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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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ARROW - 58. Chapter 58

I watched as Colin tried to explain the significance of the arrow. He finally gave up, taking a sheet of paper he wrote my name in a column, then highlighted the letters which spelled ‘arrow’. I saw the smile on Angela’s face as understanding the significance of the arrow became apparent. Colin didn’t mention that a painting of her sold for a lot of money.

Over the next few days, our talks turned to the wedding. As the time became shorter, Geno floated higher. He was wearing a smile but his mind was somewhere else. Everyone in the village could hear Angelo yelling at him, he mixed up an order or he would just stare as if he was someplace but not where he was suppose to be. I tried several times to explain to him about his honeymoon. I gave up and explained it to Angela. I gave her the tickets, Carmella made sure she had her passport, she went and got Geno’s passport as well.

Wednesday they had a rehearsal, Geno thought it was the real and now he was married to Angela. We laughed, Angela told him he must wait. He was confused, Angelo took him home. I spoke to Carmella about hiding Angela until the wedding.

Thursday morning Geno arrived and wanted to see his wife. Between Carmella and Angelo they finally got through to him. He looked sad, until I whispered only two more days. Angela was with the nuns.

Friday, Geno was impossible. Colin and I insisted he runs with us. Normally we would run into the surrounding hills early in the morning. The air was fresh and the run, more like a jog, seemed to brighten our day. That evening the people had a dinner on the plaza.

“Armand, why don’t we run at home?”

“Smell the air and think what the air at home smells like.” Enough said.

Saturday morning, Colin and I dressed for the wedding. “Colin, since you are dressed go and check on Geno. I’ll meet you at the church. Here take your camera.”

I waited until Carmella was ready, then we walked to the church. We met a lot of the village people heading to the church. When we arrived at the church, the Priest held a small service, offering blessings to those in attendance. A nun came and led me to a small room. I’m not sure what happened to Colin and Geno. (After the service, he told me they were led to a small room at the front of the church.)

I waited a few minutes, when the nuns brought Angela to the room where I was waiting. She looked like a vision of beauty. She was a pretty woman to begin with but dressed for the wedding, she was a vision. I took my camera and took several pictures. I even got one with the nuns in it.

Soon we heard the music start. Angelo will escort Carmella to her seat in the front. Colin and Geno will come out of the side room. When every one is in position, I will escort Angela to the front. We waited, a nun had place the veil over her head covering her face. The door was opened and I proudly walked Angela down the aisle to stand beside Geno.

I looked at Geno, his eyes were glued on Angela, if he believed in angels, he just saw one. I looked at Colin and I saw him snap a few photos. With a smile he mouthed the words, I do. I think he missed us not being married in a church.

The wedding went according to plan, as Colin confirmed later that evening. He did sneak out to catch a photo of the happy couple as they left the church. The village had turned out in full force. Tables loaded with food where along one side of the square, wine was available at Angelo’s and music was provided by those from the village who knew how to play musical instruments. I felt sorry for Angela, I think she had danced with every male member of the village.

I watched until 4 pm, “Carmella, Angela needs to change, The car will be here in 30 minutes. You take her to change and we will keep Geno busy.”

Keeping Geno busy wasn’t easy. He kept looking for Angela. A few of his friends were plying him with wine and every time he would mention finding Angela, he had to drink to another toast.

Angela came back dressed in a beautiful suit. Carmella said they went to the city several months ago to have the suit made. When Geno saw her, there was no way anyone was going to keep him away. I made sure Angela had the tickets and reservations. Colin told Geno to get his suitcase. He had to go with him. I could hear him continuing saying where is your suitcase, Geno looked at him, smiled and the wanted to go to Angela.

Eventually we got them in the car, suitcases as well. I told the driver to deliver them to the airport hotel.


That evening lying in bed with Colin, “Armand, do you think Geno will consummate their marriage tonight?”

“No, but in the morning yes. He had drunk so much wine, as soon as his head hits the bed he will be out.”

“I hope they have a great time.”

“I do also. Let’s have a great time ourselves.” And we did.


In the morning, I helped Carmella with breakfast and we had Angelo eating with us as well. I think he was a quest of Carmella’s often and now they shared a marriage.

“Carmella, we have our plane reservations for 3:10 pm arriving JFK at 6:55pm. The car will be here at 1:30.”

Colin went and took more pictures of the village and church.

We had a light lunch at noon and by the time we ate, cleaned up, it was close to the time the car would arrive.

Carmella had her luggage on the stoop as soon as the pots and dishes were put away. She gave a set of keys to Angelo. Colin came and said she was telling Angelo something and by the tone of her voice she was laying down the law while she was gone.

“The neighbors will tell her what happened while she was gone.”

Copyright © 2022 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

On 7/20/2022 at 4:56 PM, Anton_Cloche said:

I think part of him was upright 'in extremis'. Although suffering from a major hangover, Geno will be fine. :2thumbs:

Tsk Tsk.

Yes he will be fine, 

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On 7/20/2022 at 5:01 PM, Anton_Cloche said:

Wonderful chapter, and a "good time was had by all". Now it's back to the U.S. and work that's waiting for them. I'll bet Armand already had the next five paintings completed in his 'mind's eye' before the plane arrived in New York.

Bob Ross Art GIF by NETFLIX

His problem will be the time to do it all. I think he will start a few but not complete them. He has an agenda that he doesn't realize.

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On 7/20/2022 at 5:35 PM, drsawzall said:

Poor Geno, all those toasts he must have imbibed...will he be awake to board the plane and I strongly suspect we will see a bambino nine months down the road!!

If Angela is smart, she won't be fertile for a several days. Their flight to France is later in the day so they will have some extra time in the hotel. Geno may need it. AAAAH young love

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That would be a lovely painting for Armand.  Angela standing in the room in her wedding gown, being attended by a nun or two (although that could be optional— I can see it both ways), looking down at her flowers with the light streaming in and shining on her.  The look on her face is happy and peaceful.  I can see it with both clear glass and stained glass.

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I think Collin's pictures of the nervous groom before the wedding might be worth of a painting or two.

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