Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 31. Healing 2
Chapter 31 - Healing
Victor wasn’t able to sleep with me last night as he had some vampire business to deal with in Charlotesville. I woke facing the empty side of my bed where Victor usually sleeps in, I miss his warmth and scent on my bed.
As I walked to the toilet to take my
morning piss, I felt my muscles being sore, goodness, Victor worked the hell out of Leo and myself yesterday afternoon. It seemed like he really wanted us both to be in better shape, I can’t wait for Henry to be my training coach again for once as I think he was going a little easy on me, me being his boss’ boyfriend.
When I got down to the kitchen, I was surprised to see that dad wasn’t awake yet, hmm, seems like back to me cooking breakfast I thought. I really didn’t mind though, I love breakfast, who doesn’t?
I was just finishing the bacons and eggs when dad walked into the kitchen.
“Your coffee’s ready” I said looking back at him with a smile. His face and shaggy hair clearly showing that he just woke up.
“*Yawn, Mornin’ son, sorry, shouldn’t have woken earlier to cook for us” he said as he reached for his coffee mug.
“No worries dad, you look tired” I smiled a bit as I set a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast In front of him.
“Thanks” he muttered clearly fighting off sleep.
“What’s the matter dad? Trouble sleeping?” I asked.
“Nah. It’s just that the transfer of a certain influential vampire into the State has caused an influx of Vampire and Werewolf investment in the area” Dad said as he took a bite of his toast.
I lifted a single eyebrow and asked “Victor...?”
“Yeah... your bf seems to be quite the business man and investor magnet, he discussed Charlottesville with you?”
“I just know he had some business to tend to there last night. That’s all”
“Oh boy, your boyfriend just scored a $800million investment deal for the State of Virginia mainly from vampire investors but there are some werewolf, and even some human corporations too, last night was just the finalization of the deal, his team and the State have been working on this for several weeks now apparently, usually it takes a few months or even a year for such a large deal but apparently your boyfriend is not just the shrewd politician that he is but an astute businessman as well.”
“Oh wow, should I congratulate him?”
“You should, Chris, that man of yours is doing things, great things, I bet the Vampire High Council has already taken notice of his competence”
“Wow, I dunno how he does it, I’ll make sure to try to learn more about him for sure”
The rest of breakfast was a little bit less eventful, with dad still fighting off sleep. He looked so adorable as he yawned every now and then, I had to stifle a giggle, my dad can be so adorkable?.
At lunch Victor was able to join us, we didn’t cook or have food delivered as Victor texted me he’ll be bringing food over from a steakhouse on the way from Charlottesville. He also asked me if he could bring Henry and August whom attended the deal signing as well. To which of course dad and I agreed.
Victor arrived at 5 minutes past noon with a few bags of packed steak and fries.
“Good day baby” Victor greeted me as I kissed him while he lifted his hands away from me as I hugged him at the door. I peeked behind him and saw two guys watching us. Both with wide smiles watching me and Victor go all lovey dovey.
“Oh hi, Henry... August, didn’t see you there” I said blushing a bit as I clearly know they saw me give my boyfriend a hearty snog as a welcome gift.
Dad ushered them in as I set the plates and the rest of the food on our dining table.
“William, I believe you still haven’t met one of my associates and my second in command here in Virginia, William, this is Henry, Henry, this is the State Liason Officer, William Rogers.” Victor said, introducing both guys to each other. I couldn’t believe it as well, it’s something that must have slipped both Victor and myself, we’ve talked about both guys in front of each other but neither have met each other hehe.
“So what brings you in Virginia? I thought it was mainly a Vampire thing that Victor was organizing one Charlottesville last night.” I asked August.
“Oh, let’s just say your boyfriend here made a last minute irresistible offer to several other major werewolf businesses, therefore the werewolf delegation increased from 4 to 10 firms, the Werewolf share in the investment has been upped from $120m to $400m, that’s a figure the Crescent Council cannot ignore, haha, makes me wish the alphas under my clan or even the other vampire governors I’m dealing with are at least half as good a businessman he is, your boyfriend here Chris, is one of the reasons why Vampires are significantly more well off than Werewolves hehe” August said as he bragged about my boyfriend, I couldn’t help myself and be more proud of my boyfriend, seems like I really have to step up somehow and not just be a decoration beside him, I want to do something for him, be something, someone for him. Someday I’ll be as good as him I promised myself.
I went over to Victor and gave him a big hug and a good kiss on his cheek.
“Ahh... you guys are so cute, I’m so jealous” August said.
“You’ll get used to it, coz that’s the only way you’ll survive or else you’ll drown when both of these get all lovey dovey together” Dad said while looking at Henry looking for confirmation with their shared experience, they both shared a laugh, seems like they’re getting together fine.
“Oh stop it guys, we ain’t that bad” I muttered as I went back to my seat.
“Uhm, I think yes, we are” Victor smiled back at me, and I just blushed.
“See... they’ve already started” Henry quipped. Dad, Henry, and August all laughed at that, even Victor laughed a bit too, I just stifled a smile.
Lunch was loud and more boisterous than usual, on the inside it made me feel happy, every day, I was starting to feel better, and I was starting to be optimistic about the future again, of course the nagging feeling of being pathetic and helpless still lingers, but the people around me have been very supportive with my recovery.
Victor, August, and I drove off to Victor’s place while we left dad and Henry at the house so both of them could discuss further the deal that was signed last night. Dad will be driving Henry over together with Leo in the afternoon.
When we entered Victor’s place, August couldn’t help but whistle to himself. “Living fancy aren’t we Victor?” August commented.
“Stop it August, I’ve been to your place in Maryland, if it’s anyone who knows how to live large, it’s you” Victor replied winking back at me.
“Touché, gotta impress the packs you know”
“Now I gotta see this place” I commented. I was now curious how nice August’s place was.
“You both are more than welcome to drop by, just let me know ahead” August said with a wink.
We three went to the study, I went over to look for some books while Victor and August went over some paperwork for the investment deal.
There was a knock on the door.
“Come in” Victor said.
It was Troy. He entered the study and asked “Do any of you need any refreshments?”
“Some NuBlood will do Troy, thanks”
“Anything will be fine as long as not what this guy said” August said with a smirk.
“Orange juice will be nice Troy, thank you” I smiled at him.
“Of course, I’ll be right back” Troy left us at that.
I picked up a random book and sat down at one of the couches a few feet away from the older guys.
Troy came back with our drinks a few minutes later.
“Ahhh.. wow... is this Mondlicht?” August asked Troy as he took a sip then a gulp of his clear liquid drink
“No sir, I believe that’s Maan Bes, sir” Troy replied.
“Maan Bes?” August have Troy and Victor a confused look.
“Hehe, let’s just say it’s a new line of Coastal Brewery and Cola, and you my friend just gave it a big thumbs up, hehe, if it’s good enough for a Clan Alpha, all those pack alphas and betas will not get enough of that” Victor said as he snickered.
“Why you little shit... “August grinned back at Victor, clearly amused of Victor’s antics.
“How much are you selling these for?” August asked.
“Well, our Finance dept together with our Marketing dept decided $13.25 a can will be good enough”
“Hell, I’ll pay $18-20 a can for these!” August replied.
“That’s the point buddy, Coastal Brewery and Cola is willing to sell those at $13.25 for you, while you sell those at $18-20 a can in your supermarkets” Victor replied as he took a sip of his NuBlood.
August looked at me and said “Now Chris, that’s how you make a deal” he winked and smiled. He went over to Victor and shook his hand. “We have deal my friend, ship me 10 trucks worth as soon as possible, I’ll have my people talk with your people”
I looked at them confused. “Wait... what just happened?”
Victor looked at me and said, well I believe I just sold some beer to our werewolf friend right here.
“Waaiit... Coastal Brewery and Cola?...” I looked at Victor then I looked at August.
“Yes, CBC is Vampire owned my dear, and I believe our buyer here is Atlantic Moon Groceries” Victor winked.
“Whaaat....?!” I shouted and gasped I dunno which one I did first. CBC is one of the larger beer and cola producers in the east coast and certainly in the top 10 nationwide. While Atlantic Moon Groceries is one of the largest grocery chains in the Northeast and Mid Atlantic. “Wow... just wow...” my voiced trailed off.
“Seems like you have a lot more to learn about how entrenched Vampires and Werewolves are in human society Chris” August winked at me. He was clearly enjoying the look of shock in my face.
“We’ll get to that August, don’t scare my boyfriend off” Victor said.
“Shit guys... wow, just give me a minute okay?” I said. Then I continued “so you guys actually own those companies?” I asked.
“Not exactly, not personally, CBC is 73% Vampire owned via various shell and holding companies, but in the end all are owned by the Vampire Government.” Victor explained. “And as the ranking Vampire in District 4 where Virginia is, where CBC is headquartered I represent the Vampire High Council in all business matters with regarding the company, same for every other Vampire Government owned Corporation in District 4”
“Wow...” and then I looked at August “How about Atlantic Moon?” I asked.
“Hmm... 71% Werewolf Government owned, the rest by some Venture Capitalists I think” August replied. My clan covers most of the Eastern United States, so I represent the Werewolf side of things in all Werewolf Government owned businesses here”
“Wow... guys... don’t just throw such information like that, I’m overwhelmed” I said, the book I picked now forgotten.
Victor gave me a slight worried look. He went over to me and sat beside me, he held my hand and gave me a reassuring look. “Don’t worry Chris, we got this, slowly but surely you’ll learn to live around knowing all these stuff, we know it can be quite confusing to learn that a certain significant or major business is not really owned by humans”
“You can say that again” I said.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it, I promised, you actually did better than Troy, poor guy nearly pissed himself when I asked him to accompany me to the Board Meeting of Norfolk Pharma, hehe.”
“Norfolk Pharma!? What?! The leading cancer and stem cell therapy Norfolk Pharma?” I asked.
“Yes... hehe, well that’s a joint venture 50-50 between Vampires and Werewolves, how’d you think we’d get away with all the research we need to do?” Victor said, his smile showed how proud he is of the achievements made by Vampire and Werewolf society despite being hidden in plain site.
“Ok... ok... take it easy guys. No more surprises today, maybe tomorrow, I’m feeling faint” I said.
Hehe, in times like this, I can just laugh my head off. But oh well, times like this remind me of the time I just discovered that Victor was a Vampire, or that my dad was a Liason Officer for the State of Virginia and Supernatural beings, clearly unforgettable memories, but clearly happy memories as well. Those were times I got to know Victor better, my dad better, and now I’m getting to know something about Victor and now August’s worlds as well. In times like this, the insecurity and the haunting voices of sorrow slowly seep away. I’m still in pain of course, I don’t think it well ever completely leave me, but now, at least, I know, I feel, that there’s so much more out there, that’s why, I won’t give up.
Victor’s POV
I had a business meeting to attend in Charlottesville, this is a big venture, one of the biggest in the past few years, however that’s not the only reason why I’m in town, the attack on Chris the past few weeks could not be all a coincidence, something’s amiss, and I need to find out why.
After the business meeting, which went very well by the way, I dropped by a small house surrounded by farmland and shrubs a few miles out of Charlottesville, to the ordinary passerby it would seem that the house is an ordinary farm cottage, however contrary to that, it is actually District 4’s Virginia prison complex.
The ‘house’ was almost a mile from the main road, prior to entry into the long narrow driveway, two guards disguised as farmhands stopped my car, I lowered my window and they immediately recognized me and allowed me to continue.
I parked my car and guarding the main door were two other guards now more appropriately dressed as guards, each having a knife and small gun attached to their belts.
“Good morning Governor” greeted one of the guys.
“Good morning, is Helena already here?” I asked.
“She arrived half an hour ago sir”
“Very well” I replied.
I entered the house and inside instead of a living space, what would greet you was a reception area, with a desk, several waiting chairs and couches on the sides, the walls painted in white with black linings and a marbled floor, there was a young looking man behind the reception desk. When he saw me, his eyes immediately lit up and he smiled “Good morning, Governor, Agent Helena is already waiting for you in holding cell #5”
“Thank you, Franco”
I walked towards Holding Cell #5, it was through a corridor and at the end of it were stairs leading to a basement level. The basement corridor like the one above was brightly lit, it’s white colored walls and floor giving it a sanitized and hospital like atmosphere.
I opened the heavy doors of Holding Cell # 5, inside was Agent Helena, one the agents working for the vampire government in the state. She looked to be in her mid 30’s, she had dark hair which were tied to a pony tile, she had fair skin and her dark eyes piercing through anyone who would cross her, she’s one of the finest agents in the district and I brought her here for that very reason. Her slim frame and height of 5’3 will make you believe she’s vulnerable, let me assure you, she’s far from that.
Helena was standing, her back against the wall as she looked at the 5 vampires that were shackled behind a metal holding cell a few feet from her. The vampires were our attackers a few weeks back. They were shackled with chains on their feet and wrists and neck and tied to a wall. A light blue light humming around them telling the well informed that a good dose of UV was being used on them, with them being younger vampires, not only will it make them feel weak but they are in constant pain as well. As much as they’d like to cry, or shout they couldn’t as we’ve gagged them.
“Hello, Governor” Helena greeted me.
“Hello Agent Jefferson” I said as I shook her hand.
“They’ve barely said a thing, not even our best mind readers can get through them, it’s as if they’ve been compelled, and by a good vampire at that” she noted.
I hissed. “Well, that’s what I’m here for”
I can’t only read minds but I can retrieve memories as well, but forcefully uncovering memories leads to immense pain to the victim, it causes the person to feel that his head is exploding and being crushed again and again, not that I minded that to happen with these people though, they’ve attacked us, hurt Chris and they will feel pain 1000x worse.
I looked over at them and one by one I tried to scan their minds. Indeed, Helena was right, there was some sort of barrier, but I did not become Governor for nothing, in seconds I broke the barrier on each vampire and one by one they broke down into tears and hysteria, their minds being invaded by an unknown force. Their eyes now clearly showing fear. It was as if thin fabrics of memories were being forcefully pulled away from their consciousness, their pain must have been immense, at one point two of the vampires actually started tearing up blood and another one had nosebleeds.
After a few more minutes I’ve gotten the information I needed.
“Someone’s behind all these” I said to Helena.
“Let me show you” I held her head with both my hands and gently passed on the memories I’ve gathered to her, this is also one of my abilities.
“Goodness sir, this can’t be” she said.
“Apparently they’ve started to move, I’ll let Henry come into contact with you, I assume our other mind reading agents can deal with the humans that attacked Chris?, we’ll have to wait though, let the trial finish before we can dispose of them”
“Certainly sir, the trial is in a few weeks and after then we can secure them and have them scanned after we’ve secured their transfer to our custody, we’ll have to make it appear that they’re being handled by the human justice system, I’ve already coordinated this with our contacts in the police department, the transfer of custody will go on smoothly”
“Okay, and make sure not to kill those humans immediately, retrieve the information and then Lingchi, death by a thousand cuts, make them pay dearly, Helena.”
“Certainly sir” she tersely replied.
“Thank you, Helena, I’m leaving this to you and Henry”
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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