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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

ARROW - 95. Chapter 95

Something happened when Marie was here. Richie was a fancy dresser and now he wore a tie to school. At first, he was the only one, then Tommy started to wear a tie. Ronny complained he was being force to wear a tie. Tommy told him he didn’t need to wear a tie but Ivan was going to wear a tie. Ronnie continued to complain, he was being forced to wear a tie. James said that when he delivered their lunches, he saw more and more boys wearing a tie. Ronnie held out, or so we thought. James said he took a tie with him and before Ronnie went into the school, he put the tie on him.

About two weeks later, the boys came home and headed upstairs to change their clothes. Evidently Ronnie forgot to take his tie off. “Ronnie, you look very nice. I’m glad my sons understand the importance of being a gentlemen.” Colin saw them, he pulled the boys aside, “Sharp looking.”

I saw the smiles, from then on, all the boys wore a tie.

Carmella was due to arrive the following week. She would stay until the first week in December.

The boys knew and as the date got closer to when she would arrive, the boys became more anxious. The day she was scheduled to arrive, the boys didn’t want to go to school. I told them Nonna would be upset if they didn’t go to school.

Carmella’s plane arrived on schedule. I met her as she left the arrivals hall with one suitcase. When she saw me she, rushed over. I was hoping she wouldn’t fall. Then as I hugged her, welcoming her to America, she asked if the boys were here as well. I laughed, while I told her no, they were in school.

Driving back home, she brought me up to date on Tony’s Hostel. “I have photos of the work they did. I was surprised at how fast the men worked. If you can believe it, Geno was the boss. He said it was your project and as his brother, it was his responsibility to make sure it was done. You may not have realized it but Geno has adopted you and Colin.” I chuckled.

‘’How is Angela?”

“She is fine. She complains that Geno will not let her do anything. He calls her his princess. When I see them together it reminds me of when I was a young woman, my husband was just as devoted as Geno. He wanted more children, but it wasn’t possible.”

I heard the sorrow in her voice, “What happened?”

“He was killed, Angela was two years old. He had gone to Rome to look for a job. Most of the men in the village either worked in Rome or raised sheep and goats. That was what Tony’s father did. On the way back from Rome, a car was being chased by the Carabinieri. The car went out of control and my husband was killed. I had a little money so I opened my home to travelers, like you.”

I looked at her, her eyes were wet. Driving the rest of the way home, I thought about what she said. When I lived with her in the village, I never knew what happened and I didn’t think I had the right to ask. Now, I have the chance to pay her back for her kindness.

Arriving at the club, I took her suitcase, opening the back door, Marcel was waiting for her. Old friends greeting each other, I watched. I took her suitcase to her room on the third floor. Returning to the club’s kitchen, she was sitting at the table with Marcel. I went and got a cup of coffee, picked up a plate with James’s peanut cookies. Taking them to the table, I sat down on the other side of Carmella.

Checking the time, I knew the boys would be here soon. I no sooner said that when the boys entered talking to James. Then they saw Nonna. Noise level increased, hugs and kisses had to be done. That was when I noticed Ivan was standing alone.

“Nonna, this is my other son, Ivan.”

Carmella being Carmella, Ivan soon had two arms wrapped around him. Then the boys, sitting at the table, saw the cookies. James saw them reaching for the cookies, he got them a small glass of milk.

Noise level jumped up as the boys began to tell Nonna about their school. I sat there and listened.

Carmella asked where was her suitcase. I told her I took it to her bedroom. She asked that I opened it, she had letters from the village kids for the boys. For the rest of the afternoon, the boys sat at the club’s kitchen table, reading the letters from the village kids. I watched and listen. There was laughter, questions, comments, ‘Do you remember him?’ Followed by the responses as they remembered their friend, quoting funny incidents.

We were sitting there when Colin arrived. Then the noise level increased again as the boys greeted Colin. Sitting down at the table, James brought him a coffee, he was brought up to date by the boys. I watched and listen. I found it interesting the boys would relate school incidents to me which were different to what they told Colin. I mentioned that to Colin once he said I got the highlights and he got the support data to my information.

I knew what happens, I called it a trigger memory. I got the overview and as the boys told Colin, it would trigger their memory which added to the story they told me. The other habit the boys had was to tell us about something and then out of the blue they would ask us a question that in our minds had nothing to do with the current conversation. They did it when we were sitting around the table with Nonna. She mentioned how nice the boys looked. They began to tell her about Richie getting them to wear ties and Ronnie not wanted to do it at first.

“Dad, we need halloween costumes.” I looked at Tommy, somehow he made a jump from Ronnie’s tie to halloween. I started to explain halloween to Carmella, when the boys took over. I sat back and listened. I could see that Carmella was confused. Halloween isn’t celebrated in Europe.

Colin leaned over, whispered, “The orphanage”

I knew I’ll need Mom and her girls again.

Saturday, I took the boys, including Ivan, to get them halloween costumes. I asked Mom if she and her girls would get costumes for the boys and girls at the orphanage. She said she would coordinate with Pat. Mum and Pat were becoming good friends.

I asked Colin if the club was going to have a halloween party.

“I haven’t thought about it. It’s been a longtime since the club sponsored a halloween party. When are you planning on a halloween party at the orphanage?”

“I think Pat said they should have it in the early afternoon.”

“Good, we can have the club party that evening. We can open at 6 instead of 3:30.”

Copyright © 2022 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

20 hours ago, mikedup said:

Progress in the boys becoming more and more gentleman, they are being influenced by one and all and the boys seem to leave no one out , Carmella is in for a big learning experience 

A lot of private schools require a tie, I'd suspect that Richie attended a private school when he was with his parents, Marie must have said something to him

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19 hours ago, drsawzall said:

The boys appear to be growing up into fine young gentlemen!

Curious to see what the story with Richie's former house and parents estate!...

They are becoming gentlemen. Ronny fought it until they complemented him. 

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19 hours ago, scrubber6620 said:

Things seems never to be quiet for long. People fill up the spaces with energy and their own personalities. The boys are adjusting to school and loving life and their family. Carmella arrives and once again is a loving grandmother with more grandchildren.

Now we need costumes for Halloween and a party at the orphanage. The adults will have one at might. I bet the kids will get extra energy from all the candy they will eat. Will they go trick or treating?


I'm not sure there will be a lot of candy. James will provide the treats

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18 hours ago, dutch woman said:

I am very curious!

and nice that Ivan is treated as one of the sons. He's not alone anymore!

For a young boy that is important. 

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2 minutes ago, CLJobe said:

Time does not move in a direct line for me. There are deviations that take me down one road then something blocks me and I find another road. Life is like that , at least my life. 


2 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Great chapter.

Thanks Chris

Edited by CLJobe
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On 9/24/2022 at 2:25 AM, CLJobe said:

A lot of private schools require a tie, I'd suspect that Richie attended a private school when he was with his parents, Marie must have said something to him

I had to wear a school tie from the 6th thru the 12th Grade , I never felt it was cumbersome at all . 

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Ties were for Sundays and special events.  I'm happy I am old enough now to not have to wear a tie.  I simply do not like feeling like there is a noose around my neck.  It is great to see Carmella again and the boys reception for here was so loving.  I hope she gets to talk to Tony and his wife soon.  I am anxiously waiting to find out what Colin, Armand and the family will plan for Halloween with the orphans.

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Just a current day FYI, Halloween is now widely celebrated in several European countries and Australia.  

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