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Headstall's Reflections - 1. Chapter 1 The Walk

I went for a walk. Mother Earth cradled me.

Headstall's Reflections



Chapter 1- The Walk



Raw nostrils flare as I pull in chilled air

Walking to placate my oft restless mind

I feel winter lurking in his ancient lair

Hiding behind his vague hunter’s blind


Where did warm spring and hot summer go?

Pondering time, earth’s sounds calm my soul

It won’t be much longer before we greet snow

And one more winter takes its inevitable toll


Another year older, Father Time ticks away

Weddings and funerals and births and deaths

I turn and trudge up where crunchy leaves lay

Some memories intrude and I take pained breaths


This cycle of life, well, it waits for no one

Swinging my legs in a ground eating stride

My futile attempt to outpace what's been done

It's time to let go of old tears I have cried


And hunker down for another frigid season

I’ve reached the crest of another big hill

I have to believe for every hurt there’s a reason

Life gives us challenges that require great will


So spring from your lair and bring on your worst

I still have good fight left in this old frame

For new mountains to climb, I have a great thirst

As long as I’m breathing, I’m winning this game

Thanks for reading, and joining me on my journey.
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Interesting timing because I just got back from my walk in the cold night air.


For me, Walks are for a time of reflection, reflections that evolve as the journey progresses. Early worries or thoughts of life past and present and what we must do to carry on give way to a positive outlook for the future. The end of the journey finds the goal accomplished or surpassed - a positive boost to the psyche that's for sure.


Gary, I see that same journey in the words you write. As always, nicely done. :)

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On 12/08/2015 09:31 AM, Reader1810 said:

Interesting timing because I just got back from my walk in the cold night air.


For me, Walks are for a time of reflection, reflections that evolve as the journey progresses. Early worries or thoughts of life past and present and what we must do to carry on give way to a positive outlook for the future. The end of the journey finds the goal accomplished or surpassed - a positive boost to the psyche that's for sure.


Gary, I see that same journey in the words you write. As always, nicely done. :)

Thanks, Reader... you put it beautifully. For me, walking and running are like meditation, freeing your mind to release what you keep contained. I think the endorphins help as well. I guess it's only natural to reflect after a birthday... thanks for reviewing, my good friend... cheers... Gary...

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I love this one Gary. (not that I don't love the others)
Its amazing how a walk in this case, or a run gives clarity and provides perspective. You are so aware of your surroundings and the pounding in your ears, the smells, the burn, the sting of the cold and somehow all it does is help you keep focus. Troubles not gone, but not insurmountable, possibilities endless, the future a lot less daunting. It's the best!
Then you find you've gone much further than you intended. :huh:

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On 12/08/2015 11:44 AM, Defiance19 said:

I love this one Gary. (not that I don't love the others)

Its amazing how a walk in this case, or a run gives clarity and provides perspective. You are so aware of your surroundings and the pounding in your ears, the smells, the burn, the sting of the cold and somehow all it does is help you keep focus. Troubles not gone, but not insurmountable, possibilities endless, the future a lot less daunting. It's the best!

Then you find you've gone much further than you intended. :huh:

LOL. It's so true... sometimes the trip back is harder than we thought, but what a feeling of satisfaction. I love running or walking... it is exactly as you say. Stresses melt away for a time, and become more manageable. I came back with different images in my head than when I left. I felt like..'bring it on'... I'm ready... thanks for a great review, Def... cheers, my friend... Gary...

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Very good writing, Gary. :)


I must admit, it did depress me thinking about Father Time (and who likes him, really? lol), and how another winter goes by and we're another year older...just depressing. :(


But, on a happier note, your writing is superb, Gary! :P

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On 12/08/2015 01:17 PM, Lisa said:

Very good writing, Gary. :)


I must admit, it did depress me thinking about Father Time (and who likes him, really? lol), and how another winter goes by and we're another year older...just depressing. :(


But, on a happier note, your writing is superb, Gary! :P

Thanks, Lisa. I did feel some of that too when I went for my walk. To be honest it was supposed to be a run, but my ankle was a little sore... Father Time, you know lol... but what can you do... by the end, I was in a better frame of mind, and yeah, I reflected on getting older, but I'm still here... with a whole new career ahead of me, and some pretty special people who love me. AND, I have you saying my writing is superb... that's more than enough for me. Thanks for a great review... I love hearing from you, Lisa... you have been so supportive and encouraging to me... cheers... Gary...

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The first thing I thought when I read this was that I felt cold.. of course I had just come from outside and it was nippy. lol The next thing I felt was that the author was determined... determined to meet his goals and wouldn't let anything, including cold or time, stop him.
Another well done poem, Gary :)

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On 12/08/2015 01:31 PM, LitLover said:

The first thing I thought when I read this was that I felt cold.. of course I had just come from outside and it was nippy. lol The next thing I felt was that the author was determined... determined to meet his goals and wouldn't let anything, including cold or time, stop him.

Another well done poem, Gary :)

Very astute, Lit. The cold and the aging are intertwined here. And just like the cold, I'm ready for the getting older part. As I walked, I thought, and while I was a little melancholy, I gave myself a pep talk with help from mother nature, who said "look around you", and all you have... and I can home invigorated. The journey up a leaf strewn hill went hand in hand with the journey in my mind. Thank you, Lit, for the review, and your unconditional support... cheers... Gary...

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On 12/08/2015 02:21 PM, dughlas said:

The steady trudging of time ... both yours and the season ... and, of not yet

That's it, in a nutshell, and I'm okay with it. I think birthdays are a natural time to contemplate. There is lots of 'not yet' to come. Thank you dugh... I so much appreciate your review and always your insightful(and often poetic) ways of putting things... cheers, my friend... Gary...

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Aging is not for the wary or weak my friend. As long as,we are taking those cold crunchy walks we are doing good.

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On 12/08/2015 02:55 PM, pzetts3 said:

Aging is not for the wary or weak my friend. As long as,we are taking those cold crunchy walks we are doing good.

LOL. I'm with you on that. It really was a great walk. It invigorated and inspired me by the end... I've always been a thinker, kind of like Kendall, and once I work through things, I'm fine. Thank you, my friend, for the wise observation... cheers... Gary...

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Snow is underfoot
Bracing cold all around you
Time for reflection


Full marks for old age
Life's a better option than
The alternative

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I liked this. You convey the greying of the spirit as well as of the season, and its inevitability too. The insistent meter and rhythm suggest your pace. But be not too melancholy, for with the advancing season comes also the rebirth of love and kindness. I thank you for the beauty of your words, and the beauty of the images you evoke.

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On 12/08/2015 11:12 PM, Bucket1 said:

Snow is underfoot

Bracing cold all around you

Time for reflection


Full marks for old age

Life's a better option than

The alternative

Hey, B... love it! You're getting good at these poetic replies. Yeah, the alternative sucks. Winter, I guess, is symbolic... it's the season most likely to be the one to finish life off... so you have to ready for it... mentally and physically, and I am. There's nothing like a brisk walk uphill to let you know you're alive. Thanks for the great review, my friend... cheers... Gary...

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On 12/09/2015 12:21 AM, Parker Owens said:

I liked this. You convey the greying of the spirit as well as of the season, and its inevitability too. The insistent meter and rhythm suggest your pace. But be not too melancholy, for with the advancing season comes also the rebirth of love and kindness. I thank you for the beauty of your words, and the beauty of the images you evoke.

And I like this, Thank you, Parker. I liked how you put 'the greying of the spirit'... terrific, and I also like that you caught the rhythm of my walk. I felt it as I wrote this, but didn't think much about it. Reflecting is good, and you're right about what aging brings... Thank you for your thoughtful and encouraging words, and that you found beauty here... cheers... Gary...

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Do not go gentle in to that good night, Gary, as Dylan Thomas said. It doesn't sound like you are. I'm glad.
Lovely poem, beautifully written, imagery perfect..
there's nothing more to say but thanks,

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On 12/09/2015 11:53 AM, Mikiesboy said:

Do not go gentle in to that good night, Gary, as Dylan Thomas said. It doesn't sound like you are. I'm glad.

Lovely poem, beautifully written, imagery perfect..

there's nothing more to say but thanks,


Thanks, tim. I'm glad you liked it. Words seem to flow whenever I go for a walk or a run. I have lots in my life to appreciate... thanks for the review, and the nice words... cheers... Gary...

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I kept coming back to re-read your poem, Gary.
Maybe it is because we’re the same age, that it appeals so much to me. The number of deaths and funerals take over the number of weddings and births in this stage of life.
When decorating the Christmas tree I was wondering how many times I’m still allowed to do that. Not in a hypochondriac sense, but just as objective wonder.
Even if the number of mountains to climb is not as infinite as it seemed before, I’m with you when it comes to winning the game.
Thanks for another great poem !

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On 12/12/2015 04:53 PM, J.HunterDunn said:

I kept coming back to re-read your poem, Gary.

Maybe it is because we’re the same age, that it appeals so much to me. The number of deaths and funerals take over the number of weddings and births in this stage of life.

When decorating the Christmas tree I was wondering how many times I’m still allowed to do that. Not in a hypochondriac sense, but just as objective wonder.

Even if the number of mountains to climb is not as infinite as it seemed before, I’m with you when it comes to winning the game.

Thanks for another great poem !

Thanks, Peter! It's great to hear how you relate to this. We can't help but wonder these things as our years advance. It's finny how a simple walk can help us put things in perspective. I think it okay to look back from time to time, but for me, it's mostly about looking forward. I wouldn't want to miss any of those mountains lol. Great review, my friend. You made my day... cheers... Gary...

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Hey Gary!
I hadn't taken the time to be around because of work, and I also have to say this is my first reading into your writing. I LOVED this poem. Not only is it beautifully written, but it so conveys the passage of time. Thanks a lot for a wonderful and heartfelt poem!

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On 02/07/2016 08:11 AM, Roberto Zuniga said:

Hey Gary!

I hadn't taken the time to be around because of work, and I also have to say this is my first reading into your writing. I LOVED this poem. Not only is it beautifully written, but it so conveys the passage of time. Thanks a lot for a wonderful and heartfelt poem!

Thank you, Roberto! I so glad you liked this. Yes, it was very much about the passage of time, and the determination to continue my journey. Thank you so much for such an encouraging review... cheers... Gary...

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Just found this, G-Man, thanks to the update list.
Once again, you weave words in a way which puts the rest of us in the dust following your lead. Of course it was just like you not to tell me you'd started this while I was away. I'm sure I'll run out of likes pretty soon.
I sense that this might be the author's voice in your head trying to make itself heard above the raucous voices of your characters demanding their turns. :)

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On 04/26/2016 05:34 AM, ColumbusGuy said:

Just found this, G-Man, thanks to the update list.

Once again, you weave words in a way which puts the rest of us in the dust following your lead. Of course it was just like you not to tell me you'd started this while I was away. I'm sure I'll run out of likes pretty soon.

I sense that this might be the author's voice in your head trying to make itself heard above the raucous voices of your characters demanding their turns. :)

Hey, buddy! Thank you for the kind words. The poem I wrote for you is in this collection. I think Derik read it for you at the time. You could be right about the voices... It does get a little crowded in there :) . Cheers, my friend... Gary...

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Wow sir,

I felt sorta sound effect in  "Father time 'ticks', 'crunchy' leaves lay", the personification of winter in "winter lurking in it's ancient lair" and the imagery formed of arrival of winter with 'chilled air', 'crunchy leaves' 'greet snow' were excellent!!! But my favorite line in it is


'I still have good fight left in this old frame'

 Suddenly filled me with lots of energy:)


I m sorry m speaking too much but can't help it!! The poem drew out whole lotta feeling!!

Edited by Aviana
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