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18 Weeks of Twoey - 54. Week Eight Friday, October 24, 2014: Last Race
During our run I tossed out the question to Gary. “What if I told you this real deep secret about me I was holding in? Something you might not like about me. But I trusted our friendship and divulged it to you. Would you ever end our friendship?”
“I don't think there’s anything about you which would affect our friendship.”
“But Gary, what if it was something you couldn't possibly think of that was the secret? Like what if I murdered the pig-fucker of a pastor, cut up his body into little pieces and threw them into the lake for the sharks to eat?”
“Well David, I'd sure be pissed you didn't let me help you do it, but it wouldn't end our friendship.” Then he giggled, “By the way, there aren't any sharks in the Finger Lakes. Why are you asking me this?”
I told him about Mike and Twoey and how they were sorta like us. I only said Twoey trusted his friend with a secret and his friend froze him out and ended their friendship.
Gary said, “Jeez that sucks. Not just because they were friends for their whole lives, which sucks all by itself, but Twoey told him something because he trusted him. Then the asshole breaks the trust. Poor Twoey, he must have been flattened!”
“He was. But now the guy sent Twoey a letter telling him how sorry he is ...after making Twoey's life miserable the last three months at his old school ...and he wants to be best friends again.”
“What did Twoey do?”
“He forgave him and said they could be friends but not go back to being best friends.”
“Well I guess it's smart ...if he even wanted to forgive the asshole, but it's his choice. What he should have done is tell him he'd been replaced. Now that would have been poetic.”
“Ha! ...what the fuck do you know about poetry! But I don't agree with you. If it had happened to us, I would have forgiven you, saying you always were my best friend, only you forgot about it for a while. That's even more poetic.”
“The guy’s still a douchebag.”
There was no sexy call from Twoey this morning. I think I really upset him last night.
Our final race is today, so shirt and tie. On the way to school I gave Sam a quiet thumbs-up to let him know I did everything he taught me with my computer.
Terri looked a little sad in math. I gave her a questioning look.
She whispered, “Ron and I are going through a seriously rough patch.”
I smiled. “Just wait, after tomorrows last game he’ll be less uptight.”
She smiled back. “I hope you’re right.”
Elcher interrupted us with another pop math quiz which was so simple. The asshole little kid behind me scraped his shoe on my desk again! One of these days I’m gonna lose it and smash his fucking face!
I made sure to visit the football lunch table and wished them good luck for tomorrow's final game. Biggy told me he was going to start because the other receiver was still not 100%. The other guy was sitting right at their table, so I whispered to Biggy I thought he was better anyway, and the coach probably did too. That put a smile on his face. I told them all I'd be the guy making the most noise in the stands. They laughed and I returned to my table.
Matty said, “Well you sure got them in a good mood!”
“I was only trying to not think of my race today.”
He rubbed the back of my shoulder. “You’re gonna do just fine David, Don’t sweat it. You almost beat Jimmy last week. You and he are gonna beat the asses off Dennis Center!” My little rooting section ...hehe.
Today must have been pop-quiz day! Burch hit us with another one of his (yawn) multiple choice mindless masterpieces. I finished early again, but spent the rest of the time drawing an upside down American flag in the lower right-hand corner of the paper. It wasn’t me, honestly. My demon did it.
Biggy made me take it easy in the weight room because of the race. We only worked on stretching and loosening. He gave me a back rub and tried to calm me too. Between Matty and Biggy, I actually did calm down and began to focus. I knew it was gonna be a big race. I had a premonition it was gonna be major!
Yay! In PhysEd Mr. Cyrnn told us today was the last day on those fucking parallel bars. His news lifted my spirits even higher. At the end of class, Matty grabbed me by the shoulders and told me to relax, I was gonna do just fine. How did he know I was still nervous?
Finally it was 4:00 and time for the last race of the season. We were at home. It was a crisp and cool day, just perfect for me. Our opponents were from Dennis Center which is a farm community in the hills west of the lake. More hills! These guys knew how to run. Their record was identical to ours. During the race, I was using all the pacing ideas Coach Basuba had tried to pump into my poor head these last few weeks. I think the best runners from Dennis were using similar strategies. They were good and they were all strong runners. But today I felt something different. I had more reserve left near the end than I ever had before. Coach taught me well. It was a good thing. I'd never been in a race where so many guys were so close near the finish. These courses are long and it's always stretched out at the end, but not today!
All week long I had this fanciful vision of Jimmy and me being one-two, and if I was ahead I would just hang back a little to let him win his final race as a senior. I mean, as far as the score is concerned it's exactly the same if it's me-Jimmy or Jimmy-me. It didn't matter. I've got two more years to finish in first place. But this finish wasn't going to allow me the luxury of hanging back even one stride! There were four of us in a tight little bunch. I could finish either first or fourth with hardly any real difference. So I put on my mental blinders, centered on just me and hit the turbos. I only knew we crossed the finish line because I heard yells from the few family and friends we get go past me. As I pulled up I heard them congratulating the runners saying ‘great race’ and stuff like that. I had absolutely no idea how the team did or even how I did. Only after a few minutes of hands on my knees, trying to regain control of my breathing, did I discover we won. The finish was: Me, Dennis, Jimmy, Dennis, Daleville, Daleville, Dennis, Daleville, Dennis, Dennis. If I had let Jimmy beat me, we'd have lost.
The team celebrated at Pizza Hut. Jimmy stood in front of everybody and congratulated me, saying he knew the team was in good hands now. He said he was passing the torch, as he passed me a piece of pizza. Then he pulled me aside and started to apologize for his younger brother! What a class act. I told him not to worry about it. I was fine. I told him if he wanted to do something, try to make sure his brother Cal understands how important it is to be faithful and that he has a wonderful girl. He smiled and gave me a nice man-hug. Nothing like Greg's, but nice nonetheless.
Sooo ...I got back home to check my computer picture file and ...just me turning it on a minute ago. There were no trespassers yet. The trap is set, though, thanks to Sam and Vladimir.
I took a shower, then lay down on my bed trying to think of a solution to this Twoey best friend predicament. I could come up with no ideas. Maybe I was simply too tired. I'll have to let my subconscious work on it for another day. But since I'm going over there Sunday, I'd better come up with a solution tomorrow!
I tapped on Tommy's door. I didn't even know if he was home tonight, cuz it’s a Friday and he’s a party animal. “Come in, David.” I guess he was home.
He looked up from his computer as I entered. “I hear you were first place. Congrats, brother!”
I went over and sat on his bed, then laid back. “Got any plans tomorrow Tommy?”
He got up, came over, sat next to me and fell back. “Not yet, why?”
“Let's do something together.”
“Sure, what?”
“Tommy, our time together is pretty limited and we won't have the opportunity to be with each other much more.”
He sat right up. “What do you mean?”
He sounded just a little frightened. I decided not to tell him what I really thought was about to happen with me and my former family.
“Well, soon you'll probably have a serious girlfriend, be into more sports than baseball, maybe. I'll be off to college, maybe. We won't get the opportunity we have right now over the next short period of time. Don't you think we should take advantage of it? You'll kick yourself later for not doing it when you had the chance.”
Boy, did he jump all over that. “Why did you say I’ll kick myself later but leave you out of it?” My little brother is way too smart.
“You know what I mean.”
He rolled on his side facing me and I did likewise. We were so close our noses and knees almost touched. He ran his fingers through my scraggly hair and said very softly, “Please brother, promise me you won't do nothing stupid. You’re the only one in this fucked-up house that keeps me sane. Please, for me, stick around.” I couldn't resist, and just gave him a soft kiss.
“Thanks Tommy. Sometimes things are out of our control. You know I’ll do my best. Your love keeps me a little stronger. Now, what'll we do tomorrow?”
After considering a lot of options and texting some friends, we decided to meet up with his friend Mark and my friend Sam for an indoor miniature golf tournament followed by Kory's and then on to the final football game.
I went back to my room and called Twoey. Enough of his being pissed off! He answered sounding down, “Hello David.”
“Hey! Why is my best friend unhappy? You're going home tomorrow, you should be giggling!”
“I ...I thought you said you didn't want to be my best friend”
“Whaaat? When did I ever say that?”
“B ...But you said to give the (sob) dollar back to Mike so he would be m ...my best friend!”
“Twoey, listen. Before you even read the note from Mike, you were my best friend, right?”
“And Gary has been my best friend since before I can even remember, right?”
“So I had two best friends. You had one. Now you read the note. Why can't you have two also, if you want?”
“What I meant last night was after he sent you that beautiful note, where he just skewered himself ...said he hated himself ...couldn't have been more contrite ...understood what he violated was your trust ...in other words, he finally understood. He's not just weakly saying ‘I'm sorry’ but he finally understands. Now if you felt crushed when you thought he violated your trust, then you can't just do the same thing back to him! He gets it! He understands! Unless it's too late and you hate him, you gotta take him back 100%. Do you understand? He's not my competition. It isn't a choice between him and me. His connection to you is way different from mine. He's your brother!”
“W ...What are you then?”
“I ...I Twoey ...I am in therapy. That's what I am. But I hope I am your best friend, in spite of my flaws.”
“Um ...OK ...I think understand what you were saying now. But I don't want to take the dollar back. I'm having trouble with that.”
“OK, I can understand. I’ll have it all figured out by Sunday ...I promise.” Shit, my subconscious better come up with a plan fast!
He asked about the race and was real happy for me when he found out I finished first.
He asked if I was going to help bring him home tomorrow. I told him I needed bonding time with my brother, because we get so little, especially since I don’t think I’ll be living here much longer.
“Sam and Tommy and Mark and I are having a mini-golf tournament, pigging out at Kory's and going to the last football game.”
“Mark Goerss?”
“You know him?”
“Sorta. That's Matty's little brother, right?”
“Yeah, he's a friend of Tommy.”
“Oh ...OK. I'll see you Sunday, right?”
“Of course! Unless the evil hag who lives in my kitchen throws me in the oven and cooks me.”
“Um ...David ...Sunday you will meet Mike. He's coming down from Syracuse.”
“Great! I can't wait to meet your friend. Anybody who can write a letter like that has got to be a special person. And don't worry, he won't know you read me the letter. I know it was personal and you trusted me. You can always trust me. Um ...wait. Who's driving him down? If it's your father I can't come over. I'll never be in the same house with him again.”
“Oh, I see you met him ...hehe. I feel the same way. No, Mike's taking the bus, and he'll take the late one home.”
“I'll be there.”
Shit ...now I really have to come up with a plan, and fast!
I just got off the phone with Cory who told me David came in first at the final XC race today. David, who doesn't have a girlfriend to occupy his time anymore. That got my juices going, but I was alone tonight, so it was just me and my hand.
I unzipped and lowered my pants and boxers to the knees, pulled off my top and started stroking my 6 inches to full height. I squirted some lube on my hands and also over my tool and started to pull it. Then I stopped. I heard voices. I was about to slip my pants back up when I recognized my brother and, I think, Curt, so I just continued. I knew they'd stop in.
Sure enough. “Hey brother, need a hand?”
“No, I've already got a hand. I need another body part.”
They chuckled and walked over to me. God Curt's such a major cutie! He jumped right up onto my lap, facing me, so my erection was trapped between his jeans and my bare abs. He began grinding into me as we started sucking face. I fell backward onto the bed with Curt's light body on top of mine, grinding away at me, groin to groin.
“Hey, let's all get naked!” That was my horny little brother’s command.
Suddenly there were three bare, stiff dicks, and everything else, on the bed, two 5 inchers and one 6 incher.
Curt got between my legs and started on my rod. He was working me into his mouth while Mark was nibbling on my nipples, hitting them with the tip of his tongue.
I leaned back on my pillow to let them play with me. Curt soon pulled me over on my knees and propped up my ass. Mark slipped under me and then he started working on my stiff tool, letting his magic tongue do its work and soon began swallowing me. Meanwhile Curt was working his tongue toward my pucker. Then he was rimming me! These kids are learning lots of great stuff ...lucky me!
Mark slipped out and around in front of me, offering his five stiff inches to my mouth. He's easy to take all the way down to and including his tight little balls. I started working on him and brought him close a few times, but he broke away and said, “We have better plans for you Matty.”
Mark left the bed and came back with a towel, a box of condoms and my lube. He had this sweet but impish look on his face and said, “Fuck me.” So I started to lube him up. Then he prepared me.
As he was positioning that sassy little ass in front of me, I felt Curt slipping lube into my ass. He leaned over, inserting the tip of his tongue into my ear. He whispered, “You look hungry tonight. We’re gonna make you a McMatty sandwich.”
I started entering Mark and after a slow, gentle push I was in. He’s usually on top, but I've had Mark enough his ass knows my cock on a first name basis. I pulled out a bit and held steady while Curt easily slipped his five inches into me. He's a little thicker than Mark, more like his brother Cory. As he finished pushing in, I let the force of it push me back into Mark. Now as I pulled out of Mark, Curt pushed back, as I pushed forward, Curt pulled back. We got into a rhythm. After several minutes, I was beginning to get a bit overwhelmed by feelings in my cock and ass at the same time. I was tightly holding Marks hips and he was being forced into the pillow again and again as Curt rammed me. Curt started nibbling my back as he slowed down a bit, so I slowed too and reached around to work on Mark’s erection. Then Curt started going for the finish. He didn't rabbit fuck me as he usually does, but it was close. I was having a hard time matching my strokes into Mark, so I grabbed his hips and hung on, doing my best. Finally Curt was making a little yelp every time he slammed into me and I probably was doing something verbal too as I slammed into Mark. I came first, and that must have squeezed my sphincter against Curt because he just let out a squeal and blasted away. I reached around to grab Mark and as soon as I touched him he shouted out and blasted over the towel.
We all fell back on the bed flushed with afterglow. I hummed. “Thanks guys. I was a little down tonight, but you fixed that fast enough!” Giggles from them.
Then Mark said, “Hey, I got a hot date with your boyfriend tomorrow. Hope you don't mind.”
“What? I don't have a boyfriend.”
“You know, that blond jack-off fantasy of yours. The one you were thinking about when we came in the room tonight.”
I sat up. “David?? You have a date with David?”
Then he started laughing. “Calm down brother! I got a text from Tommy asking me to join them for mini-golf, then to Kory's and then the football game tomorrow. Sooo I guess I'll be with him all day and your chances with him will go down to zero after he's around me!” He was really laughing now.
“Fucker! But it sounds like a fun day for you.”
“Just so ya know I love you, I tried real hard to get you invited too. Curt was with me so he can back me up.” Curt nodded. “But David's friend, the Emo kid, is the fourth. Why don't you accidently bump into us at the game, maybe.”
What a sweet suggestion!
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