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    Timothy M.
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Timothy’s Terrible Prompt Stories - 45. Prompt 246 What now?

Rob and Jasper confront bad behavior.
A Rob POV chapter, going back in time a bit in relation to the previous chapter.

“What now?” Rob muttered under his breath as he entered the locker room and saw most of the baseball team in the middle of a heated discussion.

Practice had gone well, their coach had still been pleased with the win on Saturday, and everyone was in a good mood. The assistant coach had concentrated on Jazz, making sure he rested his wrist in between working on his pitching. Rob had helped out by batting whenever the pitching coach took them out to the mound to test specific pitches. Jazz had a wicked curveball. Mitchell had stayed with them, together with the junior catcher, Tobias, who had gotten a lot of work with the two guys taking turns.

Rob couldn’t help smirking at his own thoughts, which in another context would have a very different meaning. He had no doubt Eric would pitch in his relationship with Nelson, but would he also catch? The dark-haired junior had boldly stated he was versatile, and Rob had noticed Eric’s shock at the time. But since they had sorted out the matter in private, he still didn’t know what his younger brother thought about this part of having a boyfriend. He smirked again at the memory of walking in on Eric making his boyfriend moan; yeah, his little brother was a true Perry – hot, determined and irresistible.

Rob had walked towards the knot of players, while indulging in this fun speculation, and now pushed through team members arguing with or watching the two main protagonists facing each other. Somehow, he wasn’t surprised to see the red hair of Jasper, but he didn’t expect him to be naked apart from a towel round his hips. Across from him stood Chris who was still in his baseball uniform. Mitchell stood next to Jasper and he had his arm around Tobias who looked as if he was about to faint. Rob wanted to curse the coach for delaying him on the field with questions about matters that could have waited.

“If I don’t object to anyone looking, why should you?” the redhead was saying.

“I don’t want him perving on me!” Chris shouted.

“As if anyone wanted to look at your scrawny ass and useless junk.” The words fell out of Rob’s mouth before he could stop himself, and everyone went dead quiet. He could almost feel Jazz trying to decide between rolling his eyes and laughing. Well, Chris probably didn’t even jerk off, he was so uptight.

Mitchell was the first to gather his wits, and Rob made a note he owed the clever starting pitcher. “OK, seriously now, have any of you ever been made uncomfortable by someone looking at you here?” They all knew he didn’t mean the general checking out of other guys.

There was a general murmur of denial, but Rob could feel the situation was still volatile. Was Tobias gay? He’d never thought about it, but the guy was quiet and mostly kept to himself, even among the juniors. He was a good catcher, threw precise balls to the basemen and was doing well on learning the signals, and suggesting the best pitches for the batters the team faced. But the kid looked so terrified, his brown eyes huge, he might decide to give up baseball rather than having to deal with any future trouble.

“No? Well, that’s what I thought. In fact, I’ve heard the problem’s normally the other way, with gay guys feeling intimidated and uncomfortable with locker room talk and behavior.”

“That’s ridiculous. They should simply stay away or man up.” Ryan’s voice took the focus away from Chris for a moment, but Rob quickly brought it back.

“Since you’re the only one with a problem, Chris, why don’t you leave? We need Tobias on the team a lot more than you, and this is even truer for next year.”

“Why should I leave? He’s the one causing problems with his evil, perverted ways.”

“What exactly do you mean by evil?” Rob knew everyone expected him to punch Chris again, but since it hadn’t helped the idiot see the light, he saw no point in getting thrown off the team and suspended for fighting in school.

“Lusting after other men—”

“You mean gay?” Rob interrupted, and Chris nodded and seemed to brace himself for a punch.

“Did Tobias say he was gay?” Out of his eye, he saw the junior in question shake his head frantically.

“No, but the way he kept looking at Jasper while he undressed…” Chris’ disgust came across loud and clear.

“Oh, so you’re familiar with how to look at guys if you find them attractive? I wonder why?” This question from Jazz brought out a few grins, chuckles and comments from most of the group around them. Chris wasn’t stupid enough to react to the taunts, and Rob waited for the moment the noise died down.

“The only evil here is you looking for guys to point fingers at. Who will be next?” He gestured around, and the tension spiked again.

“I say you need to leave now and not come back, before you destroy our baseball team with your stupidity and hate.” Jasper pronounced the final verdict.

“I agree.” Mitchell and Rob spoke together, and several other people in the group backed them up.

“Just fuck off, Chris.” – “Jazz is right, get out.” – “We don’t need your holy shit here.” – “Go home.”

There were plenty of people who kept quiet, and Ryan was nowhere to be seen. But it was clear the majority of speakers, and most importantly of the popular jocks, were on the side of Jazz and his two senior wingmen.

Rob made sure not to sound triumphant. “We’ll forget about this if you do. But there had better not be any rumors or gay-baiting going around. Goes for all of us, right?” He knew the story would get out, but hopefully no one would gossip about Tobias. Jasper seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

“I’m sure none of you want to find out how Nelson would react to anyone being bullied on this issue.” His smirk was fiendish and had several people cringing. Nope, no one wanted to face Nelson in a righteous rage.

The trio stayed behind as everyone except Tobias scattered to get showered or go home. The catcher’s legs suddenly buckled under him, and only Mitchell’s arm around his shoulder saved him from dropping to the floor.

“Whoa, buddy, sit down,” he said as he guided the shaking teen down on the bench next to them.

“Th...thanks,” the pale junior stuttered. Rob sat down beside him and patted his shoulder. Jasper stood in front of them, and there was no mistaking the slight blush bringing color back into Tobias’ face. It came as he glanced up at the almost-naked body of the frowning redhead.

“For Chrissakes, Jazz, will you get some clothes on and stop flaunting your stuff! Go find Carolyn if you want to get laid.” Rob made a shooing gesture and tilted his head slightly towards Tobias to indicate he would deal with the shaken catcher.

“Rob, we need to…” Jasper began, and then shrugged. “Right, I have to get out of here; I promised to pick up Nelson and Eric. We’ll talk later.” With that he unhitched his towel and strode into the shower area to be met with catcalls and good-humored ribbing. His answer was indistinct but undaunted.

“Hey, I … help … hot. Look all … touching … reserved for … Carolyn sure…” A roar of laughter followed, and Rob and Mitchell grinned at each other. Trust Jazz to appreciate the attention.

Tobias put his head in his hands and muttered, “Shit.” His short dark hair curled damply at the back of his neck and around his ears.

Rob was sure his face changed too, as Mitchell developed a worried expression.

“Uhm, Tobias, you did know Jazz has a girlfriend, right?”

“What? Oh, yeah, of course. Carolyn is in my class, she’s really cool.” He suddenly sat up straight and looked from one to the other. “Wait, did you think I was crushing on Jazz? Dude, no way, although I’ll admit he’s good looking.”

Rob was surprised when Tobias shook his head and managed a laugh, even though his blush was getting more pronounced. It was obvious he meant what he was saying. Was he straight after all, or simply sensible enough not to crush on straight guys? No matter, this wasn’t the time or place to get to the bottom of the story.

“OK, let’s get cleaned up.” He stood up and began shedding his clothes. Mitchell moved over to his bag and did the same, but Tobias hesitated. Rob deliberately stripped completely before he faced him.

“Look, dude, you’ve showered with us plenty of times before. Don’t act any different, or that idiot will win. Whether you’re straight, gay or bi, it doesn’t matter. You’re part of the team and you belong here. Anyone who has a problem with that can go fuck themselves.”

Somebody cleared his throat behind Rob, and the blond teen turned his head to see their coach stand in the door to the locker room. 'Oh shit, now what?'

Thanks to AC for a speedy and helpful edit. I apologize for any baseball mistakes.
If you want to know what Jasper said in the shower, check out this post in the story discussion topic.
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Yay! First like and first review :)
I loved Jazz's attitude in this chapter. He's secure enough in himself to appreciate being admired. Having anyone, regardless if they're the same sex, find you attractive should be flattering. Rob was great, standing up to Chris and making sure the rest of the team was in agreement as well. I don't know if this will hold up after Rob and Jazz have left the school, but its a great start.
I can't see the coach having a problem with what Rob did or said. he was standing up for a fellow player and he didn't resort to violence. he did very well. I also love that Rob didn't press to find out if Tobias was actually gay or not. In the end it doesn't matter, it was the perception got him bullied.
Great job, Tim. :)

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Sir Rob saves the day again! :D
I enjoyed Rob pondering about Eric and Nel's relationship, it's so typical of him, lol. And it was also typical o him to stand up for the "little guy." With that sort of mindset, Rob will always win friends easily.
I also enjoyed that final victory when most of the baseball players sided with Rob et al and not Ryan or Chris. :yes: Of course, for some of the undecided, Jazz was helpful enough to remind them of Nel's martial skills :gikkle: I couldn't help but chuckle at all the cringing.


The sad thing about living where I do, is that I know more than one "Chris" :( but, I do hope Chris grows as a person and becomes more accepting and less uptight.
Hell, he should take Rob and Jazz's advice: get laid! :lol:


Lastly, Lit really touched on a lot of things I thought about as I read this chapter. :) Especially with; anyone should be flattered when someone finds them attractive. That is a lesson worth learning.


Thank you so much for this lovely chapter Tim :hug:

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Well, that was interesting. Rob was so Rob here, and Jazz was his normal fun-loving, positive self. I felt bad for Tobias. There are always guys like Chris around. I spent enough time in locker rooms to be able to spot them a mile away, even without actually looking. They're the ones facing the middle, always watching for anything they can single out, and fag is their favorite word. I learned early to ignore everyone in there, but poor Tobias didn't stand a chance. I loved that they kicked Chris off the team, but I believe that is the coach's job. Another great job, Tim... cheers... Gary....

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On 03/12/2016 08:44 AM, LitLover said:

Yay! First like and first review :)

I loved Jazz's attitude in this chapter. He's secure enough in himself to appreciate being admired. Having anyone, regardless if they're the same sex, find you attractive should be flattering. Rob was great, standing up to Chris and making sure the rest of the team was in agreement as well. I don't know if this will hold up after Rob and Jazz have left the school, but its a great start.

I can't see the coach having a problem with what Rob did or said. he was standing up for a fellow player and he didn't resort to violence. he did very well. I also love that Rob didn't press to find out if Tobias was actually gay or not. In the end it doesn't matter, it was the perception got him bullied.

Great job, Tim. :)

Yay and a brilliant review too. :D Thanks, LL.

I guess Jasper has the advantage of having a gay best friend, so he's pretty immune to any worry about be checked out by a guy. But you're quite right about the other factors too.

Yeah Rob found a good lever in the confrontation with Chris. Nobody wants him around to judge them and point fingers. We'll have to see what the coach says about it - and that he's not strict about swearing.

Rob may be curious, but he knows when not to press the issue (well mostly, lol). And I love that you caught on to my intention to leave the matter undecided.

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On 03/12/2016 08:50 AM, JohnAR said:

Saint Rob? Beatification will be in order pretty soon ;-). Rob's back!!!! Yeah!

LOL, yeah, Rob's back with a vengance. :lol: But I'm not sure everyone agrees that his behavior was saintly.

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On 03/12/2016 09:10 AM, Drew Espinosa said:

Sir Rob saves the day again! :D

I enjoyed Rob pondering about Eric and Nel's relationship, it's so typical of him, lol. And it was also typical o him to stand up for the "little guy." With that sort of mindset, Rob will always win friends easily.

I also enjoyed that final victory when most of the baseball players sided with Rob et al and not Ryan or Chris. :yes: Of course, for some of the undecided, Jazz was helpful enough to remind them of Nel's martial skills :gikkle: I couldn't help but chuckle at all the cringing.


The sad thing about living where I do, is that I know more than one "Chris" :( but, I do hope Chris grows as a person and becomes more accepting and less uptight.

Hell, he should take Rob and Jazz's advice: get laid! :lol:


Lastly, Lit really touched on a lot of things I thought about as I read this chapter. :) Especially with; anyone should be flattered when someone finds them attractive. That is a lesson worth learning.


Thank you so much for this lovely chapter Tim :hug:

You're welcome, Drew, and thanks for the lovely review. :hug:

lol on Rob getting all the attention, I think Jazz and Mitchell played equally important parts. ;)

I loved that the small Nelson reminder made you chuckle, it did the same for me.

Rob being gay-curious is so much fun to write, even if it only happens in his mind.

I'm not good on the redemption writing, we'll have to ask Gary for that. But I think Chris is a lost case.

Lit did indeed have several good points and I also liked the one about flattering attention in particular. :yes:

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On 03/12/2016 09:41 AM, Headstall said:

Well, that was interesting. Rob was so Rob here, and Jazz was his normal fun-loving, positive self. I felt bad for Tobias. There are always guys like Chris around. I spent enough time in locker rooms to be able to spot them a mile away, even without actually looking. They're the ones facing the middle, always watching for anything they can single out, and fag is their favorite word. I learned early to ignore everyone in there, but poor Tobias didn't stand a chance. I loved that they kicked Chris off the team, but I believe that is the coach's job. Another great job, Tim... cheers... Gary....

Thanks, Gary, I'm glad you found the chapter interestin and Rob and Jazz typical. Means I haven't lost my touch in spite of the long break. :D

I haven't had any personal experiences with Chris types, so I'm relieved you found him credible. AC told me he thought this sort of behavior was getting rarer and I hope he is right.

And of course you're absolutely right about the coach having the final word on who gets kicked off the team, but if someone says they want to leave (and focus on their finals), he might not object if it's not a key player.

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Lots of avenues open up with Tobias as a new character. I hope you continue to explore them. As for Chris, you know that the biggest homophobe bigots are the ones 'with a secret,' so maybe someone can 'crack that nut' down the road. Toby, mmmmaybe…? hehe


The ending with the coach made it seem ominous. Wonder if more serious business is looming…?

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On 03/20/2016 11:45 AM, AC Benus said:

Lots of avenues open up with Tobias as a new character. I hope you continue to explore them. As for Chris, you know that the biggest homophobe bigots are the ones 'with a secret,' so maybe someone can 'crack that nut' down the road. Toby, mmmmaybe…? hehe


The ending with the coach made it seem ominous. Wonder if more serious business is looming…?

LOL, AC - as if I haven't got enough characters to keep track off. But I'll keep him in mind.

Good point about Chris, but I think his religious background is the main factor here. To be honest I don't really want to 'waste' any more story time on him. He's played his role, so Exit Left, Idiot. :lol:

Yeah, the coach, I'll have to come back to him and how Rob's glib tounge got him out of that situation. :unsure:

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Does Rob ware a spiderman type costume in his spare time i wonder,after all he does seem to be something of a super hero :worship:

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On 12/31/2016 01:55 AM, bubby1234 said:

Does Rob ware a spiderman type costume in his spare time i wonder,after all he does seem to be something of a super hero :worship:

LOL, thanks bubby, yeah he is a bit larger-than-life at times. But don't worry, Rob has his bad sides / weak points too. Ehm, like... :huh::pinch::blink::huh: uhm, I'll come up with something... :rofl:

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On 01/31/2017 01:15 PM, droughtquake said:

I’d love the opportunity to admire a clothed Jazz!


Does he have any Gay uncles or cousins you can send my way? ;-)

The pics you're sending me are better than any I could have found. :P Jasper probably has uncles, but I don't want to introduce more people in this story. :lol:

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Jasper stood in front of them, and there was no mistaking the slight blush bringing color back into Tobias’ face. It came as he glanced up at the almost-naked body of the frowning redhead.

- Oh-ho! What's this? 

Rob deliberately stripped completely before he faced him.

“Look, dude, you’ve showered with us plenty of times before. Don’t act any different, or that idiot will win. Whether you’re straight, gay or bi, it doesn’t matter. You’re part of the team and you belong here. Anyone who has a problem with that can go fuck themselves.”

- Oh damn Rob...your naked body would make anyone faint just a little, straight or not. I mean, a straight guy would wonder if they'd ever develop a body like that, I'm sure. 

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On 4/4/2017 at 4:25 PM, Thirdly said:

- Oh-ho! What's this? 


- Oh damn Rob...your naked body would make anyone faint just a little, straight or not. I mean, a straight guy would wonder if they'd ever develop a body like that, I'm sure. 


LOL, me being a tease - and/or a straight but shy guy.


Sigh, yeah, imagining Rob in the shower is a favorite past time of mine. :P 

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1 hour ago, Timothy M. said:

Sigh, yeah, imagining Rob in the shower is a favorite past time of mine. :P 


Ha ha ha! The same with just about everyone reading this story!

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