Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 108. The Young Politician 1
Chapter 107 – The Young Politician 1
“I’ll have to admit, you scared me back there.” My uncle said as the three of us ate dinner.
King Ethnar chuckled a bit, then added, “When his eyes flash purple, well, you cannot help but be afraid.” He laughed a bit more then with a more serious tone, asked, “Is that something you acquired from Yonthar?”
I shifted on my seat a bit then replied, “Yeah, I think so, it appears that even though I’m continuously integrating him into me, the flashes of purple in my eyes might remain whenever I’m angry.”
My great grandfather remained quiet for a moment, he cupped his chin then rubbed it for moment, thinking things through, he then replied, “I see, at least there is no hiding your anger from us,” King Ethnar chuckled.
“Oh, yeah, there’s no hiding it when I’m angry,” I grinned at them at the same time I pulled some of Yonthar’s powers into the surface then with the shocked expressions on their faces, I think I successfully willed my eyes into shining purple.
“You can control it?” my uncle asked in disbelief.
“Not completely, I just thought of pulling Yonthar’s powers to the surface, apparently that does the trick too,” I smiled at him.
“You are definitely full of surprises,” King Ethnar mused.
“Have you found any materials from the Tower that might help you get Yonthar’s powers under control?” my uncle asked.
“I’ve tried sifting through some material but not much progress on that regard.” I sadly replied. I took a deep breath with a hint of frustration, then added, “There’s also this book that I can’t read. It was originally composed of 3 books, then it fused into one. The writings are old, even with whatever ancient elvish I’ve acquired, this one’s different.”
“Has this happened before?” King Ethnar asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Not fully understanding things in the tower.”
“Yeah, actually, it happens more often than I’d care to admit. Whenever it does happen though, somehow the contents or knowledge are just revealed at a later date. I just hope that whatever is in that book will be revealed in the same manner as well.”
“Very few elves have been blessed by an invitation to the Tower. The one before you was 200 years ago.” King Ethnar said.
“I wonder what was revealed to him then.” I mused.
“You can go ask him, but I don’t think you’d like the answer.” King Ethnar replied.
“You know him?” I asked slightly shocked at the possibility of meeting someone who has been invited by the tower before.
“Yeah… It’s Havar.”
“Am sorry what?” I uncomfortably asked.
“He has been invited by the tower once. Whatever he learned from it, he has mainly kept to himself. We do know he learned of the Astra Spell then.”
“Are you serious?”
“He makes me uncomfortable, and I don’t agree with his vision for Earth.”
“You have to be careful around him Chris,” my uncle added.
“I know.” Then shifting the topic away from Prince Havar, I said, “Well, I’ll just have to figure it out soon enough. Also, you do know that I can invite people into the Tower right?”
King Ethnar gave me an amused smirk, then replied, “Or so we have heard. Honestly, I am kind of miffed you have not extended the invitation to more. I mean, you have brought my son and Yal in there many times right?”
“Yeah… I actually have.”
“Though they don’t have permission to acquire the same knowledge that you have been given access to. As far as I recall, father told me that he could not grasp the knowledge contained in several scrolls and books. Though he can, with the ones that contained knowledge similar or just a bit more advanced than the ones we already have in other libraries in realm,” my uncle said.
“Why is the tower so selective?” I thought out load. “I mean, it’s knowledge. It should be shared!”
“Information in the hands of the wrong people is dangerous Chris. Imagine if Havar got hold of everything you have learned so far.” King Ethnar warned.
“So why was he invited in the first place?” I asked, slightly annoyed.
“That we don’t know. The Tower has been part of our people for the longest time. We are just glad it moved with us to the realm, it would have been a logistical nightmare to organize its security on earth if it stayed there.”
“According to legend, the tower is a physical manifestation of the flow,” my uncle said.
“Really?” I asked wide-eyed.
“There is no way for us to confirm that but we have studied the tower from the outside and all results indicate that aside from being a repository of knowledge, it also contains a large amount of magical energy. Being a physical manifestation of the flow might be a good explanation for it, but again, we have to be cautious in drawing conclusions as we know so little about the Tower. I will have to admit that we, as a people, have taken its existence for granted for millennia.” King Ethnar answered with a serious and introspective tone.
“And what of this flow? How much do we know about it?” I asked.
“What we know is that it is magic, energy, life, and death, all rolled into one. It is what makes everything around us possible.” King Ethnar replied.
“That’s kind of too all-encompassing don’t you think?”
“Spell-casting magic, elemental magic, those are just its subsets. A grand unified understanding of the flow eludes us.” King Ethnar sadly remarked as he started to stare at his food.
*groan “It’s all just too confusing and frustrating.” I complained.
“It certainly is but I am fairly certain that more will be revealed to you soon. You are certainly the first one in millennia that the Tower has given multiple audience to.” King Ethnar added.
“What?” I stammered. “What do you mean?”
“Havar has been given the chance to visit the tower once, and on record the elves before you did not as much get as a second or third chance to visit it. As far as I know, you are the only one, or the only one we know of, to have such free reign in visiting the tower.”
“Why is this the first time I’m hearing this?” I replied with a slight edge in my voice, frustrated and confused for so many reasons.
“I honestly thought someone had already told you.” King Ethnar replied.
“Does this mean that maybe one day…” My voice trailed off then I continued, “that one day I won’t have access to it again?!” I remarked in alarm.
“We don’t know. It appears the tower has grown fond of you.” My uncle chuckled a bit, which slightly alleviates my growing levels of distress.
After dinner, and a few more minutes of light hearted conversation, my uncle and I left King Ethnar’s estate. My great grandfather made me promise to visit him more often, which I couldn’t help but say yes to.
The sun has already set as we went through the countryside. Being 1,800 kilometers across, the realm certainly has enough space for 90 million elves, but I can’t help but think that the people would certainly benefit if the place was bigger. Gotta ask Patri if there’s a way to enlarge the realm, could be a pet project of mine once I get stronger.
“Were you able to eat dinner Vernos?” I asked seated beside him.
“Yes, your highness, I ate with the guards.”
“Good, I hope you were fed well.”
“Of course sir and thanks for asking,” Vernos replied slightly uncomfortable from his seat.
“Chris, you’re making him nervous again.” My uncle remarked slightly amused from the back seat.
“Why are you still nervous around me Vernos? Have I given you any reason to?”
“Then chill, you’re too uptight” I said as I patted his shoulder. He froze a bit but I sensed the tension slightly easing out of his body as I continued to talk to him about other stuff.
We made it back to the main palace almost 3 hours after leaving Ashtelon. We thanked Vernos and made our way to Patri’s office.
“I understand your training went well. Father could not help but be pleased with the results. He says you are much more advanced than what Estano and Etgaros have said.” Patri beamed with pride.
“It was okay, I guess,” I uncomfortably replied as I scratched my back.
“Don’t believe him for a second father. Chris was amazing!” My uncle chimed in with excitement and pride in his voice.
“Well, we did not expect any less from the Platinum Prince,” Patri winked at me. He paused for a moment then added, “good touch on your visit to that café by the way.”
“It was just a quick stop over Patri,” I shrugged.
“Well, the media went nuts, pictures and videos of you have made their rounds on the airwaves and on social media too! That moment with the kid though, well, that was just amazing. I believe your PR team will be pleased with the results. Despite it being unplanned I think whatever happened will work in your favor.”
“I really don’t know why they’re so into me though. I mean…”
Patri cut me off, “Chris, you are a prince. Being in the limelight comes with being a royal and remember your Ascension was not that long ago and it was something the people felt all over the realm. If it took several months or years for our citizens to get over the ascensions of your uncles and your mother, well believe me, it would take them longer to forget about yours. Elves have very long lives remember?”
“Chris, this is a good thing. I mean have you seen the full video of your Ascension? It was spectacular!” My uncle enthusiastically chimed in from behind me.
“I haven’t uncle and wait… there’s a video of my Ascension?”
“Of course there is, it hasn’t been released to the public yet but it is going to be made public soon.” My uncle replied.
“Changing topics, Patri, what’s this matter with the meeting requested by investors?”
Patri gave me a satisfied smirk, “It is an earth matter. I believe that is under your responsibility as ambassador.”
“But but… it is an economic matter too. That’s something beyond me.” I complained.
“That is why Minister Neyana will join you.” Patri tersely replied.
“Wear your big boy pants nephew. If you could beat a demon general, what’s a meeting with several wealthy elves?” My uncle added as he gripped both shoulders from the back. I looked at my uncle, he was smiling at me, I couldn’t help but shrug and resign myself to this task.
“Your uncle is right Chris. Don’t tell me you’d rather battle demons than discuss boring figures and business plans with people?” Patri smiled with a slightly raised eyebrow at me.
It was almost lunch time when I got back to Greensburg.
“There you are!” Leo greeted me as I went into the kitchen.
“Yeah, sorry, Patri whisked me away for some training with King Ethnar.”
“Training with your great grandfather?” Leo shuddered a bit.
“How was it, well… you’re still clearly in one piece.” Leo teased.
“One of these days, I will win against him.”
“So you lost again this time huh?”
“Sadly, yes, but oh well. I’ll just work harder. Next time he won’t know what hit him!” I grinned at Leo.
“That’s the spirit Chris. I want to be there next time too! You sparring sessions serve as great inspiration for me to work harder.”
“I’ll make sure you’re there. Speaking of your training, how are you doing?”
“Well, I am slowly improving, my fire balls are larger and hotter now.”
“Feel free to use the portal okay? I’m sure there are tons of people available to train you. I’ll talk to Yal to have it arranged.”
“He already did! Me and your dad will be taking lessons at the palace several times a week!” My best friend replied with excitement. The joy coming from my best friend was as obvious as ever. “They say I’m progressing quite well, your dad is learning fast too! Our instructors seem to be quite surprised with how much we’ve come along.”
“That’s good to hear Leo,” I replied as I pulled my best friend in for a hug. “I’m so proud of you.” I added.
“Thanks Chris, this really means a lot to me.” Leo replied trying to hold back tears.
“Soon enough you should be Silver level.” I stated.
“Well, I don’t know about that Chris. My leap from Copper to Bronze was certainly a surprise, but doesn’t it take several years if not decades for someone to reach Silver? I also learned that very few even reach Bronze or Silver to begin with,” Leo replied with a tone that told me that he was resigned to being a bronze level for years to come.
“Not under my watch Leo. Just work hard and learn as much as you can. Don’t over exert yourself though, just do what feels right. Zenfar once told me to just follow the magic, and I suggest you do the same.” I said in a rather encouraging tone.
“Follow the magic?” Leo replied with a confused look. “What the hell is the supposed to mean?”
I cracked a smile, and replied, “Honestly, I don’t know!” we both fell into laughter at that. After several seconds of laughter, I added, “Seriously though, just do whatever feels right. I have a good feeling about you and dad. Etalos moved into Silver recently as well, maybe he can give you some tips.”
“Aww thanks Chris, okay, I’ll ask that cute elf of yours.”
“Cute elf? Where?” August said walking in on us.
“He means, Etalos…” I replied.
“Oh.” August replied, then he smiled, “yeah, he’s cute.”
“Hey! I thought you only had eyes for me!” Leo joked.
“Of course I do, but you said it yourself, Etalos is cute.”
“You dodged a bullet this time mister,” Leo smiled as he poked August’s well defined chest.
The alpha grinned and pulled my best friend into him. He gave Leo a chaste kiss that devolved into full on spit swapping. Okay, I think that’s my cue to leave.
“Hey, you’re back.” Etalos said as I bumped into him in the corridor.
“Yeah, I hope I didn’t miss anything important.”
“All sorted, your grandfather gave word that you would be out for several hours.”
“Yeah. Is Leo downstairs?”
“If I’m guessing correctly, I think he’s still playing tongue wars with his boyfriend downstairs. Why?”
Etalos blushed as the mental image of August and Leo making out flashed into his mind.
“We were supposed to practice some spells this afternoon.”
“Oh, I see, well…”
“I’ll be off then, hopefully he’s done making out with August.” Etalos giggled.
What a cute little bugger Etalos is.
Kalron joined me to visit Victor’s place that afternoon. We had to talk about our next move regarding the vampire syndicates.
“Hey Troy, where’s Victor and Henry?” I asked, as I bumped into Troy just as Kalron and I were about to climb the stairs.
“They’re upstairs in Victor’s study.”
“I’ll have snacks prepared for you. It seems you’re going to discuss something important.”
“That seems to be the case. Thanks.”
Victor and Henry were already seated and appeared to be in deep conversation when Kalron and I arrived.
“Hey…” I said.
“Come come, take a seat.” Victor winked at me as he flashed me his heart melting smile.
“Reza and Konrad will be join us via video, they should be online soon.” Henry added.
“Oh, this seems really serious then huh?” I quipped.
“It is, but nothing we can’t handle.” Henry replied. Victor just gave me a reassuring smile.
Reza and Konrad were both in the same video feed projected on a large screen in Victor’s study.
“Hi Reza… Konrad.” Victor said.
“Hello, I hope all is well at your end.” Reza replied.
“It is, and I hope all is well at yours to,” Victor said.
“Well, with everything that is happening around us, it could be better but it is not that bad. We are much more prepared than we were a few months ago.” Reza retorted.
“So, Reza, what do you think we should do with the syndicates.” Victor asked.
“I have discussed the matter with several members of the council, and some strongly feel that we should take ownership of this matter.”
“What do you mean by that?” I chimed in.
“Chris, vampire syndicates have abducted demons, those syndicates should have been dealt with by us a long time ago.” Reza replied, sincere yet with a hint of embarrassment.
“But you yourselves said that these syndicates are already weakened. You’ve done enough to trim their influence.” I replied.
“Yes we have, but our efforts clearly were not enough. Now, it has come to this. Three syndicates Chris! Three! Can you imagine what trouble could come if those three somehow are able to harness demon magic?” Reza asked, slightly alarmed at the prospect of a resurgence of the syndicates, a threat which they’ve seriously worked hard to contain.
“So what do you have in mind?” I asked.
“We would like to lead in the operation against the syndicates. Of course, we will need elvish assistance, we do not have the means to contain demonic influence. As much as Yonthar’s demons have weakened, we cannot take the risk of our agents falling prey.” Konrad answered for his husband.
“Of course we are willing to help. That is what the treaty amongst our kind is for.” I replied.
Reza smiled at me, “I am glad to hear that Chris.”
“As mentioned earlier, the council feels that we should take the lead on this one. With that we propose to deploy Stratos agents against the syndicates.” Konrad added. He paused then continued, “We would like some elves to help us in the operation as well. We plan to take the syndicates one by one. We would stretch our forces too thin if we attacked them all at the same time.”
“Okay, we’re listening. What’s the plan?” I asked.
“So far, we have the most information on the Red Pyramid. We have discovered that they are keeping the two demons at different warehouses outside Phoenix. We also think they are the weakest among the three syndicates, so we believe it is best to attack them first.” Konrad replied.
I looked at Kalron as if to ask if he had anything to add regarding the involved syndicate. He took the hint, then replied, “We may have additional information on the Red Pyramid. I could send you the files right now.”
“Thank you Kalron, your team’s efforts have certainly helped us, and this is just another proof that we have to strengthen our coordination and intelligence sharing.” Reza said.
“I will personally lead the operation. I will also be joined by District 18’s governor, Elizabeth Teller.” Konrad said.
“How can we help?” I asked.
“5 to 6 agents from your group,” Konrad replied.
“No werewolves involved this time?” I curiously asked.
“No, we don’t want them to feel that we are unnecessarily involving them in vampire affairs,” Victor remarked.
“But demons are involved.” I complained. “If demons are involved, we should face this together. The alliance is young and haven’t you guys thought that excluding the werewolves this early might make them feel put off?” I asked slightly miffed that they did not think things through.
“What do you suggest Chris?” Henry asked.
“Let us at least talk to them. If they are okay with them not being involved, then fine, we’ll help you without them. Let’s not assume that their default position is to not join, what if it’s the other way around?” I asked, as I moved my hand aloft in the air.
Reza grinned, “You make a fine negotiator Chris. I’ll bring this matter up with the Council.”
“Reza, I don’t want to impose but I strongly feel that we should be more open with each other. Just think about, what would the VHC feel if we went on an operation with just the WCC and not even inviting you?”
Reza smiled, “We sometimes are so deep into the old ways, that we fail to see how our intentions could be misinterpreted from the outside. Thank you, Chris, we will consider what you have just said.”
I smiled back at Reza, “Remember Reza, you initiated this alliance.” I winked at him.
“Fair enough,” he smiled back at me.
We ended the meeting several minutes later, after discussing a possible role for the WCC in the vampire-led operations.
“How are you Henry?” I asked, as I flopped on one of Victor’s large couches.
“What do you mean Chris?”
“We have barely seen each other, I gather that being officer for Virginia has gotten you all busy?” I teased.
Henry snorted, “Busy is one way to put it. I have been shadowing Victor for ages, but how he does it I do not know, it is totally different when you are the one doing it firsthand.”
“I am sure you are doing just fine.”
“I guess, but there is so much to learn and so many things to handle and now it’s me that’s making the decisions. Okay, Patrick does order me around a bit from Atlanta but I am making more decisions now. Whenever I ask Victor, he just tells me to do what I think is best.”
“Well, it is clear that Victor trusts you.” I replied. “Where’s my boyfriend anyway?”
“I guess he is downstairs with Kalron.”
“What could they be up to?” I asked.
Victor and Kalron joined us a moment later.
“Where were you guys?” I curiously asked.
Victor and Kalron just exchanged knowing glances but kept silent nonetheless. I shot my boyfriend a glare but he just smiled in return.
“What is it?” I spoke mind to mind with Victor.
“What? Nothing…” Victor replied amused.
“Victor, fess up, you are hiding something.”
“Fine fine, you didn’t hear it from me though…”
“What is it?”
“Kalron… “
“What about him?”
“He likes Etalos but doesn’t know how to move forward. He was just asking for tips and stuff.”
“Wait what?” I sat wide-eyed.
“Hey, we’re still here you know?” Henry teased as his voiced pulled me out of my private conversation with Victor.
“Sorry, sometimes we both get lost into it.” I replied with a guilty smile.
“Anyway, how about a snack?” Henry asked.
“Sure, thing… what did you have in mind?” I asked.
I was resting on Victor’s chest when I felt something. I immediately sat up and expanded my senses and reached out with my energy to confirm what I initially sensed.
“What is it?” Victor asked, slightly worried with my change in demeanor.
“Rogue vampires, no, blood army.” I corrected myself.
“Am sorry what?”
“Blood Army, they just crossed into Greensburg. If I am not mistaken they are headed towards here.”
“How could we miss this?”
“Most likely this isn’t a well thought out plan of theres.” I gritted my teeth, “I’ll show them how wrong they are to come to our turf.” My eyes flashed purple.
“Yes, I am still here. Don’t worry about me. Victor, you have expanded your range with your mind abilities right?”
“Get all civilians within several blocks away from windows. Everyone that’s outside, make them find shelter. This is going to get ugly.”
I picked my phone and dialed Kalron, “Kalron, have your sensors detected the intrusion?”
“Yes, I was just about to call you. I am so sorry Chris, I am not sure how we could have missed this.”
“Don’t mention it, it is something we can easily handle. They picked the wrong town to mess with.”
Victor and I went outside, we were both joined by Henry and several of Victor’s guards. The streets were already empty thanks to Victor’s intervention, at least we could keep the civilians out of this.
The rogue vampires arrived in three vans, they were surprised to see us already outside, prepared to take them on.
A tall man, handsome, too pale for my liking got out of one of the vans and was followed by a dozen vampires. I sensed a rogue werewolf amongst them as well.
“Councilor Meyer, how good of you to welcome us.” The man sneered.
“And who might you be?” Victor shot back.
“Oh, where are my manners. I am Edwin Ballard, second in command of the Red Sun Faction of the Blood Army.”
“Red Sun? Hmm, that’s the first time I’ve heard of that faction.”
“We’re the newest faction. We are tired of the old ways of the three founders of the Army. They are too cautious for our liking. We want the accords to end as soon as possible.” Edwin confidently replied.
“And with that in mind… you visit me?” Victor chuckled.
“You are the newest VHC Councilor, what better way to introduce ourselves to the vampire world than by killing you. With that the other factions of the Army will treat us more seriously.”
“Ohh, is that so?” Victor confidently replied.
While Victor was talking to the head vampire, I took my time scouring their minds. I was careful but it appeared they were all too inexperienced to even sense my probing even if I didn’t take precaution. I gathered that although members of the Blood Army, this faction is the most amateurish of them all, they wagered on a high stakes mission against the newest council member, assuming Victor was the weakest of them. They were dead wrong. I might be stronger than Victor, but he could seriously give almost any other vampire a run for their money, except maybe for Reza and Konrad. I gathered as much information about them, then I gave Victor the sign that I was done.
“So this is where the Red Sun rises to the pedestal of greatness.” Edwin barked as he commanded his troops to attack.
They were armed, they had guns and knives with them. One was brazen enough to throw a grenade. I reached out with my magic and enclosed the man together with his grenade in an energy bubble, let’s just say he met his end with this own weapon.
Edwin was shocked with my display of magic but he didn’t have time to gawk as Victor’s agents retaliated. Victor joined in the fray, he took two or three vampires at a time with ease, gosh is my boyfriend hot, he moved so smoothly and swiftly from one vampire to another with ease. Edwin growled in frustration as he saw his troops fall one by one.
“Get up you weaklings!” Edwin shouted in frustration.
“I think you’ve severely miscalculated this move.” I said to him.
“And who might you be?” He cocked his eyebrows at me.
“I am Victor’s boyfriend. Chris Rogers.” I winked at him.
“Boyfriend eh?” He grinned. “I guess, you’ll do for now.”
Wrong move.
Instantly, I was in front of him, he wasn’t even able to fully process the fact that I had moved as I shot him with a powerful energy blast. His shirt burned off his skin, and his stomach blistered with my attack.
“What the hell?” He shouted in pain.
“That was just warm up,” I smiled at him. I walked up to him as Edwin struggled to stand. “You messed with the wrong couple.” I waved my hand around, to show him that all his followers had already been dealt with.
“How…” he asked in disbelief.
“You should clearly reconsider your attack options in the future.” I snapped my fingers a few feet away from him, and the energy I released threw the helpless vampire at least 15 feet away.
“I guess, I’ll call officers to deal with them.” Victor remarked as he approached me.
“If they were any more of a threat, I don’t think they would be leaving alive,” I replied as I glared on the vampires in pain.
“Can’t believe they were so careless to attack us.” Victor mused.
“Maybe they were some sort of pawn. To test our defenses. Edwin seemed clueless but we don’t know much about this new faction.” I thought out loud.
“You’re right. I’ll have our people look into it, I am sure Kalron will do the same. This just shows that we have to strengthen our monitoring abilities. How did you sense them anyway?”
“Oh, I still couldn’t make the shield around town but I did the next best thing and cast multiple spells that would give us some sort of warning about people bearing ill intentions and boy did this group radiate so much ill intent.”
“Wow Chris, I guess we owe you for this.”
I closed the distance between Victor and myself and pulled him into a hug, “You don’t owe me anything, we’re in this, together right? And anyways, I’m sure you could have easily dealt with them yourself without me.”
“Still, thanks.”
“Always a pleasure Mr. Meyer.”
Yal, Kalron, and Etalos were in my study. I called them for a debrief about what happened at Victor’s place.
“Kalron, coordinate with Victor’s agents to trace and gather whatever information you have on this new faction of the Blood Army. I am guessing the older members of the Blood Army have gone wary and cautious with Agatha Thorne’s death and several members are growing restless with the lack of action.”
“Yes, Chris. I’ll work on it.”
“Chris, you should rest,” Etalos suggested from beside Kalron.
“I’m fine, seriously, I barely broke a sweat. However this attack just reminded me that this town is too important to be left unprotected.”
“What are you thinking of Chris?” Yal asked.
“An energy barrier around the town.”
“Chris, that will require too much energy.” Yal cautioned me.
“I know, and I also know, I’m not yet strong enough, but I wanted to let you know that is the goal.”
“Okay, but don’t over exert yourself. Your early warning spells seem to suffice for the moment.” Yal replied.
“Yeah, certainly gave us maybe 5 or 10 minutes warning.”
“Should we talk to the King about having more guards assigned to you?” Yal asked.
“Can the realm afford to spare?”
“I am sure they can. Prince Selvenus and Prince Rehanmir have already streamlined the Royal and Civil Guard. Akros has been reorganized by Jetan as well, our forces are more efficient and better prepared now.”
“Fine, I’ll talk to Patri about it.”
“With Victor being a Councilor, and August moving here, I suppose they should bolster their numbers as well. Maybe even work on a joint security operation for this town.” Yal suggested.
“That doesn’t sound bad at all. I will talk to them about it.”
I went back to the tower with my unreadable book in tow. I took a spot at one of the desks, and started flipping pages. Much to my frustration, the book wouldn’t give, nothing at all. I couldn’t understand it. I groaned in frustration, I mean why this book revealed itself to me but not its contents.
“Patience,” I softly heard from a young girl’s voice.
“Huh?” I looked around.
“Soon, all will be revealed.” Came from an older man.
“Who is out there?” I asked. “Please, I am confused.”
“Aren’t we all,” came from a younger boy’s voice.
“I have a feeling this isn’t the first time we’ve spoken.”
“Oh, he is remembering,” said a female voice in mild surprise.
“He can’t possibly be breaking through our magic so soon,” a young boy queried.
“Never mind, he is bound to know one day.” Soothed a young girl.
“I think I am going crazy,” I muttered “Wait, I’ve said that before haven’t I?” I recalled.
“Sssh, it is too soon,” said a woman.
“4 voices huh?” What’s up with that? I mused.
“It is time to go back to sleep now young prince.”
“The flow shall blossom in full soon enough,” added the young boy.
“You are all confusing me,”
“Shh, sleep.”
I woke up in my bed, remembering that I was in tower then, nothing. Huh, curious, I think this has happened before but I couldn’t wrap my head around it.
I stretched as my body awakened with sunlight barely peering through my windows. Another busy day for me I guess.
Not sure when 108 will be out coz life and work ... *groan*
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