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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

18 Weeks of Twoey - 77. Week Eleven Sunday, November 16, 2014: Reaction

Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys

- Joseph Conrad





I cannot fucking believe my brother got abducted and beaten up! Why would anyone want to do that to him? What the hell was he doing way over on Teasdale Street and on his old bike? I know it was the kid who looks like my brother, but it’s my brother’s body! And now he looks like shit! He’s got casts on and all these machines around him. There’s even a tube coming out of his dick that has some sort of gauge on it. What the hell are they monitoring, how often he pees? Jesus! I can tell he’s in a lot of pain too.

Yesterday, they only let me in a couple of times and then just to stay for a minute. I told him I was standing guard to protect him. I doubt he heard me though.

When Dad and I got home last night, mother was gone. Liz said she wasn’t here when she came home at 5. The weird thing is Gary’s mom saw her leave in the afternoon and figured she was on her way to the hospital. Where the hell did she go? Who drove her? Last night I figured she was probably praying for David with those fucking Church Wives. They’re always looking for a way to fuck with my brother. But she never came home.

Dad called Aunt Sarah last night. I can only vaguely remember Aunt Sarah, but I remember she was nice. Anyway, she’s here now. She drove in this morning, and she made us breakfast. I was surprised to see Greg come over for breakfast too. That didn’t make any sense until a bit later.

Most of the morning Dad and Aunt Sarah did a lot of quiet talking. They didn’t make us go to church either.

All morning there were these incoming phone calls too, which was a bit weird. Usually the only phone calls on Sunday are outgoing, from my mother to all her gossip pals as she prepares dinner. I couldn't figure these new ones out. Dad took them all. The only thing I could tell from overhearing is they seem to be from lawyers. Lawyers?

Anyway, I convinced Dad to take me to the hospital with him today.

Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy.

First, he tried to get me to go somewhere with Greg and Liz. It’s when I realized why Greg was here. It was all part of a plot. My father is shitting unbelievable sometimes!

No fucking way was I not gonna be by my brother! I started to raise holy hell, until Aunt Sarah told my father I should go to the hospital.

I knew I liked her.



It was nice having Mike and Alan stay over last night. It calmed me down and gave me strength. Mike has been really supportive. This thing has been like a crusade with him from the minute he found out. It was the day I broke down over the phone. I think he rather admires David, and I can detect his concern. Alan has been great too. I think I gave up on him too fast last spring when Mike was being cold. I assumed he and Mike were together in avoiding me, but he told me he thought I was avoiding him for some reason.

I remember feeling so alone, suddenly being without Mike. Now I wonder if maybe I pushed away all my other friends thinking Mike told them all about me being gay. God, I was really fucked up.

Mom made us a nice breakfast and we consulted the bus schedule. Mike and Alan checked with their parents and they got permission to stay until after supper. I think Mike is worried about me too. I know this is hitting me hard, but I’m strong now. I can handle anything. Well, almost anything. If my angel had died, I don’t think I could have handled it. I don’t know what I would have done.

I was debating whether or not to text Tommy. I know the kid doesn’t like me for some reason, but we’re both worried about his brother. I got sidetracked when things changed.

Gary called me around noon. He said the gossip wires made newspapers unnecessary in Daleville. Would you believe they actually arrested the guys who did that to David already! Gary said it had to be some kind of record for the Daleville Police Department.

Then things drifted into the unbelievable zone. The guy they arrested was a teacher in our school! In fact he was David's social teacher until he and David had a big fight ending up with David being transferred to another class!

When I explained it to him, Alan said, “WOW tough school! Argue with a teacher and he beats you up!”

But we certainly knew there was more to it. They arrested the Burch guy and a couple high school kids on the spot, when they rescued David. Gary said the police broke into a building owned by a religious group. I bet it belonged to that pastor David was going to blackmail. So right away I could see this was all connected. They were going to eliminate David. Gary didn’t say, so I don’t know if his pastor is in jail, but if he's not, David is still not safe!

I figured after Mike and Alan left, or maybe tomorrow, I’d call Sam. He has so many contacts, he might know something about the pastor. Then I decided to wait until tomorrow. It’ll give everything a chance to settle down a little. Maybe Sam will know more then too.



A little before noon, Gary called me with the news of Burch's arrest, which surprised even me. Not the quick arrest, but the fact it was Burch. I knew three were arrested where they found David. I figured they were church people.

“Sam, I know you have a lot of contacts. Do any of your sources know what happened?”

“A neighbor over on Teasdale Street witnessed the abduction, called the police and gave the van’s description. The cops quickly found it belonged to some religious youth group. When they arrived at the group’s little building, they spotted the van parked at the side. They broke in to find three people with bats and David on the floor, being badly beaten. I think they arrived just in time.”

“But how did they go from its description to knowing who owned the van?”

“I don't know Gary.” (Little white lie.)

With the arrests, I wasn’t sure what to do with the picture in David’s manila envelope. I could anonymously send it to that pastor and threaten to release it. But what would I ask for in return? I could give it to David’s father and let him sort out what to do with his wife and the pastor. At the least, it would free David from the church. Or I could wait for David to heal a little and ask him what to do.

Frankly, with the church’s involvement in the youth group, things might be getting a little uncomfortable for that pastor already. It might be better to wait a couple days to see what’s happening.

Later in the day, I contacted my friend again. He told me Burch and the two boys were taken away to the county seat by the sheriff. I guess the local cops are pretty relieved to get this out of their hands. The lockup here isn’t much. They only use it for drunks and such. There’s no real judge in town anyway.

I asked him about the church connection. He said it was a current investigation and he couldn’t comment. So at least they are investigating the creepy little church.



There was no Chuck sleepover last night. When he heard David was hurt, he said he didn't want to be able to feel good. Then today I heard they arrested Burch, of all people. I texted Chuck right away to help lift his mood. I guess we'll have to wait for next weekend to advance to the next step in the sexucation of Chuck.

Yesterday I made a quick change of plans and Martin stayed with me. Maybe it’s time for Matty to settle down. Mark’s gonna be into girls pretty soon, probably Curt too. Cory is really gay like me but seems to be spending more time with that Randy Foels kid. It wouldn’t surprised me if they become a couple pretty soon. In a few short months, Matty could be all alone!

If Martin would only stop pretending he has a straight side, I could easily confine my attentions to him alone. We get along well together and Martin satisfies me in every way. I think he’s the only guy who’s won my 10 rating so consistently. Yep, Martin-Matty would be a powerful team. I’ll have to check the drug store for extra strength condoms though. God, I’m still tingling today!



I called Tommy before I went to bed, asking for a report on David. He told me he regained consciousness early today and talked to the police. Then he was out again. I guess he drifts in and out of sleep cuz of the pain killers. He’s still in ICU, but most of his injuries are broken and cracked bones and a mild concussion.

According to Tommy, the reason he’s still in there is because they’re worried about internal organ injury. He told me those assholes hit David with fucking baseball bats! I better never be alone near those guys, cuz I’ll kill them.

He explained if there’s no internal injuries, the doctors expected him to be in a regular room in a couple days. I can’t wait to be able to visit my best friend. I hope the David-look has returned to his eyes. I pray whatever was causing his weird behavior is over now. I have this scary feeling it’s all related to that fucking church, and not his mother at all, like I thought.

Then Tommy said David won't have to worry about money to go to college because the lawyers were lining up to sue Burch's ass! He also said his mother sort of disappeared and his Aunt is living with him! I wonder if his father discovered she was having the affair David told me about, and threw her out.



OMG I’m going crazy! I’m wandering around the house crying. Even Megan came over to calm me down. I can’t find out how badly he’s hurt, or even how it happened. I mean the gossip wire is full of weird shit. One was his church people beat him up. Another was the report of a drug deal gone bad and some gang trying to silence him. In Daleville? You can’t believe any of that crap.

The thing is, nobody knows for sure why it happened. The only certain thing is David was hurt bad and is in the hospital. I don’t even know any of his friends. I have no one to call and find out anything. So I’m taking it out on my carpet by pacing and crying. Even Randy came over, but he doesn’t know any more than the rest of us.

He left to visit his friend Cory hoping to get something out of him.

What could he possibly squeeze out of Cory?

Copyright © 2016 skinnydragon; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I'm Ok good stuff. What was the point of the Sam's "white lie"? More keeping secrets and not communicating? To what purpose? Frankly that's getting exhausting. I'm assuming that after the whole thing went bad and someone witnessed the kidnapping PPF and the woman who lives in David's house went on the run. If they were under direction from those two, even if Burch keeps quiet one of those high school kids is going to roll over and sing like a canary. So the police should be after them soon enough. Hopefully Sam will get his shit together and stop wringing his hands about those pictures and take action.


Were they really trying to kill David? Was his "mother" actually involved in a murder plot? What were they hoping to gain from that? If that's the case they'd been planning that for awhile keeping in mind that the van was stalking him before he ever knew about the adultry.


Alex... Ok seriously can she please exit stage left? She's known David for like 5 days. I mean I could understand being concerned and emphatic for a new acquaintance but really the over-the-top high school drama queen act? She's just so affected by this guy being hurt who she doesn't know anything about or really have any association with outside of class or know any of his friends. But she's gotta cry all day long cause she's what? In love with him? Ah no. Please send her back into obscurity cause she's now crossing into intolerable.

  • Like 1

The drama explodes on the scene, and all the characters tell us what they're thinking. Gary sounds like a best friend again; Sam is inscrutable and mysterious; Matty continues to think with parts other than his brain; Chuck is concerned, surely; Alex is worried sick over her crush, and...and...whew. Thanks for the mass thoughts...Twoey stronger now? Good; David doesn't need a weepy Twoey. Hope Ginny lets him go visit ASAP. Agree with Spikey that the mother and the pastor ought to be easy enough to track down; don't agree that Burch won't talk - he'll want a grandstand to preach his hate and lies from. What made Burch and the kids he directed attack David at this time? Were they directed by the evil pastor and David's so-called mother? And how could a mother allow such a thing to happen to her son? Let the questioning begin. Wonder if the local media will make a circus of matters this time.


As for David's father, it's good he called in some assistance so he can spare time for his injured son, but holy cow, David is sure paying a steep price for his near-criminal cluelessness. If he feels no guilt for that, he has an emotional pathology. Just saying.


All this is to say that even the dust settling in this chapter is exciting and engrossing. Am expecting the next chapter, um.....NOW. Please?

  • Like 1

David's cluelessness is indeed near-criminal, but that is no excuse for this bullshit the adults in his life put him through. I'm wondering who Sam will go to with David's envelope. Fucking with PPF and the woman that lives in his house brought down a world of hurt on David, so Sam would know better than to try that route. Going to the police would cause a shitstorm. Sadly, I think he's going to do what David should have done from the beginning -- take it to David's father. It will break his heart (maybe, how can a man live with such a harpy and still love her...does she have something on him?), but the man and his real family deserve better. We also haven't heard from David's grandfather. That man would throw down some Zeus-worthy righteous fury. All the hell and damnation that PPF preaches, Grandpa could deliver.
As for Matty - I disagree with Parker, I think he might be thinking with something other than his naughty bits. Or at least, he's starting to. He realizes a lot of the fun he has with his mini-harem will eventually end and it may be time to think about long term prospects, hell, maybe even emotional intimacy.

  • Like 1

Thank you, thank you, thank you skinnyD. Please note that is thrice, not twice, as two is now passé :) .


I knew I loved Tommy:

I know it was the kid who looks like my brother, but it’s my brother’s body! And now he looks like shit! ... No fucking way was I not gonna be by my brother!

Dude, when David figures out how awesome you are, it will be heard in Syracuse!


Twoey, I agree with you. I don't thing Angel is safe ... I hope you can talk to Tommy ... and Sam ... and Vladimir ...


Matty, just 5 minutes ... do you think you could utilize the bigger head for just five minutes?



... those assholes hit David with fucking baseball bats! I better never be alone near those guys, cuz I’ll kill them ..

Breakfast tomorrow morning dude, you, me and Idi Amin; idi and I would like your opinion regarding the proper preparation of pigs.


Alex, go get laid already, ... and watch for Deena!


Time for lunch!

  • Like 1

Yay - David regained consciousness long enough to talk to the police, so he's not floating up in that limbo world deciding which way to go. I wonder if the painkillers let him communicate with Putin or Jeter... I wouldn't like to hear what Putin would have to say after D2's royal screwup!


Will inscrutable Sam explain his part in this drama someday, or does he continue to hold his cards close to his chest? Perhaps one day David will worm it out of him; Sam seems willing to open up to him more than the others.


If Aunt Sarah is there, I bet David's grandfather knows by now, too. Surely between the two of them they can get David's father to act like a father to his kids! And about time, too. Thanks for another great chapter, Skinny!

  • Like 1

If Aunt Sarah is at the house, could grandpa be far behind? We need a fortress for David.


Things are happening yet I feel like everyone's moving at snails pace.
Are we sure Sam isn't a CIA prodigy plant? Who the heck are his contacts and how much does he really know.. Right now I just want him to show someone those pics. Ginny, Aunt Sarah, David's Dad, take your pick!
Burch's arrest was swift and was a relief.. PPF and Co. won't be far behind I'm betting.. At least it would expose the church and their herd.. Small town or not, this should make big news..


David.... I wonder if his sleepy, drugged up state has a voice.. What's he thinking?
Tommy... I'll say it again. Best little brother in the world!
Could Alex have seen the abduction and called it in? That would explain her frenzy somewhat..
Matty be contemplating monogamy? *gasp*! He must be having a 'growth' spurt..
I hope Twoey gets to see David soon. They need each other..
I feel for the friends. They just list Danny I can't imagine how they're feeling about this now.

  • Like 1
On 03/16/2016 04:21 PM, spikey582 said:

I'm Ok good stuff. What was the point of the Sam's "white lie"? More keeping secrets and not communicating? To what purpose? Frankly that's getting exhausting. I'm assuming that after the whole thing went bad and someone witnessed the kidnapping PPF and the woman who lives in David's house went on the run. If they were under direction from those two, even if Burch keeps quiet one of those high school kids is going to roll over and sing like a canary. So the police should be after them soon enough. Hopefully Sam will get his shit together and stop wringing his hands about those pictures and take action.


Were they really trying to kill David? Was his "mother" actually involved in a murder plot? What were they hoping to gain from that? If that's the case they'd been planning that for awhile keeping in mind that the van was stalking him before he ever knew about the adultry.


Alex... Ok seriously can she please exit stage left? She's known David for like 5 days. I mean I could understand being concerned and emphatic for a new acquaintance but really the over-the-top high school drama queen act? She's just so affected by this guy being hurt who she doesn't know anything about or really have any association with outside of class or know any of his friends. But she's gotta cry all day long cause she's what? In love with him? Ah no. Please send her back into obscurity cause she's now crossing into intolerable.

Thanks spikey! Good stuff from you too!


Most of your first paragraph is pretty plausible.

The question you ask in the second is the real mystery. Were they just going to beat out his demon? Did the boys get fooled into a murder plot thinking it was the demon beating they may have been plotting all along?


Poor Alex. I know (pukes) ...but she will be important to David. Just in a little teen flutter right now. :)

  • Like 1
On 03/17/2016 12:50 AM, Parker Owens said:

The drama explodes on the scene, and all the characters tell us what they're thinking. Gary sounds like a best friend again; Sam is inscrutable and mysterious; Matty continues to think with parts other than his brain; Chuck is concerned, surely; Alex is worried sick over her crush, and...and...whew. Thanks for the mass thoughts...Twoey stronger now? Good; David doesn't need a weepy Twoey. Hope Ginny lets him go visit ASAP. Agree with Spikey that the mother and the pastor ought to be easy enough to track down; don't agree that Burch won't talk - he'll want a grandstand to preach his hate and lies from. What made Burch and the kids he directed attack David at this time? Were they directed by the evil pastor and David's so-called mother? And how could a mother allow such a thing to happen to her son? Let the questioning begin. Wonder if the local media will make a circus of matters this time.



As for David's father, it's good he called in some assistance so he can spare time for his injured son, but holy cow, David is sure paying a steep price for his near-criminal cluelessness. If he feels no guilt for that, he has an emotional pathology. Just saying.



All this is to say that even the dust settling in this chapter is exciting and engrossing. Am expecting the next chapter, um.....NOW. Please?

Thanks Parker!


I hope the chapter didn't have too much "radio chatter" but we sort of need to see this from lots of sides.


For me, the two major mysteries are the attack and mother dearest.

As you said, it is possible the attack was directed by PPF, but we know the van was tracking him before his ninja exploits. So did PPF use whatever they were going to do (exorcise him?) as cover for actually killing him? How would that have affected the attack boys? - Yikes!


His mother's motives are absolutely not clear. She must really hate her family, or she's sick. If she's sick, maybe it's better she's gone.


I don't think there is local media in Daleville, except for the Gossip Express. :)

  • Like 1
On 03/17/2016 02:07 AM, Lux Apollo said:

Good chapter. I kind of am starting to agree with spikey582 about Alex. I'm sure you have your reasons, but it seems odd that we'd get reaction from her and not from, say, Lanni and Deena in particular.

Thanks lux!


Alex got the bulletin before Lanni and Deena, who will respond in the next chapter.

There's much more to Alex than we've seen so far. The timing of this thing just happened to hit while she was in the middle of her first ever crush.

  • Like 1
On 03/17/2016 02:20 AM, Dayne Mora said:

David's cluelessness is indeed near-criminal, but that is no excuse for this bullshit the adults in his life put him through. I'm wondering who Sam will go to with David's envelope. Fucking with PPF and the woman that lives in his house brought down a world of hurt on David, so Sam would know better than to try that route. Going to the police would cause a shitstorm. Sadly, I think he's going to do what David should have done from the beginning -- take it to David's father. It will break his heart (maybe, how can a man live with such a harpy and still love her...does she have something on him?), but the man and his real family deserve better. We also haven't heard from David's grandfather. That man would throw down some Zeus-worthy righteous fury. All the hell and damnation that PPF preaches, Grandpa could deliver.

As for Matty - I disagree with Parker, I think he might be thinking with something other than his naughty bits. Or at least, he's starting to. He realizes a lot of the fun he has with his mini-harem will eventually end and it may be time to think about long term prospects, hell, maybe even emotional intimacy.

Thanks Dayne!


You have some very good and true comments in your first paragraph. I hope we get to see some of what you suggest.


I think you're right about Matty too, although I can't see him brushing aside temptation whenever it presents itself, at least not for now. I don't think it's in his DNA. But we can always hope he matures. Maybe Martin will be his savior, if he'll just get rid of his damn straight side. :P

  • Like 1
On 03/17/2016 04:02 AM, said:

Thank you, thank you, thank you skinnyD. Please note that is thrice, not twice, as two is now passé :) .


I knew I loved Tommy:

I know it was the kid who looks like my brother, but it’s my brother’s body! And now he looks like shit! ... No fucking way was I not gonna be by my brother!

Dude, when David figures out how awesome you are, it will be heard in Syracuse!


Twoey, I agree with you. I don't thing Angel is safe ... I hope you can talk to Tommy ... and Sam ... and Vladimir ...


Matty, just 5 minutes ... do you think you could utilize the bigger head for just five minutes?



... those assholes hit David with fucking baseball bats! I better never be alone near those guys, cuz I’ll kill them ..

Breakfast tomorrow morning dude, you, me and Idi Amin; idi and I would like your opinion regarding the proper preparation of pigs.


Alex, go get laid already, ... and watch for Deena!


Time for lunch!

Thanks oxala!


OMG what can I say?


Yeah, Tommy has some good character inside. He is awesome. He gives him all the unconditional love a parent should.


What a review! Thanks again oxala!

  • Like 1
On 03/17/2016 08:16 AM, jess30519 said:

Yay - David regained consciousness long enough to talk to the police, so he's not floating up in that limbo world deciding which way to go. I wonder if the painkillers let him communicate with Putin or Jeter... I wouldn't like to hear what Putin would have to say after D2's royal screwup!


Will inscrutable Sam explain his part in this drama someday, or does he continue to hold his cards close to his chest? Perhaps one day David will worm it out of him; Sam seems willing to open up to him more than the others.


If Aunt Sarah is there, I bet David's grandfather knows by now, too. Surely between the two of them they can get David's father to act like a father to his kids! And about time, too. Thanks for another great chapter, Skinny!

Thanks jess!


Yeah, David is firmly on Earth, albeit a little drugged up.


You can be sure Grampa is aware of everything. Aunt Sarah probably talks to him hourly ...hehe.


David's father might be in a little shock too.

  • Like 1
On 03/17/2016 02:01 PM, Defiance19 said:

If Aunt Sarah is at the house, could grandpa be far behind? We need a fortress for David.


Things are happening yet I feel like everyone's moving at snails pace.

Are we sure Sam isn't a CIA prodigy plant? Who the heck are his contacts and how much does he really know.. Right now I just want him to show someone those pics. Ginny, Aunt Sarah, David's Dad, take your pick!

Burch's arrest was swift and was a relief.. PPF and Co. won't be far behind I'm betting.. At least it would expose the church and their herd.. Small town or not, this should make big news..


David.... I wonder if his sleepy, drugged up state has a voice.. What's he thinking?

Tommy... I'll say it again. Best little brother in the world!

Could Alex have seen the abduction and called it in? That would explain her frenzy somewhat..

Matty be contemplating monogamy? *gasp*! He must be having a 'growth' spurt..

I hope Twoey gets to see David soon. They need each other..

I feel for the friends. They just list Danny I can't imagine how they're feeling about this now.

Thanks for your great comments Def!


Well it's only been a day and word isn't completely (or accurately) out yet. Daleville is too small for a paper or radio station, so it's just the gossip wire. Hence the snail's pace.


David will be back online (with us) pretty soon. It'll be interesting to get his take on all this, or WHICH David will even be there. (Gasp)


Maybe Matty's news was the biggest! :o But then, will our Matty REALLY be able to turn down temptation?

'What could he possibly squeeze out of Cory?' hehe Ok, once being a teenage girl, I would probably be the same as Alex right now. I'd be freaking out. Especially listening to the rumor mill, which always screws things up and exaggerates. I feel for her, I do.


'...sexucation of Chuck...' :lmao: Why oh why isn't Matty concerned about David? After all, wasn't it he who wanted to "turn David" or get into his pants if it's the last thing he does? Or something like that. I'm going back like fifty chapters. lol Why is he STILL thinking with his little head and not his big head? Or the opposite if that's the case. :D


Sam continues to intrigue me. How can a 15-year-old have so many adult connections? lol But was it coincidence that he knows someone on Teasdale Street? Did that someone call him to let him know he/she called the police? And was it stated who owned the van? If it was, I missed it. All the cops had to do was run the plates on the van to know who owned it. It it's not Burch's, it probably belongs to the church.


And as everyone else had said, the van has been following D1 and D2 for a long time now, way before D2 started with the surveillance of PPF's extra-curricular-church activities. I think PPF did see D2 that night and contacted Burch to do whatever he wanted to to D1/D2 to silence him. Obviously forever from the force of his beating. Thank God the cops got there just in the nick of time.


As far as Tommy, bestest little bro in the world, of COURSE he wants to see his brother!!! Even if it is the boy who looks like his brother. Now since we saw Liz very briefly in this chapter (but with no POV), why in God's name wasn't SHE at the hospital???????? Greg too for God's sakes!


Love it that all these lawyers are calling Dad. Bet they were all contacted by Grandpa. I bet Grandpa is on his way up to Daleville as I write this. :)


Hmm, wonder if Burch is going to give PPF away? I hope he winds up in The Big House as Big Bubba's bitch. That'll teach him! :rofl: And Josiah fucking Coulton should NOT be sent to juvie; he deserves to be tried as an adult. Same for the other kid who hasn't been mentioned yet.


I can't wait till they catch PPF and the woman who used to live in David's house.

  • Like 1
On 03/20/2016 05:17 AM, Lisa said:

'What could he possibly squeeze out of Cory?' hehe Ok, once being a teenage girl, I would probably be the same as Alex right now. I'd be freaking out. Especially listening to the rumor mill, which always screws things up and exaggerates. I feel for her, I do.


'...sexucation of Chuck...' :lmao: Why oh why isn't Matty concerned about David? After all, wasn't it he who wanted to "turn David" or get into his pants if it's the last thing he does? Or something like that. I'm going back like fifty chapters. lol Why is he STILL thinking with his little head and not his big head? Or the opposite if that's the case. :D


Sam continues to intrigue me. How can a 15-year-old have so many adult connections? lol But was it coincidence that he knows someone on Teasdale Street? Did that someone call him to let him know he/she called the police? And was it stated who owned the van? If it was, I missed it. All the cops had to do was run the plates on the van to know who owned it. It it's not Burch's, it probably belongs to the church.


And as everyone else had said, the van has been following D1 and D2 for a long time now, way before D2 started with the surveillance of PPF's extra-curricular-church activities. I think PPF did see D2 that night and contacted Burch to do whatever he wanted to to D1/D2 to silence him. Obviously forever from the force of his beating. Thank God the cops got there just in the nick of time.


As far as Tommy, bestest little bro in the world, of COURSE he wants to see his brother!!! Even if it is the boy who looks like his brother. Now since we saw Liz very briefly in this chapter (but with no POV), why in God's name wasn't SHE at the hospital???????? Greg too for God's sakes!


Love it that all these lawyers are calling Dad. Bet they were all contacted by Grandpa. I bet Grandpa is on his way up to Daleville as I write this. :)


Hmm, wonder if Burch is going to give PPF away? I hope he winds up in The Big House as Big Bubba's bitch. That'll teach him! :rofl: And Josiah fucking Coulton should NOT be sent to juvie; he deserves to be tried as an adult. Same for the other kid who hasn't been mentioned yet.


I can't wait till they catch PPF and the woman who used to live in David's house.

Thanks Lisa!


Oh wow! So many questions! :)


Some of the immediate ones will be answered in the next chapters, so I'll pass on those.


Sam has a history of cultivating connections with the police and EMT around town. We don't know how (yet). Remember he got the salient details of Danny's shooting. But we'll soon discover it's a two way street.


It's only conjecture, but the van may have been tracking David's activities - but then PPF gave the pickup order when he felt backed into a corner by D2-the-Fotog. The quick rescue and arrests probably made PPF panic and flee. Again, likely but only conjecture.


Maybe Liz inherited the love-and-family gene from her ma.

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