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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

ARROW - 39. Chapter 39

We arrived JFK at 1:30 in the afternoon. By theme we cleared customs, it was closer to 2 PM. Our parents met us in the baggage area.. I expected Colin’s parents but I was surprised to find my parents here as well. After the hugs and the ‘welcome home’ greeting, the questions started. I was glad they were addressed to Colin.

Colin’s dad drove us to their home. Marie had made coffee and a snack for everyone. Colin and I were anxious to get home, unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen. My parents knew about my trips to Europe when I was in school so they asked about pictures. I was hoping that Colin would say we didn’t have any since the photos were on his flash drives. Wasn’t going to happen, John, Colin’s dad, went and got his computer. I sat there while Colin showed the photos from his flash drive. Everyone watched as Colin narrated the photos. Once in a while ,they would ask me a question.

When we were finished viewing the photos on the flash drive, it was late in the afternoon. We stayed for dinner which made it even later and we were tired, so we stayed the night. In the morning Colin’s dad drove us to the club.

Dropping us off in front, “Colin, you will need to contact some construction companies to see if you can have your arch built.”

“I need to get those photos from the flash drive, then I’ll need to get the photo blown up so I can show the contractors.”

“Maybe you should do that now, after we check out what the contractors have accomplished.”

I followed Colin into the club. I saw that the cloak room wasn’t done, so I wonder if anything was done. Walking into the club, I was amazed how much work was done. The booths were gone, the floor was refinished, a platform for the music was finished and the bar under the platform was finished.

“Looks different.”

“Yes, and we aren’t finished yet. The dance floor has to be finished, carpeting has to be selected and laid, the ceiling has to be redone.”

“And your wall has to be isolated.” I thought, my wall.

“Let’s see what the remodeled kitchen looks like.”

Walking into the kitchen, it looked like a kitchen at an expensive restaurant. The area that was the loading dock was now a small room that contained a freezer with a walk in refrigerator. “Do you think our chef will be happy with that?”

“Is that a dish washer?”

“I think it is. No more washing dishes by hand. Maybe we can bring our dirty dishes here to have them washed.”

“Does this room look larger?”

“Yes, and there is an extra door.”

“I don’t remember a door there. Let’s check it out.”

Opening the door, there was a small room with stairs leading to a door. Next to the stairs was another door. Colin opened that door, “This door leads to the bar.”

“I’ll bet those stairs lead to the platform for the band.” Walking up those stairs, opening the door, there was the stage.

“They did a good job, this room must be a break room for the band. It could also be used to provide the bar with food.”

“Let’s go for lunch and you can drop off your flash drives.”

“Okay, Monday while I am at work, you can meet with the carpenter.”

“You need to see who can build your arch over the front door. When is the staff do to return?”

“Sometime in September. I need to check my notes. I have it somewhere.”

Saturday afternoon we had lunch at Pete’s cafe. Colin dropped his flash drives off at a photo shop he uses. The guy at the counter was glad to see him. I heard Colin telling him about the trip.

Saturday evening I made a list of what had to be done before we could open. I had to prepare for painting the arch going into the club, the carpenters needed to build a cloak room under the stairs, I needed to isolate the club wall for the mural, carpet need for the floor, the danced floor will need several coats of lacquer, the ceiling needs redone with lights, tables and chairs for the club, the Spanish stairs painted on the staircase wall and Colin needs to find someone to build his gate at the front door. That evening I reviewed my list with Colin.

“Don’t forget the office at the end of the hallway.” I added that to my list.

Sunday was catch up day. We dropped our clothes off at Colin’s home for Marie to wash. I told Colin we need to pay her for doing this. “We will need an industrial washer and dryer to handle the club and our laundry.”

“We could send that out?”

“You need to do a cost analysis to determine which is cheaper.”

“I know one thing, there will no cleaning by stomping in a tub filled with urine.”

“What about rest rooms for the club? What did you use before?”

“There were two restrooms in the corner where the bar is.”

“Let’s take a look where we can put in two restrooms.”

We went back to the club and there wasn’t any space.

“Armand, if we put a floor under the stairwell, we could put two small rest rooms there. It would be easy to tie them into the sewer and water line.”

“We would need to cut down the size of the office.”

“Let’s check it out.” We did, and Colin’s idea would work. I added it to the carpenter’s list.

Monday morning Colin went to work and I went to call our carpenter. He arrived after lunch, we chatted about the work he did. Then I told him what I wanted him to do. The cloak room, the bath rooms, setting up a space for my mural, the entrance to the club and one project that was a surprise for Colin. We walked to the roof, I showed him what I wanted, he laughed. “Colin saw these in Barcelona and he thought we should have them as well.”

“You only will need four.”

“We can put more, they just won’t have a vent pipe in them.”

Next I needed flower boxes and a shaded swing, these I could buy.

The carpenter and two of his employees showed up. Colin had his photos so I was able to show the carpenter the wooden figures for the roof. He went to the roof with the photos. “This is my bill of materials for the roof.”

“Do you want me to order or will you do that?”

“I can do it and I’ll have them send the bill to you.” That was okay, it was the same way we handled the material for the stage and bar. I paid him when the job was finished so I gave him a check to cover the work he had completed while we were overseas.

I had sketches of the work I wanted done for my mural. He seemed to understand exactly what I needed.

Colin came home from work, over dinner I told him what I did but didn’t mention the roof.

Copyright © 2022 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

They really need to rethink the restroom situation considering how popular the club will become.  No one likes to dance in the queue waiting to use to the bathroom.

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