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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Into the fields of Summer - 5. Revelations 2

Victor’s POV

I continued my conversation with Henry over our glass of artificial blood, we call it NuBlood. “How about the State Liason Officer then?” Henry inquired, he then continued to say “Based on what Patrick mentioned before... he’s actually based here in Greensburg. Should this be of concern?”
“I don’t think so Henry, there has been no untoward incident between our kinds in this district except for the minor skirmishes or trouble with rogue covens and individuals, and some drunken vampires, which I might add have been fined, put into prison or justice in cooperation with the human forces. All we have to do is introduce ourselves to the governor and if all is well, which I think it will be, then the state liaison officer will have no choice but to follow the Governor, we’ll meet with this officer after we get more details from Governor Powers tomorrow” I replied.
“Anyway I have to discuss something else with you Henry” I smiled a little at him.
“What is it Victor?”
“Well... you’ll have to pretend to be my dad in front of those two teenagers for the time being until they are introduced to the truth” I said.
“The truth sire?” Henry asked in bewilderment.
“Oh yes the truth, both have, in a short time become good friends of mine, and with my abilities I’ve read that they will not negatively respond to such truth”
“isn’t it a bit too rash sire? And to teenagers at that?” Henry replied with concern. He has always been one of my voices of reason and I trust him a lot for that.
“Trust me on this, and to be quite honest Henry...” I sighed. Then continued “I think I’m in love with Chris.” I sighed again as I started to blush.
“In love sire? What do you mean? It’s been decades sire... are you sure?, I’m happy for you if it’s ever true but what a surprise this is” Henry can’t help but let a smile escape from him as the prospect of me being in love would have been a welcome surprise for everyone in our household indeed, it’s been decades and I think, it’s time to move on and open my heart again.
I then said “ Yeah... sigh, he’s amazing Henry, we kissed! Oh god it’s been so long since I’ve kissed someone with passion Henry, his heart is of pure love, I like him a lot, he’s special, I’m falling deeply for him”
“Am I safe to assume it’s with the fragrant one?” Henry asked.
I sighed as I looked up into the ceiling remembering the warmth of Chris’ lips “yeah, but it’s not just his scent Henry, it’s everything about him, I’ve met his dad, I’ve read his emotions and his best friend, Leo too, they’re all genuine and good hearted people.”
“A toast to your love and life then sire!” Henry raised his glass and we both celebrated my new found love in life.
Afterwards we talked more about the District’s affairs, I for one, despite my youthful looks, is one of the oldest and is the highest ranking vampire in District 4 which covers, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. Together with Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 we make up the Eastern Districts of the Vampire Government and we’re proud to be on of the most compliant districts of the 1999 Accord and the most peaceful at that as well together with the districts of the West Coast (Districts 10, 11, and 12), our districts have become a safe haven for our kind, we’ve maintained good relationships with the governors and high ranking officials of the states within our districts.
“I’ve been informed that Lucy is doing well at the Carolinas and Patrick is adjusting well as expected in Georgia, the officers in Georgia have put him up to speed with the ins and outs of the state and I heard he’s meeting the Georgian Governor within the next few days” I said to Henry as we talked about my other subordinates which are also vampires like Henry. “Are you sure you don’t want to split the Carolinas with Lucy, Henry?, it would do her some good and will be good for you too.” I said.
“Not yet sire, I have much to learn at your side for the time being, if you’ll have me I’d rather serve by your side for now” he said.
“Oh no worries at that Henry, I love your company, and nothing better than learning from the master eh?” I laughed and he giggled as well. I started to excuse myself “Henry, we leave at 9am tomorrow, I’m assuming we’ll be discussing a lot with the Governor tomorrow, have Mark prepare the car, he’ll be driving us”
I then left the room. I then freshened up in my bathroom, still reeling from my make out session with Chris, i keep on blushing as I recall our tongues fighting each other. Damn he’s a good kisser. Are kids these days that good already? I thought.
I went to bed soon after and received a text from my beloved “Hey” he said, we exchanged messages for a bit and goofed around. Gosh I’m an old vampire with a bad case of puppy love, some things never change do they? I smiled myself to sleep.
(Back to Chris’ POV)
It’s Monday, and damn I’m happy to wake up early, I get to meet Victor again today, hehe, I rushed through my morning piss, ran across the second floor corridor and down the stairs and prepared breakfast for me and dad. I was humming and singing along, cooking some eggs and bacon, dad walked into the kitchen and we both greeted each other our good mornings.
Breakfast was quick and soon I was already deep into my worksheets with dad seated beside me as he watched over my progress. “You’re a quick learner at this, Chris, I’ve noticed you have an inclination for History, would you like me to assign you some supplementary reading materials on 15th and 16th century England?” Dad said as I was reading a material on medieval Europe.
“Sure thing dad, that would be okay, can I have some videos too! Hehe, reading can get boring” I said.
“Sure thing son, I’ll see what I can find” he replied.
The morning session was uneventful and passed by really quick, dad ordered in lunch and we had Mexican for lunch, what a treat!, dad knows how much I love tacos.
Dad drove off to the University at the next town as he had scheduled lectures this afternoon. I sat down on the living room couch, watched some tv, and sent my beloved a text “Hey, I miss you!*kisses”.
His reply was nearly instantaneous “I miss you more, sweetheart, *more kisses” I smiled at that.
“So what time are we meeting at the Diner?” I said. “
I’m ready when you are” he replied. “I’ll be there in 45 minutes!” I replied, I think I’ve never ran to the shower and thoroughly washed myself as fast as I did at that point, I took out some blue collared shirt that highlighted my fit torso, and beige shorts that snuggling fit my trim waist and showed off my bum, I hope Victor will like this, I thought.
As I arrived at the Diner, Victor was already seated at my booth. I walked up to him and said “hey... mister, you’re in my booth *wink”
He smiled at me, stood, and gave me a bro hug, as his mouth hung near my ears he said “I so... wanna kiss you right now, I missed you.” Then he looked at my eyes and smiled.
I then muttered “same here Victor, more than you’ll ever know” we then sat across each other and ordered milkshakes and burgers, we were a bunch of newly in love teenagers by the way we acted at the booth, we talked then paused for several seconds to make goo goo eyes with each other then smile again as if we couldn’t believe our luck in finding each other.
Our feet played footy under the table which made us giggle every now and then. After a few more minutes, I asked Victor “So was your trip with your dad to Richmond yesterday, everything okay?”
He nodded in the affirmative as he was in chewing his burger then replied “yeah, you can say that, dad just had to deal with some business matters yesterday, by looks of it, everything went well yesterday, better than expected actually, so there’s that, how was your day yesterday?”
I smiled and then giggled a bit then said “oh yesterday was fuun... Leo and I did each other” I said with a sly grin.
Victor was taken aback he had a clearly surprised a confused look all over his face,” I’m sorry what? What did you just say?” He said.
Hehehe I burst into laughter and said “hehe, you are so jealous dude, I’m kidding, we did each other’s lawn, we do it every Sunday” I smiled at him.
“Oh that’s better, I don’t want my boyfriend hanging out intimately with other boys just yet” he said.
I looked at him with longing and happiness and a small smile, and said “boyfriend huh?”
“Oh sorry, it just slipped, that’s what we are right?, like...” he started to stutter in a very cute way, then continued “right...? Like we like each other, I like you, you like ... me?” Right? I’m sorry if I’m getting ahead of myself here Chris” he muttered and resigned himself to the thought of not being my boyfriend.
I had to end his agony, held his hand on t he table, and said “Victor, yes, I’ll be glad to be your boyfriend” I smiled at him and he had this dorkiest smile ever as he looked up the table and made eye contact with me.
“Oh Jesus, Chris, you nearly gave me a heart attack back there” he snickered.
“Gosh you’re such a romantic doof, Victor, I’m your boyfriend silly, we’ve sealed it last Saturday, so today is basically day 3 of us being boyfriends so... better step up your game now mister or I might just take on Leo” I joked.
He playfully pinched my nose and said “Uh huh? Nah ah. No chance buddy, you’re mine and I’m yours” he smiled.
After a few more minutes Victor stood and pulled my hands with him making me stand as well, “What’s this Victor?” “Come on Chris, follow me, I can’t stand it anymore, just follow me will yah?”
We stood and I followed him to the men’s toilet. It was empty. He locked the door and pushed my back to the door and put his face inches from mine, he smiled and said “I’ve been wanting to do this since I left your house last Saturday” then he kissed me, oh the electricity I felt, my whole body tingled as we swapped spit and our tongues played with each other, he pressed his body against mine and I held his back, I ran my hand across his back as he played with my hair as we continued our tongue swapping, I can feel him press his crotch to mine and he was hard! And obviously I was hard too! By the feel of it he packs a big one, damn I’m gonna get my hands on that one soon, I hope.
We continued kissing and frotting each other for several more minutes and Victor pulled back, I whimpered, and he said “that should be enough for now, we don’t want Sally to wonder where we are don’t we” I relented and we fixed ourselves by the mirror and went back to our booth, each with toothy grins. Gosh he’s an awesome kisser.
We sat back in our booth, smiled, and talked about nothing in particular for the next 30 minutes or so. We then decided to hang out at the local park the rest of the afternoon. We said our usual goodbyes to Sally and crew and trotted off to the park. We found ourselves a bench underneath a tree and we basically just made goo goo eyes again with each other, we’d each giggle spontaneously every now and then, “gosh victor, you’re cute with you laugh, you know that?”
“Uh... nah, you’re way cuter Chrissy...” he smiled. He put his arms behind my neck and scooted closer to me with his left arm hanging on my other side as he made ourselves sit closer together, I laid my head on his shoulder, his warmth made me comfortable and I’ve never felt so close with another boy, he’s perfect and I really do like him. We just laid there enjoying each others company and warmth for the next hour or so, breaking into spontaneous conversations about nothing in particular then silence again to enjoy each other’s company.
The sun was setting fast and we decided to have dinner together at an a KFC a few blocks away. The park was quiet and empty and it was getting darker by the minute, I sent my dad a text message that I’ll be having dinner with Victor and he just replied “Ok buddy, need a condom?”
I laughed and replied “Geez, Nah pops, I’ve got it, see yah in an hour or two? Victor asked me why I was laughing and I showed him my phone and my dad’s reply.
He raised an eyebrow and said “He knows?” his voice slightly lingering in the air.
“Yeah, when you left last Saturday, dad, kindda caught us kissing” I blushed.
“Oh.o is everything alright Chris, I hope I didn’t get you into trouble or something”
“Nah, don’t worry Victor, my dad knows I’m gay, and aside from the occasional condom jokes, he’s fine...” I snickered.
He just bumped my shoulder as we continued walking through the park. “So he knows eh? I hope he approves of me, like did he say anything about me or something?” Victor said with a worried tone.
“Don’t be silly Victor, my dad knows you make me happy, and that’s all that matters to him, don’t worry, he’s cool like that” I replied.
“Oh, okay, that’s good to hear, okay, you let me know if he has any issues about me okay, it’s best to impress your boyfriend’s dad all the time, and I plan to do so” he smirked. We continued to walk across the empty park, there was still some light in the sky as the sun was just about to set and the street lamps have turned themselves on, we were walking and Victor started to slow himself down, he whispered to me and looked at me with a serious face, “don’t look around Chris, but keep yourself calm okay?, I got this, we’re being followed, don’t panic, okay?” He said as he put his harms around my waist bringing me closer to him.
“What? Are you serious?” I said with a worried tone “Are we in trouble Victor?” I asked.
“We might be, there’s three set of eyes on us but I only see two guys following us, be careful, I’ll handle this, trust me okay?” Victor whispered. I nodded in the affirmative.
A few minutes later two guys that were a few meters behind us called out on us “hey kids!” We turned back and stopped on our feet as the two guys walked closer to us. Seeing the threat get closer, Victor told me “let’s make a dash for it Chris, come one” he grabbed my arm and we made a run for it on the other direction, the two guys ran after us and as we kept our distance, another guy appeared out of the bushes a few meters in front of us.
“Hey now kids, we just wanna talk, that’s all” said the rugged man in front of us. Victor and myself stopped running, the two guys caught up to us and we were basically surrounded. Victor looked back at the 2 other guys, and damn they were built well, they towered at more than 6’4 or so but looked very rugged with their patchy clothes.
“We’ll be out of your hair kids, just give us your money and that nice watch of yours and we’ll be off” said one of the guys.
“We don’t have any money.” I said.
“Don’t lie to me boy” said another one as the three pulled out knives to threaten us.
The three guys stepped closer to us and Victor looked at me and said “Trust me Chris okay?, I got this”
“Oh how cute, is the blonde one your boyfriend or something” said the guy behind us as he brandished his knife swinging it and playing with it as they all three stepped slowly closer to us. And within seconds I felt Victor move from my side, in a fraction of a second he was already in front of the two guys, he quickly disarmed them, twisted their wrists, both guys scream in agony, both started trying to kick and punch Victor, they hit him in the arms and stomach a few times but Victor didn’t even flinch one bit, he then kicked one guy hard on the stomach and he flew a few feet away and landed hard on his back, Victor then put is hand on the neck of the other guy, chocked him as the guy tried to free himself from Victor’s firm grip to no avail, Victor with strength I don’t know where’s he’s getting from, lifted the guy into the air, punched him hard on the stomach and threw him hard across the park, more than 10 feet!
I was awe struck with Victor’s strength and speed and I did not notice the other guy lunge himself on me, he put his hand hard on my shoulder and with the other hand put the knife near my neck, “Victor!” I screamed as I realized I’ve been put in a compromised position as I totally forgot about the other guy, I can feel the blade lightly scraping my neck.
“Don’t move boy, or your friend here is a gonner” the guy said.
Victor looked at the guy right in the eyes and with a serious and firm tone “Don’t you dare lay your filthy hands on my boyfriend you fucker”
I looked at Victor in the eyes, I was pleading for his help, the other two guys are about to recover in a few seconds and we’ll be back to square one. Then I felt something, the air around us started to feel cold, I could feel tension in the air, I looked at Victor and his eyes went crimson red, “get your hands off my boyfriend or else...” he hissed.
“Or what boy?” The other guy taunted not noticing the change in Victor’s demeanor and eyes. And in a split second, Victor disappeared in front of us and then *bam he was already behind us, he hit the other guy hard on the head and knocked him out.
He then went to the other two guys to make sure they’re still unconscious and Victor then went to me and hugged me “are you alright baby?, are you hurt?” He looked at my face and caressed it, his crimson eyes were now back to its original green hue, he put his hands on my shoulder and I flinched, it seems like that other guy gave me a bruise.
He peeked into my shirt and saw a bruise beginning to form he gave the three guys a dirty look “they hurt you, they hurt you bad Chris, they’ll pay for this” he hissed again and his eyes starting going crimson red again.
“I’m fine Victor, I am really, sorry for the trouble, let’s just call the police okay?, no more violence, let’s just settle this and get this over with” I said.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to break another bone or two?” He smiled.
I just smiled back at him “Nah Superman just call the cops okay?” The guys remained unconscious for the next 7 minutes until the cops arrived. The were hauled in and one of the cops told us the three were known trouble makers and have already several records, they asked as back with them to the police station a mile away to give a statement, they took photos of my now forming bruise, the police said we were lucky to escape basically unharmed and thanked us for basically help them haul in the three buggers, one of the cops asked us how we were able to do beat the guys and Victor just said “Jiu-Jitsu, sir” and smiled as we walked we waited for my dad to pick us up at the station.
I texted my dad that we ran into some trouble but no need to worry and that the police suggested to have a parent or guardian to pick us up at the station “is everything okay buddy?, want What trouble is that? Is it victor?” Dad replied. Then before I replied back he actually called me on my phone “Chris, what happened? Are you okay? What trouble are you talking about?” Dad said with a worried tone.
“It’s all over dad, long story, why don’t you pick us up and join us for dinner okay?” I said.
“Okay buddy, I’ll be there in 10 minutes”
“Dad is on his way” I looked at victor as we found ourselves a quiet spot at the precinct. I looked at Victor’s face for a long time and he avoided eye contact.
“What are you looking at?” He shyly asked me.
“Oh no no, don’t give me that act mister, don’t pretend I didn’t see any of that Superman man thing you just did, and jiu jitsu huh? What a load of crap dude, jiu jitsu doesn’t give you super strength and speed Victor, and don’t forget it doesn’t change your eye colors too” I said.
“You saw my eyes change colors huh?” He meekly replied.
“I’m sorry Chris, I should have been more honest with you, but please trust me, I would never hurt you, just like as I said last Saturday, I like you Chris, and if you’ll even give me the chance to say, I love you, yes, yes I do, I love you and I’ve fallen deeply for you Chris, please don’t runaway from me when I tell you the truth, I was planning on telling you but not this way, gosh, this is so messed up, I messed up” he said with a worried voice and moistened eyes.
I looked at him with love in my eyes and held his hand and told him “What truth Victor, it can’t be that bad can it?” I held his hand tighter as I said those words reassuring him that I was ready for whatever truth he had to divulge.
He looked at the floor avoiding my eyes, he looked around making sure that no one can hear us, he then looked back at the floor and a tear left his right eye. I held my hand out and wiped it off and lifted his chin restoring eye contact and held his hands firm “I trust you Victor, will you trust me that I trust you as well?” I said.
He sniffled a bit and said “Well... there’s really no other way to put this, well, ... oh god please don’t leave me Chris, don’t be afraid of me, I promise I won’t hurt you.” He sniffled a bit more as he said that.
“Hush now Victor, come on, out with it, are you from Krypton or Mars or something, are you an alien?” I joked and giggled a bit trying to break the tension and relax him a bit more.
“Well... you’re not really far from the truth there Chris, well, Uhm there’s no other way to put this...” there was a long pause, he gripped my hand firmer and then continued just almost above a whisper “... I’m a... I’m a vampire” he said. Looking at me then he looked away as if afraid to see my reaction.
Did he expect me to be afraid of him? To run away from him? Sure for a few seconds at that spot I was in disbelief, and then I started to recall all the horror stories about vampires, I got scared i admit that, but I remembered Victor’s words that i should trust him, that he loves me and that I should not be afraid of him, then I recalled how he basically saved me from being mugged by three guys almost an hour ago.
I then looked at his eyes, squeezed his hands firmer, “are... you sure about that? I actually expected steroids and drugs, Victor” I smiled then I continued, I lifted my hand away from him and patted him on the shoulder and smiled, “at least you’re not into anything illegal right? For a moment I thought you were in crack” I laughed a bit.
He looked back at me in disbelief that I was taking it so lightly, then said “yeah, yeah... I’m sure” he mumbled the continued “so you’re not afraid of me?” He meekly said.
I then put my arms across the back of his neck and gave him a half hug as we sat there in the precinct... then said “well don’t expect me to not have more questions about this Victor, but I’m trusting you on this okay?, I am... yes, I’m fine with, dude... you just saved our asses from those fuckers, so if you’re saying that my boyfriend is almost like Superman, well you’ve just made yourself a little bit hotter actually” I giggled.
He lightly punched my shoulder at that and he laughed as well. He then looked at me and said “Gosh, I’m so happy Chris, you don’t know how happy you’ve made me, you’re the light of my life right now, I couldn’t imagine you leaving me, and I assure you, any questions you may have, I will answer with all honesty, but we can’t discuss those right here” he said as he looked around and pointed out that we were in a police station.
I laughed at the irony of a vampire being at a police station and he giggled as well. “Yeah, but we’ll have that conversation okay?” I patted him at the back. “Join me and dad for dinner okay?” I said.
And right at that point dad arrived looking for us at the precinct counter, the lady cop
At the counter pointed at us and dad looked at us both in relief. We stood and dad hugged me “are you okay Chris? What is this all about?” Then he looked at Victor with suspicion.
I caught it and killed that notion immediately “Oh dad, it’s not Victor’s fault, he practically saved the both of us from those muggers right over there” I pointed at the jail cell corridor. “It’s the truth dad, ask the cops even, Victor was amazing... he’s good with jiu jitsu!”
Dad then looked at me and saw honesty in my eyes and then looked at Victor and patted his shoulders, “seems like I owe you thanks for keeping my son safe” dad said as he patted Victor’s shoulder with his right hand giving it a small reassuring squeeze.
Dad then patted my shoulders again and I winced as pain shot throughout my body, he noticed it and looked into my shirt and saw bruise, “don’t worry about it dad, we’ll just drop by the drugstore before going home for some ointment, so how about KFC now? We’re famished” i said while rubbing my now growling stomach.
Dad nodded in the affirmative and bid his farewell to the cops at the station, somehow the guys and ladies at the station knew him, and they all nodded at us as we were off to KFC.
Copyright © 2019 gabz2000; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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  • Site Moderator
On 6/19/2020 at 8:04 PM, centexhairysub said:

Good chapter, I really enjoyed the fight scene.  I do think Chris took the news a little too well.  I am sure that Chris's father is going to turn out to be the liaison officer that lives in this town.  

Yep, that's where we're heading.

I wonder where these Accords stand on intimate relations with humans?

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