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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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tim's Bits and Pieces - 30. Memories of the Meadow - a Ballade

I’m not sure why I decided to write a Ballade. It’s not a simple form and you need a lot of rhyming words. The rhyming pattern is: a, b, a, b, b, c, b, C. The capitalized C is because it has a repeated refrain.

There are three octaves, and each octave is 8 lines and the poet can choose the number of syllables per line. I chose 10 in this case.

There are three octaves, followed by a quatrain which has the rhyming pattern: b, c, b, C

I decided to write the first few lines and then wrote out lists of rhymes for a, b, and c. I then decided on what the refrain would be.

I’d chosen a theme for the Ballade, and had the lists of words, all that was left was to weave them into the syllable pattern I’d chosen within the form’s rhyming pattern. Easy right? Mmmm. This was a challenge and I hope you find it worth reading.



Memories of the Meadow


In the morning in the first light of dawn,

I walk where dew lies and fresh grasses grow;

over the hill is to where I am drawn.

Often, I’ll see deer in the green meadow

and the oak is home to a squawking crow;

she is louder than her nestling's crying.

Smiling, I move on toward the grotto—

Moments I’ll recall as I lay dying


In the long grasses is hidden a fawn,

close by, grazing, is the devoted doe;

they seem content if I sit and look on.

Minutes slipping by me before I know,

rising to my feet, it is time to go.

Observing the deer is gratifying;

they seem to accept I am not their foe—

Moments I’ll recall as I lay dying


By the quiet river I watch the swan,

gliding easily in the gentle flow,

calling to a mate who rests on the lawn.

Overhead great boughs let through the sun's glow;

dappling the water and green bank below.

Then with great effort the swans are flying

This morning Nature has had much to show—

Moments I'll recall as I lay dying


Ideas aplenty, Nature's seeds sow;

for my attention, each one is vying.

While what I receive is more than I’ll owe

Moments I'll recall as I lay dying



Thanks to @AC Benus for his suggestions and for his perspective! xo

Thanks to you who read. You thoughts are welcome!
Copyright © 2018 Mikiesboy; All Rights Reserved.
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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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I remember tackling one of these... great work... I especially liked the refrain and final quatrain... it's a great way to end it. 

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It took me a couple of times reading this for me to come up with an adequate response. To start off, there was a lot of imagery in this piece that I found excellently told. The rhyming sounded spot on to me, and it flowed well from start to finish.


I couldn't help but to make a connection to one of my favorite poems by Dylan Thomas - Don't Go Gentle Into That Good Night. While Dylan's is more about raging at the end of your days; yours made me think of someone who's accepted it's his end. Not only acceptance but flowing through the good memories he's made over the years. Spectacular job, my Brother.

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tim, your ability to take on this form of poetry is something to be proud of. Not only did you take it on, you made it resonate, come alive. But then, I know you're not one to shy away from a challenge. Brilliant job. 

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1 hour ago, MichaelS36 said:

tim this is truly wonderful! It flows so well, it is like taking a walk with you!  


This is an achievement of which you can be proud, my boy. 

Thank You, very much, Sir.  i really enjoyed all of it, even when i was grumbling.

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47 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:

It took me a couple of times reading this for me to come up with an adequate response. To start off, there was a lot of imagery in this piece that I found excellently told. The rhyming sounded spot on to me, and it flowed well from start to finish.


I couldn't help but to make a connection to one of my favorite poems by Dylan Thomas - Don't Go Gentle Into That Good Night. While Dylan's is more about raging at the end of your days; yours made me think of someone who's accepted it's his end. Not only acceptance but flowing through the good memories he's made over the years. Spectacular job, my Brother.

Thanks very much A.. i appreciate you reading it and your insightful comments. xo

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23 minutes ago, MacGreg said:

tim, your ability to take on this form of poetry is something to be proud of. Not only did you take it on, you made it resonate, come alive. But then, I know you're not one to shy away from a challenge. Brilliant job. 

Thank You, very much, Sir. This was a challenge.   it was harder than i thought and sometimes just had to stop.   Then i was over the moon when i saw that i had the word Fawn in my 'a' list of words and Doe in the 'b' list!!   Thanks again Sir, for reading it and for Your comments...

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