Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 16. Winds of Change 1
Chapter 16 - Winds of Change
Monday morning, I woke up refreshed after our trip from Shenandoah National Park.
I already had breakfast ready for dad and myself when dad walked in from his bedroom.
Dad and I went over my lessons during the morning and it was a breeze. I was getting better and better at trigonometry and dad seemed pleased. I then took some short preparatory exams again for my matriculation test.
“So how about we go out for lunch?” Dad asked.
“Sure thing dad, why don’t I bring you over to the cafe Victor and I mentioned to you, they have delicious coffee and pastries and I believe they serve some pasta too, we can have that for lunch” I suggested.
“Hmm... sounds like a great idea” dad agreed.
We were off to Martin’s cafe by noon time and it was more than half full. People were enjoying their food as they chattered over some pastries and pasta. I’ve heard several people compliment the servers about how good the food was.
As the lunch crowd was just dying out, Martin walked by our table and greeted us. “Oh, Hi, Chris right?, it’s nice to see you again” he said with a warm smile.
“Oh, hey martin, hehe, can’t get enough of your great food, by the way this is my dad, William Rogers” I said.
They shook hands and dad again complimented Martin with the great food.
“Oh, hehe, thanks guys, we do try our best to please our customers” Martin said.
Martin then excused himself back to the kitchen. Then dad looked at me... “You do know he’s a vampire right?”
“Yeah, Victor pretty much figured it out the moment they met, but it seems he hasn’t figured Victor out yet... hehe” I said with a chuckle. Then I added “how do you do that by the way?, you know ... determine whether one is a vampire or not?”
Dad then looked at me and said “well I’m not sure how Victor does it, I suppose it’s different for vampires to figure each other out from how we humans would figure them out,... it’s quite a tedious process actually, the State actually sent several specialist to teach me and it took me almost 6 months to have 90% accuracy” dad remarked.
“Wow... that’s cool and seems to be hard work, are you able to tell their age too?, Victor pretty much said that Martin over their is 50 years into being a vampire” I said as I enjoyed my coffee.
“Well... really now eh? We can’t do that, what we basically do is make an educated guess, look for signs in movement, mannerism, and how they look at things. I think being able to determine age comes with age, hehe, with Victor being more than 200 years old and all, hehe” dad said with a snicker.
Dad then dropped me off at Victor’s place after we ate lunch.
As I buzzed the doorbell and Troy opened the door after a few moments, “glad to see you again, Chris, Master Victor is in his study waiting for you” he said as he ushered me in.
“Hehe, you do know he doesn’t like being called master” I said to Troy with a mischievous smile.
“I know... but it’s fun to tease him” Troy smiled back at me.
I entered Victor’s study and he was behind his desk typing away on his laptop with a cup of red on his left. He then looked up at me and smiled, stood and went over to me and gave me a hug then a kiss. “Good to see you again, let me just finish this up, i just have to send a few more emails and then I’m yours again” he smiled at me.
“Oh sure thing, hehe, I hope I’m not bothering you or something” I said, realizing that the time Victor has been spending with me has taken his attention away from running the district.
He then looked at me as I sat on one of the couches and said “oh, don’t be silly, I love being with you, I might not have read your mind but your look says it all, don’t worry okay?, I’m not missing out on any district duties, if anything you’ve even made me more productive.” He smiled at me.
“Okay...” I shyly looked back at him as he typed away again.
With the clicking sounds of the keyboard in the background, my eyes wandered to the shelves in his study. Then... something caught my eye, a book, leather bound with inscriptions on its spine similar to the ones I’ve seen in my dreams. I then stood up and approached the book. I pulled out the book from t he shelf, it didn’t have any symbols in the back or front but as I opened it, the writings were the same with the ones in my dream, I’m very sure of it. I started flipping through the pages and I felt warm, and cozy, my body started to tingle, my pendant gave off this tingle as well as I skimmed through the pages.
Victor then noticed me, I was in a trance, he broke me from my reverie as he said “what do you have there?” He was looking at me from his laptop, and I said, with a curious face
“where... what is this book?” He gave me a curious look as well, stood up and went to me, he looked at the book on my hand and he gave me a bewildered look “where’d you get this?” He asked.
“It was here on your shelf... it intrigued me”
“Are you sure?, that’s nearly impossible, books like these are very very rare and I would know if I had one, these books cost a fortune amongst vampires and werewolves ” he said.
I touched the book again and looked at him with worry and confusion... “what do you mean?” I asked.
“This book, and books like these are very special, I don’t know how you got your hands on it and how you found it, but now we have it, we should put it in for safekeeping...” he said as he skimmed through the pages as well. Then he continued... “these books contain ancient knowledge about the world, and about the 5 creatures of creation of the world” he said almost just above a whisper.
“Huh, 5 creatures? Is that some term for humans and shit?” I asked.
“More or less its a term for all high beings in this world, humans, vampires, and werewolves included”
“I thought there were only humans, vampires, and werewolves?” I asked as we slumped into couches facing each other. “Well there were 5 races before, but the other two have since disappeared, what happened to them is shrouded in mystery, even with my age I don’t know much about what really happened, the first one to disappear were the demons, almost 700 years ago, I know they were cast out by all the other 4 races in a rare show of unity and cooperation back then, the last of their kind were seen in the 1350s or 1360s, again, the details are hazy. The second race that disappeared, I’ve had first hand encounter with, the Elves, when I was I young vampire, I barely had any contact with them though, they kept to themselves and were mostly in their own villages, they were still around just as I became a Vampire, but all of them suddenly disappeared in 1782, Elves around the world vanished without a trace, Elves serving as healers in Noble courts and Elven traders all over, and entire elven villages abandoned as well... we call it ‘the vanishing’, the humans took notice of it as well, imagine being a noble man losing your most prized healer, human royalty and aristocrats had decent relations with the elves, but countless vampire, werewolf, and human expeditions and scholars put to task at finding out what happened to them all came back empty handed” Victor wistfully said.
“So... what now?” I asked.
“Well we hide this book and for the meantime let’s keep this between us, I have to start asking around if other people have gotten their hands on similar books, these books on the wrong hands could spell trouble, but I doubt that there old enough vampires or werewolves to still recall how to read such books, most likely those one old enough are the ones in the Vampire High Council and maybe 2 or 3 of the oldest Werewolves, but we still have to be on the lookout, I’m glad you’ve brought this to my attention, let’s keep this between us, for now, okay?” Victor had a worried look on his face, it seems that this book really did contain information that could have wide repercussions.
“Sure... between us.” I said then kissed him. Victor the smiled and gave me a tender hug.
Victor and I had dinner with Leo at one of the local fast food restaurants.
We talked about our upcoming game this Saturday and our plans for the Halloween.
Leo then looked at Victor and asked “uhm... Victor, our of curiosity, uhm... is it offensive to you guys when humans dress up as vampires for the Halloween?” He asked with a meek smile while eating his fries.
“Why...? Planning on it?” Victor replied with a smile. “Hmm... maybe... if it’s okay... with you that is” Leo said. “Of course it is hehe, we find it quite cute actually... hehe,” Victor chuckled in between eating his burger.
“Speaking of costumes, you guys should come, my school’s hosting a community Halloween party, it’s open to the public, it will be fun!”
Leo said. I then looked at him, brushing my hair as I then flopped my elbow on the table with one hand on my chin “what’s in it for us...? Hehe” I asked.
“Well... it’s a party you doof, that’s all! Just wear some costume and we can all dance the night away” Leo said.
“Well... we’ll think about it” I said with a cheeky grin.
Victor dropped us off at home just before 9pm and then I was off to bed.
My encounter with a physical copy of the book might have triggered a more vivid dream, everything felt very very real, I can breathe in the air, and I was acutely aware of my surroundings as I explored the library, I made my way to the 12th floor of the tower and it was magnificent!, it had no shelves and no books nor scrolls in it, it was just wide open space with the opening to the atrium in the middle and columns decorated with ornate sculptures. The entire floor was well lit and on its walls were paintings of various designs, all equally beautiful with a nature theme. One thing I also noticed on this floor was that it had actual floor to ceiling windows unlike the other floors that didn’t have any windows at all. I walked to of the windows and I was surprised to find that the tower was in the middle of a large town, the town had an old european feel to it, buildings were mainly two to three storeys in height ,some had chimneys too, and had either dark orange or brown tile roofs, some buildings were made of brick while some were of wood, but unlike medieval towns that were dirty and dingy, this town was clean, lively, and very beautiful... as you look across the town below, you can see the townspeople dressed in loose clothing, not entirely medieval in style but not entirely modern as well, the people go about their lives, people carrying baskets, some riding bikes, some just walking alone, in pairs or as group having fun, and in the background as you looked farther and farther you can see a dense forest and on its backdrop, are snow capped mountains, it was breathtakingly beautiful, then I looked down again and one of the townsfolk noticed me, it was a kid, he pointed his finger on me which drew the attention of other townsfolk, several people looked up to me as well, and they started pointing, and gasping, some were visibly emotional, I wasn’t able to comprehend it all, I was confused, this dream feels so real, then out of nowhere ... I started to fade away again.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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