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    Timothy M.
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  • 1,331 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Timothy’s Terrible Prompt Stories - 20. No prompt: A little private time

Date Day part XI. I couldn’t find a good prompt, so I’ll go with “Can I call you?”
Is it a sign of a good date, when you talk on the phone in bed afterwards?  :huh: 
Another Eric POV chapter

“Can I call you?”

Eric stared at the message from his boyfriend. He had been looking forward to texting with Nelson and maybe even talking on the phone. Instead, he’d been asked to come down to the kitchen where his mom had confronted him with her conclusions about Nelson and he having been alone all day.

When Nelson introduced him to his parents earlier, Eric had known immediately that his mom would get suspicious, but he wasn’t angry with his boyfriend. He liked the fact that Nelson was honest and open about how he felt. The blond teen made a quick decision and texted ‘yes, I miss you,’ and a moment later the phone rang.

“Hi Nelson.”

“Hi Eric. I miss you too.”

“I wish you were here. Or, that I was with you.”

“Yeah.” A short pause. “You could come over here tomorrow morning, if you can get a lift.”

“I’ll try to ask Rob.”

“I guess he owes us.”

“Yeah. But I suppose we owe him too for standing up for us. And I still can’t believe he dumped Melanie. I wish I knew what she said.”

“Carolyn is her best friend. She might tell Jasper, if Melanie admits what happened.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Eric made a mental note not to say anything nasty about Melanie when Jasper and Carolyn were present.

“Anyway, let’s not talk about that. What would you like to do tomorrow?”

“Just hang out together, I guess. Maybe see a movie.”

“What do you usually do at the mall?” Nelson asked.

“I don’t go there that often, but I normally visit the bookstore. If I’m with Rob, he drags me to REI or one of the other sports shops. We both like to go to RadioShack or one of the small shops for games. What about you?”

“I usually go there with Jazz, or people from the drama club. The bookstore and game shops are high on my list too. And, observing people.”

“Hot guys?” Eric wasn’t sure what Nelson had meant. He never looked at people on the street or in the mall, and could even walk past friends without noticing them.

“No, just looking at people and figuring out what they are thinking, or making up stories about them.”

“Huh, I could never do that.”

“But you’ve written a couple of one-act plays for the drama club.” Nelson knew people other than him had been impressed with Eric’s skills.

“Oh those. They were based on real events mixed up with things I’ve read about. I can describe and write dialogue, but making up stories? I’m no good at that.”

“We should team up.” The suggestion popped out of Nelson’s mouth, before he had time to think. “I mean…”

“Yeah? You want to write a play together?” The eagerness in Eric’s voice was flattering.

“It might be fun. And I have to do a final project in the drama club next year. If we did a whole play together, it would count as yours too.”

“That would be cool.” Eric would happily do anything to spend time with Nelson.

“Speaking of the drama club, how come you told Ms. Neall?”

“About being gay?”


“Well, my dad suggested telling a couple of teachers before I came out at school. As a ‘preemptive measure’ against hazing. And I like her and trust her.”

“And you wanted us to be out as a couple in the drama club, didn’t you?” Nelson sounded more pleased than anything at the idea, and Eric smiled in relief.

“Yes, I thought it was a pretty safe environment.”

“And it would get Tina and the other girls off your back.” Nelson teased him.

“There’s that too.” Eric had almost lost patience with the girls on several occasions, particularly when they prevented him from talking to Nelson. But the few times he had managed to get rid of them, the dark-haired teen had slipped away and busied himself with some task or talking to other people. Now that Eric knew the reason, the hurt had been healed.

He heard some rustling and a click, as of a lamp being switched on. Before he could think, the words left his mouth. “Where are you right now?”

“In bed.”

There was a short silence, then Eric decided he wanted to know: “What are you wearing?”



“Umm-hmm. And you?”

“Well, I’m sitting on the bed, but I’m still dressed.”

“Oh.” The slight disappointment in Nelson’s voice was obvious to Eric.

“Give me a minute.” He put the phone down, switched on his bedside light, raced over to lock the door and switch off the main light. He rushed back to the bed, stripped down to his boxers and got under the covers.

“I’m back,” he panted into the phone.

Nelson laughed. “I’m not going anywhere. What did you do?”

“Locked the door, got ready for bed.”

Awkward silence.

“Soooo, what do you wear in bed?” Nelson’s tenor dropped, and Eric shivered at the sexy whisper.

“Boxers.” Eric managed to get rid of them. “Or at least, I was.”

“Wish I could see you. Touch you…” Nelson’s voice was low, almost hoarse.

Eric was fully erect now and he wanted to fondle himself, but he wasn’t quite sure where that would lead.



“Are you…?”



“Of course.”


“Am I touching myself?” Nelson paused. “No, but I want to.”

“Me too.”

“But I’m going to wait. And when we hang up, I’m going to think of you. Pretend it’s your hand on me while I remember us kissing.”

Eric’s dick was leaking on his stomach, and he had to put his free hand behind his head in order to resist the temptation.

“I’ll think of you doing that, and I probably won’t last very long,” he admitted.

“Me neither. I want you so bad, Eric. I mean, not just sex, but to be naked in bed together, kissing and touching each other, wrestling, spooning, falling asleep and waking up together.”

“I want that too.” Eric bit his lip. “We may have to hang up soon, or I won’t be able to control myself.”

“Same here.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

“Yes, come over here as early as you like.”

“I’ll try.” Eric smirked at the thought of waking Rob early by pulling his bedclothes off. A fair way of repaying his brother for the same stunt this morning.

“Sleep well. Once you get there…” Nelson teased.

“You too. Sweet dreams.”

“Of you, I hope. Except they make me wake up sticky.”

“Really?!” Eric thought his boyfriend was joking.

“Oh yeah. So, I need to do something to prevent that. At least now I’m not pathetic when I think of you while jerking off.”

“No one gets to say bad stuff about my boyfriend, not even you. I love the idea of you thinking of me.”

It was no good; Eric’s hand found his leaking dick and started stroking. He propped the phone on his pillow and used the other hand to cup his balls. They were already riding high and he knew he wouldn’t last long.

“Well, now you’re not ‘the straight guy’ I have a dead-end crush on. You’re my handsome, sexy, protective boyfriend, who kisses like a god and plays with my hair.”

“Your hair is so soft, Nelson. I can’t help imagining running my hands through it while you…” He couldn’t quite say the words, but Nelson did.

“While I suck your cock? Make you come in my mouth…?”

“Yeesss,” Eric moaned and erupted all over himself. He bit his lip to prevent more revealing noises from leaking out, but then he heard a suppressed grunt over the phone. The thought that Nelson might be coming too, made his balls send one final long spurt of semen across his abs followed by a couple of dry spasms. He’d never come this hard, and he breathed his boyfriend’s name.


“Mmm, me too, love.”

Thank you to Carlos, ColumbusGuy and AC for making this chapter happen.
I promise this is the last First Date chapter. The mall will be next. But you may have to be patient.
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Mmm, sexy action, and FOR ONCE (lol), you did not engineer it so that Rob or Jasper burst in before the 'goodies' were delivered! Thank you for resisting that urge of yours (for once, lol).

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On 01/05/2015 03:40 AM, AC Benus said:
Mmm, sexy action, and FOR ONCE (lol), you did not engineer it so that Rob or Jasper burst in before the 'goodies' were delivered! Thank you for resisting that urge of yours (for once, lol).

well for once, Eric remembered to lock the door.

As Rob advised him to do ;)

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Definately a hot chapter! And yet, despite the interruptions by Rob or Jasper, the character development goes forward, and lots of potential story options are there.

Fine writing here!

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On 01/05/2015 03:54 AM, Robert Rex said:
Definately a hot chapter! And yet, despite the interruptions by Rob or Jasper, the character development goes forward, and lots of potential story options are there.

Fine writing here!

Thanks Robert. I'm sure Rob and Jasper don't intend to interrupt... most of the time.

But you know adversity builds character strength :lol:

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On 01/05/2015 05:02 AM, Suvitar said:
Oh goody, more Nelson and Eric, and so soon :P And Eric remembered to lock the door :rolleyes:
Well, Rob did remind him :lol:

You can thank AC and ColumbusGuy for the fast post. But it'll take a while before the next chapter, so please be patient.

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Dang, Tim, now I have to finish my own 'discovery' chapter, which wasinspired by you asking me when it would happen. It seems we are running slightly parallel universes here, because I have to finish my boys' date too...:)


You plotted an excellent scenario for the mall visit, and it will be fun to see how this enhances the relationship, since they view it from differing perspectives--maybe Rob will be forced to stay in the bookstore with them as friendly torture? Or maybe he and Jasper will go off on their own for a bit, giving the boys some time for more bonding...Your boys have it so much easier than mine thank to the more tolerant culture around today.


A big thanks to you for mentioning my small contribution here--my Chapter 15 is going to be mainly inspired by your question about getting them together--without that, it would have taken a whole new direction.


I'll wait for the next one as patiently as I can.

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Timothy, the last several chapters have been excellent, and the earlier chapters really good. I am very glad you have been using the "prompt" format in this story; it's working well for you.

Referring to the discussinon in the reviews of the previous chapter, what about those of us who are on "Team Bi Rob?" As a bi guy whose orientation has been shifting more toward the bi/gay side as I get older (from a nearly all hetero orientation my first 40+ years), Rob might want to have some curiosity about a gay side of himself.

Thank you for the warning that next chapters might be slower in arriving than this one. I will be happy to read what follows whenever you release the chapters.

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Hotness, sweetness and a romantic feel...all accomplished over the phone. You should be proud of how well that turned out, Tim. It was so adorable that they planned to wait till they hung up...but couldn't...a perfect example of being young and in love. So ironic that they only time they get to be alone together is over the phone...where there is a will, there is a way :great: Cheers my friend...I don't mind waiting for the next one if it means we get a new chapter of CC...need me some Russell and Jacob :boy: ....

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On 01/05/2015 06:12 AM, ColumbusGuy said:
Dang, Tim, now I have to finish my own 'discovery' chapter, which wasinspired by you asking me when it would happen. It seems we are running slightly parallel universes here, because I have to finish my boys' date too...:)


You plotted an excellent scenario for the mall visit, and it will be fun to see how this enhances the relationship, since they view it from differing perspectives--maybe Rob will be forced to stay in the bookstore with them as friendly torture? Or maybe he and Jasper will go off on their own for a bit, giving the boys some time for more bonding...Your boys have it so much easier than mine thank to the more tolerant culture around today.


A big thanks to you for mentioning my small contribution here--my Chapter 15 is going to be mainly inspired by your question about getting them together--without that, it would have taken a whole new direction.


I'll wait for the next one as patiently as I can.

Well, you did do a phone sex chapter first, you gave me tips for the mall, and you begged AC to do a fast edit, so you can take a lot of credit for this one.

I'm glad my boys' first date went well, and I look forward to the continuation of yours.

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On 01/05/2015 06:29 AM, ReaderPaul said:
Timothy, the last several chapters have been excellent, and the earlier chapters really good. I am very glad you have been using the "prompt" format in this story; it's working well for you.

Referring to the discussinon in the reviews of the previous chapter, what about those of us who are on "Team Bi Rob?" As a bi guy whose orientation has been shifting more toward the bi/gay side as I get older (from a nearly all hetero orientation my first 40+ years), Rob might want to have some curiosity about a gay side of himself.

Thank you for the warning that next chapters might be slower in arriving than this one. I will be happy to read what follows whenever you release the chapters.

Thanks for the review and welcome to the madness of my prompt story, Paul, I'm glad to have another bi guy here. Team straight Rob has a small subset called 'straight but bi-curious' where you may want to keep me company. :lol:

I'm delighted you're enjoying the story and thank you for the kind words about my writing. The comments I get from readers spur me on more than anything.

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On 01/05/2015 07:28 AM, Headstall said:
Hotness, sweetness and a romantic feel...all accomplished over the phone. You should be proud of how well that turned out, Tim. It was so adorable that they planned to wait till they hung up...but couldn't...a perfect example of being young and in love. So ironic that they only time they get to be alone together is over the phone...where there is a will, there is a way :great: Cheers my friend...I don't mind waiting for the next one if it means we get a new chapter of CC...need me some Russell and Jacob :boy: ....
Hugs to you too, I'm smiling with happiness from this review. I'm pleased you found their private time both hot and romantic, since that was my intention. I didn't think of the irony but you're absolutely right.
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That was some of the sweetest yet hot phone sex ...

I for one have been thoroughly enjoying the series of first date installments and am content waiting for the mall trip.

While this might annoy Team Rob I think I prefer him remaining simply a very tolerant straight boy. He seems a much better foil to Eric and Nelson if they can tease him about his curiosity without him pinch hitting for the their team. Either way he's a kick in the pants.

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Ahh teenage boys. So many hormones so little time. That was probably the cutest and sweetest episode of phone sex ever while still managing to be hot. Great job Tim!

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That was a very nice naughty scene. It reads very honestly. Teen boys can't wait. Well, usually boys of any age have trouble waiting but you know what I mean! Great job! Thanks for sharing it. :)

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Timmy, thanks for the kudos but all the credit goes to you. Based on what I read and what the other reviewers have posted, I think you captured the heat and love of the scene pretty damn well.

Dughlas, welcome to Team STRAIGHT Rob! Not all of us rooting for the boy want him to switch sides! ;)

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On 01/05/2015 09:38 AM, dughlas said:
That was some of the sweetest yet hot phone sex ...

I for one have been thoroughly enjoying the series of first date installments and am content waiting for the mall trip.

While this might annoy Team Rob I think I prefer him remaining simply a very tolerant straight boy. He seems a much better foil to Eric and Nelson if they can tease him about his curiosity without him pinch hitting for the their team. Either way he's a kick in the pants.

Thanks dughlas, Carlos and I are happy to have support for Rob staying straight (with perhaps a few wobbles). :lol:

Glad the phone sex met with your approval, it's not an easy thing to portray.

The Mall will happen eventually, but a pair of twins holds my attention right now.

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On 01/05/2015 11:21 AM, LitLover said:
Ahh teenage boys. So many hormones so little time. That was probably the cutest and sweetest episode of phone sex ever while still managing to be hot. Great job Tim!
Thank you, such sweet praise is gratefully accepted.
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On 01/05/2015 11:57 AM, Cole Matthews said:
That was a very nice naughty scene. It reads very honestly. Teen boys can't wait. Well, usually boys of any age have trouble waiting but you know what I mean! Great job! Thanks for sharing it. :)
Thank you Cole, nice and naughty is a lovely way of describing it. I'm glad you liked the final moments of the date.
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On 01/05/2015 08:55 PM, Carlos Hazday said:
Timmy, thanks for the kudos but all the credit goes to you. Based on what I read and what the other reviewers have posted, I think you captured the heat and love of the scene pretty damn well.

Dughlas, welcome to Team STRAIGHT Rob! Not all of us rooting for the boy want him to switch sides! ;)

Thanks Carlos, you know your aproval means a lot to me. You were the first to suggest that the boys could take it one step further when talking, and that gave me the courage to attempt it.

I was surprised myself that it turned out to be so much fun and fairly intense too.

Yes, I thought you might be happy to have dugh join us. :lol:

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Yes. Finally got there! Great chapter. This is a very appealing story. Tender and romantic.

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On 03/07/2015 07:00 PM, Jaro_423 said:
Yes. Finally got there! Great chapter. This is a very appealing story. Tender and romantic.
Lol, even if it was via the phone, our horny boys did get a bit of undisturbed private time. I'm glad we got here without any of my impatient readers hunting me down with pitchforks. :o
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The kid finally remembers to lock the door! :o The phone sex was great. They planned to wait until they hung up but their impatient libidos wouldn't let them. :lol: Who knew that awkward phone sex could be so sweet and hot :P

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On 04/04/2015 11:26 PM, EagleIsaac said:
The kid finally remembers to lock the door! :o The phone sex was great. They planned to wait until they hung up but their impatient libidos wouldn't let them. :lol: Who knew that awkward phone sex could be so sweet and hot :P
Even horny teens in love can learn. :lol:

I'm glad you liked the phone sex, it was my first. :*)

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