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  2. Flip-Flop

    Chapter 4

    Wow, this case is getting complicated or is Ken's thinking making it more complex than it really is? Does he suspect someone connected to Joe, could be working this extortion from a different angle for a quick cash payoff? There are a lot of "what ifs" in this chapter. I am intrigued by this investigation.
  3. Backwoods Boy


    "Mom, do we have any Hawaiian ancestors?" I hadn't figured out a strategy. I was winging this one. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I met this Hawaiian guy a few days ago, and he thought we might be related." Mom could smell bullshit a mile away. "Let's see, a blue-eyed, blond-haired, white-skinned European is related to a brown-eyed, black-haired, dark-skinned Pacific Islander. Well, this time of year, the skin color might not be so different, I suppose. Maybe he mistook you fo
  4. akascrubber

    Chapter 4

    It is a scam for sure, But, now Ken became worried about what would happen to the girl who was kidapped. The criminals might kill her if they find out she was a fraud. But, maybe they are in on it. He needs to be careful
  5. Gary L

    Chapter 2

    This story is flowing beautifully, Im really enjoying the installments and @Anton_Cloche’s guesses ( and the author’s cruel response!!). Good stuff, Chris.
  6. So, I went through all my PMs when I saw the length of my conversation with Drew. I realized I never really deleted most of my conversations, and I got a little choked up. I had conversations with Skinny Dragon, Carlos Hazday, and Comicality from several years ago. There’s so many people that come and go from our little community, and I just realized I was lucky to be just a little bit closer with 3 awesome people that left permanently.
  7. Not to be "that guy" but we lost him just barely over two weeks before his 49th birthday. (He was born in 1975). Still not old enough to consider 'old' though and I can tell you that in spirit he was still that 21 year old I found out there who had just claimed that piece of the internet for us all and was fired up to build on it! I was in direct contact with him up to his final hospitalization and the news still came as an absolute shock. Outside of being understandably tired, he had so much fight left in his voice and plans for tomorrow, like he always did. 😢 In joking when working on one of his sites, I said to a friend that I've been daring him to haunt me so i can have a word with him about all this. Comsie: "Booooooooo...." Me: "Oh good, you're here. Sit down, we need to talk..." 🤭 If only...
  8. pvtguy

    Chapter 10

    Micca Onenut, I believe, is very concerned about his job and livelihood. That is no excuse for his behavior, but I grew up with that type of cloud over my father's head which manifested itself in his being an alcoholic. Thankfully, instead of external rage like Micca, he turned silent, passive/aggressive. While i understand this behavior, the effect was felt deeply by me when I was all but ignored by him for a variety of reasons. That he will forever be reminded of his actions by his loss of not only his testicle, but also by the treatment he will receive from his family is only just! Pete is everything said by Uncle George and in the comments. It's amazing he that instead of having absorbed and lived the values of his mother, he has grown in spite of her values.
  9. Chief Morton looked up from his desk to the sound of stampeding cattle. At least, that’s what it sounded like to him. He was shocked to see Ken and his entire family rushing into the precinct. Ken and George ran immediately to Ken’s computer while Joe and Tom filled the Chief in on what had transpired during the last few days. Joe commented that since a possible kidnapping was involved, it was police business. He added the little bit of information that he and his sons were positive it was
  10. Today
  11. drsawzall

    Chapter 6

    For those curious minds... Judging by all the extraneous wires it also works the stereo and receiver as well!!!
  12. Thank you, Parker. So many of Platen's Sonnets speak directly to the Gay Experience, and I feel honored to provide some updated translations of them. As you know, I'm working on completing the entire set (well over a hundred). I'm down to the final three or four, and it's hard going. I hope I can bring all of my versions up to the level evident in the poem above. Thanks again
  13. He wasn't, really. Just 46. Which I suppose could be considered old, if you're particularly young. Although many of his popular works, he began writing in his twenties.
  14. . Sappho 9 (numbering per Mary Barnard) So what if we are nothing but a sighing breath living on words. For the words I now inhabit are the breaths never meant to die. _
  15. J92

    Chapter 12

    Thomas has been advised that Adam admitted guilt and he is in jail. His family still hate him but no one is allowed to contact him. It is over. Thomas is deflated that it had to end this way but he is free now and that is a very strange very nice feeling. He has been resting at home and now he was healed and was back to work. Time does not fly when you are stuck in the house bored. It felt like ripping off a bandage coming b
  16. JamesSavik

    Chapter 10

    I'm afraid I understand Mitch all too well. When you grow up in an environment that's so hostile to being gay, it does seriously bad things to your head. Low self-esteem doesn't even begin to cover it. Try NO SELF ESTEEM, and you think good things ARE NOT for you. I thought I was biblically Evil with a big "E" and on the Highway to Hell. If you're on that kind of ride, might as well enjoy it. I did the drugs, sex and rock & roll thing until I was sick with it and of it. I made Mitch look like a shy Catholic school girl in comparison. That I'm still alive is nothing short of a miracle.
  17. drsawzall

    Chapter 5

    Just imagine the fun the gang could have with a bunch of discontented leprechauns...
  18. JamesSavik

    Chapter 10

    I had problems with this chapter. NOT the writing, but the sudden, unexpected violence during something as innocuous as meeting a new friend's parents. It gave me a nasty flashback and left me shaking. It reminded me entirely too much of a similar episode. That kind of stuff that leaves marks. If Pete doesn't get some post-traumatic symptoms out of that, he's a frikkin Terminator. Did he have to be named... Jimmy?
  19. Yo, Pagey! How did it go with Maxwell?
  20. He can't reach one, nor the other.
  21. Awww! One day I'll tell you the story of how she proposed. And don't worry. I'm sure the top for you is around the corner.
  22. Thank you for a powerful, life affirming conclusion. Otis and Hudson confessed their love and desire to spend their lives together. They w/ill be good for each other.Otis has been exceptionally resilient enduring so much pain and isolation and silence . His grandmother was a kindly saint who transformed Otis into a real human being . Hudson knows he was his guardian angel who saved him from Keres and will now continuing strenthening, saving and loving him. I would love to know how they prosper and move ahead.
  23. No problems? I doubt it too. As a matter of fact, I'll guarantee there will be more problems, hehe. It's not just a year, it could be as many as nine if I get to and through the college years. 🤞
  24. Northern Dutch Guy

    Chapter 1

    Thanks for the new story. Is captivating from the start.
  25. Jared has been taken into Oscars close circle of friends who know about the retreat.
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