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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

ARROW - 170. Chapter 170

Colin was coming home more and more upset. I called and made an appointment with John’s doctor. I told Mary first and then Colin. The day of the appointment John said he wasn’t going. Mary and Colin dressed him in his golf clothes. Colin said they were going golfing. Instead they went to the doctor’s office. Colin told his dad he needed to see the doctor. Walking into the office, Colin asked for the doctor to look at his finger. While the doctor did that he asked John how was his golf game. John said it wasn’t as good as when he was younger. They chuckled over that. The doctor asked John when he had his eyes checked last. John told him about 10 years ago. “John, your golf game would do better if you had your eyes checked and corrected.”

“Doc, who ever played golf with glasses on.”

“John, let.s check your eyes.” Doc left his office crossed the hall to the obstrcians office.

John went willingly. He believed the doctor about maybe wearing glasses would approve his golf game. The examination showed a growth in his head. The obstrichan showed the doctor that the growth had entered his eye. He was losing the sight in his right eye.

John knew he was having problems with his right eye, he knew it but his left eye was okay. Doc told him if he went to the hospital they could remove that growth and his eyesight would improve. Colin told him he will need more than better eye sight to beat him. The challenge .got John to agree

When they left, John was in a better mood.


Two weeks later John entered the hospital. Under the guise of correcting his right eye, they did a brain scan. The surgeon at the hospital called Colin and Mary together to discuss the results of his tests.

The news wasn’t good, the previous growth had returned with a vengeance. The surgeon suggested he removed as much of the damage tissue but there is a cost. John will live but will not play golf. He will need 24 hours in home care.

That evening GG came and said John’s time is up. Mary told the surgeon to go ahead with the operation. John died during the operation.

Colin and Mary were heart broken. Colin arranged for a crypt to be built in a corner of the golf course. There John will lay. The club sponsored a John Roberts golf tournament on John’s birthday.

Colin had a hard time but he had Armand and the boys to support him. Mary wanted to sell the house. She said there were too many memories. Armand installed an elevator from Mary’s office to an apartment on the floor above. She moved her keepsakes to her apartment. The furniture she didn’t want she sold. Marie her maid and confident came to work in Armand and Colin’s home. Peter moved back to the club sharing an apartment with James. The famed nude of Colin now hangs in Colin and Aemand’s bedroom. Armand covered it with a sheet but on occasions, they lay in bed and relive that painting


GG brought John to Colin and Mary. Mary was excited, she told Colin and Armand that John came to her in her sleep. “He told me he missed me but I’ll be joining him one day. He said to tell you, Colin, he already has a foursome.”

Colin looked at Armand and mouthed, GG. Armand nodded yes.

Laying in bed, “The office won’t be the same without Dad.”

“Don’t change the name. I expect he will somehow continue to influence the business. I am worried about your mom. We need to plan activities that will keep her busy. Maybe she can spend sometime at the Home.”

“Maybe she can spend some time with your mom and dad.”

“I’ll speak to mom.”

I was concerned about Mary. I know how I would feel if anything happened to Colin. That night I asked GG to help her.

Over the next few weeks Mary’s attitude began to improve. One thing that help, Colin and the boys went to the golf course on Sunday. Colin would let me know when they were finished playing, I would pick up Mary and Marie. We stop on the way and bought a floral arrangement with John’s favorite flowers. The boys would meet us at his memorial, Mary would sit there and her mind was someplace else. I knew, thanks to GG, she was talking with John. When she was ready to leave, she whispered something to Colin.

“Mom, the next time you talk to Dad, tell him that business is doing well and he is missed.”

In the evening I thanked GG. Over time Mary accepted that John was waiting for her and he is okay. She started meeting with her girls club, she spent time at the Home and at our home. She had two admirers, Louise, and Mary Ann.

Carl found his mark, it was a dart with colored feathers, He said a dart is the son of an arrow. I asked him about the feathers, he said an arrow has feathers. I smiled, I was proud of this young man.

I knew that Roger pushed Cari to show his paintings at the gallery. We would talk about it when we were panting in our studio.”I think you should exhibit some of your works. I’ll help you select the ones or I’m sure Roger will help.”

He hemmed and hawed for a day. I told Roger if he didn’t make a selection by Friday, I’ll do it for him. “His paintings are good but with the first one he sells his confidence will soar.”

Roger went and picked out three. He took them to Mary, and she posted them with a starting bid of 50 dollars, I had a painting that I wanted Mary to post and price.

They say death comes in threes. Marie, Pepe’s mother was the first. John was the second, I wondered who would be the third, Grandmere returned to Pais at the end of August. She was pleased with the progress the boys and girls made at the Home. They all made cards, in French, for her to take home.

Before she left, she made arrangements to return next year. The boys were happy to hear that.

Now we had to look at our vacation. I was picking out dates at breakfast when Colin mentioned he will not be able to go with us. He said he had a lot of work to do. “What about Richie?”

“I’ll leave that up to him. If I had my druthers, I’d prefer he stayed as well.”

I remember Colin complaining about John when he was working. Now, we know he wasn’t well.

“Maybe we can pass it up this year.

Geno and his family will be arriving in October and staying until Thanksgiving.

Now I needed to plan activities for the boys, here and at the Home.

For the next two weeks I was busy listing activities. Tommy asked if some of the village boys could visit.

I told Colin, he thought it would be a good idea.

In the morning I told Tommy he would have to plan for the village boys. He had help, Pepe.

Copyright © 2022 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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