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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Timothy - 54. Chapter 54

Monday afternoon, I called Ann Marie's doctor. He said that the meeting went well and saw no reason why my dad couldn't visit anytime he wanted. I phoned Dad and told him what Ann Marie's doctor said. He asked about Mom, and I told him he could discuss that with the doctor the next time he was up.

Six months after Ann Marie was brought to the university hospital, the doctor agreed that Mom could see Ann Marie. Dad had made several visits, but this would be Mom's first visit. There was one condition, Mom had to meet with Ann Marie's doctor first. The doctor would determine if Mom could see her based on that meeting. The last thing he wanted was for Ann Marie to have a relapse.

Mom and Dad stayed with us. It felt like a family for a split second, and then I remembered that our family wasn't the family sitting there as I knew it when I was growing up. It was like a perfect-looking apple, but there was a worm inside.

Mom and Dad left. Dad had seen Ann Marie. The doctor said he wanted to review Mom's treatment and would contact Mom's doctor.

Two weeks passed. On Friday, during our conversation, Ann Marie's doctor said he had contacted Mom's doctor, he would permit a supervised visit for Mom. I called Dad and told him Ann Maria's doctor approved a supervised meeting for Mom to see Ann Marie, and he said they would be up this coming weekend.

Later speaking with Stephen, "I talked to Dad, he and Mom will be up this coming week end. Want to bet we will have two more?"

"No way, we need to get a bed in Randy's room. He can't sleep on that cot."

"Why don't you take care of that." I knew he would get his mom to do it.

On Tuesday, Stephen told me he had a meeting and wouldn't meet me for lunch. I had lunch with Gramps, and he wanted to know how the new computer room was working.

"I didn't know that Stephen told you about the basement renovation."

"Yes, he invited me over to see it. Maybe I'll stop tonight before going home."

"That would be great, Gramps. You can stay and have dinner with us." Now I need to tell Stephen.

Back at my office, I sent Stephen a computer message about Gramps for dinner tonight, and I suggested he ask Mom and Dad to join us.

I got busy and forgot the time. A loud knock on my office door snapped me back from the case I was reviewing. A customer complaint, he claimed that our chip was defunct. Looking up, there was Gramps.

"I appreciate you being so dedicated, but the staff left 30 minutes ago."

I checked my watch and started to laugh. "Sorry, Gramps. Stephen always tells me I get so involved in what I am doing that I forget the time. Give me 5 minutes to clear my desk, and we can go."

Walking home, "Gramps, I'm thinking about starting a small garden in the back yard by the fence. You know I like for vegetables, so what do you think?"

"Do you have time to do that?"

"The hardest part is cultivating the ground to be able to plant vegetables. I can rent equipment to plow the ground, cultivate and work the fertilizer into the soil. Then I can use either seed or buy starter plants."

"Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy the vegetables? I know a few farmers about 15 miles from here have vegetables for sale. Check them out, and if you still want to put in a garden, you can."

"That's a good idea. Maybe this weekend, if I can get Stephen away from his computers."

Arriving home, I could smell a roast. "Stephen, we're home. Your roast smells delicious."

The door to the basement opens, and there is Stephen. "Who's cooking?"


I looked, and there was Mom. "Where's Dad?"

"He's checking out the basement. Gramps, come and see."

I went to the kitchen to see if I could help Mom. "I told Stephen to invite you and Dad to dinner, not to come and cook?"

"I'm not cooking, and Stephen is making the roast. I told him I would watch it for him."

"Good try, Mom. Now, if the stove was in the basement, I might believe you. I'm thinking of putting our bedroom down there."

"He likes his computers."

"Yes, he does. We have a young friend, and I become a stranger when he visits. Have you seen what he did in the basement?"

"Yes, and I think Dad is still down there."

"Let me help with dinner."

While helping, I made the coffee, we chatted, and I told her about the lodge. "I was thinking about a joint family reunion there, maybe in November for the Holliday."

For the next 30 minutes, we talked about the lodge. Mom wanted to know about Ann Marie, so I brought her up to date. I didn't go into her medical problems or why she was in the hospital.

Dinner was ready, and I went to call the guys to dinner. When I opened the door to the basement, I heard Gramps. "Stephen, you need a sofa down here." Then Dad, "A small refrigerator and a coffee pot." I wanted to say no, but one look at Stephen and his smile, "Sounds like a good idea."

I have learned that sometimes you have to do what your partner wants or, at least. go along with them. The payoff is special attention in bed.

"Dinner is ready." I walked over and kissed Stephen, "Mom said you made the roast.?

"I should get an extra kiss for that."

"I'll give you something special in bed tonight."

Dinner was great. I knew Mom made the roast even when she insisted she didn't. Later that evening, after our company left to go home, Stephen told me that roast was his test roast. Mom told him what to do, she watched, but it was his roast.

Kissing him, I gave him an extra ride that night.

Morning and we were back into our routine. For some reason, our morning shower was extra nice this morning.

Copyright © 2021 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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I agree that the visit needs to be supervised.  Mom cannot be allowed to bring up sensitive subjects while AM is still in a fragile state.  And she is.  Progress may have been made, but it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge again.  

I don’t know that Mom’s doctor needs to be there, however.  As long as she is truly aware that her behavior at this visit will determine the possibilities for future visits, it should help.  Ground rules have to be set, especially for permissible topics of discussion.  Also, the supervisor will have to be on the alert for ‘dangerous’ topics that would be harmful to AM’s progress.

I’m not going to say everything will be great, but I will give this visit an optimistic and hopeful thumbs-up 👍 for this visit.

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Wow, the man-cave is coming along nicely! lol Glad AM is continuing to heal and the dad now how visitation privileges - it'll definitely help in her full recuperation. The mom has me a little worried with her impending upcoming visit. Rightfully so, after her past behavior, the visits must be supervised to ensure she doesn't undo all the progress that's been made thus far or have a relapse herself.  Great chapter! Always enjoy when gramps is in the scene, just seems like a fun person to be around. Also, he's someone that truly loves and cares about Timothy and Stephen and would do anything for them.

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19 minutes ago, frosenblum said:

Wow! What a surprise that Tim and Mom got along so well. Mom's therapy has made a huge difference.

I had that thought was well until I realized it was Stephen's mom being referred to. Unless I'm completely wrong, AM's mom was never directly interacted with in this chapter. I think she's still having issues with Timothy taking control of the situation out of her hands. Hopefully that will improve once she interacts with AM and sees that she is getting better after all these years of mental anguish. 

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1 hour ago, Christopher said:

I had that thought was well until I realized it was Stephen's mom being referred to. Unless I'm completely wrong, AM's mom was never directly interacted with in this chapter. I think she's still having issues with Timothy taking control of the situation out of her hands. Hopefully that will improve once she interacts with AM and sees that she is getting better after all these years of mental anguish. 

Thanks, Christopher. I do find it hard to follow sometimes, when different characters having the same name in a story. Especially in this chapter, where Dad and Mom are mentioned in a paragraph, then just a few paragraphs later it's Dad and Mom again, only it's different people.

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14 hours ago, weinerdog said:

Well a calm chapter Tim and Stephen needed some reasonable quiet time computers not withstanding.

So while Dad has been allowed to visit AM I'm guessing the Doctor has told him not to discuss the incident that happened with AM.

Not only should the Doctor be there when Mom visits AM but maybe the Doctor Mom is seeing should be there to advise her also


AM's doctor is concerned about Mom's visit and rightly so.

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13 hours ago, mikedup said:

Interesting chapter, a quiet and settling chapter, no drama this time around, the mom and daughter visit is going to be very emotional I think , I reacon it can go two ways , very productive or very destructive, time will give us the answer , their house seems to becoming an extension of the office

Most professional people that I know have a 'home office'  Tim and Stephen's are more like a hobby, particularly Stephen's.  If they are like me, I'm on the computer quite a few hours. I get alll of my news from the computer newspaper reports.

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13 hours ago, Clancy59 said:

I agree that the visit needs to be supervised.  Mom cannot be allowed to bring up sensitive subjects while AM is still in a fragile state.  And she is.  Progress may have been made, but it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge again.  

I don’t know that Mom’s doctor needs to be there, however.  As long as she is truly aware that her behavior at this visit will determine the possibilities for future visits, it should help.  Ground rules have to be set, especially for permissible topics of discussion.  Also, the supervisor will have to be on the alert for ‘dangerous’ topics that would be harmful to AM’s progress.

I’m not going to say everything will be great, but I will give this visit an optimistic and hopeful thumbs-up 👍 for this visit.

I'm not sure Mom can handle a visit. Now that Dad knows about the cover up.. Mom might feel she needs to apologize to AM, but that will only remind AM of the cover-up

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13 hours ago, chris191070 said:

A nice calming chapter. Mum definitely needs to be supervised or there will be a relapse in Ann Marie.

I believe AM's doctor at the hospital feels the same way

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10 hours ago, Christopher said:

Wow, the man-cave is coming along nicely! lol Glad AM is continuing to heal and the dad now how visitation privileges - it'll definitely help in her full recuperation. The mom has me a little worried with her impending upcoming visit. Rightfully so, after her past behavior, the visits must be supervised to ensure she doesn't undo all the progress that's been made thus far or have a relapse herself.  Great chapter! Always enjoy when gramps is in the scene, just seems like a fun person to be around. Also, he's someone that truly loves and cares about Timothy and Stephen and would do anything for them.

Gramps is close to Stephen, his only grandchild.  As usual in a marriage you get two for one. I truly believe that Gramps would give Stephen, and indirectly Tim, anything they wanted. He's quite proud of his grandsons.

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6 hours ago, CLJobe said:

I'm not sure Mom can handle a visit. Now that Dad knows about the cover up.. Mom might feel she needs to apologize to AM, but that will only remind AM of the cover-up

That’s why I said ground rules had to be set first and there had to be an informed supervisor there.  Certain topics HAVE to be OFF the table!

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8 hours ago, Clancy59 said:

That’s why I said ground rules had to be set first and there had to be an informed supervisor there.  Certain topics HAVE to be OFF the table!

I agree and so did the doctor who accompanied her to meet AM. I think Dad will need to have a come to Jesus meeting with mom

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I need a man cave like Stephen🤣🤣🤣Come to think of it, I need a ground floor! Loving Stephen's family, his mum seems to have really changed, shame Tim's mum can't take a leave out of her book.

As for Tim's mum, something tells me that even a supervised visit may not be enough.

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