Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Egaran Stars - 35. Reinard- Communication
The Faro rested on the couch, feeling like he was being too dramatic, lying like he was. The walk hadn’t done his aching body any favours, and Reinard cursed Galen for being right.
“I may be a Xanar, but I’ve seen enough to know that you had sex,” Nareen said. “Congratulations on your bonding.”
Reinard grunted, his tail fluffing angrily.
“To Galen,” the Faro spat. “I don’t know what happened. He seduced me. And then he said he wanted nothing to do with me.”
He was dangerously close to tears, the universe piling disaster upon disaster on top of him. Reinard wasn’t sure he could take it any more.
“Communication is key in a relationship,” Nareen said.
“Yeah, fine, I get it. I should have told him not to eat the brownies.”
“Eating nepáta certainly would have a part to play in it. But have you considered that Galen did not know what to expect from sleeping with you?”
“He told me that after he fucked me. He even said I should try sleeping with the human in charge of filming at the porneo.”
“I can understand that being upsetting for you. But you knew he’s an Egaro, and he enjoys sex with multiple partners. If that was upsetting to you, then why would you give yourself to him?”
Reinard let out another grunt, closing his eyes. He… he really didn’t know. The tiger had gotten him in bed, but he had agreed to it, even going so far as to drug himself. That was his fault, not Galen’s. He had wanted to fuck the Egaro, and he had put himself in a position to do it.
“No. No, I didn’t want to bond to an Egaro,” the fox growled.
“Reinard, you cannot change what happened. Accepting it will make you less miserable in the long run. I think it would be much easier for you to get past your anger at Galen. I am not sure that he deserves it.”
“He does!”
“For a misunderstanding? Did he apologize for what he said to you?”
Reinard scowled, staring at the ceiling. His tail twitched under him, the Faro not ready to forgive the alien who had fucked him and then backpedaled.
“I don’t believe you are the first Faro to have issues with the customs here. But there have been Faro who have happily adjusted to the changes. If you look past their sexual natures, you will find many Egaro are very respectful and generous. Perhaps you are focusing on the wrong things. And maybe, just maybe, having an Egaro on your side will make things go easier.”
“So you’re saying that I need to deal with Galen being a dick?”
Nareen nodded slowly.
“That is not exactly how I would have put it, but essentially. What you see as him being… a dick, as you say, could very well be him trying to take care of you in his own way.”
“I don’t need him to take care of me,” Reinard growled.
“Then tell him that,” the Xanar suggested. “But if you tell him to leave you alone, then you will need to leave him alone too, bonded or not. Can you allow yourself to do that Reinard?”
The very thought sent a spear of ice cold fear through his gut. Live without his bonded? He could never do that; it was unthinkable.
Yet Galen was thinking it already, and driving Reinard toward that decision.
“Golaski… Am I going to lose him?” the fox nearly whimpered.
“Talk to him. Accept that the two of you are together, and let him know exactly what that means. You might lose him, but at least both of you would know what is happening. You would not be trapping him in a relationship. And if you really do not want to lose him, then start treating him as your bonded. Love him and cherish him, for who he is.”
“So you want me to let him fuck whoever he wants?”
“Yes,” Nareen said bluntly. “He is Egaran. You cannot change that no matter how much you want. And you cannot control his actions. But he cannot control you either. You understand that there will be times when you won’t be able to satisfy him? To try would be dangerous for both of you. But perhaps he will surprise you. Has he fucked anyone other than you since you’ve known him?”
“Just Iason,” Reinard sighed, trying to fight the part of him screaming that it was already one too many. “But I know there will be more.”
“There likely will be. But if he cares for you, then I am sure he will be respectful about how he takes other partners. And until he tells you to your face that he does not care, do not assume. It will make you miserable,” the Xanar added.
Reinard grunted as he sat up, swinging his legs off the couch. He frowned at the clock, not believing that he’d been in the office for an hour already. His mind was surprisingly a little more clear now, though the rest of him was still in pain.
“If I were you, I’d look into getting a massage. It will help loosen your muscles a bit and you won’t hurt as much. I can promise you the Egaran masseuses do not take liberties with their hands,” Nareen suggested.
“This is just my body reminding me that letting a tiger fuck me was a horrible idea,” Reinard sighed. “But… thank you, I guess.”
Nareen nodded slightly, moving to open the door for the Faro.
“I’ll see you next time then. Maybe you could bring Galen with you?”
“I’m not sure he’d go for that, but then, what do I know? It’s not like we actually know each other,” Reinard grunted.
“Then perhaps it is time to get to know the person you have decided to spend your life with,” the Xanar smiled. “For the record, I wish you luck. A life of loneliness is not something I would wish upon my worst enemy.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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