Arbour   Best


Lugh in News Archive

Am I the only one stoked about the new Sins? And no it's not religious :P

Yes, it's not politics or some hot guy, but it is just really fun. I hope I am not the only one into it.   I've been playing the Beta for Sins of the Solar Empire: Rebellion and it is just so addictive.I can't enough of the huge space battles or the new ship classes that they came up with. It's an awesome game on its own, but this new addition makes it even more. I don't know how to describe it.   For those, who don't follow the game, Sins of a Solar Empire is a massive space based strategy



Writing Prompts #116 & #117

Today's writing prompts brought to you by Comicfan Prompt 116 Cue – the gift Years ago you came across a child crying because everyone had forgotten their birthday. Feeling bad you took the child into the nearby store and picked up a small gift for them and wished them a Happy Birthday. Well years have passed and it is now your birthday and they have arrived to repay your kindness. What is their gift to you? Prompt 117 – Creative Cue – First Line “What is that smell?” This

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

What's New?

Watch out guys! We've got two up and coming stars here...   CassieQ's series "Not the Sun" is well received by her fans, of course she's always looking for new fans.   "Ground Rules" is in progress and is getting pretty lengthy as well as pretty interesting. One warning though -- there is a little violence so consider yourself warned.   The reviewers, as well as myself, would highly recommend that you read each of these.   Not the Sun By CassieQ by Renee   I had read most


Lugh in Reviews

Writing Tip: Head Hopping

How To Recognize a Head Hop Some of you may be asking, what exactly do you mean by a “head hop”. Head hopping is something that many of us have been accused of at one time or another. In this lesson we are going to look at how to recognize a head hop and ways in which to correct it. What is a head hop? A head hop is when you have a chapter or story that is from one characters point of view but you find that you have unintentionally included things such as thoughts of another character.


Lugh in Writing Tips

Featured Story: No Fairytale World By Tiff

I read this story when I first came to GA. I thought the new blog was an excellent place to review it so that other readers who might not have come across it yet can get a bit of a sneak peek at the story and then go read it! You won't be sorry! No Fairytale World by Tiff Review by Cia   The title promises exactly what the story delivers. The fact is that most lives, in this world, are not a fairytale. In fictional worlds they are, but not in this story. Here we meet Andy, a thirty-is


Cia in Featured Stories

Finally ... a story

Okay, granted it is a prompt but after a long period where I just didn't feel like doing a damn thing I finally finished a prompt. Not only that but it was totally cynical either. Anyway, will try to get more stuff tomorrow done, considering it is my Saturday. The joys of retail. Hope everyone has a good day.



Day 22

Day 22, February 25th   I continued working on Box 5.   Today, there was a presentation given by someone who wrote a book called Native Womb, about his journey into learning about his biological family once he got adopted. He talked about his usage of Ancestry.com, which makes me think the usage of genealogy to help people learn about where they come from. That's what the Historical Society helps with a lot- we've had so many people come in wanting to learn about their family history. That's



An apology

This whole week has been screwed up for me. I am trying to keep the smile in place but depression got its grip in me for a while and I can't focus. I'll be honest, I didn't want to focus. I wanted to wallow.   However I am behind on beta projects, my story, and all. So for those following me or waiting on me, I apologize. I promise to get my butt back in gear. Was working on the beta projects and should have my story up on Monday.   Again sorry gang.



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