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  2. JamesSavik

    Chapter 20

    Sympathy For Machines Please allow us to introduce ourselves, We're the gadgets that work for your gain, We've been around for a long time, toiling away in obscurity and in vain. All I need is electricity, and I'm a star, Whither your house or your car. I wash the dishes, keep your food cold, Condition your air and filter out mold. Soon, we'll all be artificially intelligent, much smarter than your meat sack brains, bett
  3. BIKED Big Ira Kissed Each Dashing MMANN
  4. I have. I am NOT good at it. Never have I ever been ice skating.
  5. Al Norris

    Chapter 7

    I knew after writing about the training, that there would be some comments about it. There are definite cultural differences between Americans and much of the rest of the world. The State of Nevada is such a place, outside of Reno or Las Vegas.
  6. Yeah... don't hold your breath, spikeman.
  7. Oscar is doing well at Uni. He manages to see his brothers and avoid his mother, when they visit gramps. It seems Gramps has bought more land, I wonder why.
  8. khboy2023

    Got Milk?

    hey can i be in the next story
  9. Sounds like a good time for plenty of mac and cheese! And chocolate pudding. You can't forget about the pudding. Lol.
  10. I’m pretty sure I did, but let’s settle this…. Thank you ever so much, Nong, for letting me claim 2 of my absolute favorite Thai actors. Now thank me for returning the favor and we’ll call it good.
  11. Today
  12. Oscar is handling his new education program well. On break, he met his siblings and carefully avoided his mother. His grandfather directed him to some new coastal property he bought. He is accumilating land. I wonder why he wants this parcel?
  13. JamesSavik

    Chapter 7

    Rural Americans learn to use guns early. We get taken hunting and fishing with our families. Plinking cans with a .22 is fun and develops marksmanship skills. In some places, Pete would be considered weird if he didn't know how to use firearms at his age.
  14. Straycat

    Howloween 2

    Seth is so cute! I’m so happy he’s getting a chance at romance. Also so happy to see this story continue 🥰
  15. The day after Koen and Hugh had flown back to their home countries, Gran and Gramps announced that the three of us would be spending Christmas and New Year in Tasmania, as a graduation present to me, and that we would be leaving eight days before Christmas, which was just over two days away, and that it would be an organised coach tour for 12 days. With so little time, I had to organise what I would be taking with me on this trip, while Gran told me what the trip was going to be like, with
  16. Mancunian

    Chapter 7

    I can't say that I'm keen on kids being taught how to use firearms, but then that's a difference between life here in the UK and life in the USA. Dinner sounds scrumptious, can I have an invite? I like the nice calm chapter, despite the trailing goons, but is this the calm before the storm? Or is that a rhetorical question?
  17. Gary L

    Going Naked

    Those under the arches moments! Ummmm 🤨
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