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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

Update: 1St Week Of Lecture Cont.

So, I was back on Wednesday night and I had trouble sleeping cuz my roomates wouldn't turn the lights off and had them on again way too early in the morning. I showed how annoyed I was, and it got better the following night.   Had fun doing clinical lab work, the only class that does not seem to involve any stress. Found out that the seminar we were suppose to have in the late afternoon was actually BY us not FOR us. Turns out we have to organize a seminar and invite our lecturers to have them



Raising Sweety And Fruity

Hey everyone ......... STORY TIME So, once upon a time............ I mean around a month ago ...... a Spotted Dove built her nest on a tree in a backyard and laid two beautiful eggs ....... around 2 weeks later the eggs hatched into two beautiful babies .......the mother started to nurture them with and and lots of ......then, the evil cat of the neighborhood appears .....his evil eye falls on the happy family .....so, he waits for the opportunity and one day...... the mother feels t

Victor Gutte

Victor Gutte

Writing Prompts #446 & #447

Looks around and doesn't see anyone. Well, then I guess I have the prompt page for a moment. Renee is off so I'm slipping in to introduce the prompts to everyone. Happy Friday! It's been two weeks since you were given something new, but then last week you were all given the Fall Anthology - Blurred Edges. I do hope you read and commented on them. Missed them? Find them here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/blog/258/entry-15753-2015-fall-anthology-blurred-edges-now-live/   First up I have som


comicfan in Prompts

Trials And Tribulations

In case you missed it, Book 1 of Trials and Tribulations has concluded.   I've had a lot of support and well wishes through-out my endeavor to write this story, and I thank each of you for your part in making this story possible. I do not claim to be a writer with a lot of skill or professional training, but when I write, I try to pour my feelings into each and every scene. I can only do that with the continued encouragement from all of you.   I guess the main way readers can show that is th

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Book Review - Tears Of The Neko By Taylor Ryan

Book Details   Title: Tears of the Neko Author: Taylor Ryan Publisher: Self Published Length: 439 print pages   Blurb: A younger brother buys his brother, the Duke and heir to the throne, a surprising gift for his brother's birthday--a young, very skittish neko slave. But ,Damien has no use for a personal slave. But a bet with his two younger brothers has Damien keeping the boy at his side as a matter of pride. When attempts on his life begin, Damien discovers just how protective the cat-li

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Kitty Update!

As some of you know, my sister found an abandoned kitten a couple of days ago So I am going to give a quick update.   The night we found him, he didn't sleep well and he fidgeted a lot. By morning we found out why: the poor dear had fleas. Well we gave him a bath, and we managed to get rid of most of the fleas during that. However, some still clung on and so for the next hour or so we watched him to take the remaining fleas one by one as they too died.   So, now he is flea-free   Now,

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Cbdt Reveal: What Inspired Me To Write This Story?

I know, we're still a month away from my official launch date, but I wanted to talk about why I wrote this story and some things that I just fel strongly about.   In 2012, I had this idea to create a story involving teams of hackers competing against each other in a secret war of information. I didn't think I was computer savvy enough to write it, so I left it off on my shelf for 3 years.   I recently read an article about Cyber bullying and its affect on Gay teens, which got me into plottin



Life Changes Sometimes

I've been gone for a pretty long time. Hi guys... remember me?   When I bowed out back in March, it was because we were getting prepped to move house. We bought a three bed semi-detached with a little garden and had to leave the big wild - we didn't go far, but houses in very rural Sussex are deeply expensive. We moved the day before my birthday, so I get to say I bought myself the most expensive birthday present ever!   So we bought a house, got some chickens, and in April I finally got the

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Interview: Rob Colton

Today I'm featuring an interview with Rob as part of his Signature feature. Btw, did you download your copy of the background yet? Now, Rob is a popular man, so we've featured interviews with him in the past, so I didn't want to go with the usual author questions. This time I asked him a different series of questions, so I hope you'll enjoy this insight into the flash group, writing Noah's New Plan, and Rob's future plans!   What brought you to the Wednesday Briefers flash group? I was contac


Cia in Author Interviews

Confessions Of A Political Addict

Damn it!   I was getting cleaned up and writing again, now I just got my first taste of Crack, Political Crack   I need to remember unlike years before I have a young story to think about; he's not even 1 chapter old yet; I can't just abandon him for a quick political score during the primaries.   Still, it is so much fun to debate, fight over views about everything from the role of government to the role of a parking ban against non-residents. Political debate is addictive; it's like sex



Update: 1St Week Of Lecture

Update: 1st Week of Lecture   First day of class doesn't really feel like class at all. Maybe it's because we had to sit through continous lectures mainly on how we should and can change our attitude and behavior and develope a more professional image blah blah blah. Surprisingly, the only person who stuck with me through out the day was someone from my foundation program last year that I honestly didn't really like. But she stood by me and I appreciate her company and there might be hope of u



Trails And Tribulations

I am almost finished with the last chapter of T&T Book 1.   I may need a beta reader to take a look at it for me. If you're interested and have read the book, please let me know.   I guess the first sentence has given it away. Book 1 of Trails and Tribulations is coming to a close. It will be out this week, sometime, between now, and Friday night.   Thanks to everyone that has read, clicked on the LIKE button of every chapter, and those that left a review. It means a lot to me to final

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Book Review - His Grandfather's Watch By N.r. Walker

This is my first book review, so please feel free to suggest improvements.   I looked at a few friends blogs and found there seemed to be a fairly excepted standard layout and so I have tried to stick to that as much as possible.   Book Details     Title: His Grandfather's Watch Author: N.R. Walker Publisher: BlueHeart Press Length: 86 print pages   Blurb: It was just an ordinary day for Alex Harper at Harper's Antiquities, until Callum Winters walked in with a watch. "It was my Grand

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Advice On Dealing With Ego.

Hi Everyone So i haven't updated this in a while so I thought I would.   Life is going very well - I'm about to finish my Masters, just achieved an Associate Fellowship of a national teaching organisation (and have been asked to apply for full fellowship) and i'm sort of seeing a nguy - not sure what will happen with him, but we shall see. Keep you posted   But that's not the purpose of this blog. So I am currently volunteering as a director for a local theatre company and I wanted some ad

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Featured Story: Noah's New Plan

So, in honor of the title, and the general theme of Rob's story, Noah's New Plan, I decided to do something a little different this month for the review of the Signature Feature story. Instead of one reviewer giving us their take on the story, I asked a series of readers the same questions and asked them to pick a few to answer (and some picked all of them, lol). I hope you'll enjoy this new feature format, and don't forget to download your copy of the signature background for this month if you


Cia in Featured Stories

Ga Story Ashes Of Fate Episode 2, Season 1 Review

Cynus' Ashes of Fate Episode 2   Plot Summary: We find our protagonist Tristan trapped in the Wer camp from last episode, until a mysterious boy named Jacob rescues him. He meets up with a ragtag band people, which include humans and Were-creatures alike. They board an aircraft and head to some unidentified hospital facility, where Tristan sees some hidden memories   Review: Good stuff and bad stuff abound in Episode 2,   The Good is that we get to see that the Wer are not the only one wit



Ga Story Ashes Of Fate: Episode 1, Season 1

Alright, this is my first GA story review in a while, I have my own set of review structure that is slightly different than Renee's outline for GA, but not incompatible.   Let's start with Cynus' Ashes of Fate   Ashes of Fate Episode 1, Season 1   Plot Summary: We meet Tristan the protagonist of this story with a mild amnesiac episode at the beginning of the chapter, where he does not recognize who he is and where he is. The chapter unfolds with Tristan recalling his life and references hi



The Alternative To Windows 10

I have five computers. Two run Windows 7 and 8, respectively, in order to access certain programs that only work on Windows. The other three run Linux. I love Linux, and I'll tell you why. It's easy, for one thing. Over the years, Linux distributions have gotten smarter and made more of their operating system GUI, which means the times a user needs to drop to the command line to type anything in are few and far between. It's free. That matters in a world where Microsoft charges $100 a pop for an



Cbdt Reveal: How I Am Going To Schedule Publishing On Ga

I envision this story to act almost like a TV series, when I launch it, I will publish Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 as my series "pilot" episodes.   Each week, I will publish a new chapter at a exact time slot, Friday at 9PM EST, so readers will have time to read it.   Here's the Publication Schedule as it stands for CBDT (Cyber Bullying Defense Team):   Publishing Date Chapter #   October 23rd 2015- 1+2 (Pilot)   October 30th 2015- 3   November 6th 2015- 4   November 13th 2015- 5   N



Weekly Wrap Up!

We're going to get right up into the wrap up this week, and guess what, we're even going to go backwards! Have you been looking for something new to read? Something short maybe? With the release of the 2015 Fall Anthology, you have 16 brand new stories to check out. If you check Thursday's blog entry, you'll find links to all of them. Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know how much you appreciate their work.   Have you thought about doing a story review for the blog? Maybe

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

New Story In Process: Working Title Cyber Bullying Defense Team

I've been arguing back and forth, even trying to offer some one else a chance at writing this story, but I have decided to finally take the plunge and write this new story. I had come up with the concept 3 years ago, but I kept shelving it until now.   The plot of the story centers around a mass act of Coordinated Cyber Bullying attacks on Gay teens. LGBT leaders and advocates are unable to do anything to fight this new threat as ad campaigns, youtube videos, and marches prove ineffective. The



Oh, Crap!

Went to see the psychiatrist today. It was going like a normal appointment until I brought up the hallucinations I’ve been having. We’ve (and my previous shrink) discussed them in times past, but recently they’re manifesting themselves more frequently. We discussed if I felt this was due to one of the many meds I take. After we talked for a good while she asked if I ever had a Parkinsonism examine, which I haven’t. On the paper test I scored 21 out of 26, not good, but at least not too bad eithe




Hello guys   I know I haven't been around lately, and it sucks but I have been really busy at school. Well, not too busy, in a way. The main problem is I can rarely access GA due to it being blocked by the school's wifi system I could use my phone data, but it ran out Starting from next month tho I will be saving my data especially for GA and emergencies only and will fully take advantage of the school's wifi at all times   So, here's a recent update of what's been going on this pass f



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