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    Timothy M.
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  • 1,348 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Timothy’s Terrible Prompt Stories - 21. No prompt: Consensual protection

I couldn’t find a good prompt, so I’ll have to make do without one.
Nelson does a little exploring and talks with his parents before and after.
A Nelson POV chapter

I woke up after the best sleep I’d had in ages. No stressful dreams of unobtainable blond freshmen. I smiled at the thought of my sexy boyfriend and what we had done last night. Phone sex was another first for me, and making Eric come had pushed me over the edge too. Hearing him breathe my name as he descended from his ecstasy was wonderful and I couldn’t wait to have him do it as I swallowed his cock and his jizz.

My hand was already stroking my morning wood and a few minutes later I shot all over myself. I’d never been so horny before, but any thought of kissing or touching Eric sent my libido skyrocketing. Fortunately, he seemed to be the same way. Unfortunately, my parents had reminded me Eric was legally under the age of consent until his next birthday.

When I looked at them in horror, my evil dad simply said: “Be glad it’s sixteen in this state and not seventeen or older.”

Fuck. I may die of blue balls or have rubbed myself raw before my boyfriend’s birthday.

And how do I convince Eric to wait? He seems eager and determined to initiate intimacy. Will I be able to refuse him? Fuck no.

Technically we may have already broken the law with the way we touched and made out yesterday. Did phone sex count? Jerking off together? While kissing and hugging? What if he penetrated me but not the other way round? No, that would definitely be sex. Fuck.

But then I remembered my dad saying casually as I left the room, “Look up the exact rules, Nelson. I don’t want you to be in any doubt.” My mom had smiled at him as if he was being particularly clever. Hmm, I wonder…

I wiped myself with my discarded boxers and got out of bed. It was only eight-thirty and I dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower before getting dressed. I sat down by my computer and googled age of consent. I found a couple of relevant pages and started reading. A few minutes later I pumped my fist in a Yes! gesture and closed the browser. Good thing I wasn’t eighteen yet.

My stomach rumbled and I picked up my cell phone to check for any messages. Nothing so far, but I sent Eric a quick text before making my way downstairs for breakfast. I hoped he could persuade Rob to drive him over early. I missed my boyfriend.

My mom was sitting at the table with her coffee; she looked up when I entered. “You’re looking bright for a Sunday morning, honey.”


“Looking forward to going to the Mall with Jasper, Eric and his brother?”

“Yeah, should be fun.” I dug out my favorite cereal and filled a bowl, grabbed milk and OJ from the fridge and sat down.

“Be careful, and if there’s any trouble, call us.”

“Why should there be trouble?” I pretended to be focused on pouring milk over my muesli.

“Nelson…” my mom said in her don’t-think-you’re-fooling-me voice.

“Fine, we’ll avoid being obvious or provocative. But I’m going to hold the hand of my boyfriend and give him a quick kiss if I want to.” I was adamant about that.

“Of course, honey. I just meant be aware of your environment and think ahead. I’m glad you have Jasper with you, and I have the feeling Eric’s brother is observant and … what is the current expression? … streetwise? Plus apparently quite protective of his younger brother.”

“Who does not appreciate or accept being fussed about or overtly protected,” I told her and laughed.

“I’m sure you can be subtle about it, Nelson,” my mom smiled.

“Let’s hope it won’t be necessary. We’re just four guys hanging out in the Mall and watching a movie. I’ve done this with Jazz plenty of times.”

“Better safe than sorry. Or like Dad would say: ‘Be Prepared’ … which reminds me,” my mom began. I rushed to interrupt.

“Please don’t, Mom!” I felt my face get hot. “I’m almost eighteen, and I know what to do, if and when…” I let my voice trail off, hoping she would drop the subject. She did, almost.

“Good; I take it you took Dad’s advice and looked up the rules?” A small smirk played on her lips.

“Mmm-hmm,” I mumbled around a mouthful of cereal.

“But remember, consensual is the key word,” she pressed on.

“Yes, yes, I’ll be sure to remind Eric of that, next time he pushes me for more than kissing.” And next time he has me pinned on the bed, I added in my head.

A short silence, then my mom started to laugh. I finished my breakfast and got up to rinse my bowl. When I turned to look at Mom, she was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

“I guess I deserved that for making assumptions, Nelson. OK, I’ll stop pestering you and trust my sensible boy to take care of his eager boyfriend.” She tried to keep a straight face but broke down in giggles. I rolled my eyes and escaped, almost regretting I had asked Eric to come over early. I hoped my parents wouldn’t embarrass him or me too much.

As I came to the stairs, my phone dinged in my pocket. I dug it out and checked the text from Eric.

“I’m out the door. Will buy donuts on the way to counter Mr. Grumpy snarls from Rob and Jaz.”

I grinned and turned around to walk back down the hall, out the front door and over to Jasper’s house. His youngest sister opened the door.

“Hi Nelson. Jazz is still asleep.”

“OK, I’ll wake him up, Ann.”

“Uh-oh. It was nice knowing you, Nelson.” She giggled and gave me a quick hug, before retreating to the living room where I could hear the TV blaring out some girly teen program.

I went upstairs and knocked on my best friend’s bedroom door. I hesitated a few seconds before knocking again and entering, just in case Carolyn had managed to sneak home with Jazz and stayed the night. But he was alone and fast asleep. I looked at the almost empty bottle of water next to his bed and contemplated waking Jasper up with a small face bath. But I wasn’t completely suicidal.

“Hey, Jazz. Wake up, buddy. Rise and shine.” A grunt and a snore were the only reactions. I decided to try shaking his shoulder gently.

“Jazz, wake up.” No reaction.

“Jasper, Carolyn is on the phone.” I shook his shoulder hard.

“Grmph, wha… what, comin…, fuck, mrff, hey what the fuck, Nel?!” Jasper finally got his eyes open and gave me a bleary look.

“Good morning, Jazz. Sorry to wake you up, but Eric and Rob are on their way. They’re bringing donuts, so get your lazy ass out of bed.”

Jasper glanced at the clock. “Nine-fifteen! Fuck off, Nel.” He tried to pull his sheet over his head, but I grabbed the other end and yanked it down, exposing the upper part of his body. He took one of his pillows and hurled it at me; I caught it and threw it back, hitting him in the face.

I was halfway to the door when Jazz managed to untangle himself and jump out of bed. His pillow hit my back and he shouted angrily, “Come back here, you moron, and I’ll tie your hair in knots.” I looked back to give him a quick wave and noticed the distinctive morning tent in his boxers. Carolyn could have no complaint about her boyfriend’s equipment!

Closing the door behind me, I held on to the handle in case Jasper tried to chase me down. I heard him swear, which turned to grumbling and there were sounds of drawers being opened and slammed. Once I was sure he was getting ready to take a shower and get dressed, I went back home. Hopefully, the donuts and my boyfriend would arrive before my irate neighbor did.

Over here the age of consent is 15, so I hadn’t thought about this before now. But I found several US states where the age of consent is 16, and some of those also had a clause where consensual sex was OK if both participants were under 18 and the age difference was less than four years.
To Team Rob: the next chapters will have lots of Rob action. :) 
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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I think it was funny teasing him about the age of consent. I cant wait to see how Jasper reacts to it all. He is quite the grumpy bear in the morning. Hahaha!!! Great job Tim!!

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The conversation with his mother was great ... nice way to be certain that Nelson treats Eric appropriately ... also, cool that he considered the possibility that Jasper might not be alone and respected their privacy.

Nice, if brief, fix ... more please begged the hungry bird.

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Haha, so Nelson shows Jasper all the respect Jasper never shows him, and does not burst into his room! You know Jas would be the one tiptoeing into Nelson's room just hoping to find him and Eric in some uncompromising position so he could embarrass the hell out of them ;)


As for them being a couple at the mall, and walking hand in hand if they want, I hope his mom's advice won't hold them back from being themselves. Baring any openly dangerous situations, they should be as free as any other teen couple at the mall to be themselves fully.

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You and I must have read the same list... I had to research age of consent in Florida, Washington DC, Illinois and Australia! :D

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On 03/06/2015 05:30 AM, Cole Matthews said:
I think it was funny teasing him about the age of consent. I cant wait to see how Jasper reacts to it all. He is quite the grumpy bear in the morning. Hahaha!!! Great job Tim!!
Thanks, Cole. I'm glad you thought the age of consent joke funny too. Nelson's parents are lawyers and believe in research. :lol:

Yeah, Jasper is like me, I HATE getting up early.

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On 03/06/2015 06:23 AM, dughlas said:
The conversation with his mother was great ... nice way to be certain that Nelson treats Eric appropriately ... also, cool that he considered the possibility that Jasper might not be alone and respected their privacy.

Nice, if brief, fix ... more please begged the hungry bird.

I'm not sure Nelson worried so much about showing Jasper respect as about seeing something he didn't want - or pissing Carolyn off. :)

I'm glad you liked the conversation between Nelson and his mom, I thinks she's pretty cool.

I have another chapter with AC, and I'm busy writing more. Be patient sweet bird. :lol:

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On 03/06/2015 06:48 AM, AC Benus said:
Haha, so Nelson shows Jasper all the respect Jasper never shows him, and does not burst into his room! You know Jas would be the one tiptoeing into Nelson's room just hoping to find him and Eric in some uncompromising position so he could embarrass the hell out of them ;)


As for them being a couple at the mall, and walking hand in hand if they want, I hope his mom's advice won't hold them back from being themselves. Baring any openly dangerous situations, they should be as free as any other teen couple at the mall to be themselves fully.

As I said to dughlas, I think Nelson is more worried about upsetting Carolyn than Jasper. And I think Jasper is too kind a friend to burst in on Nelson on purpose. He'll leave that to Rob. :lol:

I think I can promise walking hand in hand, no matter what. Or you'll have to remind me, when we get that far. ;)

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On 03/06/2015 07:17 AM, Carlos Hazday said:
You and I must have read the same list... I had to research age of consent in Florida, Washington DC, Illinois and Australia! :D
LOL, yeah research is always good, or else your readers will be more than happy to point out your mistakes. I always have to remind myself about the US drinking age limit too. :rolleyes:
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Haha I loved the conversation with his mom. Reminds me of the relationship between my son and I. We're pretty open and jokey with each other. :lol: Nelson is a considerate friend, knocking to ensure he doesn't potentially embarrass Carolyn. Lol.


I agree with AC, I want Nelson and Eric to feel free to be themselves and hold hands and act like any teenage couple would. I am not a fan of the major PDA you see with some teen couples (mostly see this with straight couples) but showing affection by holding hands, a hug, or even a kiss or two should never be a big deal. I hope his mom doesn't make Nelson feel like he can't be open in public about his relationship.


And this card carrying member of Team Rob will be anxiously awaiting your next instalment Tim!

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Dare one say 'Woo Hoo!'? Nelson seems to be a morning person, something I never could understand--getting up before dawn for school was hell for me. School started at 7:15, but it was usually a half hour or forty minute bus ride before getting there in our rural district--I could have biked it faster but that would mean trying to do something only half awake.

One of my favorite parts besides the consent joke, was Nelson using Carolyn to try to wake up Jasper--if it had been me, I'm not sure the prospect of talking to a boyfriend would have done it. On a non-school day, the surest way was to let our dog inside--it was pretty much a straight shot in our ranch house from the kitchen, through the living room, and down the hall into my bedroom...so my Harlequin Great Dane could pick up some speed before leaping onto the bed to slobber on me. :) Trust me, you woke up fast when hit by a dog who, when standing on her hind legs, could stare me in the eye at 6'! I still have faint traces of the scar on my arm where I sat in a doorway to try to keep her in the kitchen and she jumped over my head.

Do we need to alter your pseudonym from 'Lightning Tim' to 'Tiny Tim' for the short post? I'm glad someone else noted that--I might have thought it was fast because of my anticipation otherwise. :)

To quote Oliver Twist: 'Please sir, may I have some more?'

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On 03/06/2015 10:11 AM, ColumbusGuy said:
Dare one say 'Woo Hoo!'? Nelson seems to be a morning person, something I never could understand--getting up before dawn for school was hell for me. School started at 7:15, but it was usually a half hour or forty minute bus ride before getting there in our rural district--I could have biked it faster but that would mean trying to do something only half awake.

One of my favorite parts besides the consent joke, was Nelson using Carolyn to try to wake up Jasper--if it had been me, I'm not sure the prospect of talking to a boyfriend would have done it. On a non-school day, the surest way was to let our dog inside--it was pretty much a straight shot in our ranch house from the kitchen, through the living room, and down the hall into my bedroom...so my Harlequin Great Dane could pick up some speed before leaping onto the bed to slobber on me. :) Trust me, you woke up fast when hit by a dog who, when standing on her hind legs, could stare me in the eye at 6'! I still have faint traces of the scar on my arm where I sat in a doorway to try to keep her in the kitchen and she jumped over my head.

Do we need to alter your pseudonym from 'Lightning Tim' to 'Tiny Tim' for the short post? I'm glad someone else noted that--I might have thought it was fast because of my anticipation otherwise. :)

To quote Oliver Twist: 'Please sir, may I have some more?'

This chapter was only a bit shorter than average (= 1388 words) and only 7 of of 21 chapters are longer. But if it's any comfort the next ones are longer.

And if you change my pseudonym, how can I do fast Card edits? ;)

You may be right in saying Nelson is a morning person, I hadn't really thought about it.

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On 03/06/2015 09:56 AM, LitLover said:
Haha I loved the conversation with his mom. Reminds me of the relationship between my son and I. We're pretty open and jokey with each other. :lol: Nelson is a considerate friend, knocking to ensure he doesn't potentially embarrass Carolyn. Lol.


I agree with AC, I want Nelson and Eric to feel free to be themselves and hold hands and act like any teenage couple would. I am not a fan of the major PDA you see with some teen couples (mostly see this with straight couples) but showing affection by holding hands, a hug, or even a kiss or two should never be a big deal. I hope his mom doesn't make Nelson feel like he can't be open in public about his relationship.


And this card carrying member of Team Rob will be anxiously awaiting your next instalment Tim!

I'm sure Nelson's mom has no intention of making him hide. But remember she hasn't really seen him with Eric, and she knows the younger teen has just come out and may be shy. In addition she does not want Nelson to do things to provoke, which is quite different than acting naturally. I'm not saying she needed to warn him, and she did drop the matter quickly, but in my experience even sensile mothers can be protective occasionally. ;)
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About time, Tim! It was worth the wait though. Great flow and subject matter. I love the banter from Nelson's mom. I think it's a parent's responsibility to razz their kids when they get a chance... for all we put our parents through. Jasper sounded exactly like my son used to in the morning, and I admit, as a teen I was the same. Dealing with the age of consent was a very smart thing here... it is a very real concern, that some kids conveniently forget. I sensed the ulterior motive behind this chapter, Tim... while entertaining us, you also built up the anticipation in Team Rob... good tactics whether intentional or not... so you fed us one meal, but I am still hungry for Russell and Jacob... just saying... Great job... Cheers... Gary

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Wow! Caught up already! I thought I would have all day reading to catch up, but seems I haven't been the only tardy one. Lol! Forgive me!

Well, we seemed all set, but you have a really nasty way of putting it off again by intruding with a lot of side tracks. By the time the boys get to it we'll know every freckle of their friends and their lives! Lol! I'm feeling a lot more impatient than Eric and Nelson now!

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On 03/07/2015 07:51 PM, Jaro_423 said:
Wow! Caught up already! I thought I would have all day reading to catch up, but seems I haven't been the only tardy one. Lol! Forgive me!

Well, we seemed all set, but you have a really nasty way of putting it off again by intruding with a lot of side tracks. By the time the boys get to it we'll know every freckle of their friends and their lives! Lol! I'm feeling a lot more impatient than Eric and Nelson now!

Which part do you want me to get on with ? The Mall, Rob antics or Nelson and Eric on their own? :lol:

For now you'll have to make do with choice no 2. ;)

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On 03/07/2015 10:25 AM, Headstall said:
About time, Tim! It was worth the wait though. Great flow and subject matter. I love the banter from Nelson's mom. I think it's a parent's responsibility to razz their kids when they get a chance... for all we put our parents through. Jasper sounded exactly like my son used to in the morning, and I admit, as a teen I was the same. Dealing with the age of consent was a very smart thing here... it is a very real concern, that some kids conveniently forget. I sensed the ulterior motive behind this chapter, Tim... while entertaining us, you also built up the anticipation in Team Rob... good tactics whether intentional or not... so you fed us one meal, but I am still hungry for Russell and Jacob... just saying... Great job... Cheers... Gary
You'll have to make do with these guys for now, but at least I'm inspired about Rob & Co. :)

I assure you, I'm not stringing you along on purpose, but I can't help feeling pleased it makes you hungry for more.

I'm glad you liked all the parts and approved of the contents, then I know I've done good.

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I read 'Rob' three times...for now that's enough. JK. I liked the chapter, especially eager Eric. lol

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On 03/08/2015 06:00 AM, aditus said:
I read 'Rob' three times...for now that's enough. JK. I liked the chapter, especially eager Eric. lol
LOL, I liked that too. I laughed at the idea the mere mention of Rob will suffice. JK?
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Jasper does seem like quite a grumpy bear in the mornings. I think they may need to give him a whole box of donuts to appease him. With my son it's not grumpiness as much as his brain not functioning properly until he has a shower and a cup of coffee :P He's more of a zombie than a bear. The age of consent talk was informative and funny. Nelson's relief was comical but realistic considering how sexually aggressive his underage boyfriend is :lol:

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On 04/04/2015 11:54 PM, EagleIsaac said:
Jasper does seem like quite a grumpy bear in the mornings. I think they may need to give him a whole box of donuts to appease him. With my son it's not grumpiness as much as his brain not functioning properly until he has a shower and a cup of coffee :P He's more of a zombie than a bear. The age of consent talk was informative and funny. Nelson's relief was comical but realistic considering how sexually aggressive his underage boyfriend is :lol:
Most teens are wired to sleep late in the mornings. Starting school at eight is torture in my opinion. But donuts should help, lol.

I'm glad you liked the age of consent talk, I think it's quite unfair that Nelson gets the 'behave' talks, when Eric is the pushy one. :)

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As a fellow 'non-morning' person, Nine-thirty is far too early. Of course, the offer of doughnuts, especially if they included chocolate as well..... :P


Onward and upward Lol :read:

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On 07/24/2015 08:48 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

As a fellow 'non-morning' person, Nine-thirty is far too early. Of course, the offer of doughnuts, especially if they included chocolate as well..... :P


Onward and upward Lol :read:

Oh goodie, another friend of my persuasion. How anyone expects me to think at seven in the morning will always be a mystery. Even with doughnuts :no:

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