Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
18 Weeks of Twoey - 39. Week Six Thursday, October 9, 2014: Biggy’s Room
Gary and I recorded our time this morning. Then he said, “I'll ask my father to drive our route and have the car's odometer figure its distance.”
Of course, why didn't I think of it! I feel like an idiot ...and I'm supposed to be smart!
There’s a XCountry race tomorrow. My first time on Varsity! I'm pumped!!
A funny thing happened at breakfast. I poured out my usual few bits of cereal and a sliced banana, a sliced apple and some blueberries, covering it all in honey. I was just about to pour the milk when Tommy reached over and added a big heap of cereal to the bowl. I scrunched up my face and looked at him. He said, “Don't give me no crap, just eat it!” So I didn't give him ‘no’ crap and I did eat it ...all.
My little brother being my big brother again ...hehe.
And then his mother came in.
She poured a cup of coffee and sat down. She began to talk toward me about my problem but I said to Tommy, “Tell your mother I've got it covered with my meditation. Tell her to drop it!” I got up, grabbed my hoodie and pack then went out to wait for my three pals to pick me up. You know, my life has sooo much less stress, without dealing with her anymore! I shoulda given her away a long time ago.
Anyway, I have a new mother now. One who actually hugs me.
I updated the boys on Twoey's condition and improvement. They asked if he knew about Danny and I told them I didn't think so. We decided it was going to be a real shock for him when he finds out. I said, “I’m glad it’s not gonna be me who has to break the news to him!”
Before math, I asked, “Do you want to meet Lanni and Deena for something to eat before we go to the show Saturday night?”
“Oh yes! That’s a wonderful idea.”
“I'll check with Lanni after lunch when I see her.”
On the way to back my desk, the little kid who sits behind me suddenly got out of his seat and I nearly smacked right into him! It almost seemed deliberate. He had to know I almost hit him, but the fucker ignored me and went up to talk to Elcher. I decided to ignore him when he returned. I looked at Terri instead. The kid must be mental or something.
At lunch, I decided to sit next to Sam, basically exchanging seats with Matty. That put Erik on the other side of Matty. I don’t need to sit next to Erik anymore. I was lots more relaxed between Matty and Sam. Even Matty was less tactile. Haha ...I was able to eat my entire lunch.
Later, before fifth period, I brought Lanni up-to-date and she agreed to meet us at Kory's before the movie. Deena is coming! Super. I think she's starting to hate me less now, so It'll be more fun. I wonder if I could ever move into her friend zone? She’d be a great friend to have. Probably even a good bodyguard ...hehe.
Oh! Lanni squeezed my hand.
And my heart stopped.
Yes. It actually stopped. I felt it thump when it rebooted.
It’s a good thing it rebooted, because in social Burch went around the room returning the corrected quizzes from yesterday. When he arrived at my desk, he leaned over, placing my 100% in front of me. But his other hand was on my shoulder blade near my neck and he squeezed it ...almost too hard to be unintentional or friendly or any other reason I could come up with. It made my skin crawly. Why can’t the fuckhead leave me alone? He’s drifting into that special region of my mind previously reserved for Enos Johnson alone.
When sixth period arrived, I checked all around the gym but couldn’t find any weight room. I asked a freshman who looked vaguely familiar. He said his name was Donny. I must have been mistaken, I don’t know any Donnys. Anyway, this Donny kid told me where it was. Imagine my surprise when I discovered it was on the freshman floor this year. You know, I vaguely remember somebody telling me that before.
Imagine my larger surprise when I walked in to find Biggy there! I vaguely remember somebody telling me that too. Surprisingly, it was just the two of us in there. You should have seen the huge smile he gave me! I showed him my regimen instructions. He was actually pretty impressed.
“David, you've got a real coach there!”
I asked him how I should go about my prescribed workout and he got me all situated. He was really happy when he found out I was going to be there every day. “Great! Nobody's ever in here this period and I can't do much lifting without a spotter. Now we can spot for each other.” I also found out he's sort of a weight room guru, so ...good for me! I think I’d like Biggy as a friend. This daily closeness could surely make that happen. The only problem with this location is it’s nowhere near the gym locker room. It’s good I have gym next period, but it still means, until the end of XCountry season, there will be three hours in a row of physical activity before I can shower. I’ll be pretty ripe ...haha.
In gym, Mr. Cyrnn told us tomorrow was the end of our wrestling unit. Halleluiah!
I was on my hands and knees, with Matty draped tightly over me, his hand on my abs. I was about to practice escaping. “So David, do you think you'll be joining the wrestling team?”
“Jeez Matty, I don't see how it’s possible. I'll be spending every day after school helping Twoey with his schoolwork and I just can't fit it in ...no way.”
He was seriously unhappy. Then he said, “I hope we can stay friends and I can still eat lunch at your table.”
Well ...what a surprise, but I said, “Sure, why not? Just because I'm not on the team doesn't mean I'm not your friend!” His face lit right up. His hand on my stomach squeezed me a little tighter.
I guess he wasn't only a recruiter. That's okay, I really like Matty, he's fun ...a little too tactile sometimes, but fun. I only need to make sure my time with him is diluted a bit with the presence of another person.
It’s not always easy to take Matty straight.
As we were going through the various moves, something occurred to me. Today, for the first time I think, people other than those in my gang were in my mind as friends. Lanni, Deena, Matty and Biggy are people I want as good friends. Does it mean my gang is not sufficient for me anymore? I don’t feel myself pulling away from them, but somehow they don’t seem to be enough for me anymore. What does it mean? I already have a new mother and think of Basuba as a father figure. I’m slowly becoming a different person from who I was beginning the school year. I can feel it happening.
Today's XCountry practice was intense! I guess the Coach gets this way on the day before a race, or so Jimmy explained. Jimmy was also a great help for me today. He was taking a special interest. He whispered I was better than most of the guys on varsity, and maybe together we could beat the Glen guys for the first time ever. The Glen is who we race tomorrow. They’re unbelievably good.
Afterwards at home, meditation was all about the race. My subconscious was going to help me pace properly for the XCountry course tomorrow. I have a very good feeling about it.
Supper #1 was spaghetti and meatballs. There are only four components to the meal. Ragu sauce, spaghetti, meatballs and bread. Now Ragu sauce always tastes the same out of the jar and heated up, which is all Tommy’s mother does with it. It's not as good a restaurant sauce but it'll do. I don't think spaghetti is supposed to be mushy ...but it was. The meatballs come out of a little box in the freezer and they were a little ...tough, but not impossible to eat. And, of course, this would be the ideal meal to have Italian bread, right? Apparently ...wrong! It was the same old sliced chemical laden gummy-bread. I skipped the bread, but I did eat my whole bowl of food ...well, I ate the whole half-bowl of food I dished out for myself.
I smiled at Tommy as if to say, “See, I cleaned my plate!” After dinner it was homework until about 8:30 when I told my father I'd be back at 10 or 10:30.
Supper #2 was ...spaghetti and chicken Parm! Okay, I was ready for this. The sauce was unbelievable ...bright ...full of flavor ...soft and not real thick and goopy.
“Ginny, what brand of sauce is this? Maybe I can get Tommy's mother to buy it.”
She gave me the strangest look. “What do you mean?”
“I know it's not Ragu, because it's what we use and Ragu doesn't taste nearly as good as this ...not even close!”
She just laughed and said she makes it herself. I didn't even know people could DO that! Then she said she would teach me how when Twoey came home. We also had Italian bread! I pigged out on the bread. Maybe I'll gain some weight before the big weigh-in Monday. The spaghetti was really firm, which gave the meal a whole different feel. The chicken Parm melted in my mouth. I know I'm gonna be okay when the nurse weighs me Monday. Ha!
“I think Michael will be out of ICU on Saturday.”
I lit right up!! What great news.
“I won't be here tomorrow night because we have an away Cross Country race, down at the foot of the lake. It's my first time on varsity! Saturday I have a movie date with Kathy. If Twoey is in a regular room, could you pick me up Sunday when you go to the hospital?”
“I’ll be going up around 11.” Which means no church for David... YAY!
While we were discussing how Twoey was feeling better and all, I asked, “When do you think they'll tell him about the accident?”
“The doctor doesn't want him to know yet, while he's still in such critical condition.”
I looked at her and said, “Man, I'm glad I'm not gonna have to be the one who tells him!” She just nodded.
Back home Kathy talked for her usual hour. I told her about Saturday's plans, and she agreed. I also explained she might not get a call tomorrow night if I was too worn out with the race, because I'll collapse when I get home. She said she'd wait for a call, but if one didn't come, she'd understand.
“I'll just hold your little cross like I'm doing now.”
That's creepy.
I was awake most of the day. nodding off for a little nap around one and again at five. The doctor came in today. He said my neck was healing well and I'd probably be in a regular room sometime on Saturday. Tomorrow morning I’m going to start getting soft, solid food. I guess they want everything to be working before they let me out of here.
He told me my throat will hurt a little as I eat, but everything should start working okay. They'll be watching me closely tomorrow. He also said they're going to replace that contraption holding my neck and head in position with a smaller one that will allow a little movement. Maybe even before I go to the regular room. At least those damn head pains are gone!!
Mom said that David stops over nearly every night to see how I'm doing and she feeds him. She told me he was fainting at school a while ago and had lost tons of weight because he wasn't eating. I wrote “why” on the board, but she said she didn't know.
I think Mom's lying to me for the first time!
I do feel a lot better than when I first woke up in here. I wonder when they're going to tell me about this accident I had. I cannot remember ANYTHING about that day. What I do have are feelings ...impressions.
I have a feeling Danny is dead. I don’t know why, but I know.
I have a feeling David is like a guardian angel, watching over me. I don’t know why, but I know.
I used to remember stuff when I awoke after pressing the button. Now I’m losing those memories. I think they used to be vivid memories, but now they’re only feelings ...impressions.
Am I losing my mind?
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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